#carmilla fanfic prompt
jacksfandomrandom · 14 days
Thinking about doing a sickfic with mother-figure Carmilla for Vaggie. Which one of these prompts would you guys like to see?
Prompt 1: Charlie has another meeting with heaven while Vaggie is sick and calls Carmilla to help take care of her girlfriend. Vaggie is stubborn and tries to refuse help only to feel guilty because Carmilla is just trying to help her
Prompt 2: Highshool au where Vaggie usually always tries to skip school and pretend to be sick (kind of like ferris bueller) but this time, she actually is sick but Carmilla doesnt believe her and sends her to school anyways. She has to pick her up later when the school calls to tell her that vaggie threw up or passed out or was running a very high and concerning fever.
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yaminobean · 4 months
Sick Day for Freddie
Eden’s autoimmune disorder: Hemolytic anemia(Since we never get a cannon health issue for cannon Frederick.)
A little ficlet from when Edie still went by Freddie and was eight years old.
Lucifer cracked open his eyes as Hell’s red light shone through the cracks in his curtains. The angelic demon let out a yawn and lifted his heavy head from his pillow, drowsy gaze catching the red numbers of his clock.
Those stark numbers slapped away his grogginess as he leapt out of  bed and rushed through his morning routine of brushing his fangs, using a quick enchantment on his toothbrush as he brushed his hair.
“Shit! It’s almost the middle of the day! How did I sleep this late? I usually get up when-”
It was then that Lucifer noticed that something wasn’t quite right. He paused his frantic grooming, straining his ears for noise. Other than the little clacks of imp hooves running around cleaning the massive palace, there was a very specific noise the fallen seraph couldn’t hear.
“Huh, how come I don’t hear Freddie? He’s supposed to be having lunch by now but… it’s so quiet.”
Lucifer spat out the toothpaste and walked over to his bedroom door. He opened it and was greeted to more of that silence that settled heavily in the air like an overpowering perfume.
An imp walked past his room holding some sheets. When she caught her employer standing in the doorway in his pajamas, she stopped and smiled.
“Good morning, your majesty. I hope you slept well.” she said, bowing her head.
“Yeah, it was fine. Do you know if Freddie is up yet?”
The maid pondered this for a moment.
“I don’t think so, sir. I haven't seen him around and when I knocked on his door, there was no answer. Strange though, isn’t it? The little prince is usually quite the early bird.”
He furrowed his brow, spines of unease beginning to prickle at his nerves. He made his way down the hall and when he came to its end, he turned left and strolled past four more rooms before he finally reached his son’s room. He knocked on the door.
 “Apple pie, are you awake?”
He was greeted by that same unsettling silence. He tried again; a little harder this time.
“Freddie? Are you in there?”
The silence ringing back was starting to grate his nerves, having gotten so used to the squeak of sneakers and the inquisitive voice of his adopted son chatting with the staff or his tutors. Right then, a pained moan rose from behind the demon king and he snapped his head towards its source.
It was coming from the bathroom.
 Within seconds, Lucifer dashed towards it and threw open the door. The first thing he saw was Freddie slumped onto the white tile floor, leaning against the wine red wall. His arms were wrapped tightly around his knees and he shook like an overheating tea kettle; the dark sweat spots dotting his sky blue cloud patterned sleeping shirt gave the king the impression that he was probably just as hot as one. The sight combined with the boy’s painful sounding whimper brought the king’s heart into his throat.
“FREDDIE!” he cried, dashing toward him. He brought the boy’s head up, feeling the heat radiating from his pale damp skin.
“Shit! Shit! Freddie! Hey, Freddie! What’s wrong? Honey, can you hear me?” he pleaded as he gently shook the boy’s head
The child let out another moan as they cracked open their eyes; bright greens had been dulled to the cloudy glare of a dirty street lamp.
“Mr Lucifer…. Stop doing that….. My head hurts.”
“Oh, thank Satan. What happened? I didn’t hear you this morning and went looking for you and- Fuck, your burning up really bad.”
Freddie's dull eyes glazed over as he slumped forward. Lucifer’s arm shot out to keep him from hitting the tile floor.
He held them in his arms, listening to their breath which sounded like a crinkling chip bag.
This is bad. Their fever is so high and his breathing sounds horrible. Shit, he must have caught some kind of Hell bug but how? I was so careful. Oh, who am I kidding. He’s a kid for fucksake! They all get sick eventually, even Hellborns. But this is different. He’s a human! I have no idea what Hellborn viruses and bacteria will do to a human! What if it kills him?! He could be dying in my arms right now and I can’t-
 Lucifer squashed that thought, mentally refusing to even go there.
Easy, Luci. You can’t spiral now. Freddie needs you to be calm and level headed. Just take a deep breath and handle it.
He put Freddie in his arms, noticing that he felt a little too light to be healthy, and waved a portal into existence. When they stepped through, the maid he met outside his room was in the middle of straightening up his bed. When she saw the king come in with the pale child, she gasped.
“I know. Go downstairs and call the doctor. And please, bring up a washcloth and some more blankets.”
The maid nodded and scrambled out the door. Lucifer gently set the child down on the bed. He went about setting up the pillows around him, poofing in more when needed, like a bird's nest. Just as he covered him with one of his warm blankets, Freddie’s eyes fluttered open again.
“Mr. Lu…. What….. What are we….. Doing in your room?” he asked, looking around in confusion.
