purgatorypiecosplay · 5 years
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“A little show of faith” Instead of finishing the two Gotham Cosplays I started, the past episodes with Ecco made me think ’oh I might be able to do this makeup and do it quickly’ well… fastforward to roughly 160 lines later and here we are. The make up also ended up needing more time than expected. I still have to properly go through the pictures (like this one hides a prop) but just in time for the last episode I finished editing this tailored to instagram dimensions and just in time for today´s episode I remembered I have a tumblr too ^^  I´m really curious about what Jeremiah Valeska & Ecco will be up to and I can’t believe that this will be the last season of such a marvelous show. If you got a few minutes at hand please consider joining the “Save Gotham!” efforts on Twitter  🃏♠️❤️
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
Hi everyone! 
First of all I´m kinda very astonished that there are people here. Three people started following me last week, but like .. I didn´t do anything .. still thank you very much!  ;) 
And this brings me to the purpose of this post, I´m toying with editing some pictures but I´m currently in one of the phases where I´m just not satisfied with anything, which means I probably won´t be posting here in the near future. Initially I thought I would use this  blog to share some other cosplayers works and maybe even fandom stuff as well but I changed plans and opened a side tumblr for this. 
I´m currently in the midst of looking through all your great blogs and queueing stuff & things ..  
Reblogs & Fandom will now happen on my new sideblog PurePurgatoryPie 
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
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At the cost of repeating myself you´re the most precious human angelic being, and let´s not forget the super glittery fabulously fabulousness! 
Give Love Today
This will be a little longer text, but please bear with me and my story.
To understand why I nominated the person I chose to nominate, you need to know a few things about me and my past.
I am a (soon to be) 21 year old college student. I have a rather not very pleasant past behind me, because I was bullied most of my life (all in all 11 years, since I was 6 years old.) I never had friends and when I thought I had some, they turned on me every time, they got bullied too for hanging out with me. They joined the bullying and told my bullies stories about me. I had a difficult time in school. I was teased about the things I liked (Anime/Cosplay/Reading…), the things I read, the things I wore, generally, about being me.
I never knew what ‘friends’ were. Well, I knew what friends should be from books or TV-Shows. But I never had any. Not until I turned 18, finished school and got to college to study. College was my goal, it kept me going. 
I thought I would end up alone again. Reading books in a corner, being an outsider again. By that time I was used to it, I didn’t even try to find friends, although I was friendly and helpful to anyone I interacted with, because ‘if you can’t find a good person, be one’. Anyway, I was used to it now that no one wanted me as a friend.
I found friends eventually, or better, people who even talked with me or met up after university. My ‘mutuals.
Then there was this one person. @purgatorypiecosplay. The first moment I met her at a mutual’s place two years ago, I liked her. We immediately had a connection, like, you know a profound bond. (Chuck that sounds so cheesy but it is true… xd )
She has a soul that shines bright with kindness, love and understanding. And friendship. She showed me what it means to have ‘friends’, someone you can trust, someone who takes you the way you are. Someone that accepts all you weird quirks, sometimes even join them!
She showed me that I was alright the way I am. That I don’t always have to smile to be appreciated or loved and that everybody has their own weird habits. Because of her I had the courage to trust people again and I found more friends. But everything started with her.
She is always there when I need her, and there is no amount of words, to describe how thankful I am.  I can always write to her, call her up, or she will even be right there with me until I calmed down. She can make me giggle with one word or phrase, although I was afraid the moment before.
In short:
@purgatorypiecosplay is an amazing person and human being. Although I am 1000% convinced, that she has two shining wings on her back, even tho, you can’t see them.
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
I am nominating @assbutttotheworld who is the embodiment of the personality trait I cherish most: Kindness. I think everyone who follows her knows how much love she has brought into the SPN family and how much she cares about her fellow human beings. If more people could be as considerate, the world would be a better place. More than once I got asked if one of her post drafts fits the spirit of “hate free” and if parts could be interpreted in a wrong way, she truly is making an effort to be a safe haven in the often rough seas of fandom. She always has an open ear and even more important an open heart and she very much deserves to get all the love back she gives .. and even an extra portion of love as topping.
Since this was about “difference in your life” let me tell you that I´m a person who struggles with meeting (new) people and especially with finding something to talk about with them and not embarrass myself completely;  I´ve been questioned why I talk so little more than I can count, and while my shyness has gotten better the last years it is still something that makes me question myself often. Meeting her has silenced this voice a bit. This is a very remarkable difference for me. I don´t even know why (well other than the thing that she simply is an awesome person of course) but we just clicked and I could talk to her like we had known each other for years. Some people even did not want to believe that we just met this day. It makes a difference for me to get the reassurance to know that I can socialize, that I am able to talk to people and even have a good time. It makes me remember that it´s the responsibility of both parties to make communication work and that I should not beat (only) myself down if it doesn´t work because I know I am capable as soon as I meet a lovely person such as her. And I´m sure even if I had been horribly awkward at first she would not have judged me and this is just another thing that makes her such a great and important person. It does not happen often to find someone who accepts you just like you are at least not for me and I´m grateful that she is part of my life. We now cosplay together, and she jokes about being my angel, and I´ve to say I´ve never met a person who would have been more close to being a true angel than her. @assbutttotheworld is an angel. Not only for me.
