psycloneandmyuu · 3 months
// For those who have been going through the entirety of my art on this blog and mass-liking it— I appreciate it, I do!
But with tumblr, likes act as a bookmark. Nobody else sees them. They don’t boost a post. They don’t help the original poster. Unlike in instagram where likes actually push ‘content’ forward, likes on tumblr don’t push exposure. They sit in your likes box.
The recent reblog-likes ratios have been staggering and massively disheartening for artists (which is largely why I moved my art to instagram in the first place— a like is the most minimal amount of engagement but at least likes do something there).
If you really wanna help artists (especially growing artists) out, please opt to reblog instead of like. If you don’t wanna post all at once, throw it in the queue.
The artists of tumblr will appreciate you greatly.
- Margo
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psycloneandmyuu · 6 months
reblog this and boop the person you're reblogged it from
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psycloneandmyuu · 9 months
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Yes its only a few hours to the new year, and its time to look back on how we did. The first two months never got posted, but the last worked on dates do fall under those months, so I'll allow it -w-
My Commissions are open!!
Descriptions and Links under the readmore
January: Gaster and Geneva (Unposted)
February: Mevarhoni the make-a-mewtwo ( https://thedigitalvalkerie.tumblr.com/post/710210882413740032/alright-we-never-got-an-8th-comment-so-i-decided )
March: Brother ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/Brother-952968982 )
April: I'm Still Winning Blue boy! (redraw) ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/I-m-Still-Winning-Blue-Boy-957424540 )
May: Master Leonardo said to stay here!! (Fakeshot) ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/Master-Leonardo-said-to-stay-here-Fakeshot-963912036 )
June: PR Future Sketches ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/PR-Future-sketches-966328946 )
July: RotTMNT Donatello Fanart Challenge ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/RotTMNT-Donatello-Fanart-Challenge-972352087 )
August: 'I am not alone' ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/I-Am-Not-Alone-977686331 )
September: Phoenix Rising Chapter 1 Cover ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/Phoenix-Rising-Chapter-1-Cover-980613447 )
October: What was that about being the only Mewtwo? ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/What-was-that-about-being-the-only-Mewtwo-986619250 )
November: Iskios Reference ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/Iskios-Reference-997722638 )
December: Doru Ref and Forme Variants -Commission- ( https://www.deviantart.com/digitalvalkerie/art/Doru-Ref-and-Forme-Variants-COMMISSION-1004945424 )
And here's to another great year of getting better and having Fun with art!!~ Happy New Year!
Template found here: https://www.deviantart.com/nagispider/art/Template-Summary-of-Art-2023-version-1001319655
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psycloneandmyuu · 9 months
Mew invasion ask game
Reblog to have anons send you a random Mew in your inbox. Feel free to say if the Mews are canon or non canon for your blog
Anons can send any kind of Mew like variants, hybrids, different typing, delta variants, or ones from different worlds.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
So Psyclone thinks he's the only mewtwo...
He is about to get a surprise. ... maybe not right now but soonish.
anyhow who wants some OCS!
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
So Psyclone thinks he's the only mewtwo...
He is about to get a surprise. ... maybe not right now but soonish.
anyhow who wants some OCS!
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
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Some WIP to let y'all know I'm not dead lol just busy with school stuff but I wanted some mewtwos -w-
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
"I Am Not Alone..."
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"I Do Not Have To Be..."
"Surely, I Cannot Be..."
Psyclone and Myuu have found each other... but their hearts tell them that something, they aren't sure what, is pulling at the back of their minds.
Brace still struggles to find someone like her, that she is sure to exist.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
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Got my Mew in Scarlet! they're an Ice Terra type with Naughty nature. So I made this little "Vixen" she is very snow inclined, and is not afraid to cause an avalanche as a prank.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
"I Am Not Alone..."
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"I Do Not Have To Be..."
"Surely, I Cannot Be..."
Psyclone and Myuu have found each other... but their hearts tell them that something, they aren't sure what, is pulling at the back of their minds.
Brace still struggles to find someone like her, that she is sure to exist.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
Username change!
I feel like I want to focus on Myuu and Psyclone, and not just the later.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
I know youre mainly drawing mews, but could I request an icon of Psyclone here?
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... If not, I also have Myuu?
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I dont make mewtwo ones soooo have your mew oc instead!
Request status: Open
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
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Mew/Two Sleep Over!!!
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I got distracted and drew a sleepy Meg and decided to turn it into an add-your-own group shot. Add your mew or two taking a snooze with Meg and reblog or tag me here!
Let’s have fun with this X3
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
Tiger's eye (Psyclone)
Tiger’s Eye: Are they self-confident or wracked with doubt?
It depends on the subject matter.
When it comes to his overall worth, he's definitely wracked with doubt. He doesn't think the world needed a pokemon like him, that he's unnatural and doesn't deserve to belong.
But when it comes to skill/power, he believes himself to be the very best, very few have earned his respect when it comes to battle.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
Myuu's Turn!
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If you thought that I was only going to do this Meme with Psyclone, you were sorely mistaken.
Once again, template by @blues-sues
Og, of course, as is mandatory XD
For the species swap, there wasn't a whole lot of differences aside from the colours and the variation of the belly markings. As you can tell, he is very excited to be able to hold more than one thing at a time.
