prompts-otp · 7 years
college au
roommates au ~ -“you keep leaving your clothes on the bathroom floor please pick them up i’m going insane” au
-“you snore too much i’m literally going to sleep on the fukcign bathroom floor because i have no friends to let me sleep over” au
-“i just walked in on you changing and now there’s this weird not necessarily bad tension between us” au
-“you walk in not realizing i’m on a video chat with my parents and say some v e r y suggestive things” au
classmates au ~ -“please help me study i’m going to flunk this ap class that i should not even be in au
-“let’s bond over our mutual hatred for this one horrible professor” au
-“you’re sitting in the seat that i sit in every single day and i have no friends to go and sit with” au
homesick au ~ -“this is my first time being away from home but somehow you’re just like a home to me” au
-“we’re both from the same area and we discuss fond memories from our childhoods while we’re out of the region” au
-“i’m not from around here but you are so you make an effort to show me all the best places in town to try and make me feel comfortable” au
coworkers au ~ -“one of the students just told me they ship you and i and i’m thinking they may be onto something” au
-“i don’t know anything about the subject you teach so you decide to teach me” au
-“you find me on tumblr at work dangerously scrolling through definitely nsfw fanart and written smut of my otp and now you have questions” au
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prompts-otp · 7 years
Who slides around the house in their socks and who catches them before they slip?
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prompts-otp · 7 years
Who aggressively lip-syncs and dances to Disney music and who watches lovingly from the sidelines?
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Tumblr media
Today is the only day you can share this meme. Precisely 2000 years prior to March 6th 4017. The day Squidward trapped himself in the freezer. March 6th 2017.
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Person A: Is that my shirt?
Person B:
Person B: no
Person A: *checks tag*
Person A: That is my shirt!
Person B: Why do you write your name in your clothing?!
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prompts-otp · 8 years
a bet, pt. 2
Person B: What the hell is this stupid f***ing f***ed up track?
Person A: It’s not my fault that I’m in first and you’re in twelfth.
Person B: *snatches the remote out of A’s hand and sends them flying off the track*
Person A: B! Jeez!
Person B: You can’t win the bet! I can’t get tickled! [thinking: not to mention that I’d like to win for other reasons, too.]
Person A (taking remote back): It’s not like you’re going to win. I’m pretty confident that you suck at this game.
Person B (adrenaline rush): Look who’s in seventh.
(When the round finishes, Person A is in 8th. Person B is in 5th.)
Person B: Ha! You didn’t win!
Person A: You didn’t win, either!
Person B: The person with the highest score wins. Isn’t that the point?
Person A (sighs): Look, B, if you want me to kiss you, why don’t you just say so?
Person B: No, it’s not that. I’m just overly competitive.
Person A:
Person B:
Person A: (shakes head and silently pulls B to them by the collar of their shirt)
Person A: We both know that’s not really true.
(Person A kisses Person B hard on the lips. B is blushing incredibly red.)
Person A: All you had to do was say the words.
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prompts-otp · 8 years
a bet
Person A: Ah, Mario Kart, the most romantic of dates. Let's play Rainbow Road. Person B: You don't stand a chance. Person A: Okay, if I win, I get to tickle you. Person B: And if I win? Person A: If you win... I will kiss you. Person B (blushing): *presses OK* Person A: Deal? Person B (mumbling): Deal.
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Person A: I love you. Person B: Person B: I love cheese
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prompts-otp · 8 years
what songs make a think of b? what songs make b think of a? what is "their song?" what songs make you furiously imagine smut of a and b to while you listen to it? what song did a and b first dance to together? what song does a like to hear b sing the most?
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Who in your OTP is the hopeless romantic?
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Person A: Are you Satan because damn. Person B: I don't know whether I should be offended or intrigued
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Person A: I heard you like bad boys. Person B: *raises eyebrows* Person A: Well, when I go to sleep, I *let* the bedbugs bite. Person B: Person A: Person B: That's not bad. That's just stupid.
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prompts-otp · 8 years
sleepover au
Person C: Okay, A, you're up! Person A: All right. Never have I ever kissed someone Person B: *bursts through wall* Person B: I can change that
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Imagine your OTP in a social setting. Person A confides in a friend about who their crush is, enlisting the friend to be their wingperson. Person B suddenly finds themselves in awkward situations with Person A. B doesn't seem to understand why A's friend is always there during those moments, nor why the friend is wearing shades and a detective coat while snickering in the corner, watching them be awkward romantic beings...
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prompts-otp · 8 years
how they met
-"I was at a bar and you were singing karaoke and sweet lord you had a great voice" au -"I signed up for gymnastics classes on a dare and whOA WHAT CAN YOU TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT" au -"I was sitting by myself at a school dance/prom/homecoming and you thought I looked lonely so you asked me to dance" au -"I was throwing coins into the decorative water fountain like a little kid and you stopped and asked me if I could give you a coin to make a wish on" au -"My partner broke up with me right before I planned to propose to them and I need to return this ring, do you do returns?" au (maybe turning into a conversation about how single they both are and going out on a date?) -"I sat in front of you in kindergarten and you cut my hair off with scissors and the principal arranged a 'special meeting' with each of us and our parents" au -"We met while playing Pokémon GO and started fighting over a Pikachu" au -"I went to a sleepover at the house of one of my mutual friends and they introduced me to you and we hit it off" au -"You were forced to sit down next to me in the packed movie theater because the show was about to start and you couldn't find a seat fast enough" au -"I'm in the ER waiting room because I may have broken a bone and you show me how far back you can bend one of your fingers" au -"I dropped my books in the crowded school hallway and you were the only one that helped me pick them up" au -"You let your dog do its business on my yard and I'm sure as hell not picking that up" au -"I just spilled my entire lunch on the ground and I'm out of lunch money so you decide to give me half of your sandwich and some chips" au
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Person A and Person B play the same instrument in their school's band/orchestra and bond over their mutual love for one song on the concert program.
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prompts-otp · 8 years
Your OTP is watching a movie together. Person A, trying to be subtle, leans their head on Person B's shoulder. Person B knows that Person A is definitely not subtle.
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