pxrtalmxster · 2 months
I really do miss this place, but I hope it brings someone comfort to know that all my writing and stories here will be formed into something new one day in a different form. Maybe you will find me when that time comes
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
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((Looking back at my pages, I'm horrified and cringing. How did I go so long letting them look like that?))
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
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“So young...” She frowned as she heard how old the girl was. “I see Master Eon hasn’t learned a thing, even after all these years.” It was simply habit for her to still call him ‘Master’ although she didn’t like calling him that anymore. “Don’t apologize, you should be on edge.” She took no offence to the girl being defensive, in fact it was just a little bit comforting to know she wouldn’t assume the best of strangers. “Still, these types of things will continue to happen many times. It’s best to gather information before jumping into a fight. Then you can prevent repeating these situations.” She started walking in the direction that the snatchers took Hijinx, it seems she had been observing when it happened. Just not making herself known until now. “She’ll be fine, probably.” It seemed Kayla wasn’t chasing after them with much urgency.
Huh... it seemed that the other wasn't planning to be hostile after all. So Harmony lightened her grip on her sword, but still kept her hand near it. Even if this strange girl was no threat, that didn't mean that there weren't other dangers around. She'd taught a lesson to quite a few beasts before crossing paths with this stranger, after all.
The question about her age made Harmony stop in surprise, but she still continued to glance to the side-- the way that she had last seen the Snatchers going. While she got the surprised remark about her being a Grimoirian quite a lot, the age question was very rare to actually receive. Maybe people just never bothered to ask in order to be polite, or just weren't curious to know her situation. Or they just thought her kind didn't age physically. Which was false, of course, but still.
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"It's been a while.... uhm, I'm fourteen?" She answers honestly, at least she thinks it counts as 'honest'. It was how old she was when the destruction of Grimoire happened, after all. So that technically was th truth?
But either way, she figured she should apologize for her initial hostility, considering how the other made no move to fight back and it was clear that she didn't plan on fighting either. But she still needed to find Hijinx.
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"Look, Mx., I... I'm sorry for being so on edge. I've been so stressed and ready for a fight ever since Hijinx was taken. It's not like the Snatchers to suddenly want to capture a kid, let alone one of our own... and I won't let them do anything bad to Hijinx. I can't let them hurt her, or worse... "
It was clear that the scenario she was most afraid of was Hijinx being lost. Seemed that the thought of such a thing happening to someone close to her was a bit of a sensitive thing. Even if their new enemy hadn't actually done such things to anyone yet. It was almost odd.
Those Snatchers must not have known it, but they'd touched a nerve.
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
Positive Psychology OC Ask Meme
I made Askbox Questions out of one of my psych text books to help develop characters for workable storytelling. Send some Virtues and an OC !
MINDFULLNESS– Do they live in the moment? What keeps them present?
SELF-EFFICACY– Does the end justify the means? How to they approach their goals? Do they blame others for their own faults or admit them?
RESILIENCE– How do they handle loss or failure? What helps them stay resilient and bounce back from loss or failure?
GROWTH – What would it take for them to change their mind or perspective? Do they recognize when new paths open for them, or stick to their preferred paths?
WISDOM– Are they open to other people’s perspectives? Do they look to history and past mistakes? What kinds of internal dialogue do they have about difficult situations?
CURIOSITY– How thoroughly do they explore new places, things, or ideas? Do they go out of their way to learn new things?
OPEN-MINDEDNESS– How do they deal with disagreement? How do they balance different perspectives?
LEARNING– What are they interesting in learning about, if anything? What hobbies and skills do they have? Do they know how to make themselves happy?
CREATIVITY– How do they go about solving problems? What is something they enjoy doing so much that they can lose themselves for hours doing it? Pick an object in your space: would they know what it is, and if not how would they go about figuring it out?
BRAVERY– What kinds of risks do they take? What are they willing to risk to help a stranger? Do they consider the cost-benefit of a risk?
