spock: the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few
kirk: ✔️read stardate 8130.3
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why wont i shut up on twitter
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I just googled this
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You want to know what the first result?
Its not this:
Or this:
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Or even this:
It was this:
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I think that says something about Bones.
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I’m usually pretty particular about the sorts of traits that get assigned as humanity’s “special thing” in sci-fi settings, but I have to admit that I have a weakness for settings where the thing humanity is known for is something tiny and seemingly inconsequential that it wouldn’t normally occur to you to think of as a distinctive trait.
Like, maybe we have a reputation as a bunch of freaky nihilists because we’re the only species that naturally has the capacity to be amused by our own misfortune.
Alien: Why are you happy? You’ve been seriously injured!
Human: *struggling to control laughter* Yeah, but I can imagine what that must have looked like from the outside, and it’s pretty hilarious.
Alien: …
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I really want a science fiction story where aliens come to invade earth and effortlessly wipe out humanity, only to be fought off by the wildlife.
They were expecting military resistance. They weren’t counting on bears.
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In episode 6x03 of Doctor Who when they go into a ship look at the chest. 
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You’re welcome.
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Just imagine the superwho lock fandom if this happened. Jesus so much chaos
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trixie has 2 cops, a legit demon and the actual devil as co-parents. anyone who so much as lays a finger on that child is good as dead.
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A cousin of the Get-off-my-lawn bird. (via stormysunshine)
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*Dean finds himself, once again, in Hell, standing next to a blonde-haired man*
Man: Knock Knock
Dean: Who's there?
Man: Adam.
Dean: Adam who?
Man: Adam Milligan, you asshole! I've been stuck down here for like 5 years and you haven't even TRIED to get me out! Ring a bell??
Dean: Oh shit that's right...
*Dean looks around awkwardly*
Dean: So, uh...How's the weather been down here?
Adam: Hot, you asshat.
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A lame joke
*Sam, Dean, and Castiel walk into a bar*
Bartender: *looking at the trio* I'm sorry, but we don't allow animals in here.
Dean: *looking to Cas* Excuse me? My friend here is a freaking angel. He's done more for this world than you ever could, and if anyone has the right to be called a "person," it's him. So why don't you say that to his face!
Bartender: What? An angel? No! I was talking about the gigantic moose that followed you guys in!
Dean: Hey! That's my brother you're-
Moose: *makes moose noise*
Dean: ...
Dean: *realizes that they've been walking around with a literal moose all day, mistaking it for Sam*
Dean: Son of a Bitch, that's the third time this week
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