princeluce · 6 hours
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"Mother, eat me and give birth to me again. this time around i’ll make you proud."
Rhaenyra Targaryen and Lucerys Velaryon
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princeluce · 1 day
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The Last Kingdom | Season 5
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princeluce · 2 days
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𝐇𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐕𝐞𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐲𝐨𝐧
"𝑇ℎ𝑒 𝑂𝑙𝑑, 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝑇𝑟𝑢𝑒, 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐵𝑟𝑎𝑣𝑒"
One of the oldest Houses, the Velaryons survived the Doom and established themselves in the New World.
The first Velaryon mentioned was Lady Valaena Velaryon. The mother of Aegon the Conquorer and his sister-wives; Visenya and Rhaenys. She had been married to Lord Aerion Targaryen, and moved with her family to inhabit Dragonstone when they fled the Doom.
House Velaryon was of Valyrian descent, and inherited such features. They include silver-gold or white hair as well as purple, violet, blue, grey or green eyes.
For a time, not only did House Velaryon have power over the seas, but also in the sky. They were once dragonriders. The marriage between Rhaenys and Corlys produced two children that bonded with dragons; Laena rode Vhagar, and Laenor with Seasmoke.
House Velaryon's ancestoral seat was Driftmark, the largest island of Blackwater Bay in the crownlands. Their castles include Driftmark and High Tide. The head of House Velaryon is titled Lord of the Tides and Master of Driftmark.
It was traditional for the sons of House Velaryon to experience a seafarer's life when young. This created a love for the sea for Velaryon members.
The Velaryons were the oldest and closest allies of the Targaryens for centuries. For a long time they kept the positions of master of ships and lord admiral, as the family provided most of the royal fleet.They sat on the Small Council.
After Robert's Rebellion, the new king, Robert I Baratheon, gave the castle Dragonstone to his brother Stannis. The Velaryons have been sworn to House Baratheon of Dragonstone ever since.
A traditional name of the Velaryons is Jacaerys.
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princeluce · 3 days
how many characters can one mun take? i have so many ideas i can't choose!
Hi friend!
I'm sure a lot of us can relate, I know I've always got about a dozen character concepts bouncing around my head at any time! Muns can have up to four written characters on the site, though we do ask that you wait one week (one activity check) before taking your third, and then another before your fourth. Additionally, just to be aware of our guidelines, any member on the site can have a maximum of two OCs and two canon characters, they can write one OC and three canons, or four canon characters instead, but your number of OCs cannot exceed your number of canons (i.e. if you join the site with an OC you must also take a canon character). We've found this to be an especially important guideline because Fire and Blood has so many canon characters who we know very little about, so they functionally work as skeletons (and loose ones more often than not) more so than true canons. In addition, at least one of your four characters must be male.
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Thanks so much for the ask! ~ Mod Ivory
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princeluce · 4 days
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RHAENYS & CORLYS, reacting to Viserys's coughing.
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princeluce · 5 days
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A Lucerys Velaryon RP Blog with @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
Prince Lucerys Velaryon is the 18-year-old heir to Driftmark. As his mother Rhaenyra ascends to the throne, Luce is experiencing a mix of emotions. The death of his grandfather, King Viserys, saddens him deeply, and the uncertainty of the future fills him with a quiet apprehension. Although he is the heir to Driftmark, he often feels overshadowed by his older brother Jace, the heir to the Iron Throne, and perceives himself as just a spare at King’s Landing. Luce has spent little time at Driftmark, but he is determined to connect with his Velaryon heritage. His love for the sea has turned him into an avid sailor, spending as much time as possible with his Velaryon grandparents when he is not carving wooden toys for his several younger siblings. He knows that one-day Driftmark will be his home, not King’s Landing, and he is preparing himself for that future.
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princeluce · 5 days
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The Black Kids | Jacearys, Lucerys, Baela, Rhaena & Joffery For @hotd-bigbang May prompts
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princeluce · 6 days
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Lucerys Velaryon
5 of 6 characters for Twitter, as I'll finish it, I will start Tumblr one x)
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princeluce · 7 days
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requested by @layneelmer
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princeluce · 8 days
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Style of Mourning - A Character Challenge for @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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Lucerys stood on the balcony of his chamber, the salty breeze from Blackwater Bay ruffling his dark curls. He gazed out at the churning waves while listening to the distant sorrowful cries of dragons. Usually one could see at least one in flight, either with a dragon rider, or one that was enjoying the sky having escaped the dragon pit. But today the dragons were landed, and their cries were a reminder of the clear bond of dragons with riders. 
The funeral preparations for King Viserys were underway, and the weight of it all felt like it was pressing on him. His grandsire’s death was a blow, a reminder of the fleeting nature of life and the ever-looming changes that awaited him. 