PERSEVERANCE– Do they believe success is based on innate ability, or learning to overcome the obstacle? Do they know when to quit? What are ways they identify their weaknesses and strength?
VITALITY– Are they introverted, extroverted, or ambiverted? Are they more active or passive? What do they do to stay energetic? (NOTE: introvert does NOT mean they don’t like people, it means they need time alone to regain their energy for social situations).
INTEGRITY– Do they stand firm in their beliefs? Would they lie or refrain from disagreeing to avoid confrontation?
AUTHENTICITY– What are sub- and unconscious things that make them who they are? Who can they be themselves with, and who do they wear a mask for? What kinds of social roles do they perform?  
HONESTY– What kinds of small lies do they tell others? What lies do they tell themselves? What is the biggest lie they’ve told?
SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE– Do they experience emotional empathy (innate ability to feel emotions for other people's feelings, i.e. happiness at success, grief at loss, etc), or cognitive empathy (may not feel grief but has a logical understanding that loss is painful, may not feel happy but has an innate understanding that someone’s success is a celebrated thing)? Are they aware of their own emotions and reactions? How well are they able to manage their emotions?
LOVE– What attachment styles do they experience? How involved are they in their friends, family, and loved one’s worries, hopes, or goals? Do they turn to their loved ones for support? Do they let people who love them help them?
KINDNESS– Do they go out of their way to do favorable acts for other people? Do they treat themselves?
FAIRNESS– How do they determine what is right? Do they care about what is right?
CITIZENSHIP– Do they prefer to look out for themselves or be part of a community? Are they willing to work with others fairly to reach a shared goal?
LEADERSHIP– Do they have clear, set goals? Do they take the consideration of others, or do what they will? Would they go out of their way to meet the individual needs of people around them, or create a more standardized all-in-one solution?  
SELF-CONTROL– How easy is it for them to perform a new task well? If they want something, how hard is it for them to wait?
PRUDENCE– How far ahead do they plan? Are they able to strategize future potential factors? Do they go out of their way to ask for clarification, or simply assume they know what they’re doing?
HUMILITY– Are they open to seeing their own faults when others point them out? Are they realistic about themselves, or do they inflate negative or positive values? What is something they are genuinely proud of?
FORGIVENESS– Do they obsess or linger on the bad things that someone did to them? Do they allow change to take place after they have been hurt, or do they fight against it? What negativities dictate or direct their decisions or life?
HOPE– Do they look at their past accomplishments as evidence or inspiration for success? What inspires them to move forward?
HUMOR– Do they know how to diffuse tension appropriately, or do they make things worse? Do they let themselves have fun?
APPRECIATION– What kind of accomplishments do they recognize? What things do they find beautiful or attractive? Which of their senses do they find most joy engaging with?
GRATITUDE– Do they thank people out of obligation, or because they are actually thankful? What is something they are most grateful for in their life? What sorts of things should they be more grateful for?
MEANING– Where do they believe they fit in the world around them? What provides them comfort? Do they think about their daily life and routine? Are they satisfied?
PURPOSE– What kinds of goals do they have to look forward to? What are their internal goals (having a good relationship, being a certain kind of person, etc)? What are their external goals (making money, being admired)?
SPIRITUALITY– Do they connect with things greater than themselves, or do they find it daunting? Do they want to have an impact on the world around them (for better or worse)?
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
Send my muse difficult questions to answer
Not just personal questions, but complex math problems, philosophical quandries, riddles, anything to stump them.
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
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She saw how the girl went to grip her sword, as subtle as the movement may have been, it was exactly what she may have done back then. Although even though she had a sword at her side now, she made no move to hold her own. Just looking at the girl’s hand and then back to her face with eyebrows raised. “You would be a very bad negotiator. Good thing the Skylanders aren’t known for it.” She couldn’t help but criticize her approach to this encounter. If she actually did mean to cause her harm, this would be a bad start. You could say she was being protective in a sense, but she didn’t let it show outwardly. “A Grimoirian. How old are you?” She didn’t even have to ask about her origins, she knew humans from earth couldn’t wield magic like the kind she saw flowing through the girl’s veins on their own. She knew some had survived, but she hadn’t met any as young as her. At least, she looked young. Kayla herself still hasn’t quite out-lived her appearance yet at least. Telling someone her age may shock them but at least it was still believable for a human.
