priyaohia · 4 months
Deep learning is a type of machine learning in which a model learns to perform classification tasks directly from images, text, or sound. Deep learning is usually implemented using a neural network architecture. The term "deep" refers to the number of layers in the network—the more layers, the deeper the network. Traditional neural networks contain only 2 or 3 layers, while deep networks can have more than 3.
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priyaohia · 4 months
It has one input and two outputs, the input is a number, this corresponds to the question depending on your level. As you know, there are 5 questions, so the input will be a number between 1 to 5. Now, two outputs are expected.
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priyaohia · 4 months
MATLAB is a multi-paradigm numerical computing environment and proprietary programming language developed by MathWorks. MATLAB allows matrix manipulations, plotting of functions and data, implementation of algorithms, creation of user interfaces, and interfacing with programs written in other languages.
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priyaohia · 4 months
Euler’s method is not the just one concept named after him. There are many other concepts named after him; Euler’s constant, Euler line of triangle, Euler’s equation of motion, Eulerian graphs, to name a few. He has worked on a variety of area including astronomy, logarithms, calculus, the motion of the moon and plenty more. It is not surprising that he is such a high figure of influence in the world of mathematics. His concepts made mathematical applications so understandable for everyone today.
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priyaohia · 9 months
NASA might get a fancy digital-count display and retire the analog clock from the Apollo era, but the passion for the analog clock does not end. An analog clock has moving hands, where the smaller one is the hour's hand and travels 30° in one hour, and the longer one is the minute's hand and travels 360° in an hour. The second's hand rotates with a step of 6°. Here we look to design an analog clock using MATLAB.
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priyaohia · 9 months
Image enhancement is the process of improving the quality of an image by manipulating the stored image before processing. It accentuates and sharpens image features such as edges, contrast, boundaries to make a graphic display more suitable for display and analysis.
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priyaohia · 10 months
The Raspberry Pi is a low cost, credit-card sized computer that plugs into a computer monitor or TV, and uses a standard keyboard and mouse.
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priyaohia · 10 months
A microscopic image of the blood smear is often used to categorize and identify disease conditions that can affect blood cells and to track down those who seek treatment for these conditions. There are many diseases that can affect the count and type of blood cells produced, their function, and their lifespan.
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priyaohia · 10 months
Explore the seamless integration of Matlab and Arduino to control servo motors, unlocking precision and efficiency in your automation tasks. Dive into our comprehensive guide for step-by-step tutorials, code snippets, and real-world applications.
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priyaohia · 10 months
Explore the MLHP log book, a comprehensive tool for recording and analyzing machine learning applications in health professions. Enhance your understanding of ML algorithms, data sets, and outcomes. Unlock the potential of data-driven healthcare with our MLHP log book.
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priyaohia · 11 months
Want to Learn the integration of Arduino with MATLAB? Read this Blog and understand the Basic Input/Output Commands for Arduino using MATLAB & Simulink. Now you can create a Simulink Model and configure the Arduino without even writing a single line of code.
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priyaohia · 11 months
The fascination with solving Sudoku by hand derives from the discovery and mastery of a myriad of subtle combinations and patterns that provide hints about the final solution. It is not easy to program a computer to duplicate these human pattern-recognition capabilities
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priyaohia · 11 months
At MATLAB Helper, we've got you covered. From free community support to expert help and training, we've got all the resources you need to become a pro in no time.
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priyaohia · 11 months
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priyaohia · 11 months
Image Processing has enormous applications to support our life. One of the great use of Image Processing is recognizing the number of people from any frame. Do you want to build your personal face detector using MATLAB for your academic project or Do you want to amaze your friends and family with a functioning GUI Application? If yes, continue reading the blog.
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priyaohia · 11 months
Imagine you are sitting on your computer and working on a hectic project based on MATLAB!How about playing Super Mario along with a sip of coffee for relaxation without even changing the MATLAB window? Won’t that be great! Get the Super Mario Bros. game for your MATLAB Today and experience an exceptional way of eliminating boredom!
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priyaohia · 11 months
DC-DC closed loop-controlled Buck converter is a power electronics circuit that steps down voltage to a required controlled set voltage with precise results due to its closed, controlled mechanism. Learn the complete modelling behind it along with the MATLAB Simulink
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