“You just relax, apple pie. I’m right here. I just need you to stay awake for a few minutes.”
Lucifer snapped his fingers again, bringing a thermometer in one hand and some bottled water in the other.
“Hold this under your tongue, ok?
Freddie gave a murmur of agreement and took it. As they waited, the maid returned with the supplies Lucifer asked for along with some others.
“The doctor said he’ll be here in a few minutes and to apply a cold compress to keep his fever down. Though… and I hope I’m not overstepping when I say this, your highness, but I think you should call Lady Carmine. She might have some insights about illness in humans with having been one herself.”
“That’s actually a great idea. I’ll call her a little later. You can go now. I’ll take it from here.”
The maid left and the thermometer beeped, signaling it had its reading. He took it out and looked.
Worry sunk its claws into him. When Hellborns got sick, their fevers reached boiling temperatures and  the worst symptom that occurred was usually a migraine. But what was the standard for humans? Lucifer looked at the sickly child in front of him who was taking tentative sips of his water, remembering another odd symptom aside from the weight loss. While his body was burning, his hands were like two blocks of ice. But this was something he noticed in his son before he got sick. Could it be related? 
Could he have stopped this sooner if he had been more attentive?
The last question settled heavy in Lucifer’s chest, bringing a familiar sense of guilt and shame within the Fallen One’s heart.  
“Mr. Lucifer?” The child’s horse voice brought him out of his thoughts. 
“Yes, sweetie? Do you need something?” Lucifer replied
“Am I…. going to the hospital?”
“Depends. Can you tell me what happened that led you to pass out in the bathroom?”
“I…. woke up with this… really bad headache and my body was hurting. So, I went to get the pain medicine from there but… I guess I had another one of my dizzy spells and passed out”
Lucifer sat on the bed, his concern growing.
“What do you mean by another dizzy spell? You mean this has happened before?”
The tow headed boy became very interested in the red bedspread.
“Frederick.” Lucifer said, taking on his serious-dad tone. The boy in question winced, preferring the devil’s cute nicknames for him then his birth one.
Still staring at the bed, the boy replied in a small voice.
“I-I don’t know wh-what it’s called but the d-d-doctors back…. then said I have some kind of permanent anemia. That the good germs in my body are constantly fighting and killing my blood which is why I get sick really easily.”
Lucifer felt his mouth drop.
“Bun bun, why didn’t you tell me!? You can’t just keep something like that to yourself! You’ve been with me for over a year and…. Fucking hellfire, who knows what kind of state your body’s in now! It’s a miracle you haven't killed yourself yet!” Lucifer yelled, not able to keep the panic out of his tone.
Freddie jumped back toward the head of the bed, eyes shining with fright and raspy breathing becoming  shorter.
Seeing that, Lucifer mentally kicked himself. 
Great job, Luci. You're freaking out your potentially chronically sick kid. Dad of the Year, right here.
The seraph squashed down his cynical inner monologue. Now was not the time for self-loathing.
When he spoke to him again, he made an effort to keep his voice level and his body language as loose as possible.
“I’m sorry, Freddie. I didn’t mean to scare you and I shouldn’t have raised my voice. I’m not angry with you, I’m….. just really scared and confused on why you didn’t say anything. ”
The boy kept his gaze low, hiding his eyes behind his lengthy bangs. When he responded, he couldn't keep the tears out of his voice.
“I….  th-th-thought if I told you ab-about it….. You’d g-get rid of me. When I…. got sick before…. Da-Leland kept me in my ro-ro-room and told me to stay there u-un-until I got better. He always said it was because….. It grossed him out to see me looking like a half-dead corpse.”
It took every ounce of self control for Lucifer not to create a portal to the human realm and collect that bastard’s soul early. How could someone say such a thing to their own child? 
“Freddie, I would never-”
He was cut off by his bedroom door opening and a mosquito demon stepped inside.
“Sorry, I’m a bit late, your highness. I couldn’t find my home visit bag. So how’s the patient?”
The Lord of Hell was about to reply when he was again interrupted by a gut wrenching retch followed by a muffled splat. Both demons looked to see that the boy had just vomited on the bed spread.
The doctor sighed. 
“Question answered.”
Lucifer finished typing up his message to Carmilla on why he wouldn’t be in his office for the next few days and placed his hellphone on the nightstand. The doctor had left thirty minutes ago and both the demon and his child were relaxing in Lucifer’s freshly remade bed, watching one of Charlie’s old movies, Monsters Inc. Earlier, the doctor had done his test and concluded that Freddie’s problem was chronic. 
Hemolytic Anemia. 
A type of autoimmune disease where your immune system attacks your own red blood cells, leaving you with a very limited supply of oxygenated blood which explained Freddie’s cold hands and low body weight. The doctor actually wanted to bring him in for observation but Freddie didn’t take it well when he heard and almost passed out again from his freak out. When Lucifer had calmed him down, the doctor supplied him with some plasma and anti-anxiety pills; the plasma, he said, should keep him stable for today but he’d still need to get checked in tomorrow. He advised Lucifer to give him the pills before coming in so he could be somewhat sedated. Apparently this type of anemia affected the heart and since his condition hasn’t been treated for a year, it was possible that any sort of stress could cause either an arrhythmia or heart failure.
Needless to say, Lucifer had focused his sensitive ears on his son’s heartbeat, listening in for any misbeats.
