prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Send >:/ for my muse to be uncontrollably angry
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Apologies for my lack of activity, I’ve been really low lately and honestly only have muse for @seancetm​ currently. I still love Wesley and will be writing for him soon, but I don’t want to force things and give my partners shitty responses.
I intend to write at the weekend but wanted to give you guys an update.
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
this is for fun and you should write because you want to . 
if you’re going into your drafts and dreading it, that makes this for work and this is just a hobby . 
i know it can be really awful trying to keep up with everything to maintain relevance but the writing partners who matter won’t care how long you take . 
the writing partners who matter just want to write with you and create something beautiful . 
stop forcing yourself to write and allow yourself to have fun writing again .
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Coming to terms with Wesley’s death was not easy, not by any means. The man had meant a lot to Wilson; he wasn’t just an underling. Sure enough, he’d be bothered if someone like Francis died but… James Wesley was the closest Wilson ever had to a friend.
Not only that, he was his lover. A man that gave himself so completely to him. Nobody had let Wilson do quite so much to them before James. And the sexual gratification that came from their time together was intense, so much so that after… Wilson couldn’t find it again. He was a lot gentler with Vanessa and, well, the BDSM clubs that he occasionally visited were just too vanilla.
James’ death wasn’t merely an inconvenience. It felt like a personal attack and once Wilson finally found out who was behind it all… oh, how he wanted to kill her. To make her suffer. To do it slowly, over days. Destroy her, little by little. Wilson Fisk wasn’t known for his patience, but he knew that he needed to make his revenge meaningful, rather than quick.
He had been playing around with the cigarette holder he got for James that one Christmas. The man was convinced that Wilson didn’t know, did just about everything to try and cover it up but Fisk wasn’t an idiot. He disliked the idea, sure, but he wasn’t about to try and make him stop outright.
Besides, if anything, that gave him another excuse to punish Wesley.
He shut the damn thing and threw it at a vase, which shattered on impact. He would need to find a replacement, he knew that much. But he wasn’t ready to let someone in like that again.
Eventually, he left the apartment with a loud slam to the front door, deciding to make his way to his private gym to try and clear his head and he was on the way to it when he noticed him.
Sat on a bench, just like that, was James.
Wilson’s heart sped up at the sight of him, but he shook his head: the man was dead. He had buried him. It couldn’t be right. Couldn’t be true. And yet…
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The moment he heard his name, the moment he heard that voice; Wesley froze. It was happening too soon, he wasn’t ready for the confrontation. Because it would be a confrontation. Wilson wasn’t used to feeling such heavy emotion, and James knew that somehow he would be blamed for his own murder. It made sense, he supposed, he had made the decision to seek out Karen Page on his own, and he had laid the loaded gun within her reach. He had, however unintentionally, orchestrated his own demise and Wilson was unlikely to forgive him for that. Still, to hear his own first name spoken by Wilson in public? It had never happened before, and so whatever he had planned to say died on his tongue, eyes wide and expression nothing less than shocked.
Eventually, after a few moments passed in awkward silence between them, Wesley managed to speak. 
Gingerly, he slid along the bench and gestured for Wilson to join him. Standing up would only invite a response from Wilson and James wasn’t entirely sure that would be wise at this juncture. Sitting, and talking... seemed much safer. Particularly when he didn’t know what he was capable of, himself. He knew he’d been more erratic... colder since his resurrection. The very last thing he wanted was to react to Wilson’s own rage and make the situation worse.
“I realise this... is surprising.” 
Understatement of the year, perhaps, and his wry smile showed he knew that well enough. Clearing his throat, James continued, eager to get past the first of many difficulties in his return to Wilson’s life; “I’m sure you’re aware that The Hand is still active... they are in possession of a certain elixir that restores life. It takes time... and it’s arguably not... foolproof... there’s certain changes you go through but... they took me and, well, here I am.”
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
reblog if you’re 25+ and still roleplay; or if you believe older muns have a place in the rpc and shouldn’t be told to give it up when they turn 30. 
i received this anon & i just want to make a point. 
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
I LOVE. having multiple threads with my rp partners !! it’s like on some days i feel like writing long stuff, on others i feel more like writing short stuff, sometimes i’d rather write some intense situations, and other times i’m more in the mood for lighthearted topics. having several different types of threads with a person enables me to keep rping with them even if i’m stuck @ a reply for another thread we’re having !! it’s great, honestly !? if you wanna have 1 more thread or 20 more threads /w me that’s 10/10 👌👌👌👌 just write that starter or send an ic ask & we’ll go from there or hmu for plotting k man i love threads i love writing all the things
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
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“And what do you suggest I do now? This is madness!”
“I believe we can be of assistance.”
“Who the hell are you?”
“They’re also serving crepes.”
“Spread out and attack!”
“Why can’t I play with the others?”
“There’s just nothing special about you.”