His mother, Rhaenyra, was to become Queen, a title that carried with it a tumultuous wave of change. Lucerys felt a pang of fear, not only for what it meant for the realm, but also what it meant for him. Another reminder that soon he would be departing for Driftmark, leaving the only home he has ever really known, to take up as heir to his Velaryon roots. Yet he could als not deny that the sea called to him, the legacy of his father and grandsire Corles pulling him toward the water. Still, the thought of leaving King’s Landing and his family left him feeling unthreaded. 
Luce turned from the balcony and walked back into the chamber that he shared with his brothers, his eyes landing on a wooden carving he had been working on. It was a dragon, its wings unfurled, ready to take flight. It was meant to be Balerion, based off of descriptions from texts and his grandsire’s tales, yet not finished in time. He picked up the dragon, running his finger over the intricate details. Lucerys had spent time on them, with Viserys eyes failing him, he had wanted to make details that the King could feel with his hands. 
He remembered the warmth in Viserys’ eyes, the gentle hand on his shoulder, the stories told alongside the stone Valyria.  
He didn’t hear the knock on the door, and was only pulled out of his thoughts when he felt a touch on his shoulder. He looked up to see his brother Jace, his expression somber. Luce leaned forward, his forehead resting on his brother’s chest as his brother’s arms held him. No words were needed between them, no tears or cries. For a moment they were not princes or heirs, just brothers who had lost their grandsire. 
After a breath the two separated with a sigh, and a masculine reassuring shoulder squeeze and a quiet nod between the two. Lucerys straightened his dark tunic, adjusting the clasp that bore the sigils of House Velaryon and Targaryen. The silver seahorse and dragon glinting in the light. He took a deep breath, steeling himself and tucking the wooden dragon into his pocket as he left his room and followed after his brother, stealing his face when he reached the crowds. 
As he walked his fingers continued to play with the dragon, his fingers following the scales. He decided that before his mother calls on Syrax to light Viserys’ pyre he would place the dragon alongside him. Lucerys might not have been able to give him the dragon in life, but at least Viserys could take Balerion with him into whatever fight was waiting for him next.
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princeluce · 8 days
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"But he has an errand to complete and a message to deliver"
That boy saw the biggest monster alive and had a one track mind of his mission, he was the best and bravest of them all 🥲
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princeluce · 9 days
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200 DAYS OF HOUSE TARGARYEN ↳ day 48: lucerys velaryon in the lord of the tides
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princeluce · 10 days
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Lucerys Velaryon concept: Lucerys, the name
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princeluce · 11 days
most wanted females please?
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Of course love! Just as a friendly note we are sorely wanting for some very important male roles including Prince Aegon II, Prince Jacaerys, and Lord Corlys. Now that's out of the way! Here are our top 5 most wanted female characters right now:
1. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon is far and away our #1 most wanted female character! (She's on the most wanted list for MANY of our currently written characters; Prince Lucerys, Lady Baela, Lady Rhaena, and Princess Rhaenyra, as well as the whole site for our larger plot 🖤) 2. Princess Aliandra Martell of Dorne (Wanted by the whole site to further our Dorne plot and we already have an OC Lady Dayne who would be very happy to have her around as well 🧡) 3. Lady Jeyne Arryn (Wanted by the whole site for politicking and to get our larger Vale plot up and running and by her favorite cousin Princess Rhaenyra 💙) 4. Princess Jaehaera Targaryen (Very much wanted by our writer for her mother, Princess Helaena 💛) 5. Slightly more broad but any of the Ladies in Waiting for Princess Rhaenyra i.e. One of Harwin Strong's two sisters, Elinda Massey, or another Lady from houses with known relations to the Crown like House Redfort, House Celtigar, or House Darklyn. As Rhaenyra in this timeline is 37, we kindly ask any of her Ladies be written in their late-20s to mid-30s (Wanted is somewhat self explanatory but we do have several Lady in Waiting characters, eligible bachelors, and other Targ royals for her to interact with as well 💜)
Thanks so much!! ~Mod Ivory
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princeluce · 12 days
𝐅𝐋𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐘 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 (a collection of prompts for muses who just love to flirt. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary) 
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"Let me distract you."
"Let's misbehave."
"I can't stop thinking about you."
"Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back."
"I'm putting you on my to-do list."
"I'd look good on you."
"Don't bite your lip, I want to do that."
"Do you have a name or can I just call you mine?"
"I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"
"You're even more beautiful than yesterday."
"Shouldn't you be in my bed?"
"Trouble never looked so goddamn fine."
"You're a bad idea, but I like bad ideas."
"Maybe we should just kiss to break the tension."
"If you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun."
"You're a shy little thing, aren't you?"
"Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails, you're mine."
"Smile is the second best thing you can do with your lips."
"Your lips would look so much better on mine."
"You know we should save some water, shower together."
