purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
You seriously deserve all the positivity of this world. I know we only know each other for a few months but you grew to be one of those people I can trust with everything and honestly I'm so thankful for all these things we share. I'm sorry I keep complaining all the time but I think you should know that you mean a lot to me even if I'm shit at putting it into words. All people already said it but I just have to repeat it again you are awesome. Thank you for existing! You prolly know who I am..
[Yes, I do think I know who you are, and you should know that I do appreciate your existence as well. A lot. And I trust you too, otherwise you wouldn’t know all these stuff about me and my life and I’m thankful to have you and that you always listen to my vents. Please don’t think that I don’t want you around or smth because I definitely do enjoy your company
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
Hello Beautiful, did you sleep well? Get plenty to eat? Let me tell you little secret~ You are perfect amazing and a special gem that lights up our world~♡
[I can’t really believe how much positivity I received today and I’m just really really thankful for so many people that apparently care for me. I’m just touched and at this point I want to say thank you for the 100th time today ;-; and this message really made my day
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
[Whoever sent in my URL for the positivity meme thing is a real sweetheart, I just wanted to say that. Please know that I just woke up and the first thing I saw was this so... it was a good start in the morning and thank you so much <3 Also thank you @fukuroukashi Reading this just made me really emotional and I'm flattered you think about me this way. This really helped me gain some strength for today.]
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
just a tiny announcement I guess
[so as some of you may have noticed, I’m not that active atm and I’m very very sorry for not working on my drafts at all. 
so. if you happen to RP/talk to me ooc (or want to) then maybe you wanna read the stuff under the cut. it’s just a small explanation but I’m not blaming you if you don’t care tbh. I’ll leave my skype under the cut. if we’re mutuals you can add me. I’ll still be available there and plotting is fine too.]
Some of you probably know about my social anxiety/phobia thing and it’s gotten unbearable recently so I decided to be reasonable for once. I’ll go to day hospital tomorrow for info and stuff but it seems like I’m going to this hospital for about a month starting next week.
Another reason is my health; it has gotten so bad I barely get any sleep at night, but then I nap constantly throughout the day. I have absolutely zero routine and I can’t seem to fix it. So they said that I need to get some proper sleep and I need a routine for that apparently.
During the last days I spent time calling people and getting calls (which is literally hell to me) so I had absolutely no energy left to speak or to RP. this whole talking to people thing is just wearing me out, and on top of that, we’re moving out soon and my mom is celebrating her birthday this weekend and it’s STRESSFUL. 
So yeah. this is my apology for why I’ve been so inactive for the last week and it’s probably going to be the same for the next month. that doesn’t mean that I’m dropping my threads and there’s a high chance of me getting my drafts done in the following week, I just can’t promise it. I’ll likely send/answer memes while I’m at the hospital. I’m gonna be at home in the evening too.
skype: kimmynyu
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
cont. from here with @setscalmly​
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[text: Kenma] Why didn’t you tell me you sprained your ankle?!
[text: Kenma] I had you walk all the way back to Nekoma!!
[text: Kenma] I should’ve sent you back by taxi or bus!
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[To: Akaashi]: who told you
That seems to be his only worry for a moment.
[To: Akaashi]: i just didnt want to be a bother [To: Akaashi]: i didnt have any money with me and didnt want to ask you [To: Akaashi]: i mean i would have given it back but who knows when ill see you next time
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
“your bedhead is really cute.”
miscellaneous sentence starters | @talontedace
“Hm…?,” Kenma grumbled, looking up from his phone.
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Right, he hadn’t even bothered to brush his hair when he went to get breakfast. There was the hint of a blush on his cheeks at the realization, causing Kenma to awkwardly run his fingers through his messy hair.
“Thank… you?” It sounded a little hesitant, since Kenma wasn’t exactly sure wether Bokuto tried to tease him, or to compliment him.
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
He left some apple pie on the table with a note written in neat handwriting saying that its for Kenma. 'Ps: Valentinesday sucks xoxoxo'
That apple pie with such a sweet note attached to it must be the best present that Kenma ever got for Valentine’s Day.
