Love, Before The Storm
As they sat on the shore, awaiting their fate
Rebirth is just around the corner
Hoping that death will not be late
As the waves are rushing in, moving closer and closer to their feet planted in the sand on the shore
Oh how beautiful the moonlight is dancing on the ocean surface
Water as black as the night 
He reaches over and kisses her forehead, then on the lips as they look into each others eyes
Holding her hand tight and holding her close as they watch the waves get bigger
As they prepare for the wave to come ans sweep them away
They whisper “I love you” to each other
They knew that there will be sunlight soon
Watching the giant wave coming toward the shore, thoughts of their time together flashed before them
The water comes and carry them into the ocean
With their bodies drowning, their souls lived on
 Together in spirit and they held each other’s hand in eternal love
While their bodies were one with Mother Earth
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Grimoires of a Nympho
Sex isn't a feeling
It is a task, a source of energy for the hungry and thirsty
Intimacy does not discriminate
Anyone can obtain it with the right person or people
Its like an ultimate feeling of high after a terrible series of lows
My body, mind and spirit meet in the same place at the same time
Even if its the wrong place at the wrong time
My heart beats fast when it is filled with passion and the art of touch
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His Eyes Are Watching Blue
His days are nights and his nights are void
Melancholy dont play fair
But it is his greatest ally
He sees the world as a sinister place
Preparing for everything to drift apart
Slowly but surely
As the skies close in on him, he becomes claustrophbic
Breathing heavily when anxiety kicks in
Like this:
His soul singing the blues
While his feet are struggling to find the right note
His heart beating drums
While his mind is dancing to the beat
Feeling nothing on a deep level
And having the power to bring darkness to light situations
He walks with a dark cloud hovering over his head
Running into walls willingly blindfolded with the lights on
He is the one who seeks the darkest wisdom
Gloomy eyes and hopelessness
Some shades of blue are darker than others
Rushing against the waves and against the rhythm of his own beating heart
He watches from the beautiful ocean shore
Just before a wave comes
His eyes are watching blue
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I Am Free
Every attempt that I've made to fly with my newly discovered wings
I always end up trapped in a cage
Whether by my own hands or someone else's
Sometimes I'm not even sure if it's even meant for me to fly
Maybe they are just for show
I keep running into the metal cage at any attempt to fly away
Grabbing the bars trying to pry them apart in an angry rage to bend them so I can squeeze through
I'm not physically strong
All of my strength lies within my wings so they can be strong enough to fly
One day I will break free
Free from the restraints of my own beating heart
Free from self sacrafice and pity
Free from confusion
Free from the hungry, the needy and the greedy for my energy
Free from the restraints that I have placed on myself when no one was looking
Free from denial
One day I will be free.
Free to be me
Free to be the the bird that I was meant to be
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Tactics of a Wounded Beast
Despite the obviois exposure of being
In desperate need of help before its too late
The beast sits still and suffers from its own afflictions
Caused by its own actions and irrational thoughts
Instead of trying to heal the wounds, he throws salt over them out of foolish pride
Even in the midst of healing waters,
He decides to take some for himself and use it to gain control over others
He insist on attempting to steal a power that is not his own to manipulate others instead of healing his wounds
That he afflicted upon himself
In order to gain a new face
The beast is running out of options and cannot stand to face the healing that lies within the waters
For the power of these waters are too great
He must have it only for himself and since he cannot,
He decides to taint the name of the waters instead, polluting it, lying about it healing abilities to those around it
He gains temporary satisfaction as the waters are not pleased with his overwhelming stupidity
Insecurity and being led blindly is the last of the beast’s worries
His Karma must complete its cycle
His evil actions against the world and the waters have come back, leaving him unprotected from his unfortunate destiny
However, the beast must now try to pollute the healing waters yet again since he cant get his desired outcome
In hopes of killing the one thing he cannot contril
He secretly desires
Instead of healing himself, gaining power is more importabt
Therefore, his path, that was meant to lead to enlightenment, must end immediately
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How about love?
What does it take to have true love?
Is that too much to ask?
I been giving my love away to someone who only loves themselves
How can you only love someone if they are with you?
You dont care enough about me to let me go and love myself
Only if im with you is when you have the courage to so called love me
My needs and my wants are the same
You havent realized that..or you are too prideful to admit it
You dont care whats best for my emotional and mental and even physical health
As long as I dont leave you..you can care less
Just sit and watch me suffer and be unhappy
You cant make it right..
No matter how hard you try. The damage has been done
I told you im happier without you..but you insist on being in my life anyway
Instead you want to make my life hell if im not in it
What a way to treat a woman
I hate to see when your judgement finally comes
And you have to be face to face with the woman you claim you cared about the most
Its not being a man
Its being a coward
For not loving someone enough to let them go and see them happy
Just because you want a white pickett fence
Too late
Should have thought about that..when you decided to make me pay for your pain
Thats not what men do. They care enough and love the woman in their life enough to not hurt her so much and see her dying inside
I guess being a coward is one thing
But dont say you love someone that you want to unload your pain on
Today...is the last day im your scapegoat
God has already made it happen and you dont have a clue
-P.S: The one you most hate aka "the girl you love"
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" I wish there was someone around who could wipe my tears away. .but the only people available..are simply the ones that caused them"
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Demons have their place in the world too...even if its laying right next to you in bed every night
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The feeling of emptiness
...........Followed by a lack of fulfillment
Still.........trying to fill a void with meaningless things instead of facing my insecurities
I feel like I am changing shapes and forms but none of them fit me
However, I am looking outside of myself trying to fill a deep hole inside
And even though I feel like I have figured everything out and I feel like I’ve let go
At a given time, all of my insecurities rush back to me as if they were tired of holding back
What am I longing for?