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
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“Just because you're blood doesn't mean you're family. You have to earn it.”  (06x16)
Dean Winchester & Edit : PurgatoryPieCosplay Castiel: GeekHeavenCosplay / AssbuttToTheWorld Photograph: dozyredpanda  
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
Call me location scout, call me detective ..
I think I maaaaybe found a nice location for a photo shoot, but shh it´s a secret, I now was there, and I finally found out what it is, I feel like a detective now despite I did not do more than googling a (long) while .. (Jim Gordon, watch out, I´m gonna solve all your cases now) .. I´m curious what “Cas” and “Abby” will say about it ..
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
@geek-heaven-cosplay you know who is actually “amazing at editing”, you .. you put a whole freaking forest into a picture ..
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I would accept the title queen of cropping though ;D
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
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“Pie  n´ Tie” 
Dean Winchester: PurgatoryPieCosplay Castiel: GeekHeavenCosplay / AssbuttToTheWorld Photograph: dozyredpanda Edit: PurgatoryPieCosplay
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
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Dean, please stop. I know, you can hear me…
Dean Winchester: purgatorypiecosplay Castiel: assbutttotheworld Photograph: dozyredpanda Edit: assbutttotheworld
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
I´ll hide my beer in the future ;) And if you want to do some more liquor store stuff we need bottles, I´m not gonna paint another one of those cans, well painting maybe but getting the old print off the can is messy :D 
I still don´t know what I´m doing in that picture though ^^° 
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“What happened, Cas?” - Dean “I think I can’t drink a liquor store anymore, Dean…” - Cas
Dean Winchester: purgatorypiecosplay Castiel: assbutttotheworld Photograph: dozyredpanda Edit: assbutttotheworld
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
fun .. and chaos :D
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Dean, I can help you. I am useful…
Dean Winchester: purgatorypiecosplay Castiel: assbutttotheworld Photograph: Oni-Majo-Yashiro Edit: assbutttotheworld 
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
Hey, no belittling words about the car, it´s more than neat .. let´s just say Gabriel took the Sampala (05x08) a step further ;D
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Dean?  Let me help.
Dean Winchester: purgatorypiecosplay Castiel: assbutttotheworld Photograph: Oni-Majo-Yashiro Edit: assbutttotheworld
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
you didn´t give Castiel a try you nailed him it, the cosplay 
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                                VIECC Supernatural Group-Cosplay
On the VIECC last year my friends and I cosplayed characters from Supernatural. My precious Dean starring as my Dean, our lovely Abby cosplayed Abaddon and I myself gave Castiel a try. (If you look closely, you can find my wings ^.~)
We were accompanied by an amazing Toadette and a crazy-cute Harley Quinn.
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
@blackflyingelephant thanks  ❤️  
Not everyone gets to hold “the blade” consider yourself honoured ;D 
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@assbutttotheworld Thank you❤️🎈
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
I do not yet know where I want to go with this tumblr, but I did join a cosplay group recently and naturally there suddenly are a bunch of pictures that people do want to put online. I am rather reluctant about showing my face online but hey this could as well be fun. So far this tumblr is just for keeping track of content that got uploaded on this site and for staying in touch with people but maybe I´ll do something more and make this an actual cosplay page for following projects and those that are currently hidden in flash drive limbo.
Fandom reblogs and other tumblr stuff will happen on this side tumblr: Pure Purgatory Pie
My ask box is always open, do not hesitate to contact me. It might take a bit for me to reply but I will, so if you do not get a reaction tumblr probably confused the message/tag/ask with pie and ate it, please send it again. 
⛥  Purgatory Pie Cosplay on Instagram ⛥  Purgatory Pie Cosplay on Amino ⛥  Purgatory Pie Cosplay on Facebook
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purgatorypiecosplay · 8 years
ppc (everything blog related)
mine (all my original posts)
ppc dean winchester (Dean Winchester Cosplay ) ppc ecco   (Ecco, Gotham Cosplay )
prop and costume talk
random chatter  
supernatural cosplay, castiel cosplay, dean winchester cosplay,  destiel cosplay,  destiel,  geekheavencosplay, ecco,   gotham cosplay,   gotham season 5,   harley quinn cosplay,   harley quinn, 
⛥  Purgatory Pie Cosplay
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