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@pxrtalmxster sent: « i see someone wants to play the hero, hm? » (via PxrtalMxster) good to see some more Skylanders blogs :3
Was this a meme? I don't remember lol | Not accepting
One of the Minis-- Hijinx-- had snuck out and followed her out here. Clever kid. She could admire cleverness, but THAT was all thrown out the window when Hijinx had made her presence known just as the young Portal Master was grabbing some spell and potion ingredients in the heart of these woods. And before they both knew it, there was an ambush and the poor Mini had been dragged off by some Snatchers; The vile creatures that served their new enemy. 'Nefarion', he called himself. And while Nefarion was no Kaos, he proved to be the biggest danger that the Skylanders had seen yet. So this was already some real trouble.
She had to rescue Hijinx before she could even think of going back. While one could blame the little cadet for getting herself into this mess, there was no way the Grimoirian was letting the poor Mini potentially get hurt regardless. So now, she was searching the woods, occasionally calling out for Hijinx in hopes of finding her.
And now, Harmony had ran into this... stranger. She didn't recognize them, but she wasn't exactly a fan of how threatening they were coming off as. They made her feel nervous. And for all she knew, they could be working with the Snatchers in some way. Who knows at this point. Better keep her guard up for now.
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"I have to. I have to save Hijinx." was her response. "Poor kid was taken by Snatchers, and... she's just a cadet, she won't stand a chance against those things without my help. I have to find her before something bad happens." Her grip tightened on her sword as she took a step back, putting a slight bit of distance between her and the other.
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
((Aaaah I miss being here. Want to do some Genshin and Star Rail rps now that I’m back into those games again too…))
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
(Oh yes also, birthday tomorrow :3)
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
// *hypnosis noises* Ooooooh you wanna join Hell the Skylanders RPC, Oooooooh
But seriously, consider it. We have enchiladas and cookies. And soda.
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pxrtalmxster · 1 year
@pxrtalmxster said: “  i know you can handle it yourself, but it doesn’t mean you should have to do this on your own.  ” (pxrtalmxster for Kylo <3)
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Of course she’d want to insert herself in a situation in which she doesn’t belong. Seemingly willing to do anything to be by his side. It doesn’t go unnoticed. In fact, Hux has taken a liking to referring to her as his lap dog. The irritation this brings him only makes the red haired general do it more. Which has led to him already being on edge.
“You can’t come.” Kylo said flatly, “Your powers are still too unstable.” And that wasn’t a lie per say, but he knew she had been working on it. That didn’t change that she wasn’t ready and that he didn’t want her to be there. She would just get in the way.
If she knew that Hux had been saying those types of things about her, she most definitely would have shown him just how ‘unstable’ she is. He did well to not let it slip around her yet. 
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“I’m sure you’re well aware that I’m still an asset to you. I don’t think you’ve even seen me in the field before. Who are you to judge how my powers will work when I’m not cooped up in this ship for so long?” Surely being a little stir crazy would make her more unstable than if she could get some fresh air. Wanting to make sure Kylo came back in one piece was just an extra consideration. “I think you forget that I’ve been to tons of unknown worlds and explored plenty of ruins before. Of any mission, this is the kind I’m most familiar with. I could just go in your place if you think you’re too much of a distraction for me~”
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
you long-suffering, endlessly patient angels get two memes today bc i deleted everything in my inbox on my rp blog and i made these memes to top off a solidly productive day! also, if you ever feel guilty about “not being productive” or having to delete drafts and memes in your tumblr life, DON’T! you’re wonderful and valid and your personal comfort and peace of mind is far more important than an overwhelming inbox or draft count! anyway, these are also self-serving, but also i feel no shame bc there’s an extreme lack of this very good vibe in my line of work, so here u go besties. DO NOT ADD ANYTHING TO THIS LIST!!
