qanishque · 22 days
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qanishque · 1 month
kurt cobain really outdid himself with these words. he was talking about the flow state (unconscious competence).
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qanishque · 1 month
here and now.
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qanishque · 1 month
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only bottom-up, never top-down.
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qanishque · 1 month
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qanishque · 2 months
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qanishque · 2 months
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You are not a drop in the ocean. You are the entire ocean in a drop.
The past (& future) is in the present.
NOW is not a moment in eternity, rather all moments in eternity reside in the NOW.
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You're not a possible model in an isolated democratic market of the absolute reality (called the thing in itself).
You are the thing in itself. An interconnected & interconnecting absolute being, coordinating the marriage of the sense and its many discrete references.
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You're the market, sometimes choosing but always witnessing, in this infinite sea of possibilities of parallel running models, all and each ever seeking it's golden snitch. Are you the golden snitch or the one catching it?
But only one wins. And through one, all wins.
And then everything stops. Everything has to stop. Just as it touches, as it knows the true ground.
Bottom up from one's foots' toes and top down from this NOW, the true home.
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Only one wins. Only one.
To be one, you had to be two and one-half at the same time, four and one-quarter at the same time, eight and one-eighth at the same time.
And on and on. Until it's eventually and inevitably, infinite and one-infinite at the same time.
This one-infinite may look like it's nothing. But it's nothing like you know about whatever you know about nothing. This one-infinite, this truly sterile orphan creates the whole new world again and again. As this one wins, all wins.
Because for to zero to one, one needed to two to one again. (lmfao). No seriously..🤪🤣😭
🌀😶uh ...😤. ... 🤔 uh .. 🤨🤔😐 yeah Alright. Where was I. Uh ya, Yes!
Absolute infinite and Absolute nothing at the same time. Where's the boundary, dividing. Have you seen a tan(x) graph. This one-infinite, does it ever touch the line and become it?
Really where's the limit, the boundary? The golden ring? The winged-egg?
The measure of the smallest pixel while seeing the whole pie.
The eternal convertible bond? The NOW?
How far can you atomize while still being able to philosophize?
Where's the ladder, the bridge, the meaning, the soul, the self, the true one?
The cutting-edge left hemisphere itself creates with it's sword, the Zeno's paradox and then outright blames the feminine right hemisphere.
The queen knows better. And her rights are always left. She asked for it.
She's unnameable but we can call her Ms. Grace.
And she perfectly understands the optionality and the trade. She's an options trader.
But she's hollow and nothing, in the absence of it's masculine. Mr. Osiris.
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If we solely rely on the derived product (utility, feedback or effect) of, as a measure of the validity of the underlying (causing agent).
We post suppose a (now considered empirical) pr(e/o)position and box the many possible infinite correlations into a contained system, making a reductive assumption (in the form of prejudices & biases) which comes with the obvious risk of over confidence. Karl Popper said the same thing.
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Never mistake the finger for the moon.
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qanishque · 3 months
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qanishque · 3 months
oh he got it. and he put it so simply.
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qanishque · 3 months
AI music feels scary and grrreat!
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qanishque · 3 months
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qanishque · 3 months
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She fought like a scientist you know, she needed proofs. Proofs of my unconditionality. Her unconditional is always conditional.
Don't believe in her lies. Mother Nature is always looking. When you look away, even then.
You know I know that she's our mother Earth's only parent and how hard it is to be a single parent and a widow.
Especially in this economy.
But what made me really sad (happy) was this realisation that Mother Nature will always be.
Even when Mother Earth will not.
No wonder God's a male whose name is I am. Imagine Descartes on his head. Let me explain.
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She's the real sucker, his wife. Not Descartes. But God's. She's the black hole that digests it all. The center within.
This is where all the cubical structures made with tiny lines of laws. All and each ever connected. All of this made with small, all touching matchsticks just about to meet their first day. You know, get their first burn.
Right when humans discovered their fire. They named it something but they made sure, they named it. So this is me trying to name her.
She's the moment closest to the moment that is now but just before and after you became you.
From within, drowning in this confused nothingness.
Which if it could sound, would sound exactly like deep blue ocean.
The first (and probably last) black swan that birthed (& killed) all the other white swans.
Chicken or egg!
I just did what Columbus did with his egg. And he proved his point. Let me as well. And we’ll keep going around it again and again, until the point is self-evident.
This is the absolute negation of I AM.
The other side of the coin whose both faces scream you are that, no you are that.
If you could really see a coin, its perimeter (just right at the top) co-joints all the seemingly opposites. All those Thats' .
This is when she becomes the force, that if I could say in my most secular language possible, is driving all the efforts against any categorisation.
She lies like it's her business.
She's the first but now as this second seconds, we call her, our third. But she's one and just once. Willingly blind.
This moment is just right at the top where all the end(s) meet their start(s).
This is where one meets her. She is the most and the most beautiful but hardest, really just impossible, just nearly impossible to please. The false, the lie that produced all the other half-ass truths. The question, the w(a/o)ndering quest that is as is as is is is which is,
Am I?
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qanishque · 3 months
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qanishque · 3 months
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qanishque · 3 months
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qanishque · 4 months
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qanishque · 4 months
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