Freddie was wrapped up in Lucifer’s red wings, enjoying the warm soft feathers cradling and caressing his skin. The plasma drip was fixed firmly into his left arm and he was already starting to feel better. His headache was ebbing away, muscle pain was starting to lessen, and his fever had gone down, but he still felt groggy. Lucifer felt him scootch towards his chest, trying to get close to him without pulling on his IV.
He smiled warmly and adjusted himself so he could fully embrace Freddie, who gave a content sigh as he nuzzled his head into Lucifer’s chest.
“How are you feeling, apple pie?”
“Ok….. Little ‘it….. ‘Eepy.” he replied, eyes drooping with exhaustion.
Lucifer let out a snort, floored by this sudden cuteness.
“That’s good. Do you want me to turn off the movie and leave you to rest?”
Lucifer felt the kid tighten his hold on him.
“No….  Papa…. Stay.”
This was the moment Lucifer’s world froze. Freddie’s words sunk into his chest and blanketed his soul with a warmth that reminded him of the universe’s first light. He couldn’t stop the stream of happy tears coming from his eyes. He stooped his face down toward his head, letting his forehead rest on the crown of Freddie’s head. For a long time, Lucifer kept his worries and cynical voice at bay by running repeats of that voice saying those three words through his mind.
Luci's hellphone:
Luci: Carm, you’ll have to lead the meetings for a few days. Freddie woke up with a fever and I found him passed out on the floor. Doctor checked him out and said he has a severe kind of anemia where his own immune system is killing its own blood cells. We were going to go to the hospital today but Freddie had a panic attack and things got bad.  I’ll be staying at the hospital with him and hopefully I’ll be back when he’s checked out.
Carm: Bundle him up and keep that fever under control. I’m on my way.
Ozzy: What!!!???😱😱 Our little Didi is sick!??? 🥵🥵🥵🥺🥺🥺I’m coming over too!!!!
Bee bee: Me too!!! 🥺 🥺 He needs emergency sweets and smooches stat!!!!
Carm: Bee, whatever you get him can't be too rich or sugary. Usually humans don't have much of an appetite when we're sick. So bring something like ice pops or pudding.
Bee: So something like this? ( Pic of the most decadent looking chocolate pudding.)
Carm: Are you trying to kill him??? Something like this. 
( Pic of a normal pudding cup.)
 I'm going to bring some chicken soup and maybe some yogurt smoothies if the soup is too much.
Ozzy: Hey, does Freddie have any plushies? Cause I see this cute penguin one out here. 
(Pic of a penguin plush wearing a red scarf. Its head has horns and its back has little black stuffed bat wings.)
 Think he'd like it, Luci? I thought if he had something to squeeze he’d be a little calmer about being in the hospital. Poor little bean🥺🥺
Big green: WTF! Brat gets a cold and u guys wanna bail outta work and play nurse!!!! U fucks don't give a dick when I'm sick!!!
Bee: Bitch 😤😤 do u have 2 make everything about u!!?!?!? Plus Autoimmune anemia beats out getting a cold sore😡
Big Green: Those fuckers hurt ya sugar hyped twat!!! 
Ozzy: Mammon r u just here to whine or u cuming too?
Big Green: Fuck no. But I’d like to point out that whatever the little shit doesn’t eat, I’ll gladly take it.
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#and also noted for the fanfiction#i am. so in love with her#and im so much more gay now than 8 years ago#18 yo me you have no idea how much you can like girls#the limits have not been reached yet#great things ahead of you#i mean great things ahead of me too the limits have still not been reached yet#anyway what do you think are the circumstances necessary to make her shapeshift without meaning to#<- some fucking whump prompt that#ive imagined baby vampire laura accidentally shapeshifting in her sleep the first time she ever does it#carmilla walking in on her like im gonna take a gamble here and hope you didnt get a pet badger#i think thats just baby vamp things though#hey what do you think danny is? wolf or something?#im thinking mattie is a bird of some sort#like a black swan or smth i dont know#'i am death on dark wings' etc#but anyway carmilla seems generally in control#of her vampirism in general. you know in the movie when laura's like 'youve never had a problem controlling yourself before'?#i think she just bit laura bc sudden vampirism means very suddenly very hungry. and they were asleep so. basically sleepwalking#the growling is cute though#and an opening. definitely a whump prompt. i think it would take a lot#definitely more than for my timelords to lose their shape. for them it only takes losing focus a little. bc pain/fatigue/relaxation#for carmilla i think it's more abt very high levels of fear+anger. threat#omg shes so kittycat 2 eps later too this mustve been made such great use of in fanfic#carmillaposting
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Tumblr media
[ID: a pink banner featuring Doctor Carmilla smiling and waving at the viewer. Next to her is text: "Dr. Carmilla Appreciation Week / August 5 - 11". End ID]
Welcome to the second Dr Carmilla Appreciation Week! This week is dedicated to showing love for our favourite vampire doctor!
The event will take place from August 5th to August 11th.
The prompts for the week are:
Monday: Family (Mom Monday... 2!)
Tuesday: Cat / Transformation
Wednesday: Blood
Thursday: Crossover
Friday: Music
Saturday: Love
Sunday: Death
You can make any kind of art for the event, from drawings and fanfics to music and sculptures. Of course, Carmilla should be the centre of your art.