DATE UPDATED: 19/10/22
[ PIN ]:     sender pins the receiver to the ground and straddles them while training together.
[ SWORD ]:    sender invites the receiver to engage in sword fighting practice with them.
[ AIM ]:    sender and receiver go to target practice together (using any weapon of choice).
[ GUIDE ]:    sender readjusts the receiver’s stance and posture with their hands while training together.
[ STRIKE ]:    sender aims a blow (via either their fists or their weapon) at the receiver.
[ BLOCK ]:    sender blocks an on-coming attack from the receiver.
[ ARMOR ]:     sender helps to show the receiver how to wear and take care of their armor.
[ PREPARE ]:     sender guides the receiver through some pre-battle stretching exercises.
[ CHALLENGE ]:    sender challenges the receiver to a sparring match/actual fight.
[ TEND ]:    sender and receiver tend to one another’s wounds in the aftermath of a fight.
[ RESTRAIN ]:    sender physically restrains the receiver from attacking someone else.
[ FEND ]:    sender adopts a defensive position that stops the receiver from launching an attack on them.
[ PUNCH ]:    sender punches the receiver (to an unknown degree of success or failure).
[ KICK ]:     sender launches a kick at the receiver (to an unknown degree of success or failure).
[ TACKLE ]:    sender physically tackles the receiver during a fight.
[ DRAG ]:     sender physically drags or carries the receiver away from a fight.
[ UP ]:     sender extends a hand to the fallen receiver to help them to their feet after a fight/sparring match.
[ BACK ]:    sender stands behind the receiver while in the midst of battle in order to help them fight off their enemies.
[ ARRIVE ]:     just as the receiver is about to lose hope and become defeated, the sender arrives at the last minute to help them fight their enemies.
[ EXTRA ]:    sender hands the receiver a spare weapon during a fight to give them a better chance after they break or lose their own.
[ WALL ]:     sender slams the receiver against a wall during a fight/sparring match.
[ COVER ]:    sender lunges forward to throw their body over the receiver and shield them from harm during a fight.
[ POWER ]: sender and/or receiver use their powers during a sparring match in order to develop and enhance their abilities.
[ UNLEASH ]: sender, while fighting with the receiver during a physical confrontation, uses their powers in an effort to gain the upper hand.
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
your  name:
your age: 
your perfect date: 
make out in private or in public?: 
do you like to cuddle?: 
tell me something about you:
why do you want to be my valentine?:
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
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“You could have easily not looked.” Kylo retorted before letting out a grunt of pain when he moved a certain way. He squeezed his eyes shut for a second and then the droids were relieving her of his weight, holding him up with cold robotic arms. It made him shiver slightly.
“It’s not as bad as it seems.” He said as the droids helped him walk towards the medbay now. “So just … don’t worry about it.” Did she really not have anything to do besides pestering him as if she were his mother?
Of course she missed the closeness once the droids took over but they were stronger than her, physically, since they were built for this exact purpose. She was still going to follow him to the medbay regardless, if only to make sure he got there without hurting himself further. 
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Now it was her turn to huff at him and glance away. “Are you seriously trying to come up with any reason for me not to care about your wellbeing?” Despite whatever the state of their ‘relationship’ was, she was still acting on her feelings that weren’t gonna just vanish. She’d only closed herself off a bit in how openly she let him see it now. “You already know the answer. Stop trying to act like I can’t see what denial looks like. Why do you care that I care?”
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
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“You’re not fine if you come stumbling off of the ship.” She almost rolled her eyes at him. “It’s my concern if I’d rather not see you pass out in front of me while I just stand there. People are already staring enough.”
She knew the droids probably knew what to do with him, since he had surely come back beaten up before, but she didn’t want to just leave him either. “I can speed up your healing anyway. Although it’s not a lot but maybe you’d be able to recover enough to not be stuck in recovery for as long.”
