#Here too
alaiis · 4 months
The far right scored 40% in France for the European elections. We're the second country with the most seats. And many other countries have the far right leading too. This is a catastrophe.
Because of tonight's results, President Macron decided to dissolve French Parliament. We're called to vote again in 21 days. The left is scattered and all parties have suffered an incredible defeat today. The only result of these new elections will be to give majority to the far right in the French Parliament too. We'll have a neo-capitalist president governing with a far right prime minister.
I don't know why he chose to dissolve. Like the entirety of the left, I hate Macron. He's been conducting the cruelest class warfare and the bourgeoisie received several victories thanks to him. But I still prefer his majority to a far right majority. He called himself the shield against the far right. It was already hypocrisy and I've been saying for a long time his policies were just giving power to the fascists. Now he's literally doing it.
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worldneeds · 3 months
INBOX CALL ! like this and i'll go through your blog and send you some memes. specifying muses is preferred, especially if you're also a multi, but not required!
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zrllosyn-art · 1 year
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Liliana for @ajitated!!
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gabichive · 1 year
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yanlei-a · 1 year
if you like this i'll send you an ic ask later (specify verse if you want!)
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seraphovnightmares · 8 months
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arcxnumvitae · 1 year
I'd like to hear about Jianhuren's relationship with the dragon god, vs Minglian's relationship with the dragon god!
@soulsxng || Ask my muse questions about their relationships || Accepting
I hope you don't mind if I answer this myself actually, because I think it might be a little clearer than having each of them speak on it! Plus, I'm able to offer more thoughts on it than they really have, for reasons discussed below.
The Red Eyes overall actually don't have that much of a relationship with the Dragon God! He creates/d them at the directive of the Jade Emperor so that they can serve the pantheon as a whole, but aside from that he has very little personal interactions with them. So out of the dragons, the only one that really has a relationship with him is actually Xiaodan due to him being a dragon that the Dragon God created that didn't have to do with anything regarding orders from the higher-ups at all.
He does care to an extent for the dragons, and along with Longmu (another goddess associated with dragons), they're kind of the only deities of the pantheon who advocate for the Red Eyes. They were the two who opposed stripping the Red Eyes of their emotions, not that it could amount to much in the end in the face of the Jade Emperor.
So, aside from when she was created and some other general meetings things, Minglian's never really spoken with him! So she doesn't have many thoughts on him since he's not really a figure in her life aside from being part of the gods she serves.
Jianhuren has interacted with him more on account of their longer life and being the first Red Eye, but even then they don't feel any particularly strong bond to him either.
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noxianwilled · 1 year
if you like this i'll send you an ic ask later (specify verse if you want!)
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truetogaia · 1 year
consensual somnophilia w jake...
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coldgoldlazarus · 2 years
Do you ever have just like, a completely nonsensical mental association between two completely unrelated things? Like for example, an obscure colorful children's toy overshadowed by its more successful replacement, and a dark and gritty grunge rock musician, the only connective tissue being that they're both from the 90s, and that you were listening to the latter while playing with the former at a very young age? But now the connection is so intense despite that total tonal incongruity that you hear a new mix of one of that musician's songs, and immediately start mentally storyboarding a TV Show Title Animation for those toys?
Just as an example, of course.
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infinitesofnought · 7 months
When Celan writes "here too" (auch hier) it is a way of expressing that the encounter is independent of location; and yet the location has a primacy, the encounter occurs in location itself.
"Here too", almost a surprise, as if the encounter's current expression were an afterthought - but there is no neglect in what always already finds itself breathing.
"Here too", with a muted sense of "even here". Even here it finds us, Gethsemane, even the oppressive mundanity of the day contains the agony in the garden.
The gate implies the other side of itself. Here too, even here, the other is with us; at the very moment we find ourselves most gated in, the other is present as a continual swinging open.
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minty-bubblegum · 1 year
My neighbor calls me chebread
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maulling · 1 year
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mysicklove-main · 1 year
only thing motivating me to write is how pretty my masterlist will look with a bunch of works
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forunityandfreedom · 1 year
❤️ <- for a starter
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littlesolo · 1 year
19 What is the most-used tag on your ao3? Thanks in advance!
I'm horrible at tagging things? Whether it's the summary for the fic, the chapter, or the tags, I don't know how to say enough without giving too much away? I give the basic tags I can (if it's an AU or a specific trope) and then I basically cross my fingers that anything else I add is enough to get readers interested as well as a good idea of what to expect.
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