I would also like to add that Dr Carmilla is a complex character, and you shouldn't be afraid of portraying her doing awful things, just don't collapse her into a one-note villain.
Don't forget to add image description to your visual art, and please @ this blog and tag your posts with "dr carmilla appreciation week"!
That's all, see you in August!
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who wants to hear about the rejectisms!! cause this is MY fanfic blog and I’m probably gonna post rejectisms fic if you want it or not
The Rejectisms are a band of part-mechanical immortal space pirates, regarded as failed experiments by the vampire scientist who created them, Dr Carmilla. Now they roam the stars, getting up to various mischief, and playing truly, truly terrible music. This is a series of ocs created by various mechs fans, with the prompt of mechanisms that are somewhat pointless, e.g. appendix.
you can find out about any of the rejectisms here!
who wants to hear about my rejectisms oc!!
Mikey (he/they) Appearance: about 5’5, blue hair (not dyed, it’s just that colour naturally), dresses all in black, has antennae (if you touch them without permission he WILL scream) Orientation: aroace Rejectism: left elbow skin Instrument: percussion (bangs rocks together. keeps his rocks in a bag) Role: engineer (hits things with rocks until they work) Personality: happy when he has his rocks. enjoys the presence of the other crew members, but they must get explicit permission to touch him. mostly will go along with the flow of whatever the others are doing as long as his needs are met. More about his rocks: he keeps them all in a bag which he keeps on him at all times. the rocks are just loose in the bag, but he is very particular about how he lays them out, and gets upset if anyone touches or moves them. if anyone steals any of their rocks they will definitely cry, and likely be inconsolable until the rock is retrieved. if the crew care about him, taking his rocks is viewed as some kind or war crime. he has a dedicated Murder Rock for if he wants to hurt or kill people. the Murder Rock is perpetually bloodstained.
you can read stories about mikey and read his backstory here and you can find various stories about different crew members here
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Fanfiction Masterlist
Les Miserables/Phantom of the Opera Crossover--Gen
An older Cosette lives through yet another revolution in Paris. One night at the beginning of the semaine sanglante, she has a mysterious visitor. Written for POTO Commune Week 2022. G, 709 words.
Marvel Cinematic Universe (Falcon and the Winter Soldier)--Sam/Bucky
Night Terror
Falcon and the Winter Soldier fanfic. Bucky wakes up after having a nightmare about his time as the Winter Soldier. Written for Lovetober 2022. Pairing: Sam/Bucky. G, 253 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Gen
Angel of Death
Madeleine and Erik had to flee Boscherville. Now in Paris, Madeleine has decided to do to other unwanted children what she should have done to Erik years ago... Written for POTO Dark Week 2023. Pairing: Gen. T, 983 words, Chose Not to Warn.
The Bridge Is Crossed
The ambush during Don Juan Triumphant goes terribly wrong. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on Prompt #19, Because I Am Dying. Pairing: Gen. T, 679 words, Major Character Death Warning.
Grace in Your Heart and Flowers in Your Hair
Christine and her father have a picnic together. Written for POTO Fluff Week 2022. G, 230 words.
I Found It, All on My Own
Christine was prepared to spend Christmas alone, but her friends had other plans. Written for POTO Fluff Week 2022. G, 1432 words.
Les Flambettes
As children, Raoul and Christine roamed the village of Perros together, listening to various folktales. As an adult, Raoul decides to pursue Christine through the mirror when the Voice takes her. Written for paperandsong's Légendes Rustiques event. T, 1215 words, Major Character Death warning.
Never to Keep
Erik dreams that Christine returns to him. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #23, In a Moment of Sadness. G, 245 words.
Preparation for Mortality
Christine wasn't sure what to expect after Erik took her down to his lair beneath the opera house. But this was most definitely not it. Written for POTO Crack Week 2022. G, 768 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Carlotta/Christine
When Will the Blood Begin to Race
Carlotta has had enough of Christine Daae trying to take her place as prima donna. She follows her up to the rooftop. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. T, 806 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Erik/Christine
All the Things Yet to Come
For the past four years, Christine has struggled to live in Paris amidst a deadly, society-upending plague. One night, an encounter completely rattles her world. T, 34/34 chapters, 25k words.
Open Your Eyes
Encanto meets POTO. The de Cordova family has looked after the valley using their magical gifts for decades now. After an accident, they adopted Cristina, and she is expected to marry Raul de Cordova. However, in the days after his youngest cousin's gift ceremony, everything begins to fall apart...literally. Will she be able to save the magic? And what about the man in the walls? T, In progress.
Offer Up Your Daughters
When Christine arrived at Silas University, she was prepared to be focused on getting her degree in vocal performance. However, she is soon thrown into a world of mystery while dealing with possibly the world's worst roommate. Based off the Carmilla Webseries, genderbent Raoul and Erik. T, 45k words.
No Spell for you to Right This
After saving Silas University from the dean and her cult of vampires, Christine and Erika want nothing more than to take time to explore their new relationship with each other. But then, when murders begin to happen and new threats appear, they have to deal with enemies both within and without. Based off the Carmilla Webseries, genderbent Erik. M, In Progress.
All Hallow’s Eve
Christine sings for her father on All Hallow's Eve and has an unexpected audience. Originally written for POTOber 2021, reposted for Lovetober 2022. G, 666 words.
