puffurfle · 6 years
I don't know if this blog still is active or not but I want to say your stances on the whole recent Ava's Demon are absolutely right and I agree with it. What they were doing was pedophile catering. I honestly cannot look at the comic the same way ever again and I am so sorry that these creators betrayed you like this. NO FAN should go through that feeling betrayed in that way. I wish you the best of luck and a happy life.
Thank you so much for your kind words. I feel like people in the fandom focused way too much on whether or not the artists had the right to age up their own characters to draw NSFW content of them rather on the fact someone literally asked for NSFW art of a underage character and they saw nothing wrong with catering to that request. There is no way to say this wasn’t pedophile catering. 
The way the creator reacted to being called out on it was severely immature and shameful. And just like every drama that happens in this fandom, everyone just shoves it under the carpet and tells those who are bothered to just leave. 
I still read the updates, but I no longer feel as connected as before. I find it hard to engage with the fandom again. It makes me severely uncomfortable to know so many of the fans shoved this incident away like it was nothing, like the creators are the victims of a harassment campaign and like all those people who told them their actions were bad were just mean bullies. I wouldn’t be surprised if I stopped reading the comic altogether in the close future.
It’s a shame because I really loved the comic, I loved being a part of the fandom, I was so excited when I first made this blog to finally share my theories and thoughts and be more active within this fandom. Ava’s Demon had such a special place in my heart, I’ve been a fan for such a long time and seeing the comic grow artistically was always a source of inspiration to me to carry on with my own art. But now it just makes me uncomfortable.
I know that some diehard fans would see people like us who are uncomfortable with the recent events leaving the fandom and think “good riddance”. I just hope these people learn to think critically for once, and realize that what happened just wasn’t ok. There is still no resolution for this problem, people simply tell others to shut up and get over it, and it makes me wonder for how long and for what future acts are the creators going to be left off the hook for. You need to draw a line somewhere, and mine is here.
It’s just like you said, it’s a very strong feeling of betrayal. It makes me sad and disappointed. I, too, cannot look at the comic at the same way again. I keep staring at this blog and questioning on if I should delete it or not, but I’m keeping it so I can use it for other purposes. 
I’m sorry for the very long reply, but I want you to know I really appreciate your message, and glad to know I’m not alone on this boat. I too wish you the best of luck and a happy life.
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puffurfle · 6 years
While we're at it can we please callout the Osomatsu fujoshis and their Incestshipping? Supernatural too?
feel free to. i’m not in either of these fandoms, and this blog is an ava’s demon side blog, not a shipping discourse blog. 
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puffurfle · 6 years
many people have characters who go through different stages of life during their story, and if they were to draw or imagine these characters in sexual situations, it would be when they’re already adults. sure, ava is michelle’s oc, and to her its no big deal since she has ava’s adulthood phase planned and the colorists probably know about it as well.
but the audience has only ever seen ava as a 15 year old girl and under (and i remind you that it was explicitly said in the description of the smut tier that underage characters would not be drawn in sexual situations) . the audience has only ever seen pedri as an adult. you’re telling me that someone on patreon, who has never seen ava as an adult, requests her having sexual intercourse with one of the oldest characters in the comic, and the colorists just think “oh well that’s fine by me!” and go ahead and draw it? without even questioning the nature of this request? none of them for a fucking moment considered where the hell this request is coming from?
someone requested a drawing of a sexual intercourse between an adult character and a child character and they just went ahead and drew it, and benefited financially from it. 
regardless of your stance on whether or not is ok to age up characters for nsfw content, you seriously need to stop and consider what kind of people this content is catering to.
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puffurfle · 6 years
i think the real question shouldn’t be whether or not ava looks aged up enough for this drawing or if michelle can do whatever she wants because its her character, but rather, why would you accept someone’s request of an adult man fucking a character who has only ever been seen as a child in the comic.
this is literally pedophile catering. 
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puffurfle · 6 years
a reminder
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tumblr exists in the ava’s demon universe
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puffurfle · 6 years
ava won’t get a new life
i think there’s a reason to why wrathia’s part was completed so early, from a writer’s standpoint.  theres a chance wrathia will have run out dry of magic at the end, and would be incapable of  giving ava a new life even if she wanted to. i think that at the end of the story, ava will finally find herself surrounded by people who care about her and miss her when she’s not around, and will realize she doesn’t need a new life. 
its kind of “maybe the real new life were the friends we made along the way” kind of thing.
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puffurfle · 6 years
Maggie will fail her pact?
so, it was confirmed years ago by michelle that we would see a failed pact in the comic, but it’s a mystery to whose it will be. 
i’ll base myself on the popular vial streak theory, which will narrow our possibilities to only 4 characters:
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Maggie, Ava, Odin and whoever the pink vial was made for.
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(here’s the original page for comparison)
if you haven’t heard about this theory:
“Another theory is interested in the streaks that appear next to the bottles. Four of the bottles (assumed to be for wrath, pride, lust, and sloth) appear to have a certain number of streaks next to them. Lust has one streak, wrath two, pride three, and sloth four. The prevailing assumption is that these streaks represent the order of which the possessed lifeform and demon have made a pact. Since Maggie and Tuls were first to pact, followed by Ava and Wrathia, this theory is widely accepted. Therefore, the next pacts to be formed will be between Odin and Pedri, and the sloth host and demon. It is undetermined what the lack of streaks next to the remaining three bottles could mean. “
(taken directly from the wiki)
if this theory is correct, then it means that out of the 7 haunted lifeforms, only 4 will pact with their demons. our candidates for a failed pact are maggie, ava, odin and whoever owns the pink vial. 
however, so far in the comic, we only know the details of maggie and ava’s pacts, so let’s go over their requirements:
ava’s desire: a new life (completed?)