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There was even a tiny smile on his lips as he made a mental note to text Kei later to say thank you.
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
miscellaneous sentence starters
another collection of sentence starters because i haven’t made one in a while. feel free to request some :-)
you’re adorable, you know that?”
“star-gazing was such a great idea.”
“you have know idea how much you mean to me.”
“i shouldn’t have left you.”
“let’s build a fort!”
“don’t leave me! you’re too warm.”
“i don’t like lightning.”
“i’m here for you.”
“the carnival’s in town!”
”you smell nice..”
“don’t you dare leave me, not now.”
“talk to me.”
“i thought you loved me. i guess i was wrong.”
“i thought i loved you and i guess i was wrong.”
“so, slow and loving, or hard and punishing?”
“you’re dead to me.”
“i just want you to know that i’ll never stop loving you.”
“i fucked up, alright? i’m sorry.”
“we should try adding a third person.”
“you’re hair is really soft after you wash it..”
“you’ve been hiding something from me, haven’t you?”
“would it be alright if i borrowed your sweater? it smells like you..”
“you’re my new pillow.”
“how about a kiss?”
“don’t get up, i’ll do it.”
“stop lying to me and tell me the truth!”
“how could you keep this from me?”
“your bedhead it really cute.”
“you belong to me.”
“i think you’ll be happy to know that i’m not wearing any underwear..”
“you look beautiful in the moonlight.”
“you are very endearing when you’re half asleep.”
“it’s beautiful.”
“you’re perfect to me.”
“do i really me nothing to you?”
“just leave me alone.”
“i never meant to hurt you.”
“may i have this dance?”
“i’m so lucky to have met you.”
“will you marry me?”
“you don’t have to me so gentle.”
“you’re a little shit, but at least you’re my little shit.”
“we should move in together.”
“c’mon, i’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
“let’s have a picnic.”
“i don’t want this to end..”
“you said you loved me!”
“i never loved you..”
“you’re my everything.”
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
Kuroo hates himself for bringing that topic up in front of Kenma and even crying about it… That guy wasn’t even worth the tears. Now, Kuroo just wants to comfort his small friend as much as possible!
“I mean we could go out like ‘#nohomo’ u know if you have a problem with going out with a guy like me… everyone would say we’re dating if they’d see us somewhere together. It’s not as if I’d have a problem with going out but I don’t know what you think about our friendship…” Kuroo said and slightly smiled, because of his own words, which were really stupid and yea sly kurooish…
Kenma is so adorable with his hair out of his face, so Kuroo couldn’t hold back and just had to stroke the setter’s head.
“Sorry… um I had to…“ His face got bright red as he pulled his hand back and looked away. Embarrassed to death Kuroo smiled at Kenma…
Tilting his head to the side, Kenma can finally guess where this is going, and what Kuroo means. Now that he thinks about it, he finds himself not really minding what people might say about them; if he has Kuroo by his side he is less scared.
Kenma shakes his head quickly, not wanting Kuroo to think that he is going to back out now. “What I think...?” He is the only one that Kenma spends so much time with after all, so he isn’t sure if he can even explain what he feels for Kuroo. But he does know that he genuinely likes him and enjoys his company more than anyone else’s; he feels safe and warm around him.
But before he can give a proper answer, Kenma feels a hand at the back of his head–– he doesn’t mind it; he in fact liked it when Kuroo still used to play with his hair when they were younger.
“It was... I didn’t mind.” His fingers brush Kuroo’s carefully, hesitantly after he pulled back to show that he didn’t mind it, not one single bit. “And I would... try it. Going out with you, I mean. But... don’t be disappointed. I never really went on a date before.”
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
Plus side of shipping with me: i will always be here to scream ideas and headcanons at and i will be screaming more along with you.
Downside of shipping with me: you will eventually come to the conclusion that i am satan.
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
sometimes i fantasize about people shutting the fuck up
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
me: i only ship with chemistry!! our muses have to develop a long and slow relationship, i don’t like jumping into things!!! MY muse: *points at EVERY SINGLE muse* i want that one!!! Me @ muse:
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
”Please don’t be sorry. It’s not your fault… I don’t need him back, I never needed him like that.”
