profkarnsteinhollis · 3 years
Hey, I need a bit of advice. I'm kindof new to writing, and I know that there's a lot of stuff that goes into writing before you start the story, such as building the characters etc. Do you have like a basic overview of the things that should definitely be done before I try to write things out into a story? Also, what is a character arc and how do I write one? I hope this ask makes sense.
There is so much going into a story. But this is not the format to analyse every little detail of it and you also just wanted a basic overview before you start, so here it is.
Basic overview: How to write a story?
What kind of story do you want to tell?
What do you want to write about?
What genre do you want to write in?
What is your target audience?
Is there a message you want to convey?
Specific issues you want to highlight?
What narrator do you want to tell the story?
Before you start you need a rough idea on where to start and where to end
Who is there in the beginning and where are they?
Who is still left and where do they end up?
Bear in mind that a story doesn’t need a happy ending, it just needs a satisfying one
Middle part (you don’t need to know this in detail)
you just need a few scenes to make a timeline
you need to kind of know how to get from the beginning to the end
you will need ups and downs and twists
Some major plot points for the middle part
Plot twists
When and how does the MC meet the other characters?
Key scenes to further the plot
A few scenes you already know you want to have in the story
How to create a character? (Tips for creating and developing characters)
Who is your MC?
How many MCs do you have?
How many important characters do you need?
Character arc – your character can’t stand still; they need some kind of drive or problem that is a change to what their life was before
You have to send them on a journey, they have to overcome things you threw in their way
At the end of the story something has to have changed for them
 This is just some basic stuff, so if you or anyone else wants some part of this a little bit more detailed let me know.
- Jana
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profkarnsteinhollis · 3 years
Hi, I find your advice for writing very helpful and inspiring. I’m currently trying to write my own short story. It’s romantic and kinda typical(ish). I just need advice on how to get started and how to stay consistent with it because I keep straying away from it and not ending up writing anything or completing it. Please help me out. I really would appreciate it.
Hi :)
I felt like I already answered this, but I obviously didn’t...
If you keep straying away from it, maybe it’s not the right time to start writing it. What helps me in those cases is, to get back to figuring out what I want to do with this story. Who are my characters, what happens, where does it happen, who is involved and what scenes do I like to include.
So, I would start by outlining your writing better. This way you get more familiar and it doesn’t feel overwhelming or weird to start writing it.
I also have a post about how to write a story and I think this can help you to start and to stay consistent with the plan you have.
If you have some more specific questions, don’t be afraid to ask :)
- Jana
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profkarnsteinhollis · 3 years
hello! love your prompts so much. idk if you've already done this or not but i'm ace and i'm craving for some romantic but non-sexual intimacy prompts! would love to see your take on them ^^ <3
Hi and thank you so much :)
I have a list for domestic fluff, which can fall under romantic, but non-sexual and I also have fluff prompts, which could also fit.
And here are some new ones for you:
Romantic, non-sexual intimacy prompts
running their fingers through the other’s hair
laying awake, watching the other sleep
Netflix and really chill
smiling for no reason, other than looking at each other
massaging their shoulders after a long day
understanding each other completely without words
cuddling on the couch together
a short and sweet kiss in the morning
pushing hair back behind the other’s ear
head in the other’s lap and both reading
bringing them their favourite takeout
slow dancing with each other
hugging each other for a long time, just breathing in each other
smiling when the phone rings and their picture pops up
going on a walk together, never letting go of each other’s hand
I hope you enjoy them!
- Jana
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
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For all my writers struggling with weaponry of the sword variety. 
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
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Imagine your otp
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
Commenting fanfiction is the easiest thing in the world once you start doing it. 
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
“You can’t solve everything in life with friendship.”
“Is that a challenge?”
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
To whoever ends up loving me back,
I can’t promise you the world. Or sanity, to be truthful. But I can promise you a lot of terrible drunken dancing on our wedding day after too much champagne and singing together in bed when we’re tired and happy. There will be lots of surprising you with plane tickets when we get time off work and lots of coming home to a poorly thought out dinner made with love. I’ll rent us a bunch of movies on the weekend even though no one does that anymore, and we can eat ice cream while we slowly drift off during the third movie. I’ll require you to get me a dog. And a cat. Even though I have plenty and doubt I’ll ever run out in that department. I hope you like to be fawned over because I can promise I won’t ever be able to get enough of you. I’ll probably be really childish and make you play in the snow with me. Maybe we’ll make pillow forts on top of our bed and fall asleep in them. We can be that couple that people hate. The couple that just kisses randomly on the sidewalk and never shuts up about eachother. I’ll probably tell everyone we meet about how we fell in love. Valentine’s Day will always be super cheesy with a bunch of roses. I’ll probably paint you on the good days and cry into your hugs on the bad ones. I’ll also probably tell you every single thought that passes through my mind so I hope you can brace yourself for stupidity. We can have one kid. We can have ten kids. However many, I’ll show them what it means to really love your spouse. I want them to grow up wanting what we have. I want to grow old with you and still make fun of you at 80. I want to have you all to myself. Anyway, I hope all of that’s okay. Because I’ll be ready for that happily ever after.
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
Added songs from Living to Write and Righting to Live by LivingThroughtheNight
Hollstein Forever Spotify Playlist
I created a playlist on Spotify of all the songs appearing or recommended by the author of Carmilla fics.
Hollstein Forever on Spotify
This is definitely a work in progress as I need to go back and fill in this list.
Keep reading
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
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Blep!Catmilla confirmed 🐱 👅
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
Bowling AU please?
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@haviland​ instagram story (6/9/18)
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
You are a vampire, but you are invulnerable to the sun and garlic. You join a group of vampire hunters, pretending to hate your kind to save them along the way.
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
Bring it.
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my personal favorite moment in fic writing is when you come up with a particularly painful idea/concept/line/anything and then go, damn, that’s so fucking cruel. Let me get a pen, I’m putting it in.
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
Halloween prompt?
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
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Carmilla would write this for Laura
Flight attendant AU?
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profkarnsteinhollis · 4 years
Naughty Naughty Xmas
Christmas means something very different for Carmilla Karnstein than it does for Laura Hollis. While Laura sees fun with friends and family in ugly Christmas sweaters and BBC period pieces, Carmilla just sees heartache and pain. That’s why each year she’s decided to make sure she never remembers the holiday by getting blackout drunk and sleeping with a new girl each year. That is, until one Christmas she wakes up in the bed of said holiday lover Laura Hollis and Carmilla finds she can’t escape this one so easily.
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profkarnsteinhollis · 5 years
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