Obviously she’d go see him when he returned, even just from afar but that changed when she saw the state he was in. She ran up to him the second he started to falter again and put an arm around him to keep him more stable so he could lean on her a bit. He was a little bit heavier than she anticipated but all she had to do was get him to the medbay anyway. It’s not like she could actually know what’s wrong with him from her powers, only give him a bit more energy or naturally heal a little faster, but she wasn’t very good at doing that for anyone but herself. 
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“What in the world did this?” It came out sounding a little bit like she was scolding him, but it was really just concern. He could handle himself but she didn’t like him pushing to his limit either. As if she didn’t do the same sometimes. “Can you make it or do I need to bring someone over here?”
She didn’t care that people were staring, it wasn’t like she hadn’t been stared at the whole time she was around anyway. People may not have been as intimidated by her as him, but she was still pretty out of place. Her being close to him only made people notice her more. She didn’t even feel that weird about touching him like before, her mind was just focused on making sure he didn’t hurt himself anymore than he already was.
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Kylo didn’t expect anyone to help him. At least, not anyone of the person variety, but when he did feel a body that felt too soft to be a med droid, he wasn’t surprised by who ended up coming to his aide. Everyone else was terrified of him. He was a bomb ready to go off even in his wounded state. The growl / huff that left his lips when she practically scolded him as if she were his mother was proof enough of that.
“I’m fine and it’s none of your concern.” He countered, steadying so that he continue with his pace. The droids would come soon enough. He glanced upwards from his feet to see a few of them being dispatched his way. He’d be fine, though likely out of commission for a few days.
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
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It doesn’t hurt. The wound has cauterized but the scent makes his stomach churn. Kylo feels slightly dizzy as he takes the first two steps off of the ramp of his ship before nearly toppling over. He’d gotten the artifact that he’d been looking for, but at what cost? He needed to get to the medbay but was too prideful to ask for help, evident in the way he stumbled through the crowds of working men and women on the docking bay who avoided him like a plague.
Obviously she’d go see him when he returned, even just from afar but that changed when she saw the state he was in. She ran up to him the second he started to falter again and put an arm around him to keep him more stable so he could lean on her a bit. He was a little bit heavier than she anticipated but all she had to do was get him to the medbay anyway. It’s not like she could actually know what’s wrong with him from her powers, only give him a bit more energy or naturally heal a little faster, but she wasn’t very good at doing that for anyone but herself. 
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“What in the world did this?” It came out sounding a little bit like she was scolding him, but it was really just concern. He could handle himself but she didn’t like him pushing to his limit either. As if she didn’t do the same sometimes. “Can you make it or do I need to bring someone over here?”
She didn’t care that people were staring, it wasn’t like she hadn’t been stared at the whole time she was around anyway. People may not have been as intimidated by her as him, but she was still pretty out of place. Her being close to him only made people notice her more. She didn’t even feel that weird about touching him like before, her mind was just focused on making sure he didn’t hurt himself anymore than he already was.
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
Sexual Sunday Headcanons
ϟ: How much does your muse value sexual intimacy?
✿: Does your muse find any value in sex? What value if any do they find in it?
♪: What factors and events shaped how your muse views sex and sexual matters? Were they influenced by other people or did their own experiences shape their view of it?
❤: Do they have any insecurities about sex?
❣: How comfortable are they talking about sexual matters? Do they have any problems discussing sexual things in front of strangers or acquaintances?
❥: Do they brag about their sexual prowess or the amount of sex they have? Why or why not?
✯: Do they talk to their partner during sex? Do they talk dirty? Do they whisper sweet nothings?
☂: Do they prefer having sex in one environment more than another?
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pxrtalmxster · 2 years
“ I really don’t know why it’s such a big deal, though.”
💙 @pxrtalmxster
“Multi dimensional travel is literally the biggest deal for more reasons than I can explain.” She didn’t expect to be openly arguing how important her powers really are, but it was highly unusual to get such a dull reaction. “Do you guys already have experience with other dimensional travelers or something?
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