And All the Things You Thought That I Should Be
Erik receives a phone call letting him know that his mother is dead. To plan her funeral, he returns back to his hometown. Written for POTO Queer Week 2023. T, 1180 words.
Begin Again
Christine waits for her blind date at a coffee shop. Written for Lovetober 2022. G, 359 words.
Blind Date
When Meg set Christine up on a blind date with a guy she worked with, Christine didn't know what to expect. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #6, to say goodnight. G, 1244 words.
Dance the Night Away
Erik takes Christine to the masquerade ball at the Palais Garnier. Sequel to Unspoken Secrets. G, 2623 words.
Dark Stories of the North
Christine tries to share a part of her childhood with Erik. Written for POTO Fluff Week 2022. G, 333 words.
Erik's thoughts before leading Christine through the mirror. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based off prompt #24, To Say Hello. G, 247 words.
A Gift
Christine returns to Erik’s home under the lake bearing a special gift for him. Written for Kinktober 2022. E, 988 words.
Christine and Erik have a short conversation at night. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. G, 379 words.
Christine is going through a stressful senior year of high school. When she fails to make it on the school's orchestra, that stress comes to a head and she decides to do something about it. Written for POTO Fluff Week 2022. T, 2107 words.
Help Me Say Goodbye
Christine's thoughts during the Final Lair. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #25, to say goodbye. G, 503 words.
In the Morning
The morning after Christine and Erik sleep together goes very differently. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #2, With Relief. G, 597 words.
In Your Skin and Bone and Blood
Ten years after the events in the final lair, Christine is a single mother working as a violinist when people from her past begin to enter her life again. Written for POTO Fluff Week 2022. G, 1359 words.
Christine finds Erik after the Final Lair. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #5, With an Apology. G, 783 words.
Merry Crimes
While waiting on a flight back home for Christmas, Christine joins Sorelli, Meg, and Erika in town. But then, an unfortunate incident with the mayor leads them to take shelter in a mysterious bakery. Takes place between the final chapter and the epilogue of Offer Up Your Daughters. Genderbent Erik. T, 1951 words.
Night Terrors
Gustave wakes up after having a nightmare. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Written for prompt #16, After a Nightmare. G, 319 words.
The Ones She Had Lost and the Ones She Had Found
Ten years after the incident at the opera house, Christine returns for a performance. Written for Lovetober 2022. G, 1355 words.
Red Rope
Erik and Christine experiment with his red rope and shibari. E, 654 words.
The Saints Can’t Help Me Now
For years, no performance was held in the Palais Garner on a full moon. When the new managers change that policy, disaster strikes. The Werewolf AU probably no one was asking for but here it is. Written for Lovetober 2022. T, 1816 words, Chose Not to Use Archive Warnings.
Christine comes down with the flu and comes up with an idea of how to bond with Ayesha. Originally submitted to @a-partofthenarrative's 13 Nights of Halloween event on tumblr. G, 709 words.
Sweet Music’s Throne
Christine ties Erik to his throne and has her way with him. E, 613 words.
Unspoken Secrets
While staying at Erik's house by the underground lake, Christine stumbles across some of Erik's sketches. G, 1435 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Erik/Christine/Raoul
All This Devotion
After Christine kisses him, Erik spares Raoul. But now the boy is sick, and neither he nor Christine can go anywhere. Written for Whumptober 2022. G, 1218 words.
A New Life
The final lair takes an unexpected turn. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. G, 453 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Erik/Christine/Meg
Fine As We Are but We Want More
When Christine comes to New York, Meg wishes to tell her that she loves her, but is afraid to do so and believes it's too late when she sees Christine kiss Erik. Written for POTO Queer Week 2023 and Multiamory March 2023. G, 1053 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Erik/Meg
Before We Get Too Old
A year after Christine left Coney Island with her husband and son, Meg and Erik are both left still picking up the pieces after her return. T, 1045 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Erik/Raoul
Fear Can Turn to Love
After the final lair, Raoul returns to settle things. Pairing: E/R. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. E, 746 words.
Can’t Let Go
After Erik lets Raoul and Christine go, Raoul can't get him out of his mind. Written for POTO Queer Week 2023. G, 100 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Meg/Christine
Quiet Hours
Christine and Meg snuggle in bed. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. G, 145 words.
The Truth You Can’t Hide
A heat wave is rolling through Paris. Meg and Christine go buy ice cream to keep cool. Written for POTO Fluff Week 2022. G, 615 words.
New Ballet Shoes
Meg's feet are sore after getting new en point shoes. Christine tries to help. Written for POTO Queer Week 2023. G, 100 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Pharoga
Best Laid Plans
Erik and Nadir's escape from Persia goes horribly wrong. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #18, Because You Are Dying. T, 741 words.
I Don’t Care if You’re Lying
At night, Erik and Nadir spend time together in Nadir's bedroom in Persia. Written for POTO Queer Week 2023. E, 503 words.
Nadir cares for Erik after he is injured in Persia. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. G, 211 words.
No Way Out
Nadir is summoned to see the Little Sultana. Written for Whumptober 2022. T, 565 words.
Old Friends
After ten years, Nadir reunites with Erik in the midst of the chaos of the semaine sanglante. Refreshed date to 05/21/2022 for the Paris Commune Week. Written for POTO Queer Week 2022. G, 808 words.
Setting Fire to Our Insides for Fun
Several weeks after Erik lets Christine go, Nadir gets worried and goes to check on Erik. Written for POTO Queer Week 2023. T, 592 words.