Drugs, lust, vanity? Maybe?
I look for the things I need to feel complete only to feel empty all over again
These things don’t complete me, they’re only a temporary fix
A mask that I wear to cover up my insecurities
My issues become my world and my reality
I feel like I am experiencing them alone
Building a negative vibration as I become more and more hateful and destructive
Can’t look in the mirror because I can’t look at myself
While trying to tackle my insecurities with superficial and material things
I did this, I did that, without me, there is no I
Agree to do as I say, or I will destroy
Never point out my insecurities or my faults....nothing is my fault
Accountability gives me an allergic reaction.......
But blaming you for my shortcomings and wrongdoings give me a constant gratification.
The more I try to control my insecurities..
I get tangled up worse in this beautiful but deadly spider’s web........and her name is Insecurities
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Plain Jane
Flawless, Eccentric, Beautiful, Creative, Mystical, Mysterious, Adventurous, Sensual, Emotional, Expressive and all of the above
I am a lot of mother, woman, sister, Queen, Goddess, Yin and Earth
I am a universe within multiple
I am a collection of mystery, love and magic
I am a rare species, a rare stone and gem that is only found in hidden places that are meant only for those who find it with their third eye
I love the sound of nature.....and creating visions through my writing
Can you see the picture I am painting?
What colors do you see?
Hopefully deep hues of deep green, blues and purples because those colors are what I feel right now
I synchronize with things around me
Who am I?
Not your average and there are a million things normal about me because I am just a plain jane
Being basic in this society is seen has having extraterrestrial dna and mystique 
While the mundane and usual is put on a pedestal
And being spirited is for the birds.........this is the world we live in today
Having an imagination should just be left to women like me.........the plain jane’s of society..
I’m sorry I can’t be up on the pedestal with the mundane and usual.. 
Plain Jane
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The Joker/Trickster
The intruder was a shape-shifter, much like what we see in the movies...but in human flesh
I didn’t know if I should be angry for the deception, or intrigued by the mystery of this supernatural being
He has a promising smile.....almost too good to be true.
It’s so funny when he lies. 
Although I can see it in his eyes, I just stare at him, endlessly beyond his physical being
The art of pretending is almost mastery level with him. He is an ancient being who still doesn’t have a personality of his own.
He just takes on others. Study them...and become what people want him to be.
No expression
No real love for self
Just a figment of his own imagination and of course..........and mine.
He perform magic tricks on me sometimes...sometimes his tricks are to blind me...to make me oblivious to his intentions
He likes pulling tricks out of his hat but they are crows instead of doves
He always apologizes for that......of course. 
Maybe he needs more practice...but I’m not sure what he wants from me...Maybe an applause!!!!!
His truth are really lies and his lies are really truths...
I wish he would let me in on his magic show so we can make real doves together............too bad
I guess I’ll be seeing crows from now on
How can a non-physical entity manifests himself so beautifully and unreal and the same time??
Like an alien on our planet studying our way of life...the way we communicate....how we express ourselves....our emotions.
The being from another galaxy who wanted to feed from my energy....because he was always hungry.........so he gained weight but he is never truly happy
Maybe I’m not nutritious enough
He was the trickster that could shape-shift into whatever he wanted, but he was never happy......
He says I make him happy.......’o_O
I guess I just have vital energy.....I’m just a constant high I guess. 
How do you go through decades of taking on forms, without one of your own...
Well I guess we all have to survive.
Love isn’t a part of it........Real love anyway...
Just obsession and observation
Sorry Joker..I guess the jokes on you
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Mind Fuck
Your words are uplifting, motivating..... they set me free
Like you are looking directly into my soul....feeding it, giving it exactly what it wants and needs
When I talk to you, I am liberated and I feel like I can do anything
You feed my mind, body , soul and spirit
You constructively criticize me, you inspire me, you give me energy, you give me life
You would rather speak life into me, than ruin me
With your words you heal each and every wound
You heal my insecurities, anger and doubt
You look into my soul when you look at me
Your energy  feels so good
You give me good conversation, a mystic.... just like me
It’s such a relief to finally be mind-blowned and have a conversation beyond this world
You give me mental orgasms...when we mind fuck
-Element (PurpleCloudedJudgement)
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When I felt his hands touch not just my body, but my soul...I knew then... “damn, he go me and there’s nothing I can do about it” 
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What if???
What if most of the mistakes we make, really aren’t the wrong moves?
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Just because a fish isn’t dead for being washed upon the shore, doesn’t mean that it isn’t dying from all of the pollution in the air.
-Element (PurpleCloudedJudgement)
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I’m  just a tall, fine glass of memories, feelings, emotions, history and one hell of a story to tell. Now sit back and enjoy this wine. I prefer you to sip, if you have a low tolerance.
-Element (PurpleCloudedJudgement)
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