“Don’t let go of me!”
“We’re all gonna die!”
“Why don’t you shut up?”
“Tell them I’m busy.”
“You know your father is dead, right?”
“Who is this?”
“What do you want?”
“Where have you been for the last twenty years?”
“The others will be here tomorrow.”
“What time is it?”
“Your sister is here.”
“She looks nervous.”
“Father’s really dead, isn’t he?”
“It wasn’t your fault, you know…”
“I know everyone blames you for what happened to them, but none of us knows what really happened that day.”
“You have a daughter?”
“You know what I love about funerals? Everything I own is black.”
“I look like death, but I gather that’s appropriate.”
“Even though I hated him, and I tried to prove him wrong, I knew I shouldn’t have run away from home.”
“I spent the next fifty years trying to prove him wrong.”
“You’re an idiot.”
“How could I have been so blind?”
“Goodbye, my love.”
“Lucky for you, I broke into the city morgue and ran an autopsy.”
“Don’t try your witchcraft on me, sister.”
“Were the costumes really necessary?”
“Does anyone wish to say to anything?”
“Those tears aren’t even real.”
“What is this? You some sort of pervert?”
“Can I interest you in destroying the world?”
“Could you really be capable of something great?”
“I wasn’t expecting coffee and cake to go so poorly.”
“Well then, you’re not as smart as you look.”
“Time is running out.”
“You haven’t changed one bit.”
“Let him go, maybe he’ll get himself killed.”
“We’re a team again.”
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
send 💬 and i’ll bold how my muse feels about yours:
i hate you | i don’t like you | i don’t care about you | i don’t know you | i know you | i look at you from afar | you’re my friend | you’re my best friend | you’re like family | i care for you | i love you
i want to:
kill you | punch you | ignore you | know more about you | be friends with you | hang out with you | hug you | kiss you
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
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this meme is based on this wonderful positive blog.
‘  be patient.  ’ ‘  healing takes time.  ’ ‘  i hope you have a restful night  &  go to bed knowing that you are loved,  because you are.  ’ ‘  i just wanna cuddle you before bed  &  hold your hand while we sleep.  ’ ‘  i want to giggle as you wrap me in a big bear hug.  ’ ‘  if something makes you happy then you are never too old for it.  ’ ‘  let yourself grow past the inhibitions which are holding you back.  ’ ‘  live life unapologetically.  ’ ‘  mistakes are okay.  everyone makes them.  it’s okay to forgive yourself.  ’ ‘  never be afraid to stand up for yourself because that it super important.  i know it’s scary,  but you  &  your feelings matter.  ’ ‘  no matter what happens,  it’s going to be okay.  ’ ‘  no matter what your goal is,  no matter how far you have gotten,  you will make it one day even if it’s a long way off.  ’ ‘  please don’t give up.  ’ ‘  repeat after me:  everything will be okay.  ’ ‘  repeat after me:  we are going to get through this.  ’ ‘  sometimes things take time.  ’ ‘  things will work out,  but good things take time.  ’ ‘  you are  &  always will be enough.  ’ ‘  you are alive,  you deserve love,  &  you will be okay.  ’ ‘  you are good enough.  that includes all of your decisions  &  flaws  &  strengths.  you are doing great.  ’ ‘  you are good.  you are not your mistakes.  you are a good bean  &  i believe in you.  ’ ‘  you are valid  &  deserving of love.  ’ ‘  you deserve all love,  kindness,  hugs,  &  puppies in the world.  ’ ‘  you do not need validation to survive.  ’ ‘  you made it this far  &  you deserve it.  ’ ‘  you will heal.  ’ ‘  your body  &  soul are a work of art,  a masterpiece.  ’ ‘  your life is okay.  you aren’t doing it wrong  &  you don’t have to question everything you do.  you’re doing wonderfully,  i promise.  ’ ‘  you’re allowed to let yourself be happy.  even if you’re dealing with shit,  you’re allowed to live your life.  you aren’t required to put your life on hold while you are going through other bad things.  ’
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Send 👍 with a reason you like my portrayal or send 👎 with a reason you don't.
Be fair and don’t use this as an excuse to send hate.
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Vanessa answers her phone immediately when Wilson calls her. He may not tell her outright, but she knows how much it frightens him when she doen’t pick up right away.
After all, the last time someone took too long to answer his call, Fisk found his best friend dead in a warehouse.
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Do you ever just stop and think about how much emotion went into Fisk yelling that Wesley was his friend while he was beating Francis?
It becomes so much more meaningful when you realize that Wesley was Fisk’s first and only friend.
What he was yelling wasn’t just a simple, “He’s my friend and his death upsets me.”
It was an, “I don’t let anyone know me, but he is the only person I let become my closest companion - don’t you people understand how much he means to me?!”
Not only that, but as pointed out by Acacius in their wonderful story “[ hell’s a lonely road ]”, in that moment, Fisk is in so much shock and grief that he yells that Wesley is his friend.
