pseudopassion · 6 years
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pseudopassion · 6 years
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Screens from The Museum of Anything Goes, a 1995 CD-ROM.
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pseudopassion · 6 years
Imagine Dipper Pines having to leave trigonometry because he was having a panic attack and started heaving This is the only class ever that he fails
Imagine the Pines twins leaving everyone in the dust once they have to run/do endurance tests in PE
Imagine the Pines Twins not giving two shits about bullies bc they have been facing death on a regular basis and a kid their age being mean is nothing compared to a shapeshifter transforming into a lovecraftian horror version of both of them mixed together - to a point where it scares off even the toughest bullies
Hide and Seek just became impossible to win and how did they even /get/ there!?
That one camping trip where Mabel distracts the teachers (all three of them) with the cold-blooded attitude and talk of an experienced conman while wearing the widest, most charming smile so her brother can slip away They meet back up at the bus five hours later - the kid is covered in sweat, scratches, has run out of the neon-colored band-aids his sister gave him for the trip and has a very very weird animal (?) skull peaking out of his backpack that hardly anyone notices bc they are distracted by the glass filled with weird geodes the kid is holding
Don’t play cards with Mabel Pines if you want to keep your lunch money. You don’t play over money? Trust me. You will.
Waddles is the new school mascot and thus allowed to attend class (your future will be much brighter if you accept this as fact) and he’s probably the safest one too because no one will steal from the Pines Twins.
Chanting becomes a school-wide habit among the students very quickly.
You do not want to know where these weird punctual scars on Dipper’s arms come from, or any of the others. End of discussion.
“Would you like to tell the class what you did over the summer?” Dipper freezes -faced death on a weekly basis, got possessed by a demon, scarred for life by a shapeshifter, learned how to con people into buying useless stuff, aliens are real, travelled through time, got almost eaten by a dinosaur amongst other things, nearly had my memories deleted, saw the end of the world and saved it, falling to my death because of the giant robot belonging to the creepy kid that crushed on my sister who also tried to kill me with his psychic powers- Mabels to the rescue “ I knitted a bajiollion sweaters and wore a different one every day!”
Don’t even /think/ about stealing that hat, I swear, I saw that Pines kid jump-attack the first -and only- guy who tried to He didn’t have a chance Based on this, rumours start going around until one day a kid is brave enough to walk up to the infamous Dipper Pines and ask if he can /really/ fight a bear with just his hands and Dipper just chuckles, glances to the side for a moment and asks how many heads that bear you are referring to has with the impression of making an insider-joke before walking off Rumours go even wilder after that and Dipper keeps giving weird and mysterious answers bc this is okay, he and Mabel can only laugh about the things the other students come up with, because it will never even compare to the horror these two went through
You meet Mabel Pines the first time and leave twenty minutes later after a friendly chat, with a new contact in your phone, a friendship bracelet and the promise of a new sweater that you don’t take seriously until she hands the thing to you the following day This happens a lot
Mabel Pines does never forgot a name or birthday or any other trivia of her new and old friends
Every studemt received a valentine’s card this year and in the following years. Every. Single. One.
Feel free to add more!
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pseudopassion · 6 years
me: I feel such…crankiness inside…the desire to whine is…unstoppable… I feel myself growing…spiteful and sarcastic … what is this disease? This disord—
brain: you’re hungry you simple bitch
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pseudopassion · 7 years
Fear and the Fourth Wall in Video Games: “Doki Doki Literature Club!” & “Undertale”
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I mentioned on Twitter that I wanted to write an essay on horror and the fourth wall in video games, and that is what I’m doing. You can take the girl out of the university, but you can’t take the English major out of the girl, it seems.
But first, a warning: this essay contains spoilers for both “Doki Doki Literature Club!” and “Undertale,” two excellent games that are highly experiential, which is to say, they are intended to be played knowing as little as possible about the story. If you haven’t played either of the games, I urge you to do so before reading this essay. “Doki Doki Literature Club!” is free on Steam, and “Undertale” a mere $10, and both only require a few hours’ investment to complete.
A further warning: this essay will delve into sensitive and potentially triggering topics, including violence, suicide, and self-harm. There will be screen caps of these topics within the body of the text.
These are the last warnings you will see.
Keep reading
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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i think this song is perfect for these girls
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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Hooked On Phonics
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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it would be beneficial to your mental health
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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pseudopassion · 7 years
vinny was talking about his stash of cinnamon roll oreos and how he has two packs in his trunk for “emergencies” and when someone asked what kind of emergency needs oreos, he answered “i dunno, depression” and that’s the realest shit i’ve ever heard him say and i feel a true sense of solidarity from that statement
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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pseudopassion · 7 years
seriously i could listent o this nonstop
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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Pixel doodles
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pseudopassion · 7 years
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flowey doodles that turned into a sort of vent ahaha,,,,
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