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Thanksgiving, Black Friday and Cyber Monday together give shoppers a five day non-stop shopping fiesta. Shoppers had spent $3.36 billion on Cyber Monday in 2017, up from $2.67 billion in 2016 a 26% growth in a year.
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Every year as the autumn sets in, millions of shopping enthusiasts hit malls and online shopping sites. Halloween is quickly approaching, with bonfires, games and wearing scary costumes bringing an exciting time, marking the onset of crazy consumerism. This magical celebration is observed every year on 31st of October globally.
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QPS Info Graphic - A Prelude to 2018 Holiday Season
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MidWest Acquirers Association Conference 2018 is a leading event for the e-commerce industry, taking place at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile. The 2-day conference will feature an array of dynamic speakers addressing the latest developments in the payments sector and value-added products and services. The event will go live from July 25-26th, 2018.
Meet Team QPS to understand our spectrum of fraud detection and prevention solutions and digital payment gateway services that assist merchants expand their business and secure online transactions.QPS | Expand Your Defense beyond the PeripheryWith fraudsters foraying into the card-not-present sector, QPS recognizes the importance of merchant’s ability to transaction 24/7/365 days and the need to address rising fraud in the digital space.
QPS full-service payment gateway
is the panacea for supporting e-commerce merchants with innovative features designed to optimize profits, minimize chargeback and arrest fraud.QPS’ Payment Gateway Features to Expand Your Business:
Onmi-Channel Support for E-Commerce
Azure Cloud-Based Infrastructure
Recurring Transaction Scheduler
Card Vaulting
Seamless Multiple Integration
Tokenization Enabled
QPS non-legacy payment gateway, integrated with 5 layers of fraud screening, caters to any business size and help organizations boost revenue. It is designed to help merchants streamline payment routing and acceptance processes, offering benefits like real-time accept/decline, manual order acceptance review and chargeback management.Don’t Forget To Drop By Booth #GS 92!
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 Switch to QPS’ payment gateway and stay ahead with an integrated platform that supports all payment methods across 24/7/365 days.
Come to the fore and enjoy faster and secure payment services with features like:
Card vaulting
Recurring transaction scheduler
Azure cloud based environment
Schedule a telephonic call today! : 262–671–2928Visit:
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Go Global, Expand Business and Enhance Security With QPS’ Payment Gateway
Read More: http://qpsinternational.com/blog/qps-secure-payment-gateway-with-minimal-chargeback/ 
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Don’t wait for another year. Connect with QPS leadership at Retail Risk on May 17th, 2018 and get in-depth insights on how Artificial intelligence, Machine learning & Human review can offer added benefits in eliminating fraud losses and increasing acceptance rates across all payment channels.
Participate in our premium Title Sponsorship Session on “Drawing a Healthier Balance between Machine Learning and Human Intelligence”
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Visit Booth #422 To Get Comprehensive Insights On CNP Fraud Prevention
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Meet QPS @ ETA TRANSACT 2018 in Las Vegas 
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Meet QPS to Assess the Punitive Fraud within Your Business at ETA TRANSACT 2018
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Meet QPS to Assess the Punitive Fraud within Your Business at ETA TRANSACT 2018
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QPS is exhibiting at TRANSACT because it is one of the best places for influencers in our industry to come and do business. 
Visit us at booth 348 #QPS #ETATransact #Transact2018 #ecommerce #CNP #cardnotpresent #CNP #merchants #FraudPrevention
Web Invite: http://www.exhibitorinvites.com/transact18/qps 
www.qpsinternational.com [email protected] 
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In 2018, Team – QPS is excited to meet you with active participation in a comprehensive list of events across the U.S. 
Meet us to know more about our refreshed and an enriched bouquet of service offerings helping businesses fight fraud effectively across the globe.
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