Wesley is his friend.
It must have happened quite a few times before he realized that, no, Welsey isn’t his friend anymore - Wesley was his friend, and from then on, he had to refer to him in the past tense.
The layers and dimensions that go into the writing of this show will never cease to amaze me.
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
what about my portrayal attracted you to my blog?
if you would like to be more specific – what made you stay?
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
oh i am just a bastard 
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
Sentence meme (Torture my character version)
Make them cry
“I never loved you.”
“You’re the reason they’re dead!”
“It’s all your fault!”
“Who could ever love you…?”
“You’re so stupid. So weak.”
“Just go away. I don’t want you here.”
Blackmail them
“Who would’ve thought a sweet thing like you would have such a secret?”
“I’ll tell everyone. Scream so loud the country will hear.”
“I have a friend with a radio station, you know. Broadcast it all over the city.”
“If you want this back, you’ll do whatever I say!”
“Be a good little slave, you don’t want your secret out, do you?”
“I know everything. I can ruin you.”
“Beg me, and I might consider keeping my mouth shut.”
Interrogate them
“Sing, birdie.”
“I know exactly how to make you talk.”
“You know some fascinating things, don’t you?”
“I’ll use your greatest weaknesses against you, and you know I know them all.”
“I have means of extracting information from you.”
“I might play with you a little longer after you’ve talked. You’re too cute.”
“You’re tough. But I’ll break you.”
Yell at them
“You idiot! You dumbass! You- you fucking moron!”
“You’re absolutely useless, aren’t you?!”
“What the fuck have you done this time!”
“You don’t care about anyone but yourself!”
“You’re not human! You’re a monster!”
“You’re a disgusting little rat!”
“You’ve fucked up for the last time!”
Physically hurt them
“What, can’t take a punch?”
“I’ll kill you!”
“It’s only a scratch, asshole!”
“Don’t move, or I’ll shoot you!”
“I’ll slit your damn throat!”
“Kiss my shoes or I’ll stomp your head in half.”
“I didn’t mean to draw blood, but oh well.”
“That’s going to bruise.”
Torture them… gently
“You want some of this cake? C’moooon, beg for it!”
“Tickle-tickle-tickle! Kitchy kitchy koo!”
“Whaaaat? Is this yours? You can’t have it back, it’s mine now!”
“I’ll stop singing when hell freezes over!”
“Get in the locker, shorty!”
“Annoying? Me? Annoying?”
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
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“I imagine all this is to draw out my employer?”
Wesley sounded almost bored, bound to the chair as he was, wrists secured tight behind him and ankles shackled to the legs of the chair. The chair itself was bolted to the ground, preventing any hope of escape. It wasn’t the first time Wesley had found himself unable to move for an extended period, but this was a decidedly less enjoyable experience. Ignoring the sting in his lip from the last time he’d mouthed off, Wesley spat a mouthful of blood onto the ground and sighed heavily, rolling his head around to get a good look at his captor.
“Who’s to say it will work?”
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prissylittlebitch · 5 years
“You’re far from a paper pusher, don’t sell yourself short…,” Wesley was more like Fisk’s lapdog. Frank bit his tongue, wanting to bait the man in front of him, wanting to mentioned how he was the type of man who when asked by Fisk to jump, Wesley wouldn’t ask ‘how high’ he’d just do it until Fisk was satisfied. But he kept his cool, his brows furrow in feigning confusion when he mentioned Karen’s past and how she was a murderer. “I put women down just like men if they deserve it,” he pointed out. And he did. He was all for equality. 
And he knew a little bit about Karen’s past. At least what Micro could dig up. What happened where she grew up had been an accident. And she’d shot Wesley in self defense. She’d been kidnapped and scared for her life and the man in front of her had been the one to kid nap her. And then left a loaded gun on the desk. “Your handler…his justice ain’t justice,” he shook his head. “He gets rid of people who stand in his way. Fisk wants the secretary for whatever reason, I’m gonna go with she’s in his way, which makes her the victim.”
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“I’ll take that as a compliment,” Wesley remarked dryly, removing his glasses briefly, in order to idly wipe the lenses. Ordinarily, Wesley wouldn’t allow himself to be so relaxed around a man such as Frank Castle but well... he’d already died once. James could hazard a guess that dying a second time wouldn’t be too different. With his resurrection had come a certain sense of gall that he simply hadn’t had before. Somewhere in the back of his mind a dark little voice urged him to bait Castle further, to engage him in battle but he quietened it. Despite his own recent pleasure found in violence... Wesley knew his own body well enough to know it would never do well against Castle’s.
“Will you... indulge me, for a moment?” He asked, barely giving Frank a second to answer before continuing; “Could you highlight for me precisely what differentiates your sense of justice from my employers? Do you not operate in a similar fashion, eradicating those who get in your way?”
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