proship-selfship · 5 months
I'm going to be deleting soon, likely tomorrow, but I felt that before I did, I deserved the opportunity to finally talk about what happened in this fandom, and why I'm choosing to walk away.
This is a full timeline of the events that happened in October, to the best of my knowledge and memory.
CW// for mentions of "problematic" fiction regarding age-gap pairings, graphic death threats, rape threats, descriptions of suicide baiting, descriptions of suicide ideations/attempts and examples of doxxing.
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proship-selfship · 6 months
with companies and creators getting expose for shady actions everyday, what's even the point of enjoying their content when u know the ppl behind it are shitty? i know it can be hard to let go and replace something that you enjoy consuming, it was apart of yours and everyone's life and you grow attached & used to it. (1/3)
idolizing a person or company isn't okay but demonizing the products and the ppl who enjoy it isn't, and ppl are quick to treat u like trash for still consuming the product, like you support/defend any of the decisions they made. simply finding/making alternative isn't as simple as ppl think. as the content wld still be well-known, popular & ingrained in the communities regardless of controversies. (2/3)
as an alternative wld either not last very long, won't have what makes the OG special or even better and it still fall same trap once it gets popular and things change (such as ownership, strategies and objectives). at this point, i feel like you're better off not bothering with the ppl behind it and just enjoy the content while it still going and leave on you own time. (3/3)
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proship-selfship · 6 months
I'm turning off asks so I can try and clear the inbox. Also lots going on irl. Kinda tired.
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proship-selfship · 6 months
As a self-shipper, is the problem in me when I get somewhat jealous and insecure about canon x canon ships? I've blocked all the ship names I don't like, and somehow the fan arts still manage to show up in my Twitter timeline, and sometimes it triggers negative feelings (but not extreme). It doesn't help that I tend to overthink things.
Oh, no, that's completely understandable. I get the same way, and so do some other selfshippers that I know. It's nothing to worry about. ^_^
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proship-selfship · 6 months
Update! I have closed the form and will no longer be taking responses. Thank you all for participating and for your feedback, this will be taken into account in the second version of the survey. The data is actually quite interesting, so I'll be combing over that over the next couple of months.
So while I put together my next essay (thesis?), I would like to hear from you, the community, about your experiences with Antis. I want to hear your stories and thoughts and gather data. Everything will be kept anonymous.
Edit: I'll keep this survey open until the end of the month. And thanks to the folks leaving feedback in the replies, it's very much appreciated. ^_^
Edit 2: Made some fixes- the 30-35 age range has been added, and there are now N/A options in the BITE model section.
Edit 3: Seems that a couple of antis have found the survey. The cutoff date will now be at the end of the month, or earlier if it starts getting out of hand and the data gets muddied.
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proship-selfship · 6 months
we know predators can't come back from what they did, but what about those who defend predatory ppl? its not seen as any better cause while they don't directly harm ppl, they are downplaying and dismissing the fact that someone was hurted emotionally and sexually. i dont wanna assume all that do that are predators themselves, but some are either friends or associated with them, can u even come back from defending one?
I mean, they can, but it's difficult. It involves actively trying to learn and grow from your mistakes and distancing yourself from the alleged predator, which can be hard if you've known the accused for a while and consider them a friend, doubly so if they're family. Unless that person actively knew about what was happening or was involved in it as an accessory to the problematic behaviour, then yes, I do believe that they can make amends and be better.
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proship-selfship · 6 months
with how often call-out post are full of misinformation, out-of-context screenshots and trivial things that arent imporntant, its might get to the point where everyone just STOPS taken anyone's call-out seriously, even if its about actual abused AND THATS JUST NOT OKAY!!!
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proship-selfship · 6 months
Genuine question, how can antis be a cult if they’re not organized? Nobody becomes friends with someone or meets someone solely because they have the same extremely vague stance on fanfiction— at least i would hope not.
They're not organised, no, and nobody really becomes friends based on their opinions on fanfiction in fandom spaces. But when you see these groups of people who like the same fandom (which is the basis of them grouping together) who also happen to have the same stance on "illegal" ships, they'll act like cults do- especially in big servers with lots of Antis present, and those tend to be the biggest problem.
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proship-selfship · 6 months
u even wonder if some of ppl who made nsfw and ships things yet become or behave like Antis, actually understood what proship is like. cause it seems like some antis did start out doing that but changed sides once they were told these anti rhetorics. i mean fandoms are a hobby, ya do it for fun and meet ppl. u don't exactly go to learn things like media literacy, critical thinking, internet safety and spotting red flags about ppl.
