princeofsinweek · 6 days
Aaaaaaaah the cliff hanger!!!!! Love this story so much can’t wait for the next part! 🖤🖤
Clandestine Affairs (III)
A/N: Sorry for the wait, but I have some big exams in a little less than a month, so fics are gonna be scarce. Good news, though, is that this is the last bit of set up I need for things to really get going. Expect the plot to really get going after this. Also, I've decided to start migrating some of my works to AO3. I still post here, but I'll be uploading there too, if that's something you prefer. So far, I only have the first chapter of Clandestine Affairs up, with some slight edits, but nothing major. Just some fixed typos and a couple extra lines to make the dialogue flow better towards the end, and yes, the tumblr post has been updated to match it. Two will be up either today or tomorrow, since it's getting late where I am. As always, enjoy the chapter, and feel free to comment, request, or even if you want to be tagged when I upload any fic, or just this fic.
WC: 2603
TW: Canon typical violence, blood.
Kingdom of the Wicked Masterlist
Clandestine Affairs Masterlist
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 (You are here) Chapter 4
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Amara didn’t respond to the note.
Nor did she respond to the one she found the next morning. 
Or the next. 
Or the next. 
A week goes by with her ignoring each note that finds its way to her.
Luckily, she didn’t find herself needing to find alternative sleeping arrangements that week, although she knew it would only be a matter of time. Especially as the days grew colder, she wondered if she’d be able to resist a bonfire and a warm body should she find herself in the streets for a night. Had it been any other person, she would’ve jumped at the opportunity, but this wasn’t a normal person. It wasn’t even a human. It was one of the Malvagi. 
Her mother had told her of them, of the seven wicked Princes of the Underworld. She told stories of their icy skin, red flecked eyes, and that once you catch their attention, you’ll never escape. It had been a century since the Malvagi stepped foot on earth, with the only indication that they might one day do so again being a warning the coven elders had received; When witch blood spills across Sicily, take your daughters and hide. The Malvagi have arrived. 
Before, Amara wasn’t sure how much she believed in The Devil or the return of the Malvagi, but the recent murders taking place, along with her encounter on the beach, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Still, none of the coven elders had given any indication that something was amiss. Were they unaware of the Malvagi’s return, or, perhaps, did they simply not wish for the covens to begin panicking, possibly leading to discovery by either the brotherhood or the Malvagi. 
Amara’s shoulders slumped as she let out a sigh, head turning to gaze at the clouds instead. A basket of groceries on her arm. There wasn’t much she could do about the situation, regardless. As things stood, the coven elders didn’t trust her, and the other witch families in Palermo chose to keep to themselves to avoid discovery. If she caused a stir about it now, it could lead to more trouble, which, given her circumstances, is the last thing she needs. 
Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the leftover coins she’d been given, silently calculating her remaining expenditures as a chill ran down her spine. She shoved the coins into her pocket, and scanned the street ahead, as though she were plotting the rest of her shopping route. Her eyes lingered on alleyways and store windows, and other shadowed street corners or alcoves she could find. 
Her heart thundered as she took another step up the street. Then another. 
She forced her brows not to furrow, and her lips to twitch upwards. She chatted with vendors, haggled over the price of produce, and had just enough left over to buy a shawl. Still, the pin pricks against her neck never once faded, no matter how quickly she darted through the market, dodging shoppers and vendors as she attempted to ditch whoever had been stalking her. Yet, despite her efforts, the presence persisted. 
Amara had been followed before, be it during the day or night. Sometimes men with unsavory plans for her, others were simple thieves. She’d even had an admirer or two follow her before, but none were this relentless-
Her mind stuttered to a stop, even as her feet pressed forward. 
Perhaps her stalker was no mere man. 
Given what she recently learned, it was quite possible. Especially if what she’d been told about the Malvagi was true. Had The Prince of Lust grown tired of her refusal and decided to seek her out? If he had the chance, would he attack her in public, around so many people? No human here could stop him, surely. If not he, then perhaps it was a subordinate of his?  
The idea that he was stalking almost had her shivering in fear, but she was saved from having to try and force down her fear when she felt her body collide with something. 
Well… Someone. 
“Are you alright?” a softer voice calls gently. 
“I- I’m sorry,” she muttered, holding a hand to her chest, and keeping her eyes down. 
“That’s not what I asked,” the voice said again, right as a soft hand appeared in front of her,“Are you alright?” 
Shakily, Amara glanced up. The woman before her had short, dark hair, in beautiful curls, and her dark eyes shone with a warmth she had missed. Gently, Amara reached for her hand, and let the girl pull her up. 
“I- I’m fine, thank you,” she muttered, after realizing she hadn’t responded. 
The woman cocked her head to the side, observing her. 
“You don’t look alright. You’re still trembling, and pale,” she responded. 
Amara flinched at her words. 
“I- Sorry,” she muttered. 
The woman’s brows furrowed, taking in the state Amara was in. Her brown hair stuck to her clammy skin, and the blood seemed to have drained from her warm, bronze face. Despite her best efforts, her entire body trembled as the pinprick sensation grew closer. Clearly, the woman notices, given the way she glanced behind Amara, trying to discern if anyone or anything had been the cause of her distress. 
“My name is Claudia,” she gently introduced. 
“Oh, Amara Willows, yes? Aurora Willow’s daughter?” Claudia asked, eyes wide. Amara flinched at the mention of her mother, and Claudia seemed to notice, wincing as well. “I’m sorry. I understand that her loss must be hard on you,” she tried to sooth. 
Amara merely nodded, not having the strength to indulge in that conversation. Instead, she changed the subject. 
“And you are… Are you like her? My mother, I mean. Are you like me?” she asked carefully. 
Claudia nodded with a smile. 
“You still seem awfully pale. Shall we talk over a drink? My treat,” 
“You don’t have-” 
Claudia held up her hand at the start of her protests. 
“I insist. Let’s talk, one woman to another. Besides, it’s the least I owe after the way I brought up your mother. It wasn’t my intention to be rude, so let me make it up to you,” 
Amara wanted to refuse, but anxiety gnawed at her, and the prickling feeling had yet to let up. She couldn’t risk leading it to her home, but the thought of being alone made her stomach turn. Reluctantly, Amara merely nodded, ignoring the holes those eyes continued to bore into her, and followed Claudia through the market. 
The cafe Claudia had brought her too was a quaint little place, out of the way of the main market, with the seating area and kitchen on the first floor, and what’s likely an apartment above. Multiple small cabinet shelves were dotted around the room, lined with books of various genres, different kinds of plants, as well as other little trinkets. Garlands of leaves and flowers were draped over the shelves, tabletops and even hung down from the support beams. Natural light flooded in from large windows in the back, giving the place a soft, inviting glow. 
Amara shifted in her seat as Claudia returned, drinks, and even some pastries, in hand. 
“Thank you,” she muttered, wrapping her hands around the cup. 
“Drink. It’ll warm you up,” she encouraged. 
“I’m not cold,” 
“No?” Cluadia’s head cocked to the side, “Then is there another reason you were so pale, and shivering as though you’d wandered through a blizzard?” 
Amara stiffened, having no response. 
Blessedly, she no longer felt the prickling sensation, or presence that seemed to follow her. Part of her wondered if it was truly fine to let things be, and forget about it… But with the murderers… 
“Do you- Do you think the recent murders have something to do with witch hunters?” Amara blurted, voice low. 
Claudia raised a brow. 
“Hm, perhaps,” she took a sip of her own coffee, “But they like to make examples out of their victims. Publically,” 
Amara hummed, taking another sip. 
“Then you think it might have, possibly, been something else?” 
Claudia turned to the window, eyes far as she gazed out at the street, where parents walked with children, or servants ran simple errands. 
“I wouldn’t rule them out, but given what we are, it’s not out of the question to suspect more unusual culprits. Especially when our people are seemingly being targeted,” she explained, quietly. 
Amara nodded.
“I see,” 
“Is this about your mother?” 
She flinched at the question, but didn’t answer. It wasn’t about her mother, but perhaps that was selfish. Her brows furrowed at the notion, heart seizing, the way it did right before the news was delivered about her mother’s fate. From beneath her bangs, she caught Claudia nodding, likely thinking that it was about her mother. Amara wouldn’t correct her. 
“I- If not human, then who- What do you think did it?” 
“Werewolves? A vampire infestation? Perhaps even a demon,” Claudia listed, “Some of the coven elders believe it’s related to the Malvagi themselves,” 
Amara stiffened at the mention of the Malvagi. 
“Is there a reason they think that? Or is it just a guess?” she asked, taking another tentative sip. 
“Apparently there was a warning they received some time ago, stating that when witches started dying, it would be a sign of their return,” 
Amrara gave a stiff nod. 
“But they don’t have any other reason to think the Malvagi are involved, do they?” 
“Not that I know of,” she confirmed. 
Amara felt Claudia’s gaze on her as she took a bite of her pastry, but when she gained the courage to actually meet her eyes, she fought back a jolt of surprise. Something older, wiser, stared back at her, as if truly seeing her for the first time. She fought the urge to audibly gulp. Eventually, it seemed, Claudia snapped out of her… Whatever that was. 
“One of my friends fell victim to the killer too,” she continued, turning to the window, as a note of something somber made its way into her voice, “Vittoria Di Carlo. Her sister, Emilia, has been searching for the culprit too,” 
I nodded, knowing exactly who she was talking about.
“I know,” she muttered, “Or, I know about Vittoria anyway. And, I’m sorry. It’s never easy to- to lose someone,” 
Claudia nodded. 
“For what it’s worth, I’m sorry for your loss too,” she offered. “If I may offer some advice, from one Strega to another?” 
“Of course,” Amara nodded. 
