qillespen · 2 months
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When you forgot your tablet so you’ve gotta break out the colored pencils to make a joke
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qillespen · 6 months
I haven’t finished it yet lol, as soon as I do it’ll be ALL OVER this page
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qillespen · 10 months
I can’t explain it, but Junkrat’s birthday being February 29 is perfectly in-character for him
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qillespen · 1 year
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The bravest of boys, about to fight the Ancient Fuelweaver
(Not pictured: he gets rekt and has to go do the Bee Queen Fight of Shame for the crown and jellybeans, smh)
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qillespen · 1 year
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The bravest of boys, about to fight the Ancient Fuelweaver
(Not pictured: he gets rekt and has to go do the Bee Queen Fight of Shame for the crown and jellybeans, smh)
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qillespen · 2 years
I love drawing the Don’t Starve Together characters because you can just BRUTALLY fucking murder them and it’s CANON
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qillespen · 2 years
Actual image of me reporting and blocking the bot follows every morning
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qillespen · 2 years
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qillespen · 2 years
In honor of Overwatch dying, behold the first, the last, the ONLY 6K I have ever gotten and will ever get. Behold, and remember. RIP OW1
I’m sorry, did somebody say SOLO TEAM KILL???
I will never top this.
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qillespen · 2 years
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Pre-Hurricane Purple
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qillespen · 2 years
Been a while since I added onto this theory, but with Junkrat’s new Overwatch 2 design, I noticed something (sorry for blurry pic I refuse to pay $40 for a 2 week beta)
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The boy has goggles, but are y’all seeing what I’m seeing? Only the right lens is see-through. The left is completely blocked. Why? Because that left eye of his isn’t a real eye!
So IF my theory is right and his left eye is actually an artifact that lets him mentally control machines (like the RIP tire), we might actually get to see him use it more in OW2 story mode. Maybe that’s something Null Sector is looking for because they want to destroy it (and its host).
Not only that, but he’s also looking healthier, what with a lot of his hair growing back, so maybe he’s been away from the irradiated wasteland of the Outback for so long that he’s now physically strong enough to USE the Eye.
That, my friends, would be sick. I’m doing my best to manifest it, and I will gladly share predictions for how this could be incorporated into story mode if anyone wants that.
Junkrat’s Treasure
Okay so I have a kinda weird theory on what Junkrat’s treasure is with maybe some evidence to back it up. 
I think his treasure is… wait for it… his eye!
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His left eye, to be exact. I know it’s a bit weird but hear me out. We have only ever seen Junkrat AFTER he found his treasure. We have no idea what he looked like before. With that in mind, take a look at his logo:
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The left eye is crossed out. This little detail shows up again:
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Side note: I like to use this sign as a point of evidence in my “The Queen and Junkrat Are Related” theory but that’s for another day. But about his eye, in both these logos the left eye is crossed out. And do you want to know where else that happened?
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Yeah. Coincidence? I think not! And not only that, but in his normal skin his left eye kinda drifts off on its own. At first I thought it was a design choice to make him look more “crazy” but now I’ve got a different idea. 
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My theory is that Junkrat lost his actual left eye some time before finding his treasure, and the treasure itself is an object that was able to camouflage itself to look like his other eye. That’s where he hides it. And my theory is that this eye is the same one that Sombra is looking for
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And I believe this object is what started the Omnic Crisis. And I have no REAL evidence to back this up, but I believe the Eye can control machines. That’s how Junkrat is able to control his RIP-Tire AND his arm!
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Not to mention, Junkrat seems to favor looking out his right eye instead of his left, possibly a force of habit from not having a left eye for some time: 
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So to sum it up, I think Junkrat lost his left eye before he found his treasure, and the treasure he found was an Eye that was able to disguise itself. He keeps it hidden in his eye socket (gross lmao) and in return it lets him control machines like his arm and RIP-Tire. And that very same Eye is what started the Omnic Crisis in the first place because it was being used by an evil group to turn the Omnics bad (because it can control machines!). 