In my opinion, just give them time. Stand back and watch them like bacteria cultures in a petri dish, and eventually they'll get it. Maybe. I hope.
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proship-selfship · 6 months
Tumblr media
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proship-selfship · 6 months
Why do we as a society keep coming back to sex jokes?
Penis blast hilarious
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proship-selfship · 7 months
it looks like selfshiprequests is also proship friendly! they 'have no dni or blacklisted content'
Go follow them too, I guess ^_^ I think there are more neutral selfship request/prompt blogs out there but I couldn't tell you all of them off the top of my head.
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proship-selfship · 7 months
I feel like I want to explain to young tumblr users who weren't born yet that MulderxScully was a revolutionary ship. No, it was not queer but that is not the only way to be revolutionary.
In the 90s when The X Files was airing, media was like misogyny soup. Yes, there were exceptions. But casual sexism was so ubiquitous it was like we were all frogs simmering in it and if you dared to say, hey, uh, isn't this joke a little shitty to the wife? Or maybe this female character could do something other than pose and ask questions so the male lead can answer them? Then you were a hairy feminist outcast loser.
Scully was a lot of things but she was not that. All the "You're not going to believe this, Scully!" memes are based on the fact that Mulder, an attractive white dude, wanted nothing more in his entire life than to share his passions with this tiny redhead. Was he nuts? Yes. But on many other shows, he would have talked down to her, would've ignored her, would've mocked her. He didn't.
When you go back and watch The X Files, there's these moments where Mulder and Scully look at each other like, "wait did Jack Black really just say that" and the significance to fan history isn't just the sexual tension. It's that, yeah, and the origin of the word ship, and the 'will-they-won't-they'. But the most important thing about those looks is how they told the audience that Mulder was looking to Scully for something. A man was looking at a woman and asking with his eyes "what do you think about this?" Was he also saying "and do you want to bone about it?" Yeah, yeah he was. But the first thing was sexy as hell.
Respecting a woman's expertise and folding information she provided into his worldview was a revolutionary thing for a man to do on television at the time. Thank you for coming to my MSR ted talk.
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proship-selfship · 7 months
So it seems I might have to make a second draft of the survey. I'll have to work on it when I'm not as drained- life decided to just keep happening this week and I am very tired.
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proship-selfship · 7 months
ya dont cause, cause i heard about this user NAFEDUDE, who's also an anti, admitted to sexually assaulted his step-sister. there was also another anti who admitted to have been in jail for attempted rape while they were drunk. and mind you, these were said on their public twitter by THEMSELVES and not their victims. so what's the angel? are antis THAT stupid or THAT self-confidence that thy won't get in trouble for it
Honestly, I don't know. Having the perceived moral high ground on ships doesn't excuse criminal charges, but apparently some folks think it does. I don't get it.
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proship-selfship · 7 months
Hi! I'm not sure if this is allowed and if not, please delete and ignore, but I started a blog for reader insert Imagines/headcanons for pro and self shippers. It's very ugly right now but I'll work on that tomorrow! The url is proshipselfship-imagines and I hope to be able to write a lot of stuff to help folks like me feel seen. If you do share this, I can't thank you enough ♥
Sure thing!! Go check this person's blog out and give them some love.
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proship-selfship · 7 months
@elfwreck Do you have any suggestions on how I could improve the questions you find "wtf-ish"? The goal of the survey is to collect data for an essay I want to write about how Antis are getting out of hand, and the survey is based solely around interactions with Antis.
I don't ask for specifics about trauma because it's not my place to ask for someone's history. Not everyone's okay with sharing their story, so I don't want to make them. Again, any suggestions are welcome (and I hope I'm not coming off as disrespectful here ^^;).
So while I put together my next essay (thesis?), I would like to hear from you, the community, about your experiences with Antis. I want to hear your stories and thoughts and gather data. Everything will be kept anonymous.
Edit: I'll keep this survey open until the end of the month. And thanks to the folks leaving feedback in the replies, it's very much appreciated. ^_^
Edit 2: Made some fixes- the 30-35 age range has been added, and there are now N/A options in the BITE model section.
Edit 3: Seems that a couple of antis have found the survey. The cutoff date will now be at the end of the month, or earlier if it starts getting out of hand and the data gets muddied.
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