“Be careful. Especially since I know you like your late night walks,” Claudia all but implored, “Be it hunters or Malvagi, it isn’t safe to wander at night,” 
Her grip tightened on the cup, and her stomach began forming knots. She couldn’t bring herself to tell Claudia the truth, or to even insinuate that she went out at night for any other reason aside from her preferences. She wouldn’t be able to take it if she did. The pity, the shame. No. Amara could handle it without worrying anyone, or needing charity. 
“I’ll do my best, thanks,” 
The two girls chatted a bit longer, as Amara came out of her shell somewhat. Soon, they even gushed over some of the books in the store, until there was no way she could stay any longer. The sun would begin to set soon, and Amara had to get dinner started. She gave Claudia a hug goodbye, thanking her for another ‘be careful’ warning, before she walked away from the bakery. 
Something about that encounter left her feeling lighter. She practically skipped through the streets of Palmero, as vendors began putting away their stalls and businesses began shooting out any strays that lingered a bit too long. Bar keeps and tavern owners began lighting lanterns and setting out their menus, some even switching to their open signs.
All of them were also signs to her that she was running a bit late. Usually, such thoughts would have her sprinting through the streets to make it home before the bookstore closed, but after the day she had, she couldn’t bring herself to let go of that light feeling. She couldn’t force herself to hurry back to the cold bookstore, where she’d force herself into a hot kitchen, trying to make sure dinner, a dinner she hadn’t even thought of yet, was completely perfect. 
Amara’s blood went cold, and her face blanched again. All of a sudden, she felt every ounce of joy drain from her body, and an icy chill replaced it. The hair at the back of her neck stood and the pricking, the same one from earlier, ran all the way down her spine. The sun had just about set, and shadows crawled out from the darkness. Suddenly, she noticed how dead quiet it was. An unnatural quiet. The kind where not even the sound of nature could reach her. 
She took an uneasy step back, eyes already darting around, searching for danger. This was the route she walked many times before, and yet, now, a tugging in her gut pulled her back. It was telling her to run. 
She spun on a heel, only to feel a grip on her upper arm, so fast, so sharp, she barely registered it before she was tugged back into the darkness. 
Her heart pounded, and she began swinging her basket, trying to hit whoever grabbed her.
Icy fingers latched around her wrists, stopping her attempts in their tracks. A sharp pain exploded across her back and head. 
Then her vision became spotty. 
As it cleared, she noticed the toned chest that pressed her to the wall. Soft, dark hair tickled her forehead as her attacker leaned over her. When she finally met his gaze, pale blue eyes stared back. 
Amara’s eyes widened further when she noticed the tips of the elongated canines that peeked out from beneath his upper lip. 
Her mouth fell open to scream, but icy fingers clamped around her face before any sound could escape. 
Tears lined her own, slightly darker blue eyes, and the man’s mouth twisted into a pleased grin, before he brought his lips closer to her. His breath brushed her ear, and she shivered. Amara forced her eyes shut, body trembling against the wall, wrists still in the man’s hold. He let out an amused chuckle, then brushed those elongated fangs against her ear. His voice was like silk, as he purred into her ear.
“Do you know what I am, Strega?” 
Eyes still clamped shut, she forced her head to nod. The man- creature- cocked its head to the side.
“Are you sure, little witch?” he asked, hand lossining around her mouth enough that she could make faint sounds. 
“V-Vampire,” she whimpered. 
His eyes danced with glee and his grin turned sadistic. 
“Very good. Such a smart witch,”
“Please,” she whimpered, only for his hand to tighten again. 
“Now now, little witch,” he tutted, “Show some gratitude. I come bearing a gift,” Amara’s heart raced faster, and she shook her head again, only for him to tighten his grip to the point it was painful. “Don’t be ungrateful now, It’s rare for a human, or even a witch to receive such a gif-agh!” 
Amara’s eyes shot open at the vampire’s pained gasp. She registered the blood dripping from his mouth, and how his eyes widened in shock. She forced her eyes to trail down, only to let out a muffled shriek when she saw it. A blade had pierced the vampire's abdomen. 
“I’m quite certain that the lady is wholly uninterested in whatever gifts you, or your kind, have to offer, leech,” 
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princeofsinweek · 13 days
Lust and greed fuxking the same person at once whew me, I want that to be meeeee 🥰
Whew 🥵 Same though! Who doesn’t want to be the reader?
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princeofsinweek · 13 days
Love seeing the princes as uncles! Adorable. 💖
Headcanons- Euphemia
A/N: I'm working on the next chapter of Clandestine affairs, but I also have other stuff going on, like exams coming up, so it's slow going. Until then, have some Demon family headcannons, mostly centred around Euphemia, and her relationship with her uncles. If any of you have any prompts you want me to write some short headcannons for, send them in, and I'll answer them as between fic updates. They could be about either Euphemia, the demon princes, Emilia, etc.
TW: None. Just fluff.
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🎀 Sloth pretends he doesn't like looking after Euphemia, but secretly adores curling up in a cozy arm chair and reading her fairy tales.
🎀 Euphemia, as we find out in 'Want it' is like a magpie. As a child, she got easily distracted by anything that glittered, and tried stealing her father and uncles' house daggers, and succeeded, on more than one occasion.
🎀 Euphemia doesn't like the crescent Shallows. At all. Emilia tried taking her there to teach her to swim, since it felt like the safest place to do so, only for her begin wailing. It took hours to console her, and she wouldn't sleep in her own room for weeks. She also clung closer to Wrath during this time, scared Emilia would take her back to the shallows. This still hurts Emilia a lot.
🎀 She painted Camilla a picture of her and Envy as a present, and while it was about what you'd expect from a children's drawing, Camillia got teary at the sight of it. She hung it in their chambers and refused to let anyone touch it, even insisting on cleaning the frame herself.
🎀 Adriana is secretly very sweet to Euphemia, when nobody else is around. She even sneaks her a treat or two from the desert table before dinner, when nobody else is looking. It makes Gluttony feel betrayed.
🎀 Euphemia wasn't allowed to visit House Lust, Gluttony, or Greed for a long time, for obvious reasons. As she grew, and as his brothers pestered him, Wrath relented and allowed Eupheima to visit House Gluttony, and Greed, on the condition that anything inappropriate for her age was to be out of sight during her visit. Lust complains about being the odd one out.
🎀 Eupheima's a daddy's girl. Through and through.
🎀 People say that The Devil, and seven demon princes rule the underworld from their houses of debauchery and sin, but those who reside in the Seven Circles know better. The young Princess of House Wrath is the one who has the real power.
🎀 Euphie was first given her nickname by Sloth when she first called him by name. Her first word was 'Mama' but her second was 'Lo'. Wrath wasn't pleased by this.
🎀 She calls Anir her Uncle, and he secretly takes her into town sometimes. He gets her anything her little heart desires, even if it drives Emilia up a wall to see her drowning in sweets before dinner.
🎀 The quality Euphemia loves most about herself is her hair. She loves having it styled in all different ways, with ornaments, tiaras, cuffs, and clips.
🎀 Euphemia read one of her mother's romance novels once, and the character in it had a braided coronet. It's since become her own favourite hairstyle.
🎀 Euphemia came across a Church Grim by the gates of Hell while visiting The Sin Corridor with her Celestia, and decided to keep it. She named her Frost.
🎀 Speaking of Frost, there are three thrones in House Wrath's Throne room, and one large, lush pillow from House Lust, beside the smallest throne. The perfect size for a wolf to lay on no matter how much she grows.
🎀 Frost also has her own box of ribbons and collars, which she loves. Frost is as much of a girly girl as Euphiemia is, only she turn up her nose at the thought of getting dirty, while Euphie, despite loving frills, ribbons and dressing up, has an adventurer's heart, and often comes back from playing outside scraped and covered in dirt.
🎀 Sometimes Euphemia worries that Vittoria doesn't like her, since she doesn't allow her to visit House Vengeance, even if Emilia comes with her.
🎀 Euphie believes that even though the don't always say it, each of her Uncles loves her in different ways. They each give her something irreplaceable. 🎀 Lust is that one Uncle who was so excited to finally have a nibling, even though he had no clue how to even hold her. Had Euphemia not been in his arms at the time, Wrath would've tackled him for how he held his newborn daughter.
🎀 Once, Euphemia tried to use her mother's make up, only to end up scaring the life out of Anir, who even unsheathed his knife before realising it was the princess. Emilia was more shocked to see that the state of her vanity.
🎀 She was even more shocked to see the things Euphemia had written on the mirror with make up. She used rouge to write out 'I am beautiful' and some kohl to add 'I am powerful'. Apparently Pride taught her to do this, to help with self confidence. Emilia had Wrath deliver Pride some Cannolis immediately.
🎀 Gluttony happily spent ages just pinching her cheeks and cooing over her when Wrath brought her to visit. His excuse was that it was his sin, and that he couldn't help but want to indulge more in her cuteness.
I'll leave it at this for now, but if you want any more, let me know. These are fun to come up with. Also, feel free to let me know if you have any headcannons for Euphie, or even the princes as uncles.
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princeofsinweek · 16 days
I am in love with this art! Go check it out on her instagram or tiktok 😍😍
Happy Saturday! Prince Gluttony artwork has been dropped on Kerri Maniscalco’s page! Ahhhhhhh!
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Am I going even more feral for this prince?
Yes! The answer is yes! The ideas in my head for those dragon tattoos 😍
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princeofsinweek · 18 days
The dragon tattoos 😍
Did anyone see the Prince Gluttony artwork teaser on @kerrimaniscalco page yesterday? 😍😍😍 I am loving everything about this prince already!
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princeofsinweek · 18 days
I love this so much! We need more Camilla artwork!
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Camilla and Bunny on a walk
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princeofsinweek · 29 days
The One Thing I Can't Have - Prince Greed x OC!Elara
A/n: Hey this was an idea I've had for a while about Greed. Not much is really known about the prince. I imagine he is far more morally gray, if not morally black, than his other brothers. This is going to be a little series for him and Elara. Enjoy!
