pucellebound · 4 years
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     "I’m making chicken dinner, with a lovely garlic sauce.”
...If you can call the charred, collapsed lump on the stove “chicken.” Or if you can call the pungent, orange splatter on the walls “a sauce.”
@pucellebound​ (starter)
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         “What are you doing?!”  Hans coughs, breathing in the smoke in the kitchen.  “Did you have some kind of blood feud with the coffee maker?”  He needs caffeine to function without a normal sleep schedule or many other forms of care.  This is a stated law of this body and at this point is being considered in rayshift logistics.
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pucellebound · 4 years
I don't necessarily believe ‘there is a cure for this’     So I might join your century, but only as a doubtful guest 
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Indie Jeanne d’Arc (Alter), by Pri
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pucellebound · 4 years
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