wrathia’s desire: revenge against titan
maggie’s desire: unclear, likely asked tuls to use his magic to help her make certain boys fall in love with her (almost completed, 1 flower left)
tuls’ desire: confess his feelings to ranunculae 
since the plot of ava’s demon is to follow ava on her epic quest across the galaxy to take down an evil capitalist deity, i doubt ava would be the one to fail her pact. i mean, how anticlimactic would that be? 
so, about maggie’s pact: 
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it seems like tuls doesn’t remember all the details to a failed pact, so it’s likely he’s only told maggie they would be stuck with each other forever. and that doesn’t sound so bad, if you consider that maggie and tuls get along fairly well and that being immortal in some sci-fi universe with multiple advanced civilizations and easy transport across galaxies means you could probably spend your eternity going exploring. 
of course, that’s not the ideal situation for either of them, but if maggie knew what would actually happen if her pact fails, she would definitely be in a much bigger rush to find ranunculae.
according to the devil herself:
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a failed pact will cause the two souls to merge and the body become a (possibly immortal) monster of failure. now that doesn’t sound good at all.
so, why do i think it’s maggie?
now, i’m not saying this because i hate maggie or anything! maggie is actually one of my favorite characters in the comic and i’m very excited for when her backstory with ava will be revealed (and hopefully y’all will stop calling her a bitch).
1. maggie isn’t taking her pact with tuls very seriously. this is already pretty worrying by itself.
she’s been using tuls’ magic on boys she had just met and barely knew a thing about (assuming gil wasn’t an exception), and she’s not one little bit worried about ranunculae being dead, or not reaching her in time. according to tuls, it’s been four years already! if tuls died doing anything related to protecting ranunculae and/or her kingdom, it means she could possibly still be in danger.
maggie believes that ranunculae is fine, because if she was dead, the pact would have automatically failed, right? but what exactly is judging the completion or failure of the pacts?
remember when ava asked for a new life?
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it was pretty clear what ava meant with a “new life”. and from wrathia’s smug face it’s pretty clear she understood it as well, but decided to take the vagueness in ava’s statement to her advantage, and thus:
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the pact didn’t fail. wrathia’s duty was completed. 
so you ask “what does this have to do with anything?” well... why didn’t the pact fail? it should have failed, right? wrathia took advantage of a play of words, and completed her part. if the pact was being dictated by the universe or whatsoever, i believe it should have failed, as it was clearly not what ava intended when she meant a new life. 
what i mean with this, is that a pact being completed or not depends on the hosts and demons, not on the universe itself.  because wrathia believed she did what ava asked, the pact was completed, not failed. and most importantly, wrathia’s part was only completed once she told ava that she had given her the new life she had asked for.
i believe ranunculae’s death wouldn’t automatically fail maggie’s pact while they were light years apart and completely unaware of eachother. maggie’s pact would fail only once she learned ranunculae was dead.
that’s not to say ranunculae is dead. we don’t know that yet! she can still be alive and kicking, hopefully.
2. michelle has been known to put foreshadowing in her art. we’ve actually seen vial!ava before she even made a pact with wrathia!
when odin attempts to mess with maggie, he calls her a monster. 
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when i was reading the comic for the first time, i thought monster it was kind of a very specific insult. foreshadowing perhaps?
bear in mind, that i read ava’s demon back in the time it had curse words in it, if i recall correctly, the words that were said on more than one occasion were fuck, shit and bitch. this means calling maggie a monster was a deliberate choice by the author, odin could have just called her a bitch or something (like everyone else in the fandom...sigh.) and it would have still made sense.
3. michelle has said she had the story planned in her head for a loooong time. some of the concept art she has posted on the website date as far back as 2006. some of things she had said in the past were also deleted, due to them being somewhat spoiler-y. one of the things that i remember that were deleted, were information about black holes in the ava’s demon universe, but that’s irrelevant for this theory.
point is, she has deleted some art as well. michelle's deviantart account (former username was robotmichelle) had a couple of pieces removed, some of them resembled certain characters from the ava’s demon cast, but i want to focus in one piece specifically, originally posted as “Wandering Magnolia”
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(also posted by deviantart’s official tumblr)
so, the question is: is this maggie? same name, same color scheme, same tree/plant themes.
her body seems to have been completely overgrown by wood, her arms are asymmetrical, and... she seems very huge?
it’s already been shown that wrathia was actually a giant, and it’s very likely that her other warriors had roughly the same size as well. that would mean tuls could be one of the tallest warriors when he was alive. would a merged tuls and maggie have his original height? we can only wonder.
is wandering magnolia supposed to be a drawing of maggie’s form after her failed pact, fated to wander through the universe for all eternity?
could this be why it was deleted? too much foreshadowing? direct spoilers about the comic’s plot? 
of course, there’s always a chance that this piece was made before michelle had decided on anything regarding maggie’s fate. there’s even a chance this magnolia isn’t our magnolia, and could be simply be concept art for the same character. but i find it an interesting piece of evidence.
this is basically all that i’ve got for now! this theory has been on my mind for a long time, ever since it was confirmed a failed pact would occur. of course, this is all speculation, and i could be completely off here.
i sincerely hope that maggie isn’t the one to fail her pact, as i believe she really deserves a happy ending from what is implied of her backstory with ava (i’ll most likely write another post on my thoughts about their past friendship, and theories.), but if the  vial theory is correct, then one of the 4 pacted characters would have to suffer from this fate, and i’ll just hope i’m wrong. we’ll just have to wait and see.
and lastly, 
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puffurfle · 6 years
introduction post
i’ve been a big fan of avas demon for 5 years, but up until now i’ve only mostly lurked in the fandom. i’ve decided to make this blog to have a place to put my theories and thoughts, and to engage with other people’s content. i’ll be posting some content very soon!
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