Phantom of the Opera--Raoul/Christine
The Child
After the incident at the Palais Garnier, Christine and Raoul disappeared into the forests of the North. But they did not live happily ever after. For POTO Dark Week 2021. T, 899 words, Major Character Death warning.
The Morning After
Christine's thoughts the morning after the final lair. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #14, On a Bruise. G, 311 words.
A New Day
After the chandelier crash, Christine and Raoul get away from the opera house for the evening. Was a submission for Day 4 of Raoulstine Week. G, 410 words.
A Secret Engagement
Several months after the chandelier crash, Christine spends Christmas with the de Chagny family and must come to terms with her emotions towards both Raoul and Erik. Written for Timebird84's 2021 Advent Calendar. G, 773 words.
To the Rooftop
Raoul's thoughts as he follows Christine to the rooftop. Originally written in 2021 as part of the Touch Prompts on tumblr. Based on prompt #8, To Protect. G, 308 words.
Star Wars--Gen
Breaking Out
Star Wars fanfic. After Luke is captured, he has an unexpected rescuer. Written for Whumptober 2022. G, 680 words.
Star Wars fanfic. After escaping Zygerria, Anakin starts thinking about what has happened to him. Written for Whumptober 2022. T, 311 words.
Star Wars--Anidala
Star Wars fanfic. Anakin and Padme watch the stars on Naboo. Written for Lovetober 2022. G, 228 words.
Star Wars--Obikin
The Third Option
Star Wars fanfic. Obi-Wan's confrontation of Vader in the season finale goes a bit differently. Written for Whumptober 2022. G, 384 words.
Stranger Things--Eddissy
Don’t Let Me Be Lonely Tonight
Stranger Things fanfic. Chrissy doesn’t want to go home tonight. Instead, she meets Eddie at his trailer. Written for Lovetober 2022. G, 1137 words.
The Witcher--Gen
Undo this Storm
Witcher fanfic. Geralt comforts Ciri after what happen at Kaer Morhen. Written for Lovetober 2022. G, 180 words.
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profkarnsteinhollis · 5 years
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Carmilla would write this for Laura
Flight attendant AU?
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silaslibraryclub · 6 years
Prompt Response #3
Prompt: Laura as Dr Who (Doctor WHollis)
Delivered by Rai @mymindwandersonbrokenfeet
Laura's footsteps are in their usual chaotically choreographed rhythm. Carmilla watches her with some form of admiration, as she always does. Golden strands of hair in a messy bun, that cute little focused expression on her face. Carmilla had to teach her to tie that tie, you know. All the knowledge in the universe except how to tie a windsor. It's been two years, Laura keeps saying with a wide smile. Carmilla knows. Two years of playing hero, two years since Laura was her hero from the mundane. Okay, and maybe she saved her planet.
"I could be wrong," Laura says nervously. "Time is a bit hard to measure these days."
Carmilla nods, surprised she's put thought into it.
"I thought we could go somewhere special," Laura says. "Celebrate? There are quite a few planets that just are parties. Nothing but parties from dawn to dusk." Carmilla makes a sour face, loathing the idea of another party planet where Laura mistakes psychedelic goo for an alcoholic beverage and Carmilla has to tell her that there's no giant angler fish trying to eat her.
"Want to see the library of alexandria before the whole-" Laura pauses. "You know?" She hits a switch or two, a button.
Carmilla thinks. With her tongue in her cheek and a hatred for everyone she's saved, and a love for the woman that's saved her. She wonders how anyone can care for one person among the millions they've saved, upon the million's they couldn't.
"Nowhere," Carmilla says. "I want to go nowhere."
Laura stops, dead in her tracks. Laura lifts her glasses from her nose and her face scrunches. "We've been everywhere but nowhere, haven't we?" Laura asks. Carmilla nods. The TARDIS seems to already be at work, shuffling around space and time. It stops abruptly and Laura nearly collapses on the floor. Carmilla chuckles, as she always does when it happens.
Carmilla helps Laura up, and they walk to the doors, together. They open them up, and Carmilla is certain she's never seen anything more beautiful.
They're nowhere. No planet, no system, no fires to be put out. They're in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by constellations Carmilla has never seen. Laura thinks before snapping her fingers and running off. Carmilla sits, her legs dangling into the vast world of nowhere. Admiring star dust and perfect, endlessness. Playing hero makes her feel so big, so needed. Stars remind her that she's small, and that it's okay to make mistakes.
Laura comes back, sits down and hands Carmilla a cup of tea. It’s bitter and ‘unkind’ as Laura would say. Laura has enough marshmallows in her cocoa to choke a small ostrich.
“Thank you,” Carmilla says. There’s a tear somewhere in her eye, a breath she’s skipped. A heartbeat she’ll never care to reclaim. They’re nowhere, spinning in a void, watching the universe simply exist.
“Thank her,” Laura says, as she usually does.
“No,” Carmilla says. “Thank you. For everything.”
Laura nods with a focused expression. Carmilla is sure this is all very dull for someone who’s seen everything, who knows everything. Yet, Laura smiles. Laura smiles and nods and appreciates nothingness. Laura scoots over, putting her head on Carmilla’s shoulder. Carmilla leans her cheek against the softness of her hair. She smiles too. Two years, give or take, if anyone is counting. All these planets, all this time playing hero. Yet this, this is probably her favorite adventure, going nowhere at all.