A/n: General KOTW themes ad behaviors, possessiveness (mentions of being owned due to a debt, jealousy, etc) , mentions of alcohol and gambling, sacrificing self, neglectful parent, violence
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I had just finished cleaning the last plate when a sharp knock sounded at the door. My father, already in the bottle, stumbled to the door.  This was no new sight for me, 25 years later he still drank the bottle dry and still had collectors chasing him.
“I told you I would pay,” he slurred at the guest. 
I dried the plate and returned it to the cupboard before turning to see a man who looked to be made of metal. Bronze skin, dark auburn hair, and deep russet eyes. He was handsome if she had to admit as he glared at my father. I assessed his finally trimmed merlot suit with gold embroidery, it hugged his body well accentuating a tone body underneath. He was a debt collector. 
“I have been patient with Finneas but now it is time to pay or offer up something.” The man said his voice was smooth but the tone dangerously laced with the promise of an or else. 
Dread hit my stomach as I realized an or else would be the outcome. We had nothing of value and my father spent all the money I brought into the household.
“I don’t have the money yet,” my father said, he seemed to be more sobered now at the sight of the debt collector. 
I stepped closer to the doorway separating the kitchen and living room where they stood now. 
“A shame that is Finneas,” he said, shaking his head in disgust. His eyes roamed the humble living room scarce of luxury. There was a worn down couch, an ancient rug and a wobbly table with two chairs. His russet eyes moved toward the doorway where I stood and I couldn’t move fast enough to hide. “Hello,” he said, his eyes pinning me to my spot. There was something unnerving about his eyes, unnatural and inhuman. “Who might you be?”
“She’s not a part of this,” my father said, stepping in front of the man to block his view of me. The only problem was that this man was a head taller than my father. 
“She is tough. My men say you have a daughter. They did not lie when they said she was beautiful.” He commented his eyes remained on me. “What is your name?”
“Elara,” I answered my chin high as I stared him down through the bridge of my nose like he was below me even though he was far taller than me. 
“Elara,” he repeated my name like he was sampling it. “Elara. Well Elara, are you aware of your father’s predicament.”
“Yes,” I glare.
“He says he has no payment,” he said and he made a face as if considering his next move, “what would you do if someone owed you an obscene debt.”
“I don’t know,” I answered. My hands gripped my dress skirt scrunching the fabric. 
“No?” He raised a brow. “Most would take the form of other treasures but this house lacks that.”
“Our home,” I suggest, “we could give you the deed to the home.”
“That wouldn’t be enough, my dear.” He smirked.
“I don’t have any money,” I said, still standing tall even though my nerves grew.
“My lord,” My father said, voice shaking. “Please give me more time.”
“Your time is up, Finneas,” he said.
“Please, my Lord,” I begged, my shield faltering. “I’ll pay you. I’ll get the money. Ban him from your casinos and I’ll get it.”
“Do you know how much he owes?” 
I shook my head. 
“A quarter of a million,” he said coolly. 
My heart stopped beating. Dread filled my face as I looked at my father with disbelief, “how could you?”
“I thought I could win it back,” he said looking down at the floorboards.
“I’ll work to pay for it,” I said, still determined. He would hurt my father otherwise. “A payment plan.”
The man cocked his head to the side as if it was odd to see a daughter still so willing to save her father even after hearing the amount.
“Fine,” he said. “You will work for me.”
“Excuse me?” I demanded. 
“You will work in my casino’s and pay his debt. As for you,” he turned to Finneas, a blade flashing in his hand. He pinned him to the wall, “try to enter my casino or another and I will gut you and your daughter will work off your debt for an eternity.”
My father nodded vigorously.
“Come Elara,” the male said.
“I am starting now?” 
“No, you are moving into my house, to ensure collateral.”
The lord’s house was extravagant. Even as a new employee the room that I had been led to by a green haired female was far more expensive than anything I had seen. A mahogany bed with a lush merlot duvet. A mountain of pillows atop it. The rug was the same fine color with an ornate design. The wardrobe filled with beautiful gowns like he had planned for this and maybe he had. He knew I existed but how he knew my size was beyond me. 
My swift knock interrupted my thoughts on what I would be doing here. “My lady?” a woman peered in. She was beautiful with long locks of black hair tied back and inhumanly icy blue eyes that reminded me of diamonds. “His highness has requested you for dinner. I am here to dress you.”
“Excuse me?” I asked. Dinner? His highness? He sure did think highly of himself.
“Dinner my lady,” she repeated. 
“Why would I go to dinner with him? I am employed by him,” I asked and amusement crossed her face. 
“My lady, his highness did not disclose why. Please allow me to dress you,” she said.
I nodded and let her in and she strode into the room pulling gowns out tutting and humming until she settled on a very expensive dress. It was far more revealing than anything I would ever think to wear either. I shook my head and mouth agape. 
“Trust me this will look amazing on you, my Lady,” she said with a wicked glint in her eye.
“I can’t trust you. I don’t even know your name.”
“Greta,” she replied. 
“Nice to meet you,” I nodded nervously as I removed my old dress. 
She helped me into the gown. It was so sheer. Thin sheets of nude fabric covered my nipples and butt everything else was seen, diamonds covered my body in a pattern that rose to the top of my collarbone. She tied my brown curls into a bun pinning them with diamond clips. My lips were now glossed and eyelashes with mascara. Gods! I looked like royalty.
“Oh my gods,” I whispered. Greta laughed and patted my shoulder.
“This has to be my best work, though you are a great canvas. I can see why he is interested.” Greta said and winked. “Now come on. I want to see his highness's face.”
She dragged me down the halls. My now heeled feet clack down the corridor. She pushed the door open and a table filled with food and gold plates. There was more than the debt collector in here. And to my surprise, some were not human. My eyes widened as I saw a toad, not the head of a toad on a man’s body watching me expectantly. I took a nervous step back but Greta’s handheld me. 
“Your highness,” she greeted as I continued to look in horror at all of the nonhumans at the table. 
Greta pulled me to the table, my feet dragging. She nodded to a seat right next to the collector before taking her own seat next to me on the other side. 
The collector’s russet eyes burned a hole on the side of my face. I didn’t look at him as I processed my surroundings. This was not a normal place. The collector was not normal. Work my father’s debt for an eternity. No, there had been warnings about the casino her father frequented. Many said he was ruthless and collected the debt in money and in souls. And I had just willingly given myself up to him. 
“Eat,” he said. The only word he said to me away from my father. 
“I’m not hungry,” I replied, my eyes focusing on the gold plate before me. My traitorous stomach then growled. 
A loud thunk and then roasted chicken appeared on my plate. Followed by a splat of mashed potatoes. Then greens, roasted radishes, smoked fish all appeared along with a bronze hand placing each item there. I looked at the hand’s owner.
“You will eat,” he said, not ordering.
“Does anyone tell you no,” I asked boldly. The room went silent.
The bronzed man gestured for everyone to keep talking and eating. “No,” he answered, “most of the time it is best to follow my orders.”
“Hmm,” I hummed. “And what do I call you? Your highness? My lord? Prince?” I asked and Prince made his movements still confirming my thoughts of what he was.
“So you figured it out,” he commented, stabbing a radish with his fork.
I laughed, “it’s kind of hard not to when there are non humans here, Prince.” 
“Greed,” he said.
“Greed?” I repeated.
“That is my name,” he answered.
“Prince Greed,” I nod.  I took a tentative bite of my food and had to bite back the urge to moan in pleasure at how delicious it was. “What exactly will I do here? Are we in…” I stopped in fear we were.
“In Hell?” he asked, brow raised. I nodded, “no you are still in your realm. I won’t take you to the Seven Circles unless it is really necessary. As for your job, you will work in the casino, serve drinks to start.” 
I nod considering his words. He was a demon prince. I was not in Hell but he would drag her there if he deemed it necessary and I would have no say in it. My heart seemed to be running a marathon as my thoughts wandered to my father, he had a gambling addiction. He may try to stay away for a moment but eventually he would cave and be back into the gambling. 
“Why not bind it in a contract?” I asked brows furrowing. 
“I was going to get payment one way or another,” he replied like it was obvious. 
“And do many have their children offer themselves?”
“No,” he said simply.
“What happens to them?”
“Do you really want to know?” he asked, now facing me. His brown eyes burned with interest. 
I shook my head, “how long would it take?” 
“My father’s debt,” I say, “how long will it take for me to repay. Am I ever leaving or am I damned here forever?” 
Anger flared in his expression for a second before morphing back to indifference. “Do you want that answer?”
I already knew it. I would work here until I died. Once again I shook my head. My soul was his without a contract. 
The fine food felt like bricks on my stomach now. Would this meal, housing and gowns be a part of this debt or my own new debt to him?
“This dress, the food, the room, will that be a debt too?”
“I may be a demon, Elara, but I am not entirely cruel.” That wasn’t an answer. Not truly.
“Will it?” I pressed.
“No, Elara,” he said.
“I’m not cruel,” he repeated, “not completely. Though, if you try to leave or fail to be useful before our payment. I will make you pay for everything.”
I gulped. I am here forever.
The next morning, Greta greeted me by shoving me into another revealing gown far too expensive for a server. A blue skinned demon handed me a tray and instructed that I would fetch drinks for the VIP area. It was a section of the casino where nobility and occasionally Greed’s brothers would be. At least that was what Greta said before disappearing and handing me over to the blue demon. 
I moved quickly to a table with a male who was adorned with various gold items and a signet ring. He was no doubt someone important. He had a female with golden strands wrapped around her body, hardly anything hidden. Another male in a charcoal suit with a mischievous grin on his face stared at me. Beside him was Greed. 
The male in charcoal did a small wave and nodded to come over. 
“Hello,” I smiled, “your highness,” I nodded to Greed. I turned to the charcoal suited male. He was also very handsome with bronze skin, dark eyes and hair. “My lords and my lady.”
“This is her?” The charcoal male asked. “My she is beautiful.” He purred beautifully and my stomach did small flips and as if he knew what his words did he grinned. “Lust.”