"You like me because I'm a scoundrel."
"I'll do anything for a woman with a knife."
"The fastest way to shut me up is to kiss me."
"I just want you to be happy! And perhaps a little bit naked."
"I like my bed, but I'd rather be in yours."
"Are you cake? 'Cause I want a piece of that."
"Your shirt has to go, but you can stay."
"You owe me a drink because when I saw you I dropped mine."
"You must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day."
"Maybe making out for a few minutes would help us figure things out."
"Stop saying things that make me want to kiss the hell out of you."
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princeluce · 13 days
most wanted females please?
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Of course love! Just as a friendly note we are sorely wanting for some very important male roles including Prince Aegon II, Prince Jacaerys, and Lord Corlys. Now that's out of the way! Here are our top 5 most wanted female characters right now:
1. Princess Rhaenys Targaryen-Velaryon is far and away our #1 most wanted female character! (She's on the most wanted list for MANY of our currently written characters; Prince Lucerys, Lady Baela, Lady Rhaena, and Princess Rhaenyra, as well as the whole site for our larger plot 🖤) 2. Princess Aliandra Martell of Dorne (Wanted by the whole site to further our Dorne plot and we already have an OC Lady Dayne who would be very happy to have her around as well 🧡) 3. Lady Jeyne Arryn (Wanted by the whole site for politicking and to get our larger Vale plot up and running and by her favorite cousin Princess Rhaenyra 💙) 4. Princess Jaehaera Targaryen (Very much wanted by our writer for her mother, Princess Helaena 💛) 5. Slightly more broad but any of the Ladies in Waiting for Princess Rhaenyra i.e. One of Harwin Strong's two sisters, Elinda Massey, or another Lady from houses with known relations to the Crown like House Redfort, House Celtigar, or House Darklyn. As Rhaenyra in this timeline is 37, we kindly ask any of her Ladies be written in their late-20s to mid-30s (Wanted is somewhat self explanatory but we do have several Lady in Waiting characters, eligible bachelors, and other Targ royals for her to interact with as well 💜)
Thanks so much!! ~Mod Ivory
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princeluce · 14 days
Vali bē Embar: Men at Sea a star
a starter with @daltongreyjoy-asoiaf-rp
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Lucerys stood at the helm of his small boar, his eyes fixed on the horizon, where the sea and sky melded into a distant and hazy line. The sea was calm, reflecting the midday sun in simmering ripples. Arrax swam nearby, an unusual action for a dragon, but one the dragon had picked up after years of following Luce out to sea. The dragon was occasionally flapping her pearlescent wings to create splashes of water or lifting her neck to blow air or fire across the top of the water, less watchful guardian and more like a child playing in the water. The salt air filled his lungs, purging them of the stench that often wafted up to the Red Keep. He had left King’s Landing behind, seeking the embrace of open water. It was here that he felt most connected to his late father. 
He had been working on a new carving for Baelon, quietly taking knife to wood when he had seen a shape on the horizon. Now as he stood at the helm, he watched as a dark shape emerged, growing larger with each passing moment. As the ship grew closer, it became more clear, one he had seen before, a recent addition in the harbor of King’s Landing. It was The Raven, the formidable ship of Dalton Greyjoy. Lucerys’s heart quicked. He had heard a mix of tales, some of reverence to his exploits, painting a picture of a man who commanded the Ironborn with ruthless authority and some tales spoken with groans of annoyance and displeasure, although those mostly came from his grandsire Corlys. Yet Lucerys felt there was something majestic about the defiant figure who carved his own destiny in the treacherous waters of Westeros. 
The Raven drew nearer, its black sails billowing like ominous shadows against the bright sky. It soon became apparent that his small sail vessel was the goal, as the larger ship changed direction, heading ever closer. 
Arrax’s head rose from the water, releasing a deep growl as the ship approached. 
“Lyka Arrax,” Luce said, turning away from the approaching ship and asking his dragon to calm. Dalton Greyjoy may be a fearsome figure, but causing harm to a prince of Westeros, with a dragon in tow, would start a war that no one was prepared for. 
Honestly, he was a bit excited. This meeting, unexpected and fraught with potential peril, felt like an opportunity. 
What kind of man was he? He wondered.  
The Raven soon pulled alongside Lucery’s boat and he saw the Red Kraken himself looking down at him, tall and commanding. 
“Lord Greyjoy,” He called up with a voice that he hoped sounded more like laughter than the small amount of worry he felt, “I have heard tales of what happens to boats approached by your Raven at sea. If you are here for a raid, I am sorry to inform you that all I have with me is some jerkied beef, water, and a half-carved wooded horse for one of my younger brothers. Baelon was expecting it to be done soon, but he might quiet enjoy hearing his toy was taken during a raid.”
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a roleplay blog within @asongofgoldenfireandblackblood
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