“Thank you, too,” Laura says. “For this,” she continues.
“Are you literally thanking me for nothing?”
“Don’t ruin it,” Laura retorts. Carmilla laughs.
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cardiaceyes · 3 years
Hey guys
having some anxiety issues, so I need the distraction- if anyone wants to send me some prompts pls do. Here’s a list of ships I’ll write if it’s not on the list, you can ask and i will prob write it! just ask away! this is all i could think of off the top of my head
to my friends: you can request/prompt an oc ship if you want it and know it (or i know ur characters)
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carmakween-blog · 4 years
So this pandemic has driven me insane with boredom and convinced me to finally write some fanfics. My ask box is open to any prompts. I am only writing SuperCorp atm. Though I will consider writing other wlw ships (Clexa, Hollstein, Valkubus, etc.) in the future so still send prompts. I will just get to it later.
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ukulelekatie · 5 years
Word Count: 7710
Rating: T
Laura is excited to move into her new dorm room at Silas University and meet her new roommate, Betty. But things quickly turn from top to bottom when she finds out that Betty's plans have changed and Laura is forced to share a bunk bed with Carmilla, the roommate from hell. (AU where Laura and Carmilla’s room has bunk beds.)
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snowonebutyou · 5 years
things you said when you were scared for hollstein! :D
title: hard to be soft, tough to be tender 
author: isacabral
rating: T
pairing: laura hollis/carmilla karnstein
summary: kind-of buffy au 
“You’re not welcome here. You come near us and I’ll kill you.”
“I know you’re there. And I know what you are.”
“Do you?”
“I’m just an animal, right?”
read more on ao3 // send me a ship and one of these and i’ll write a mini fic
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mashup-writing · 6 years
What do you guys think about a superhero reader who gets more light headed or more fatigued the more they use their powers?
For me it feels easiest to use this for a speedster reader as I headcanon that the faster you go, you move just as you normally would but you have to exert twenty times the normal effort if you want to reach supper sonic speed.
Because I usually see most superhero readers being written as energetic, or bubbly, and I want to do this for a change, make my hero a bit more down and able to feel and show the fatigue and tiredness they feel.
What do you guys think??
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heyjenocide · 7 years
Laura finds her runaway cat curled up and purring in her obnoxious neighbor's lap in the lobby of their apartment building. She never expected to see Carmilla so gentle with another living thing and it makes her think she was wrong about her.
Okay! I busted this out today and I hope you like it. I made a few slight changes to the prompt which I hope will be forgiven. In the spirit of Valentine's day, I went more romcom with it and I hope the changes meet with approval. I’ve been looking forward to this one since it arrived in my inbox.
The first time her cat ran away, Laura had been in a panic. Sure, he was microchipped and had a collar, but that didn’t mean he wasn’t in danger. She spent hours making fliers and passing them out around the neighborhood. Having only moved into the apartment one week prior, she was terrified that Ewok would get lost in the city and not find his way home. Luckily, her crazy hot neighbor in 307 showed up with him curled in her arms. If Laura hadn’t been so intimidated by the leather pants—were those painted on?—she might have been able to do more than produce a rambling stream of gratitude. Her neighbor merely raised an eyebrow, and wow those were the best eyebrows Laura had ever seen before she handed Ewok back without a single word. The next day, through some journalistic sleuthing that included “accidentally” barreling into the mailman and “borrowing” an advertisement meant for #307, Laura learned her neighbor’s name was Carmilla.
The second time Ewok ran away, he managed to do so by chewing through the screen of a window she’d opened. Laura printed more fliers and spent hours looking for him, before returning to her apartment, dejected. That’s where she’d found a hastily scrawled note taped to her door explaining that her cat was next door in apartment #307. Of course, he was.
Laura’s ridiculously sexy neighbor opened the door wearing nothing more than a short robe that was loosely tied around her waist. Was she actually naked under that thing? Later Laura would blame all of that exposed skin and a flash of side boob for the word vomit that spewed out of her mouth. Carmilla leaned against the door jamb with an amused smirk painted on her face and patiently listened to Laura’s long-winded and incoherent explanation of what happened. As she settled into bed that night, Laura couldn’t help but think about those dark eyes and the unexpected kindness that shone within them. And okay, yes her thoughts strayed more than once to Carmilla’s shapely legs. Only as she was about to fall asleep did Laura realize she’d forgotten to ask exactly how Carmilla found Ewok.
The third time he escaped, she didn’t waste time and simply knocked on Carmilla’s door. As a sign of appreciation, Laura brought with her some of the cupcakes she’d baked yesterday. These were accepted with a curious expression, and after a moment, Carmilla opened the door in invitation. Her apartment was cluttered, and Laura had to fight her instinct to tidy up. Ewok didn’t seem to might the mess, though. He was sprawled out on Carmilla’s couch. On the table in front of him was a small bowl of water, some cat treats, and a toy mouse. Apparently, Ewok had gotten into the ductwork between their apartments and Carmilla rescued him.
Today marked the fourth time Ewok got out as he ran unnoticed between Laura’s legs as she carried several bags of groceries. She felt a little ashamed that it took her almost a half an hour to realize he was missing. Again. When she showed up at Carmilla’s a few minutes later, the door was cracked, and she entered after a soft knock. It was significantly cleaner than the last time she’d been here and a mouthwatering aroma of garlic and herbs associated with Italian food fill the air.