“Pardon?” I asked as I pulled out my notepad to get their drinks.
“My brother is not good at introducing, or most formalities. Forgive him for that lapse,” the male smile grew as Greed glared his hand tensing on the table. “I am Prince Lust, the more attractive brother of the seven.” 
I bit back a laugh at the lack of modesty. “A pleasure to meet you, your highness.”
“A pleasure it is always in my company,” he elbowed his brother as if he was trying to get him to laugh. 
“This is the Duke of Devon and Reyna,” Greed gestured to the Duke and Reyna. I greeted them properly and requested drinks.
They placed their orders and I strode away to the bar to get the drinks. I felt eyes on me burning into the back of my head. Finally the drinks were done and I placed the drinks down to their owners with a small smile. “Is there anything else?”
“Actually yes,” Lust said, “sit. Join us. It’s rare Greed brings in anyone new. I am curious, little dove.”
I glanced over to Greed but he gave nothing away. I looked over to the other table that was in the VIP section. No one was there, surely it would be fine.Greed said nothing as if it was a silent challenge.
“I’m not sure if I am allowed to do that,” I said, glancing at the bartender who gave no answer either.
“Nonsense,” Lust said. “Take a seat. When another guest comes you can go take care of them. Isn’t that right brother?”
“Sit down Elara,” Greed replied and so I did.
“So Elara,” Lust said beaming proudly, “tell me about yourself?”
“What do you want to know?”
“Oh a dangerous question,” the Duke of Devon grinned, sipping his bourbon.
“What did you do? Were you courting?”
“I didn’t do anything. My father owes a debt. No.” I said.
“My brother seems to like you though to not be courting you,” Lust goaded.
“We barely know each other, your highness.”
“Ha, he knows you,” Lust said, “my brother-”
“Enough,” Greed said before plunging his dagger into Lust's chest, twisting it and pulling it out. Icor flowed from the wound and lust looked at his brother with irritation as he fell to the floor knocking his glass over shattering and spilling its entire contents. I gasped, rising to my feet and rushing to the fallen prince.
“You killed him,” I said as I pressed on the wound as if it would save him.
“He’s not dead,” Greed snapped, making my spine straighten at the tone. “He’ll return to his circle. Clean up the mess and go work on the main part.”
I looked at Greed with disbelief and turned back to where Lust’s body had been. It was gone and only the shattered glass and spilled cocktail remained. 
“Yes Prince,” I replied. I grabbed a rag from the bar and a bucket and cleaned the mess.  Once cleaned I rose and rushed out of the section so quickly without another glance to the prince.
Hours went by as I continued to serve drinks to the gamblers. Many starred with hunger and claiming. As I took the area in I saw that many had even less on and were gyrating against others claiming greedy stares from attendees. This gown was overdressed in their standard. 
Finally after twelve hours, I was dismissed for the day. I fell onto the bed while removing the gown and fell asleep. 
Months went by, I was no longer in VIP after Lust’s incident. Most guests became regulars for me and I greeted them like old friends. One male, Bennett, became one of my favorites. He would often flirt with me as I handed him his usual drink. Today was no different as he said something that made me laugh. His eyes had remained on my lips. “We should go out,” he proposed.
“I don’t think I would be a good date,” I countered. “I work 12 hour days.”
“My gods! He doesn’t give you a break?”
“No,” I shook my head. “It’s not that bad. Guests like you make it easier.” 
He grinned and leaned forward pressing his lips to mine. It was a short kiss but I was still shocked. 
“This is not appropriate Bennett.” I say my face flush. A tap on my shoulder steals my attention and a toad headed demon stares at me.
“His highness requires a meeting,” he said. 
I turned to Bennett, giving him a nervous look before following the demon. He opened the door and Greed sat at his desk glaring at me. 
“Your Highness, I-” I started but he raised a hand to silence me. I closed my mouth.
“Leave Enolius.” He ordered. The demon nodded and closed the door shut.
Silence filled the room as  he glared at me. The room was freezing, a small layer of ice covered his desk.
“I don’t like my things being touched,” Greed started. “You are an employee who serves drinks, not your body.”
I scoffed, “he kissed me. And I am not your thing.”
“Aren’t you? Have you forgotten that you work for me until I decide the debt is paid?”
“Working for you is different than being owned. I am allowed to date.”
“Are you?” It was a challenge. Greed rose from his desk and strode over to me. His hand pressed to my cheek and my body involuntarily leaned in. No! “What if I don’t want anyone dating me?”
“I’m not yours!” I shout and clamp my mouth shut, eyes wide. Did I just yell at a Prince of Hell? The demon prince glare grew harder.
“You are and you will not date anyone else,” Greed said.
“That’s ridiculous! This has nothing to do with the debt.” I argue and I raise my chest pressed against his. I should’ve sat further away. I hate that I have to look up but his head was bent down an inch barely separating their lips.  
“IIt has everything to do with the debt. Months ago you asked about the other children of people who couldn’t pay it back. They became soldiers and members of my court. My property. You are no different Elara.”
I shoved his chest to get him to step buck but he held firm. I grunted in frustration and tried to shove again but Greed caught my hands in a firm yet gentle grip. “You are mine Elara.”
“No.” I wrench my hands free and rush out of the door.
Greed POV:
I ran a hand through my hair. Elara was beautiful. Intoxicating. I wanted her to be mine. I want to claim every bit of her. I had my men gut that fucker Bennett. He owed me money just like Elara’s father and did not deserve her. She deserved a male who had their own riches and worshiped her like a queen. 
She may be the one thing I can't have right now, but I will win her heart and affection. And I won’t let her leave after even if that means locking her in my circle.
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princeofsinweek · 29 days
Love @morgana0anagrom art
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this artwork was painted for @readingportal Kingdom of the Cursed overlays, hope you guys like it xoxo characters belong to @kerrimaniscalco
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princeofsinweek · 1 month
Hijacked - Gluttony x F!Reader
A/n: Getting the first four chapters of Throne of Secrets has me on a Gluttony kick. Enjoy jealous Gluttony.
Warnings: Language, jealousy, mentions of sex, spoilers for KOTF and Throne of the Fallen, typical KOTW content and behavior
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The Prince of Gluttony was blissfully happy. He won the hunt last night, had his beautiful wife, Y/n waiting for him to claim his prize and she was a perfect prize. 
Today he was going to spend the whole day with his wife. Breakfast in bed, 2nd breakfast without food, cuddles, listening to her rave about the latest book she was reading and court drama, or so he thought.
Normally she would be curled up beside him or on top of him. Or if she was being really feisty she would already be teasing him. Yet something felt off she didn't have any part of her touching him. He breathed in smelling her beautiful scent but it smelled old, he turned his head and looked to see his beautiful Hellbeast nowhere in sight. Maybe she is in the bathroom? He strained to listen for any movements but heard nothing.
“Darling?” He called out her nickname. But no response came. Where could she have gone? He hadn’t told her he was taking the day off but he still didn’t expect her to be up this early in the morning and off doing something. So much for his plan of having her for breakfast in bed. With a huff he rose from the bed, ignoring the painful strain of his cock pressing against his low hanging sleep pants. 
“Darling? Are you hiding?” He asked as he knocked gently on the door. Still no sound, not even a small giggle or a rapid beating heart. 
He pushed open the door to find it empty. Where the fuck did she go?
He heard a banging on the door and fear filled him. Was she hurt? Was someone coming to tell him? Did she go missing? Gluttony moved quickly to the door swinging it open with so much aggression to see his second, Val staring at him with a raised brow. 
“Where’s my wife?” Gluttony demanded.
“In her usual spot,” Val said and cocked her head to the side. “It’s the second day in the month, that’s when she has her meeting with your brother.”
With your brother. Gluttony felt his loss of control as ice creeped into the room. Val gave him an exasperated look. “Which brother? And tell me where so I can stab them in the face and send them back to their circle for coming here without an invitation.” Gluttony growled his house dagger, seeming to burn in his pocket for him to use. 
Much to Gluttony’s annoyance, Val held back a laugh. “Oh they are in the library curled up with a book. And they do have an invitation, Y/n invited them.” Val said, smirking. “I am here just to let you know since you cleared your schedule for the day that she is busy until midafternoon.”
His other brothers’ sins crept through him, Wrath and Envy, would have a field day with how much he was feeling their sins. Busy until midafternoon. What the fuck could they be doing until mid afternoon? And she invited them, every month, without him noticing. “Which brother?” Gluttony demanded ice creeping up the door frame. Wrath was unlikely with his wife keeping him occupied, as was Envy who was newly married to Camilla, and Pride was too busy with the hunt. That really only left Lust, Greed and … Sloth. No, he was too lazy to be bothered to come here. 
“I think I like seeing you all riled up,” Val smirked, “though, I suggest adjusting your mood, Envy and Wrath are not good sins to have when confronting her. Besides I thought you knew.”
“Val,” He said in warning. 
“Go to the library, your highness.” Val said and disappeared down the hall.
Gluttony quickly slid on his shirt from last night and strapped his dagger to his side for easier access. With his pace ice followed, he could not shake the feelings of Envy or Wrath but as he moved closer to the library he heard a soft squeal followed by more giggles. Normally the noises would be music to his ears but it wasn’t him making Y/n giggle. It was one of his fucking brothers.
“See, I thought that…” Y/n started to say as the door boomed open. Her e/c went wide in confusion as she lounged casually on a couch in one of Gluttony’s shirts and pajama shorts. She was on one end of the couch a good distance from his brother who was also curled up casually on the couch like he owned the damn place. He recognized the silvery-gold hair and those lazy pale blue eyes that were now alight with amusement as he slowly turned to Gluttony.
“Hey, Love,” Y/n said with a small tentative smile. Her eyes roamed her husband and then widened when he saw the dagger now in his hands. “I thought you would be busy today after the hunt,” she said, searching his face. His hazel eyes remained on his brother. 