Sombra is looking for the Eye. Maybe the organization that found Sombra is trying to find the actual Eye for unknown reasons. Talon is trying to find it to start another Omnic Crisis, and for that they need the Eye. 
I think this is the way the Junkers will be brought into the plot of the main story. Because Junkrat literally has they key to the whole Omnic Crisis stuck in his skull. 
So that’s my theory. Junkrat’s treasure is an actual intelligent artifact that can disguise itself as an eye, and it’s currently using Junkrat as its host. It can control machines and is responsible for starting the Omnic Crisis. Everybody wants it, and Junkrat has it. 
And as  a final note, I leave you with this: what is part of an Eye?
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qillespen · 2 years
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Manifesting my headcannons until they come true 
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qillespen · 2 years
Junkrat’s new Overwatch 2 design looks amazing!
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qillespen · 2 years
The fuck was Junkrat eating that it got yoinked out of his hands by a giant magnet??
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qillespen · 2 years
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My Queen
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qillespen · 2 years
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Okay fine and because this one scene lasted for exactly a single frame here’s our Queen with a much younger blond child holding onto her leg while they stand in a graveyard BOOM
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That one is way shorter than the other one lmao. It’s basically:
1: The Face
They have the same face. Same narrow face with a pointy chin, same forehead curl, same widow’s peak, and very similar hairstyles in general. 
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2: The Sign
The sign above Junkrat’s workshop in Junkertown that basically says that he is not the king. It’s really weirdly specific and nobody has mentioned it, but it’s literally Junkrat’s logo with an X between him and the crown, maybe symbolizing that he might actually have a shot at being king 
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3: The Hair
The Queen dyes her hair blue, maybe to avoid having her natural hair color show, especially if it’s the same white blonde as Junkrat’s which would scream “related” (ALSO LOOK AT THE CROWN!!! It’s the same as the one in the above photo!!!) 
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4: The Voiceline
Junkrat has a voiceline where he calls himself King Jamison the First. The only other royalty we’ve seen is the Junker Queen.
They’re related somehow, be it mother and son, brother and sister, or even twins. Twin theory is my current favorite with her leaving him behind to rot while she went on to be a ruler. We already have brothers and parent-child duos in Overwatch, but dysfunctional twins would be a whole other level.
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qillespen · 2 years
Well pals, after The Wastelanders cinematic, I’m gonna call this theory solidly confirmed. The Queen is Junkrat’s big sister (RIP twin theory) and this cinematic damn near spells it out for us. They look the same, act similar, the face the laugh the fire the BACKSTORY WITH A PROMINENT CRYING BABY NOISE that part where a bit of her hair is on fire and Junkrat is the first one to cheer for her AAAAHHH. And they can’t say her real name because her last name is gonna be Fawkes and we all know it.
GG, see y’all again when they confirm my theory about Junkrat’s treasure.
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That one is way shorter than the other one lmao. It’s basically:
1: The Face
They have the same face. Same narrow face with a pointy chin, same forehead curl, same widow’s peak, and very similar hairstyles in general. 
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2: The Sign
The sign above Junkrat’s workshop in Junkertown that basically says that he is not the king. It’s really weirdly specific and nobody has mentioned it, but it’s literally Junkrat’s logo with an X between him and the crown, maybe symbolizing that he might actually have a shot at being king 
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3: The Hair
The Queen dyes her hair blue, maybe to avoid having her natural hair color show, especially if it’s the same white blonde as Junkrat’s which would scream “related” (ALSO LOOK AT THE CROWN!!! It’s the same as the one in the above photo!!!) 
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4: The Voiceline
Junkrat has a voiceline where he calls himself King Jamison the First. The only other royalty we’ve seen is the Junker Queen.
They’re related somehow, be it mother and son, brother and sister, or even twins. Twin theory is my current favorite with her leaving him behind to rot while she went on to be a ruler. We already have brothers and parent-child duos in Overwatch, but dysfunctional twins would be a whole other level.
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