purple-prose-posts · 4 months
Catholics take this "Cannibalism as a metaphor for love" shit seriously, they eat a guy every week
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Okay just wanna throw this out there, since it was established that the G.U.N. agents have rings and therefore access to other planets in the first episode, what if instead of generic human bounty hunters in the third episode, it was Fang, Bean and Bark. Heck even just Fang and some human backup! You'd think with IDW giving Fang a spinoff and Superstars featuring him as a main character they would have capitalized off that. And think about how well Bean would fit in the movieverse and how marketable that little shit is! I know that using CGI characters means you're limited with what you can do and for how long, but idk I feel like they could have made it happen, especially if they didn't give The Buyer the fucking rhino suit from AS2 that looks like ass and probably costed millions of dollars.
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Do y'all ever think about the fact the was a whole ancient society full of trans women with erectile dysfunction that smoked weed that the Romans were obsessed with
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
I think it's sad that they haven't really explored the fact that Shadow is technically a member of the Robotnik family. Motherfucker is Eggman's cousin and they never really talk about it. Like the family reunion has to be fucked up, right? Eggman shows up with his gaggle of robot kids and the family tries to ignore them because Ivo is a huge disappointment and the whole time he has to hear all about how sweet and kind cousin Maria was or how brilliant Gerald was. And then Shadow and Rouge show up and they're not even people but somehow the family likes them more, after all they're successful G.U.N. agents who have saved the world over and over. Outshined by a hedgehog yet again.
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Throughout the whole low budget musical sequence I assumed the part about Knuckles' backstory was a skewed version of how Pachacamac saw the events of the echidnas' excitation because it contradicted what was said in the second movie: not only there couldn't have been a whole bunch of giant owls because Longclaw was the only one left, but Knuckles didn't even participate in the fight with his dad
Yeah I felt the same way, I imagined this was either Knuckles' or Pachacamac's skewed recollection of what happened to Knuckles' dad and he'd be confronted with the truth at some point. I mean after all iirc Knuckles' dad is the one who killed Longclaw, and the second movie sorta established the Echidna as the aggressors against the Owls as opposed to the other way around like in this musical. It feels like everything was building to Knuckles confronting his father.
But that confrontation never happens. Like honestly this might be dumb on my part but I went into the series imagining that Pachacamac was Knuckles' father in this continuity and after killing Longclaw he just went into hiding out of shame or whatever, only for Knuckles to run into him during his roadtrip with Wade and he'd have to confront him on his absence and actions during the Echidna/Owl war. After all Knuckles' dad shares design elements with Pachacamac when we see him in the movies, so it seemed plausible to me that they just changed Pachacamac's relationship with Knuckles to make the conflict more personal for Knuckles. But obviously we didn't get that. Honestly my big concern rn is that we *will* get that storyline, but it'll be shoved into the third movie where it really doesn't belong and will just make the plot cluttered
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Okay so I wanna talk about Pachacamac in the Knuckles show because honestly he was the part I was looking forward to the most in the series, which is probably a silly thing to say.
See I saw the Knuckles show as a great opportunity to flesh out the lore of the movieverse, a show can fit in a lot more exposition than a movie after all. I was excited to learn all about the movie Echidnas and what happened to them, and maybe get a glimpse at the movie version of Chaos attacking the Echidna (assuming something like that happened in this universe)
So I was a little disappointed that we got very little new info about the echidna tribe. If anything I feel like things are more confusing now. But I feel like at some point we were gonna get a lot more.
Like, Wade is given this deadbeat father who abandoned him for fame and power, a dysfunctional family, and one of the antagonists believes they're fighting alien colonialists. It really felt like all that was going to be used as a parallel to the Echidna, who are typically power hungry colonialists. Like Knuckles would be forced to grapple with the fact the Echidna and Pachacamac weren't as honorable as he thought, just like Wade comes to terms with his dad being evil. But Knuckles never has to grapple with anything, and Pachacamac is never portrayed negatively, he's just a wise kind old elder which seems like such a misunderstanding of his character in SA1.
And I'm still really confused about Knuckles' dad I feel like I'm missing something.
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Okay so first real post on Tumblr. I just finished the Knuckles Paramount+ series! I thought it was okay, I definitely understand why so many people seemed to dislike it but I got some enjoyment out of it.
It is mostly Wade's show with Knuckles in a supporting role, and he really doesnt have an arc in the story or much investment in the plot. Most of the supporting cast is pretty unbearable. And I have a lot to say about how Pachacamac was handled.
But when Knuckles is on screen it's pretty good! I feel like Idris Elba did great and his writing was consistently pretty good. And there were some cool, creative actions scenes.
Very mixed bag for me but I do think I got more total enjoyment out of it than Prime so I'll take it.
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purple-prose-posts · 5 months
Okay I've been on Tumblr for like 7 years but I have no idea how to run a blog because I never got around to making one. But I'm gonna try to do it now cuz I'm bored and have been spending more time on Tumblr lately and wanna ramble into the void.
If you're interested in seeing me ramble about stuff then you're in the right place I guess : )
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