“Why the fuck are you here, Sloth?” Gluttony demanded. 
Sloth looked to Y/n and back to Gluttony with amusement before slowly raising his book in the air. Gluttony scoffed in disgust. He could read in his own damn circle.
“Is your circle not suitable enough for you to read there?” Gluttony demanded.
“Love, we’re buddy reading,” Y/n said trying to hide her own amusement. 
Buddy reading. Absolutely not. She didn’t need a buddy to read a book. Neither did Sloth unless he had brain damage and lost the ability to read. Which was likely because he was in my circle without my invitation. 
“Last I checked, Y/n,” Gluttony said, tone as icy as the ice creeping into the library, “neither of you need assistance with reading. Not yet anyways,” he added glaring at Sloth. The bastard just grinned. 
Y/n rose dropping her copy of the book, “we don’t need help reading. It’s like a book club. At Envy and Camilla’s wedding reception, we chatted about books and I always wanted someone to talk about the latest books and Lo is one of the biggest readers I know.” she said, “buddy reading is just us reading the books and talking about it together.” 
Her calling him Lo struck a nerve because it signified their friendship. “These book chats couldn’t be done over letters?” 
“That would take too long,” she argued and looked up into Gluttony’s hazel eyes with scolding, “if I didn’t know any better, I would think you are jealous.” 
“I am not jealous,” he said indignantly. He pointed his blade at Sloth, “HE is not supposed to be here without an invitation.”
Y/n rolled her eyes. Gluttony caught it and made a note of it, “I invited him.”
Gluttony stared at her for a long moment and she huffed in frustration.
“I am your wife, consort, I am allowed to send invitations to other houses.” she added, “unless you would prefer me to go to the other houses.” Her brow rose in challenge.
A protective hand shot out around her waist pulling her into Gluttony with an umph. “No,” he said. “Get the fuck out of my circle before I shove this blade into your eyes.” He ordered Sloth.Y/n smacked his chest.
“Don’t be rude,” she snapped. “We aren’t done talking.”
Sloth made no movement to get up. Gluttony cursed his brother for being so fucking slow. “I need to speak to you privately.”
“Can it not wait? I am in the middle of a meeting with Lo,” she said annoyed.
“It’s a private and urgent matter. Very time sensitive and the more time delayed, the worse the outcome.” Gluttony said and his eyes dilated making his hazel eyes turn into dark pits with a slight ring of gold and green. Y/n got the message loud and clear, she licked her lips and cleared her throat. She gently moved from his grip and turned to Lo.
“I am so sorry Lo but we need to cut this meeting short.” She said as calmly as she possibly could. Her body felt like it was filled with electricity from what was about to happen once she got the Prince of Sloth out of this room, “I owe you a drink at the next party we are forced to endure.”
A knowing smile slowly grew on Sloth’s lips as he nodded before disappearing quickly. 
“You are something else,” Y/n said, turning back to her husband who now held a smug look. Today was another victory for him. Perhaps he would go to Greed’s gaming hell and gamble later.
“Can you blame me? Our bed was missing you when I woke up, I planned to spend the whole day in our room, only to find my plans upended by my brother and wife’s secret meetings.”
“Oh please,” she said, rolling those eyes again, “they are hardly a secret. He comes every month for buddy reading. Val and the guards know. And you told me I had the power to invite other members from circles.”
“I meant Emelia and Camilla,” he said narrowing his eyes, “not my godsdamn brothers.”
“You should’ve been more specific then, your highness” she said his title mockingly,  sitting back down on the couch and snapping her book open.
Demon’s blood, her attitude would be the death of him. “No more reading,” he said, stepping toward the couch. 
“Excuse me?” she said, dropping the book onto her chest. 
“I want your undivided attention,” he said as he now hovered over her. The room was no longer icy but warm. 
“And if I refuse?” she asked with a small mischievous smirk gracing her lips. 
“You are already going to be punished,” he said, his cock once again standing at attention. “Don’t add to it, Darling.”
“And what am I being punished for exactly?” she asked in challenge. 
“One: for not telling me about my brother being here, two: for being so close to him,” he said and dropped onto the couch his knees now between her legs, “three: for wearing these shorts that drive me mad, four and five: is for rolling your eyes, six: for the sass, and seven: is for thinking you could refuse.”
She stared at him, her bottom lip between her teeth as she tried to resist reaching for him. Y/n loved this part of him, his possessiveness made her core ache. She glanced at the door and contemplated an escape, he would catch her but it would be more fun and fuel his true sin not his brothers, as he loved the hunt.
“I thought you liked my sass and eye rolling,” she challenged. He responded with a gowl before slamming his lips into hers. The kiss was demanding, possessive and filled with hunger. One of his hands found its way under her shirt and cupped her breast squeezing her nipple with so much force a whimper came out of her. 
“Take your clothes off and lay over the arm of the couch,” he whispered once he pulled back and moved off the couch to stare expectantly at her as she followed his order, cheeks flush and lips swollen.  Her book long forgotten.
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princeofsinweek · 1 month
Want it - Euphemia
A/N: I had this idea a couple of days ago, and thought it'd be a fun story to write. Euphemia is six in this, and Wrath is an overprotective father. I hope you enjoy it.
WC: 1557
TW: Little blood, but just cuts, canon typical threats of violence (I know I mention that a lot, but threatening people is like, Wrath's hobby), mentions of a child potentially having drunk wine. She never does on page, but the possibility is discussed if that's something that bothers you. Really, it's mostly fluff.
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“I blame Sloth. He’s already out here, giving us all bad reputations, he’s probably done something to rub off on the kid,” Lust complained, waving a hand in his brother’s direction. A thud is heard, and Lust yelped as he spat out the wine he just sipped, then threw Sloth a nasty look. “See? He’s getting defensive!” 
Wrath narrowed his eyes on his brother, while Emilia just shook her head.
“If she learned this behavior from anyone, it’s more likely to be either you or Gluttony,” Sloth drawled. 
“Don’t drag me into this!” Snapped Gluttony. 
The table- No, the whole room shook when Wrath slammed his fist against his desk. His brothers glanced towards him, eyes narrowed. 
“If none of you can be helpful, then you can leave,” he seethed. 
“Witch's tits, are you really that concerned about this?” Lust groaned.
Wrath narrowed his gaze on him, while Envy shook his head at them, choosing to take another sip of his Dark and Sinful instead. Pride nursed a flute of sparkling wine, his thoughts likely stuck on Lucia, and how Wrath had pulled him from his search for her, while Greed idly tossed a coin in his hand, and Gluttony tasted one of the tarts Emilia had set out for them. Wrath had sent messages to his brothers, demanding their presence shortly after he and Emilia put Euphemia to bed, and they’d arrived an hour later. Since then, he’d been resisting the urge to send them back to his circle in pieces. 
“Remind us again what the problem even is?” Envy huffed.
 Wrath was about to snap his brothers’ necks one by one and then- A warm, gentle touch pulled him from his thoughts. He glanced down to see Emilia’s hand resting gently over his own. She gave him a reassuring smile, before turning to her brothers in law. 
“Euphie has developed… A new interest,” she began tentatively, “in wine.” 
Lust sputtered into his wine glass, making a poor attempt at disguising his laughter and ignoring the way Wrath reached for his House Dagger. 
“In wine?” he asks, “Isn’t she a little young to be an alcoholic, brother?” 
Wrath narrowed his eyes, and Gluttony scoffed. 
“If you want me to send you back with your intestines hanging from your gut, brother, you need only ask,” Wrath seethed. 
“If you want to brawl, brother, then I-” 
“Enough.” Emilia interjected, “If you want to kill each other, do so elsewhere. This is about my daughter,” 
“You think somebody gave her alcohol?” Envy questioned, brow raised. 
“Yes. I want to know which one of you is behind this,” Wrath growles, scanning his brothers, but making eye contact with Lust, Gluttony and Pride, in particular.  
“Well who let her drink it to begin with?” Pride asked. 
“We aren’t even sure if she had any yet. We only suspect,” Emilia responded, eyes narrowing at Wrath, even as she held her husband’s arm to keep him from stabbing his brother before she got an answer out of him, “She comes to our room when she has a nightmare, and tries to sneak into the bed with us, but recently, she comes in almost every night. At first we thought her nightmares were getting bad, but every night she goes straight for the wines Wrath keeps in our chambers. Sometimes she sits and stares at them, others, we catch her trying climb up the case to reach them,” 
Lust found amusement in the situation. 
Wrath did not share the sentiment. 
Eventually, Pride walked over, shoved Lust out of his chair, and made himself at home. Greed merely raised a brow at the action, then snickered as Lust protested. 
“Are you sure it’s the wine she’s interested in?” he asked, “Perhaps she just wants to climb something like a monkey? She’s done it plenty of times for it to be a viable option. Or perhaps she’s simply not tired enough to sleep and wants entertainment?” 
Wrath’s eyes narrowed, while Emilia thought over the suggestion. 
“If she’s bored, why stare at the wines? Why not try to wake us up or find a servant?” she wondered. 
“As for climbing the wine rack, we actually considered that. The following night, we emptied the wine rack, and placed some pillows around it, so she could climb it,” Wrath added.
“But?” Greed coaxed. 
“The moment she saw the wine rack empty, she sat on the floor and began sobbing loudly,” 
Amusement sparkled in Lust’s eyes, while Wrath dared him, dared him, to make a sound. 
“There’s also the possibility that she just wants to copy Wrath,” Greed supplied, grabbing their attention. 
Emilia’s brows furrow. 
“Copy Wrath?” she asked. 
“She’s only eight. If she saw Wrath drinking Demonberry wine, perhaps she decided she wanted to try some too?” he shrugged, “Hasn’t she always been a daddy’s girl?” 
