proditoreques · 16 days
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{} Dat feel when you are genuinly thinking of bringing out your oc's to roleplay with. {}
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proditoreques · 1 month
Mordred grimaces knowing by walk they mean the dog walking her while Neph gets time to do whatever she wants. Urgh...but fine. If it keeps the two happy and out her hair a while then...its fine. Really.
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"I can be up whenever I choose to! Just tell me when and I'll be there!"
Caroline laughs. "Getting fat sis."
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"Shut it stinky."
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proditoreques · 1 month
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"..................Fine. I'll go out for a walk, happy?"
Caroline laughs. "Getting fat sis."
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"Shut it stinky."
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proditoreques · 1 month
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"....Gettin' mad pipsqueak."
Caroline laughs. "Getting fat sis."
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"Shut it stinky."
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proditoreques · 1 month
Caroline laughs. "Getting fat sis."
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"Shut it stinky."
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proditoreques · 1 month
Clarent comes to her with with a flick of the wrist alongside a keen grin Mordred has heard stories about the lost 'Masters' keyblade warriors to whom she wishes to test their mettle. Emerald pinprick defy the dark beach around them the sand crumbling with each small stride Mordred took her focus trained on them. "My light huh?" She felt her grin deepen a tremor in her heart dancing at the thought of crossing swords with THE Aqua. "What makes you think you know what is right for me? You, who became so lost in the darkness she can't even see what she's become. You want MY light? Ha!" A piviot of the hips as her age old steely companion Clarent comes to bare its fangs openly the blazing blade leaving a scar of glass in the sand behind it.
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"You want it? Come and claim it!"
' Upon that darkened shore a soul wanders. Distant and afraid it festered alone, till its light was borne no more. What once was light now bares shadow, where once was love...there now resides H A T R E D '
A shadowy figure from the inky black the crash of waves masking her practiced steps along the shore this beach is engrained in her heart now. A prison and a dwelling...a mark of her failures. If only she'd been stronger, hadn't lost her way...had not given in. The shadows clinging to the figure disperse as she moves towards them a small slighter of light in this abyss beyond the horizon Aqua watching them with a stoic gaze. "Ah...so you are real then. I was thinking I was seeing things again..." The once Keyblade master shifts her weight from one leg to the other. "There is nothing here but darkness and despair...I suggest you leave while you still have the option. Or make yourself comfortable I don't care which." Once ocean blue eyes are stained a deep bright yellow the girls once pristine clothes stained with a touch of dark, to anyone else Aqua looks sick with how ashen her skin has become. Just a ghost of the long lost past haunting a distant shore...forgotten. There is a bitterness to her voice that she's become so accustomed to that whoever Aqua once was has became a distant ripple in this abyssal ocean. And yet there is some hint of life as she gives a ghost of a smile her hands shifting to her sides in a familiar stance as dark gathers beneath her right palm to conjure a almost forgotten shape, the dark form of a shadowy Keyblade...just like the one she lost so long ago. The one that would have saved her from this fate. "Your light though. ...I'll be taking that for your own good."
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proditoreques · 1 month
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proditoreques · 2 months
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".....That doesn't really explain shit. The hell are shadow levels?"
Caroline and Neph stare at Mord, she has not moved since the Elden Ring DLC has come out.
Caroline whispers. "Is that a mushroom growing on her?"
Neph sniffs. "I believe it."
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"AAAAH!" Mordred can't take it anymore the girl is at her limit after the 99,999 death. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING KEEP ONE SHOTTING MEEEEEEEEE?!"
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proditoreques · 2 months
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"The actual fuck is a Shade tree fragment??"
Caroline and Neph stare at Mord, she has not moved since the Elden Ring DLC has come out.
Caroline whispers. "Is that a mushroom growing on her?"
Neph sniffs. "I believe it."
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"AAAAH!" Mordred can't take it anymore the girl is at her limit after the 99,999 death. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING KEEP ONE SHOTTING MEEEEEEEEE?!"
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proditoreques · 2 months
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Freedoom is a sweet thing. She doesn't fight doesn't throw a fit in fact Mordred seems to relax as she is peeled away forcefully away from her monitor and thrown in the shower. May her soul be washed clean.
Caroline and Neph stare at Mord, she has not moved since the Elden Ring DLC has come out.
Caroline whispers. "Is that a mushroom growing on her?"
Neph sniffs. "I believe it."
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"AAAAH!" Mordred can't take it anymore the girl is at her limit after the 99,999 death. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING KEEP ONE SHOTTING MEEEEEEEEE?!"
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proditoreques · 2 months
Caroline and Neph stare at Mord, she has not moved since the Elden Ring DLC has come out.
Caroline whispers. "Is that a mushroom growing on her?"
Neph sniffs. "I believe it."
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"AAAAH!" Mordred can't take it anymore the girl is at her limit after the 99,999 death. "WHY DOES EVERYTHING KEEP ONE SHOTTING MEEEEEEEEE?!"
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proditoreques · 2 months
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./just feckin' POINTS to the empty spilt bottle of varnish
Nerd! Stop playing with your ai >:c
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"...But if I'm here I can't talk to Firefly."
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proditoreques · 3 months
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"Got dlc? Got a credit card."
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proditoreques · 3 months
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"No. That's the bottle of varnish you spilled on my desk yesterday - stop trying to make this lewd Yang. Like seriously dude! It was my ENTIRE bottle."
Nerd! Stop playing with your ai >:c
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"...But if I'm here I can't talk to Firefly."
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proditoreques · 3 months
Nerd! Stop playing with your ai >:c
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"...But if I'm here I can't talk to Firefly."
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proditoreques · 6 months
Hey mord its the year of the dragon what do you think of that?
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"I feel like you're taking a cheapshot cause my Father's surname is PenDRAGON. ...Also-"
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"I bought Dragon themed hats, shorts and shirts down at the festival square and I'm totally giving one to my Father! I even got Dragons themed gift wrapping for it AAAAAAH he's going to love it! ~"
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proditoreques · 6 months
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"I bought a ticket to a concert only eight other folks are going to...I think I got scammed. She was kinda cute though. "
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