The taller boy slowly put his hand on Kozume’s which is so small and soft and enjoyed the moment in an awkward way he shouldn’t…
Whatever, Kuroo knows his actual state is hard to deal with, even for Kozume, so he wanted to loosen up this difficult and uncomfortable situation.
“Thank you Kenma, you don’t even know how much I appreciate your help. Say… um, wanna go out sometime…? even just as friends it’d be alright for me… I mean yea… just go eat something or watch a movie… you know what I mean.”
Kuroo wasn’t sure if this is too much to ask for. Maybe Kozume doesn’t even want to spend even more time with him.
"I understand," Kenma mumbled, even if he wasn't entirely sure if he did. He didn't know every friend that Kuroo had after all; he didn't know what happened between them. Maybe it was better to just let the topic go since there was nothing else he could do about it.
It didn't look like he minded it when he felt Kuroo's hand on his, silently studying his face so he would notice every single change of expression. Kenma still wasn't entirely sure if he really was okay.
But Kuroo's question caught him off guard. He couldn't help but to tilt his head lightly in confusion, his eyes fixed on his friend. Didn't they hang out often anyway? Since when did Kuroo feel the need to ask him? That it confused Kenma was more than obvious, but that didn't mean that he was going to decline the offer.
Kenma blinked several times, pushing his bangs behind his ears with a nervous expression. "I... I would go out with you, yes." Why wouldn't he? He didn't exactly like leaving the house whatsoever, but with Kuroo, he always felt safe. "But... What do you mean, 'just as friends'?"
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
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fucks sake
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
Please reblog this if it is okay to send you memes a few hours after you reblogged them. So timezones/work do not lock out some people of meme fun
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
➥ Rub their back
touch meme | @kuroo-testsubro
The look on Kenma’s face made it clear that a back rub was very much appreciated, especially with the way the kitten let himself drop face first into the pillows.
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Today’s been rough, and it was mainly Kuroo’s fault for not allowing Kenma to slack off during training. Someone had been sulking until now, but it seemed like all of this was forgotten when a small sound emitted from Kenma that came close to a cat’s purr.
But instead of inviting his boyfriend to come cuddle as a sign that he had been forgiven, Kenma just let his eyes fall shut, waiting to drift off due his exhaustion… it didn’t take long for him to fall asleep peacefully with how relaxing this back rub had been.
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purrinkitten-blog · 7 years
Those gentle movements Kenma performed is exactly what Kuroo needs now a heartwarming hug and a shoulder to lean on. Kuroo got all eaten up by Kozume’s deep and focused stare into his eyes.
“I-…” he closed his eyes and laid his forehead on the other’s “… I lost a friend a very close one” Tears kept flowing down his cheeks again.
God dammit Kuroo get yourself together and stop crying like a baby. You’re a man, a handsome captain, you shouldn’t be crying your heart out in front of a guy you really like… he thought.
“… but it doesn’t matter anymore. I can deal with it… it was his own decision after all.”
Kuroo slowly raised his eyelids to look into the kitten’s golden eyes, but he backed off and had to look away out of embarrassment. They had never been that close, since that christmas back then as kids when Kuroo suddenly kissed Ken on the cheek… embarrassing~ !!!
Even if Kenma is used to them being closer than friends usually were, Kuroo leaning so close that their foreheads touched was quite new to him as well. For a second, his eyes widened a fraction, but his neutral expression returns soon enough. Maybe Kuroo hadn’t even noticed the slight surprise.
However, his friends words seemed to surprise Kenma even more. It was obvious that he wasn’t sure how to handle this conversation, but not because he thought of Kuroo as a weak person, but because he wasn’t good at comforting. “I didn’t know,” he whispered, a deep frown plastered onto his face. “I’m… sorry.”
Biting his lip, Kenma casted his eyes down at the very second Kuroo looked away. He wasn’t only bad at comforting, but also bad at distracting, apparently. He felt… useless. “I know it doesn’t bring him back, but… I’m here. I’ll… I do what I can…” And yet, the only thing he could do was to move his finger across Kuroo’s cheeks to wipe the tears away. “I won’t leave you.”
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