A sudden crash has the room’s occupants whipping their heads towards the door. Emilia is out the door first, followed by Wrath, his brothers right on his tail. As they make it to the staircase leading up to the King and Queen’s suite, a loud cry echoes from the top. 
Wrath quickly transvenios up to their chambers, not bothering with the stairs, his brothers following after and Emilia. When they arrive, they see the king crouched amongst shattered glass and spilled wine, cradling their six year old in his arms, trying to hush her. Emilia rushes over to inspect Euphemia’s hand, ichor dripping down it from where shards of glass were embedded. 
“Oh, my baby,” she cooed, cradling her wrist as she picked the glass out, “What happened, my flame?” 
Euphie cried harder, burying her head into Wrath’s shoulders. 
“There there, dear heart. It’s okay. It’s already healing, see?” he said, so gently, it appeared as though he forgot his brothers were staring. 
“Wan’ it.” Euphie whispered, pointing to the wine rack, “But I fell,” 
“Oh, Euphemia. We warned you not to climb it, baby,” Emilia chastises lightly, kissing her daughter’s hands. 
“Wan’ it,” is all she responds with, gripping Wrath’s shirt tightly. 
Emilia and Wrath frown. 
All eyes turned to Sloth, including Euphie, who still sniffled into her father’s shoulder. 
“Pretty. Like Mama and Daddy,” Euphie huffed, “Wan’ it,” 
“You’re a little young to be drinking- ” Lust tried only to be cut off.
“No! Want it!” 
The Princes frown, but it’s Sloth who reaches for a bottle that hadn't shattered, but did spill its contents onto the floor.
“I’ll get you some,” he assured, before walking to the kitchen connected to the Royal’s suite.
His brothers furrowed their brows, and Wrath was about to go and carve out his tongue, but Emilia urged him and the others to keep their daughter entertained.  
“I should probably know better, but I’ll ask. Are you going to give my  daughter wine?” Emilia asked, coming up beside Sloth, who was rooting through the cabinets. 
“No. I doubt she’d drink this at all, even if it were wine. Do you have any pearl dust, by any chance?” he asked.
Emilia raised a brow, but went to grab what he asked for regardless. When she came back, Lust was pouring sparkling water. Five minutes later, they were heading to their suite’s receiving chamber, where Wrath leaned against a wall, and Euphemia passed around amongst her Uncles, pouting as they tried to cheer her up. 
“They’re betting on who can cheer her up,” Wrath supplied, and Emilia rolled her eyes.
“Well I’m going to win quite a lot of money then,” Sloth muttered.
“Would you like to visit the ice dragons?” he heard Gluttony ask, and Wrath growled behind him, “Only the hatchlings,” his brother assured the king. 
“We already tried offering to read to her if that’s what you’ll do,” Lust poked. 
Sloth was not deterred. He knelt in front of Eupheima, who sat between Pride and Envy.
“I brought you what you asked for,” he told her, passing her the bottle. 
His brothers quirked their brows and narrowed their eyes, but said nothing.
Euphemia took the bottle, shaking the sparkling water and pearl dust concoction. Her eyes widened as she saw the swirl of colors, and even noticed some silver demonberry seeds floating inside. The princess’s eyes lit up, and she squealed at the sight. 
“Yay! Pretty! Thank you!” She grinned, shoving the bottle aside to jump into Sloth’s arms.
Envy only narrowly grabbed the bottle before it shattered, glowering at Sloth. His other brothers, aside from Wrath, did the same. But, with a groan, they each threw pouches of gold onto the table, scowling when they saw his smile. 
Once satisfied, Euphemia took the bottle and ran to Emilia with another squeal. 
“Look! Look mama! Daddy! Shiny! Sparkly!” 
Emilia knelt down, smiling at her child.
“It is, isn’t it? Is this what you wanted, my little magpie?” she asked gently, stroking the girl’s hair. 
“Yep! I wanted shiny things!” 
Wrath ruffled her hair, placing a kiss on her head, smiling as she stood on her toes and kissed his cheek, before Emilia scooped her up. She mentioned going to clean up her wine stained dress and sticky hair, before bidding the Princes a goodbye. Wrath turned from his wife and daughter to be met with his brother’s grinning faces. 
“Fatherhood suits you,” Lust smiled, barely dodging the dagger that flew in his direction.
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princeofsinweek · 1 month
Reader got Lust's toungue! What do you think? Did Envy win the bet or was Lust able to talk to the reader?
Shy - Prince Lust x Reader
Inspired by an anonymous comment: I think Lust acting shy would be funny especially if Like Envy was around 😭😭😭😭
A/n: Hey! It's been a minute since I have done a fic for the princes. I miss writing for them. I got some fun things planned for Prince Gluttony coming soon so be on the look out for that.
Warnings: Language, normal subjects in KOTW, flirting with mentions of sexual content (It's Prince Lust there's going to be some), mentions of violence, and Prince Lust being shy
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Prince Lust was far from shy. In fact the Prince was often roaming around his circle and his brothers, when invited, flirting with anyone and everyone. He was skilled with the art of seduction as his sin required. Or at least he was until he met you. 
Now standing gripping his hefty four knuckles full of bourbon he frowned as he watched you move around the room laughing and talking with the guests of his party. He heard a dark chuckle and turned to see the burning green eyes of his brother, Envy. 
“You know brother, generally when you host a party you are supposed to greet all of your guests.” He teased as he watched you chat animatedly with a blue haired male. He had not enough on to cover himself up, in Lust’s sound opinion. Wait, why the fuck did he care? He was supposed to be seducing.
“I did,” Lust said, his eyes not moving from you. You had been living on the outskirts of his circle, he didn't notice you until your friend who was a noble had brought you along for some fun. At least that was what Lady Arlocke had said before pulling you to her side so you could greet the Prince. 
You had curtsied and had a beautiful smile on your face, eyes bright with joy. With Lust’s first assessment, he felt like you did not belong in his circle, far too sweet. But as you continued chatting with him and Lady Arlocke, more like talking at Lust and Lady Arlocke pushing the conversation forward. Y/n. That was your name, and gods dammit did he want to say it over and over. 
‘Your Highness?’ you had asked with more of a teasing look in your eyes.  What did you just say? Why couldn’t he form words or flirt for fucks sake. This had never happened in his entire wicked existence and yet here you were, smiling at him while you stole his voice.
‘Excuse me,’ Lust said, more flustered than he had ever been before. He needed a fucking drink.
“Not to y/n,” Envy said, sipping from his own cocktail. “They said you didn’t say a single word to them when Lady Arlocke introduced them.” Envy assessed his brother and huffed a laugh. “Brother, did they steal your tongue?” 
“What?” Lust said, turning his attention to Envy who’s annoying dimple poked out. “No, I just had nothing to say to them.”
“Then why are you staring so intensely at them like they stole something from you?” Envy pressed. “You’re in love.” He surmised.
Lust felt his hand reach for his dagger ready to send his brother back to his own circle. He had no room to talk about love sickness with his fiance. 
“You couldn’t get a word out because you are in love.” Envy repeated.
“Fuck off,”  he snapped in denial, he could say he wasn’t,  his charcoal eyes flicking back over to you where the blue haired demon now had an arm wrapped around you. Ice shot onto the floor below Lust’s feet and Envy laughed. 
“Then why are you jealous?” he asked his eyes now glowing green as Lust fed him his sin. 
“I will send you back to your circle,” Lust threatened.
“Talk to them. Prove me wrong.” Envy challenged.
Lust wanted to but his feet stayed glued to the floor. Envy shook his head and laughed some more. “Should I pull Sloth from his corner to assess you?” Envy teased. 
He didn’t need Sloth of all demons to join in on this torture. Lust hated to admit he was in love with you. It had been only one encounter but he could not stop looking at you. You tempted and seduced him without even trying and even stole his voice, maybe this was your circle after all. 
“Your highnesses,” your voice rang out as you stood before him and Envy.
“Y/n,” Envy greeted with a seductive smile. “Are you enjoying the party?” 
“Oh yes, your highness.” You nodded enthusiastically. You turned to Lust, “Lady Arlocke, would like me to come along to some of the other events as well. I know I am not born noble but I would be grateful to join Lady Arlocke. Plus it would be fun to see you again, your highness.” You said with a wink. 
Lust felt like he was going to implode right there. 
“I tried asking earlier, but you seemed preoccupied,” you continued.
“What will it be, brother?” Envy asked, enjoying every minute of watching Lust flounder for words. 
“Yes,” Lust strained out and looked away. He needed an exit. 
You cocked your head to the side, eyes studying him as he turned his head to find somewhere else to be, “you sure? It seems you don’t want me here.” You say your voice dropping a bit with disappointment.
“Oh he does,” Envy said, clapping Lust on the shoulder. 
Lust turned back to look at you. He really studied your face and eyes, the way you bit your lip waiting for him to say something.
“I uhm,” Lust said and wanted to stab himself for the uhm, “you are welcome to come.” He internally groaned, that would’ve been a perfect moment to flirt had he not lost all ability to communicate.
“Welcome to come? Anywhere? Or just in the designated tryst areas?” You asked that teasing smirk returning.
Demon’s blood, you were flirting. Envy snorted, and Lust gaped at the demon. “Anywhere, if I can join you,” Lust said, his voice still sounded strained but he had said something flirtatious.
Your eyes went wide with shock but then you smiled, “I’ll hold you to that, your highness.” You stepped away and returned to Lady Arlocke’s side where the lady grinned and clapped excitedly while you gushed over his response.
“Welcome to come?” Envy tsked, “that was the best you could do?” 
“Y/n liked it,” Lust argued.
“That they did,” he agreed. 
A week later, Lust, Envy, Gluttony and Pride all sat in his favorite pub. Lust was counting down the hour before tonight’s party where you would be. Envy seemed to remember this too and grinned at him.
“Will you be speaking to Y/n tonight? Or will you lose your ability to talk like last week?” Envy asked.
Gluttony and Pride shot Lust a look of shock. They had not attended last week and Envy apparently had waited till now to bring it up.