“You’re cooking,” Laura said, letting her eyes wander about the room as she tried to absorb as many tiny details as possible. In fact, Carmilla herself was more dressed up than usual. She wore a low cut strapless red dress that showed off her legs, and her hair was styled in loose waves around her shoulders. “Oh, you have a date.”
“Aren’t you observant? But yes, I might have a date, if I’m lucky,” Carmilla replied. The smile she threw Laura’s way took any bite out of the comment.
Might? That was ambiguous. “I’m sorry this keeps happening with Ewok. I’ll grab him and get out of your hair.” She lifted Ewok up and kissed his forehead as he settled into her arms.
Before she could reach the doorway, though, Carmilla said, “That’s a terrible name. You adopted a twenty pound Maine Coon and named him after some stoned teddy bears who barely bumbled their way through survival.”
“What? No! That’s awful. Ewoks are adorable,” Laura said but failed at withholding her laughter.
“Well, I did you a favor and got him a new name tag. Obviously, all of this running away was a cry for help.”
Laura adjusted Ewok in her arms so she could read his name tag. Most of the information was the same except two words, Wolverine and directly below it, Cupcake. “You can’t possibly be serious?”
With a shrug, Carmilla said, “Hey, I just go with what fits.”
Was this flirting? It felt an awful lot like flirting. Her mind racing while she tried to decipher every interaction she’d had with Carmilla, Laura said the only thing that came to mind. “My name is Laura, not Cupcake.”
“I suppose you owe your parents some thanks, then. Although, I think I’ll stick to pastries. They suit you.”
Laura blinked as she caught the wink thrown her way. Yep, there was definitely flirting. Ewok hopped out of her arms and darted into the kitchen to rub against Carmilla’s bare legs. There was absolutely no sane way she should be jealous of a cat, but there it was. “I am not calling him Wolverine.”
“But you’re willing to compromise on Cupcake? At least you’ve got your priorities straight.”
“What? You’re impossible.”
Carmilla’s eyes danced, and the corner of her mouth quirked upward. “Would you like to stay for dinner? If you don’t like Italian, we can order in.”
“I-” Laura glanced at the small kitchen table and the two place settings that had been made up. At the foot of the table were two small bowls; one filled with water and the other, cat treats. “I thought you said you had a date?”
“I said I might have a date. I’m hoping she says yes.”
Oh. OH. “Yes, I would love to stay,” Laura said. “You did all of this for me?”
“Honestly, I think your cat is a bit of a matchmaker,” Carmilla said. “But yes, I decided after last time that I would ask you out the next time he scratched at my door.”
“Lucky me.” Laura smiled down at Ewok who yawned and started cleaning his crotch. Matchmaker indeed.
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[ID: a pink banner reading: "Dr Carmilla Appreciation Week / July 10 - July 16". On the right side of the banner is a drawing of Dr Carmilla smiling and waving. End ID]
Welcome to Dr Carmilla Appreciation Week, a week dedicated to showing love to Dr Carmilla through art of all kind!
The event will take place from July 10 to July 16. The prompts for the week are:
Monday - Mother (aka Mom Monday)
Tuesday - Immortality / Vampirism
Wednesday - Story and Song
Thursday - Disability
Friday - Love
Saturday - Laboratory
Sunday - Free Day!
You can post drawings, fanfics, collages, songs - anything you want, but it must be centered around Carmilla.
You are encouraged to @ this blog in your posts, or tag with "dr carmilla appreciation week", and I will reblog your art here!
See you on July 10!!!
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aspidities · 6 years
Prompt: Hollstein, AU where vampires openly rule the world. Laura is being sold at a market, and Countess Karnstein examines her and finds her fit to buy. When Laura gets to the estate, she finds that Carmilla at least takes good care of her pets...
Hi lovely, thank you for the Hollistein prompt! I chose yours yesterday but for….reasons (*cough* sunshine nap) it did not get finished. I’m working on it today, but here’s a sneak peak:
“Present for me.” She said, suddenly, and the command made Laura jump.
Oh god, she thought, and swallowed hard. For a moment, her body rebelled against her instinct to obey, and she stood stock-still, as the alpha watched. Then, slowly, she dropped to her knees on the plush carpeted floor, and, closing her eyes, allowed her upper body to fall forward onto her elbows, arching her back to put herself on display. She had never presented before, so the position did not come easily or naturally, but there was a blessed relief from her instincts once her face was pressed to the floor. And that wasn’t the only thing her instincts were doing to her body; she felt a sudden and unexpected flow between her legs, and her lips parted, unable to stop the small gasp.
“Good girl.” Carmilla praised, and Laura had to bite the inside of her cheek to stop herself moaning back in response. This was exactly the kind of demeaning behavior she’d expected from an alpha, and yet…in the moment it was turning her on so hard she couldn’t think about the anti-feminist applications anymore.
“Please…” She whispered, and wet her dry lips, unable to think of what she was pleading for, until she swallowed and remembered. “Please…be gentle.”
“I so rarely am,” Carmilla admitted, fingers thrumming a soft pattern down Laura’s shivering, bare spine. “But for you… I could make an exception.”
That’s all you get for now, but just fyi, this is already seven fucking pages of pure filth and it’s getting longer, so hopefully it’ll be worth the wait, kittens. 
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