Fusion was a little tricky again, as I am nowhere near as talented at them as @pokemon-ash-aus (I'm still so sorry about tagging the wrong person with Psyclone XD) but I think it looks better colour-wise than Psyclone's clashing alakazam colours. Myuu is more cat-like and playful so I thought Meowth was appropriate. ... I just call the species a Meow XD
Ancient mew still belongs to @phlurrii and it felt a bit more natural designing an ancient form for someone whos already a mew. Give him a darker shade of fur for the markings, and a lighter shade from beta for his hands, and boom.
Like with Psyclone, The beta Myuu is vastly different in personality. Instead of being a smol, big brother type, that cares for the friends he meets, he was originally going to just be... the worst. We're talking pranks, not thinking about others, only doing what he wants to do, only wanting to have fun no matter the cost. just an absolute agent of Chaos. I'm happy with how he's developed today.
As for human, it was a simple task. He's short, child-like, but with a little bit of professionalism in his outfit to remind you he's pretty old. He refuses to wear shoes though, he thinks they're a silly concept.
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
Gemstone Headcanons
Another set of questions aligned to gemstones to help develop characters! Send in some gemstones to learn more about the muse(s)!
Agate: What or who will your muse protect with their life?
Amazonite: How do they go about comforting or calming down others? Are they good at it?
Amethyst: Do they have a good intuition? If so, do they typically heed it or not?
Apatite: Do they find it easy to communicate with new people, or do they avoid it as much as possible?
Aquamarine: How insightful are they?
Aventurine: Are they the opportunistic sort, or do they typically let chances slip by?
Blue Topaz: Are they the courageous sort? Do they find they can overcome obstacles in their way with relative ease?
Cat’s Eye: What sorts of things soothes them when they’re worked up?
Chalcedony: How do they consider their allies in regards to themself? Do they reach out to them, or do they typically keep to themself?
Citrine: How open are they to new ideas or cultures?
Diamond: Do they find themselves getting sick often or do they have a relatively strong immune system?
Diopside: Are they a creative person in any way? How so?
Emerald: Do they suffer from any sort of mental illness?
Fluorite: Are they able to concentrate easily no matter where they are, or do they need a quiet space with little distracts?
Garnet: What are they most passionate about and who are they most devoted to?
Iolite: Are they financially responsible or do they tend to blow their money as soon as they have it?
Jade: What are their opinions on luck? Do they believe in it?
Jasper: What do they typically do to relax?
Kyanite: What is their temper like?
Lapis Lazuli: How aware are they of others and of their surroundings?
Moonstone: What inspires them? Why?
Onyx: How do they handle hostility from others, whether verbally or physically?
Opal: Are they the emotional sort?
Peridot: Are they open to new growth and change in any way, or are they resistant to it?
Prehnite: Do they find it easy to recall their dreams or do they hardly remember them?
Rose Quartz: Do they typically hold grudges? Are they the type to compromise as best they can during a conflict?
Ruby: Do they typically keep their heart on their sleeve?
Rutile Quartz: Do they have a habit of looking for the source of a problem? Are they the type to attempt to solve it if they’re able, or do they try to avoid it?
Sapphire: What makes them happiest? Is there a reason why?
Smoky Quartz: How is their physical endurance? Are they the active sort of person or not?
Spinel: Are they a worry-wort or are they carefree?
Tanzanite: Do they heal quickly or do bruises and cuts tend to heal slowly?
Tiger’s Eye: Are they self-confident or wracked with doubt?
Topaz: Are they the type to cheer on others or do they prefer to be center stage?
Tourmaline: Are they the understanding sort or do they have trouble connecting with others?
Turquoise: Do they strive for success or do they typically prefer to go with the flow?
Zircon: How wise are they?
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psycloneandmyuu · 1 year
Psyclone's turn!
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I had to jump (when I had time) on the meme wagon with this template by @blues-sues
This was actually really fun to do~
We got the OG styled, 'nuff said
With the Species swap, I kinda thought that all the weight would transfer over, so he's very round as a mew. I also prefer to keep the colours as they are.
With the Fusion I haven't had the honour of @pokemon-ash-aus coming up with a Fusion for my guy, so I had to improvise. I'm sure they could do a much better design, but I think Alakazam fits perfectly for him with his curious nature and wanting to learn and Alakazam's brain power on top of things. (also, haha I like saying spoons in many funny ways)
the Ancient Mew concept belongs to the talented @phlurriii and it was interesting to try to draw one in my style? especially when it typically involves gradient markings and I just don't like doing marking without clear lines ^^;
Beta was something I had to think about... what did beta mean exactly? because I was thinking more like the beta sprites. But it did make me realize just how much my ideas for Psyclone have changed. I was originally going to have him be more cold and grumpy... being more of a negative force to Ramona's cheery nature. But his urge to want to learn more things shone through, and it made me want to make him more... well like he is now.
And instead of Smol, which really wouldn't have been any different from OG, just smol, I replaced it with Human form, since I hadn't really designed one for him yet. gotta say, I like how it looks with his vest suit that matches his eyes.
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