“Who’s Y/n?” Gluttony asked curiously. He rubbed his hands in excitement at new information to toy with his brother.
“Lust’s little crush,” Envy said, smirking.
Gluttony dropped his head back and howled. “Witch’s tit! Weren’t you just saying a few months ago that you would never fall in love?”
“I don’t have a crush. Crushes are for mortals,” Lust said glaring at his brother.
“Then what would you call Y/n?” Pride challenged. He was in an oddly good mood, all things considered with his own relationship.
Lust considered how to reply, Y/n was not a crush. No they were more than that, they were the reason he couldn’t focus all week, the reason he had to rehearse lines to use tonight on them, he needed to seduce them. If word got out, he might be in trouble with his circle.
“He can’t even answer,” Gluttony howled. Lust glared and reached for his dagger. “What does Y/n have your tongue, brother?”
“Worry less about my tongue and mind yours,” Lust snapped. 
“I placed a wager with Camilla,” Envy continued to tease, “she thinks you’ll talk to Y/n with no problem this time. But I bet that you will only be able to squeeze out that one line. What was it again?” Envy contemplated. “Oh yes, ‘you are welcome to come!’”
Pride gave Lust a look of disappointment, “if that is what you are using to seduce you may want to recruit Sloth for some texts on the art of seduction.”
He didn’t need Sloth’s help. He WOULD talk to you and he WOULD flirt with no problem. Envy better have his money ready because Envy will lose that damn wager.
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princeofsinweek · 1 month
Gluttony x reader
Pet- Gluttony X Reader
A/N: This was really fun to write. The B&M bonus chapters for TOTF paperback have me ready for more, and the teaser that was dropped today? I can't wait. October can't come fast enough. If you have any requests or just wanna chat about the series, feel free to send an ask. There are so many thoughts just rattling around in my head right now. I have some Euphemia content in the works, and I'm working on the next chapter of Clandestine Affairs. I'll post whichever one is ready first next week. Otherwise, enjoy.
WC: 1164
TW: References to sex but nothing outside the canon typical. Like, if you can handle the way Lust speaks in the books, you can handle this.
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The good mood that his successful hunt put him in began to sour slightly when Prince Gluttony returned to his royal house. 
He sauntered through the halls with a grin and only briefly offered nods of acknowledgement in the direction of courtiers that offered smug grins and quick congratulations. They knew his routine, and what he did, and with whom, after every successful hunt, and they couldn’t be happier for their Prince, and their Princess, whom they’d grown to respect and admire, almost as much as he did. 
Gluttony fully anticipated that his fiance, Y/N, would be waiting for him, curled up in their sheets, as per usual. Perhaps she’d be resting on her stomach, legs twisted together and swinging in the air as she read, or rested her chin on the pillow while waiting for her. Perhaps she’d be curled up on the couch or balcony with her journal as she wrote furiously about her day, or her  plans. His mind drifted as he wondered if she’d gone to the trouble or procuring a new set of lace for him to rid her of, or if she’d chosen to wrap herself in a robe or silken sheets from their bed. Sometimes she was dressed normally, other times, he found her in only his shirt or jacket, with a sly grin on her face.
His little vixen always had a new surprise for him after a successful hunt, even on the days she’d accompany him on said hunt. Which is why the scene before him had him… Vexed. 
“Welcome back Gabe,” Y/N chirped from her spot on the bed, “Heard your hunt went well.” 
Gluttony stalked towards the bed in silence, his expression schooled into cool, nonchalance as he debated on if he should express irritation, envy, or amusement. There, huddled amongst the silks and satin, lay his fiance, covered in a swarm of ice dragon hatchlings. 
Usually, the hatchlings they chose to raise were kept in their own ‘kennels’ of sorts, similar to what Wrath used to raise his Hellhounds, only designed specifically to the needs of ice dragons. This newest batch likely hatched while he was on his hunt, but how they ended up in his and Y/N’s bedchamber is… Well, he’d like to say that it’s a mystery but… 
“You should’ve seen them when they hatched Gabe,” Y/N coos, scratching at the chin of the dragon curled up beside her head, “I wanna dress them up in bows and glitter and jewels,” 
Gluttony blinks. 
“Y/N, my beloved, those are Ice Dragons, not puppies,” he tries to calmly explain. 
“Oh, I know. But they’re so cute, I could just gobble them up!” 
A dragon got up and walked on wobbly feet, across the bed, and curled up against her stomach, giving the tiny strip of skin between her silken top and shorts little licks, before puffing out steam. Y/N squealed at the sight, beginning to coo over the creature again. Glancing over the bed, Gluttony counted seven hatchlings rolling around in the bed, and let out a sigh. 
He took a seat on the edge, careful to avoid a hatchling dozing there, before reaching for his fiance. One of the tiny dragons snarled at his approaching hand, blowing puffs of smoke towards him, in lue of the fire that they’re just a bit too young to breathe at this point. Fixing the creature with a glare, it narrows its eyes right back on him, showing rows of shiny teeth, sharp enough to rip through flesh, even at this age. 
Before Gluttony can move to swat the creature away, a gentle hand is placed on its nuzzle. He watches, perplexed, as Y/N hushes and soothes the creature until it turns its back on Gluttony, swishing its tail before curling up beside her. With a shake of his head, the Prince reaches his hand back out to cup his fiance’s cheek, a smile gracing his cheeks when she leans into his touch with a sigh. 
She sits up, bringing a hand to cover his.
“Welcome back,” she kisses his palm. 
“I was wondering what sight I would be graced with when I returned,” he gives an amused grin, “This isn’t the sight I had in mind, beloved,” 
“You know I love keeping you on your toes, Gabe,” 
Gluttony, chuckles, shaking his head. 
“You do understand that they can’t stay, don’t you?” he asks.
“Of course they can! We can move them to make space for you, then they can climb on both of us,” 
Gluttony takes one look at the proud grin she has at her own idea, and immediately wants to shove her to the mattress and kiss her until she can’t do anything but smile and sigh. The mental image of her face, drunk on pleasure, has his eyes darkening. 
“As much as I’m sure you’d love that, they absolutely need to go back. You can visit them, but they can’t stay here. Especially not as they grow,” he reiterated. 
“But, Gabe,” she whines, picking up one of the creatures and holding it to his face. “They’re just babies.” 
The dragon lets its maw fall open as it yawns, blinking at him before narrowing its eyes at him and puffing smoke in his face. 
Gluttony narrows his eyes. 
“I understand that, but it’s going to grow up and we’ll have to release them into the north. They’ll have a difficult time being accepted by the other dragons, or even just surviving, there if you coddle them too much,” 
That thought seed to not have occurred to her, he realized, when Y/N’s pleading gaze became solemn in realization. She brought the dragon to her lap and stroked its feathers, clearly contemplating his words.
“I don’t suppose we’d be able to avoid releasing them?” she asks sadly. 
Gluttony shakes his head, thumb tracing her cheek. 
“The other dragons wouldn’t like that very much,” 
She nods solemnly. 
“They’ll remember you when you grow up,” he offers gently.  
“Like Silvanus?” she asks with a pout. 
Gluttony chuckles.
“Like Silvanus,” 
Y/N nods sadly, and they call in servants to take the dragons back. Some of the put up fights, but when Y/N is the one handing them over, they just stare at her with big eyes, almost like puppies. Gluttony scoffed at their faces, as Y/N gave them a tearful goodbye, reminding them it was for their own good. A touch overdramatic if you asked him. However, when the Hellbeasts were finally gone, Gluttony reached a hand around her hip. 
“I didn’t get my prize yet,” he reminded.
Y/N chuckled, raising a brow. 
“I won the hunt,” he shrugged, “I want my reward,” 
“Is glory not enough, your highness?” 
Gluttony tugged her down to the bed, pinning her hands above her. His eyes darkened at the sparkle in her own, E/C orbs. 
“You should know by now, beloved, I always hunger for more,”
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princeofsinweek · 2 months
Loved this so much! Can't wait for the next part!
Clandestine Affairs - Lust X OC
A/N: Omg, the first part of Clandestine Affairs is finally done! I'm so excited to share this with you all. I'll try to update weekly, but if I can't, I'll see if I can get some Euphemia content out. Other than that, I have a Gluttony x Reader oneshot I'm working on to, but I don't know when I'd upload that. Tomorrow, I'll set up a masterlist that'll be pinned to my blog. If you have theories as to where this will go before we reach the point my Prince of Sin week work ended on, or want to be tagged in this series, comment and let me know. Finally, if you want some spoilers as to where this series is going, Speak Now is a oneshot for Lust with this same OC that I did for Prince of Sin week, and this is just fleshing out his and Amara's story a little, so feel free go check that out, along with @princeofsinweek for a bunch of KOTW content.
WC: 1887
TW: Implied suicidal behaviour, implied abuse, implied suicide attempt, implied suicide attempt by FMC.
Speak Now Chapter 1 (You are here) Chapter 2
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She wasn’t sure how long she’d sat there, eyes locked on the crashing waves below, but not really looking at them. 
“Get out of my sight,” 
The sudden wind at her back had her lurching forward. Or was it a hand? Was the voice in her head? She couldn’t tell anymore. 
The waves sound like shattering glass.
Or does the glass shattering sound like the waves crashing? 
Which one could she hear?
“I’m sorry, Mara. My poor, sweet Amara,”
Another crash draws her attention to the raging sea. If it were a little louder, could it, perhaps, it could drown out the rend of her heart when those words played.
It would be so easy to just… lean forward. 
Just a little. 
Chunks of earth crumble beneath her knees, where her legs dangle off the side, and disappear into the inky waters below. 
That could be her. 
It would be easy. 
Just lean forward. 
Grasp a piece of the sweet oblivion you long for. 
It’s right there.
So, so easy. 
