qqquaintrelle-blog · 9 years
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 10 years
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 10 years
Rant about Rich, Filipino Kids
Young, rich Filipinos from the Philippines are probably one of the most infuriating group of people I have ever met in my life. 
I might be considered a hypocrite because for the time being my parents are paying for my rent, are allowing me to use their car (albeit a huge, scratched up van but whatever, it's still transportation), and have paid for my education. With the exception of them horrendously being overprotective, conservative, and Christian, my life hasn't been that hard financially until I was out on my own. 
But when it's hard, it's freaking hard. 
Rich Filipinos from the Philippines don't realize that living in middle America means actually doing things yourself. That means not being able to afford a nanny (or ya-ya) and therefore having to actually raise your own damn kids. That means having to drive yourself around and pump your own gas. Or POSSIBLY having to actually go grocery shopping and cooking your own food because only rich people have cooks and for once in your life, you're abominably average. 
My classmate in makeup school was one such rich kid. Except she wasn't a kid. She was a 30-year-old woman with three kids from three different dads supported by her mother, a retired flight attendant. She got a taste of what it's like to be a middle American and hated it. She claimed that working at a care home, having to cook, clean, and do laundry for other people was "too hard" and lasted a scant 6 months. She returned to the Philippines where the returned to the normalcy of leaving her kids with her mom to party all night, smoke crack, and go on extended holidays with her friends. 
Usually I don't care what other people do in their personal lives because people make mistakes. However, her lifestyle choices were a huge indicator of her spectacular lack of social etiquette. When we would have lunch together, she would ignore me completely and not only be talking on her phone the entire time, but also surfing the web on her iPad. 
I once asked a young, spoiled Filipino kid why he had no desire to escape the Philippines and thrive in a country with better economic conditions. He answered simply, "Because I'm lazy and it's easier to take advantage of Filipinos." 
This is coming from the guy who was hired out of the good nature of a family friend and was on the verge of being fired for the second time for being constantly late, and Filipinos are known for lack of punctuality. If you're late enough for a Filipino company to notice, you're doing something wrong, hombre.
Thankfully, I met someone who, despite being born into a genetically well-endowed company, experienced what it was like to be on his own in a foreign country. Okay fine, maybe he stayed in a house his parents bought in the Bay Area all throughout college and is currently living with his grandparents in the richest area in Philippine's equivalent of Manhattan, but the difference between him and all the horrible, young, bratty Filipino children I've met, he's actually trying. 
Which is more than I can say for the ones who expect the world to be handed to them on a silver plate and be rewarded for absolutely nothing. 
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
I'm really sad I turned down boning a guy last summer because he hangs out with Neil McNeil and Neil McNeil is like my favorite twitter person. 
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
Damn, ran outta space. Basically, don't worry about being single. A bunch of sexy assed mofos like u and I sometimes get unluckily surrounded by assholes who don't recognize our awesomeness. Btw u should marry me lol ;)
Aw thanks, man. I'm not worried about being single. Guys be pissing me off for putting me in the friendzone. I'm not about that life you feel me
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
Single Asian in LA - Dating is Worse than Job Interviews
I've been binge eating on some Girl Scout Thin Mints and Savannah Smiles, Salsitas and Capri Sun because I've been upset all day. Namely upset because I hate dating. Specifically going on dates with guys who don't really want me but keep me around because I'm "cute" and "nice" and "sexy" and "cool" and like "being with me" but not want to "be" with me. Yannowhadimean. 
Now I locked myself up in my room allowing myself one day -- ONE DAY -- to increase my BMI and eat as much junk food as possible. I'm YOLOing the shit out of packaged food is what I'm saying.
Here's what they don't tell you in Hot Girl School: 
To be part of a loving, healthy, normal relationship with an attractive, upstanding, funny, smart guy who has his shit together, BEING HOT, INTELLIGENT, INDEPENDENT, HILARIOUS, AND PATIENT DOESN'T MEAN SHIT IF ONE PERSON FEELS ZERO CHEMISTRY. 
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  Recent picture of me ^. All of this | --------------------------------------------| means nothing. I'm going to be alone forever. 
"But C, you shouldn't feel like you should need someone. You should be happy with yourself first," says assholes. 
Here's the problem. I like my company. I like myself and wouldn't want to be someone else unless the lower asking range is in the higher thousands in cash. I'm awesome. I know I'm awesome. I have a great personality. Maybe I'm not financially in the place I want to be, but I have a job, I have a car. Shorty don't need no man. But I want one. I want a man. I want to text random, funny shit to a special person. I want to cook food that someone would appreciate. I want someone to feel excited when I walk into the room. I want to feel wanted by someone who wants me back even when I'm fully clothed. 
If teen moms can do it, then goddamnit why can't I???
So the only solution is to not. I'm going to resolve to die alone, with no one. Living without romantic love can be done and I'm going to do it. I refuse to be a desperate chick who trolls the end of the earth for someone to love her. 
Fuck it, shit is going down. Peace. 
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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Love Food? This blog is for you.
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
Me starting to like someone 
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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If this sounds like you, please apply within. 👫 What's on your boyfriend/girlfriend list? #boyfriend #girlfriend #relationships #cute #funny #lol #boys #girls #men #women #single #forever
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
I hate when you hear something you don’t want to and your stomach drops and you need to isolate yourself from everyone 
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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Clothing and designs by Pinkabsinthe
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
“Dad’s Jokes Just Became Legit”
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qqquaintrelle-blog · 11 years
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