Something rushed through her, like rapids flowing through her veins, sudden enough to draw the air from her lungs, and has her lurching back. Pulled from her trance, her eyes searched around for the source of the feeling. Fishing boats, and personal ships bobbed in the distance, some hanging lanterns to mark their location from shore, while shadows danced below the surface. 
Dragging her gaze away, she scanned the area, searching for what might have been the cause of the sudden rush she’d felt. At a glance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary. The night’s pearl had long since taken her place, surrounded by glittering diamonds, forming constellations in the sky. Stalls and vendors had been packed away, with every respectable merchant having gone home to their family, likely tucked into bed, or in front of a warm fire with a glass of wine by now. Her heart clenched at the thought, just as a chilly breeze swept over her.
Suddenly, she longed for that warmth. A warm fire, or a blanket- anything to keep the cold at bay, and warm her chilled body. 
As her eyes searched, they caught on a light coming from behind a rock formation at the edge of the nearby beach. With slow, cautious steps, she walked along the edge of the cliff, until she could see a mass of figures surrounding a large bonfire. They were chatting, eating, and dancing to the most hypnotic music she’d ever heard.
For a moment, she wondered where the music was coming from, as she didn’t see anyone with instruments amongst or near the mass. The thought was quickly banished from her head with another gust of wind, and suddenly it was all she could think of, to get closer to that warmth.
It was such a common occurrence that she didn’t even struggle when she felt those dark thoughts and fatigue pulling her under, leaving her as a passenger in her own body, letting it run through the motions as she sank further into the darkness. Perhaps that was why she didn’t notice her legs begin to move, or that little voice in her heart, screaming at her to stop. 
Instead, she lets her feet carry her towards the bonfire.
As if in a trance, she makes her way down the side of the cliff. Vaguely, she registered her trembling limbs, and wondered if it was from anticipation or the cold. The thought passed quickly though, and before long, she found herself right in front of the flames, but the crowd was gone. 
Instead, there was only a single person, dancing around the bonfire to an indiscernible source of music. That should’ve bothered her more.
The sculptures that nobles commissioned from renowned artisans to line their overly elaborate halls must’ve been inspired by the man. He wore a silver suit, though seemed to have either discarded or, more likely, forgone a shirt or vest.
His skin was gold, hair dark, and his eyes were the color of charcoal. Yet, somehow, she got the impression that if she met his gaze, she’d feel like she was falling into a different kind of abyss than the one she was used to. This one would be darkened by desire, though be it to disrobe or begin worshiping, she couldn’t tell.   
“If you like what you see, then why not join?” The man’s voice jolted her from her thoughts. 
He had been across the beach a moment ago, but now he stood right in front of her. 
Too close. 
His face was too close, as he bent at the waist to examine her. It was only then, when she felt that flaming circlet flicker against her forehead that she realized how… Wrong- no. Not wrong. How… Strange it was. 
“Doesn’t your head get hot during the summer?”
The man’s eyes widened, and he had jerked back, clearly surprised by the question.
No sooner had the words left her mouth, Amara dropped her head and slapped a hand over her mouth. She tucked her chin against her collarbone, stiffening, before taking two steps back. Every second she felt his gaze on her, searching her, as if peeling back every layer to find the deepest secrets, locked in her heart. 
With every ounce of strength left, she pulled her hands from her mouth, willing- forcing herself to stutter an apology. 
“I- I’m so-” 
“There are no summers where I’m from,” 
Amara’s head snapped up, but she kept her hands close to her mouth, ready to raise them to her face at a moments’ notice. The man was grinning casually, amusement clear in his voice. 
She blinked up at him, hands still pressed to her mouth, but eyes wide and curious. He seemed so jovial when she first saw him, then surprised at her outburst, but that was nothing new, and then, even without seeing his face, she felt like he’d instantly whittled down, through every layer of her until he found her secrets laid bare. Now, he seemed like any other bored noble’s son, seeking attention. 
“Should you not be more concerned by it?” he cocked his head to the side.
Amara dropped her hands from her mouth, and blinked up at him again. After a few moments under his expectant gaze, answered with a shrug. 
“I have… Seen stranger. I am a witch, after all.”
His brows shot up. 
“You seem remarkably comfortable sharing that, when all it would take is the wrong person overhearing for you to be condemned,” 
“You obviously aren’t human, and even if you were, then I guess that’s my mistake,” 
His eyes narrowed, as he circled her. 
Amara didn’t bother tracking his movements. 
Silence stretched on for what felt like hours, though was likely only minutes.
“Do you know who I am, Stella Stregah?” he finally asked, coming back to stand in front of her. 
“A Malvagi,” she stated, matter of factly, if not somewhat dully, before looking behind him, amd asking hesitantly, “Why are you having a bonfire all alone?” 
“Would you care to join me?” was the only response he gave, head cocked to the side.
“Dance with me, and perhaps you’ll find out,” the demon bowed at the waist, offering his hand to her. Amara eyed him, and his grin widened, before he asked, “What could you have to lose?”
Her eyes widened at his words. 
“My life,” she blurted. 
“But you don’t care about that,”
His eyes moved to the cliff she was sitting on, before she wandered down here, and she followed his gaze. 
“If you cared about your life, then why would you allow yourself to lean so close to the edge?” he asks. 
“Heights don’t scare me,” Amara responds, struggling to keep her voice even.  
The man simply grins wider, before shrugging, as if pocketing the information, and holding out his hand again.
“If a height like that doesn’t frighten you, surely a mere dance won’t shake you either, no?” 
She narrowed her eyes, intent on rejecting it, as his words replayed in her mind. 
What did she have to lose? If she died, no one could say she took the coward’s way out. If she didn’t, what would be the harm? Perhaps it would be fun? Perhaps it could breathe some life into her for the first time in what felt like forever. Perhaps she’ll be able to escape her torments for a night. What could be the harm?
With a sigh, she took the man’s waiting hand. 
Music filled her ear again, though there was no discernible source, as the demon guided her through the steps. Amara let him, keeping up with the steps expertly. She followed his lead, though never once made eye contact with the demon. 
“Which one of the seven are you?” 
“The best looking and most well endowed, naturally,” he grins. Amara’s expression deadpans. This seems to amuse him more. “I go by many names, Stregah, but you may call me Lust,” 
She narrowed her eyes on him. Taking a moment to examine herself, and thinking over their interactions thus far. It didn’t seem like he used his powers on her.
“Have you tried to influence me with your sin, yet?” 
Lust cocks his head to the side, examining her, as if considering if he should tell her or not. She leveled him with an impatient glare in response, though it only seemed to amuse him. Still, it seemed to convince him.
“For a time,” Lust admits, and Amara narrows her eyes. 
“You have a lot of questions, don’t you, little witch. Careful, each answer will cost you,” he warns. 
“Tell me, why were you so close to the edge, Stella Stregah?” 
Lust raised a brow, examining the way her face scrunched. 
“That’s not your concern, Malvagi.” Amara snapped, moving to pull away.
He chuckled, yanking her into a spin, before she could, then caught her, and pushed her into a dip, hand cupping the thigh of her raised leg. His face was mear inches from hers.
“No need to be so wrathful, little witch. Let go of your troubles for a night. Release those pent up feelings and give in to your desires,” 
“I’m not sleeping with you,” she told him, point blank. 
“I never said you should. Not unless those are your desires,” Lust shrugged, not rising from the dip, letting his hand trail down her leg, “Dance. Drink,” she glanced behind him to see a table of drinks and food she hadn’t noticed before, and on the other side, comfortable looking chairs were laid out around the bonfire, “Rest. Talk. Sing. Give into whatever brings your pleasure,” 
“You mean to feed your sin.” 
He gives her a wicked grin. 
“Can you deny that giving in to pleasure, forgetting what ails you, even for a single night, would be bad?” 
It wouldn’t. She knew it wouldn’t. 
“Surely you have plenty of people available to feed your sin,” 
“Yet I make this offer to you, and you alone,,” 
Amara’s eyes narrowed. 
“If I give into pleasure, you won’t use your sin on me?” 
“Not unless you ask, little witch,” 
“Then it’s a deal. Just for tonight.” 
“Just for tonight.” 
Just for tonight. What could possibly go wrong, in just a night?
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princeofsinweek · 2 months
Master List for Prince of Sin Week 2024
Wow! I Can't believe the first-ever Prince of Sin Week is over! Thank you to everyone who participated in either posting their work or through supporting or lovely creators! Without all of you this week would not have happened. I really hope everyone enjoyed it, and hopefully, the new addition of fics and mood boards will encourage more pieces for our lovely yet wicked princes.
Definitely be on the lookout for next year's event and some other future events for the princes! (Prince Gluttony, especially, with Throne of Secrets coming out soon!) Also, maybe there will be an event for Emilia, Vittoria, Lucia, Camilla, Fauna, Kitty, and Adriana Saint Lucent (the Reporter) as we learn more about her.
Thank you all so much again! 🖤
Day 1: Prince Wrath/All Is Fair In Love and War
Day 2: Prince Pride/Reflections and Ego
Day 3: Prince Envy/Games & Riddles
Day 4: Prince Greed/All Bets Are Off
Day 5: Prince Gluttony/Champagne Fountains
Day 6: Prince Sloth/For Research
Day 7: Prince Lust/Lover
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princeofsinweek · 2 months
Day 7: Lust/Lover
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Header by @afandomangel
Mood Board
Day 7, "Lover." by @badomenwhump
Speak Now - Lust x OC by @litnerdwrites
Getting Dating Advice from a Demon - Lust x Y/n by @afandomangel
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princeofsinweek · 2 months
Day 6: Sloth/For Research
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Header by @afandomangel
Mood Board
Day 6, "For Research Purposes." by @badomenwhump
Don't Touch That! - Prince Sloth x OC!Ailish by @afandomangel
For research purposes - Sloth x OC by @litnerdwrites
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princeofsinweek · 2 months
Sloth and Lust’s Master Lists will be out tonight. Thank you everyone for participating!
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