qtoherbond · 2 years
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Veronica: I got us matching friendship bracelets, and you say I don’t care about our relationship. Mac: ... these are handcuffs. Veronica: Yeah, ‘cause we’re partners in crime!
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qtoherbond · 2 years
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Worried Sentence Starters
“[Name] - [Name]. Hi. It’s okay. Don’t try to sit up, do you know where you are?”
“It’s okay. It’s okay. It’s okay, I’m right here, it’s okay.”
“I thought I was going to lose you.”
“You weren’t answering, and I thought -”
“I tried to… our first aid kit was tiny, but I tried.”
“I couldn’t get to you.”
“When I found you, you weren’t breathing.”
“You were dead. They/I had to bring you back.”
“It’s… It’s just really good to see you awake.”
“Call me back when you get this, okay? I’m worried.”
“You asked me to help but I - I couldn’t. I tried. I’m sorry.”
“I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry.”
“Hey, did you see the news about that building collapsing? Weren’t you on that side of town?”
“I missed three calls from you and couldn’t get a hold of you, so I came in person. What’s up?”
“Was it me? Was it because of me?”
“That cough sounds pretty bad.”
“Are you sure you should be doing that so soon? You were hurt.”
“Your body needs time to recover.”
“Should I stay with you?”
“Nobody can get to us out here. We’re on our own.”
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qtoherbond · 2 years
—- Comforting your friend !
1.  ❝ What’s going on? It’s okay to tell me.  ❞
2.  ❝ Have you calmed down enough to talk about it?  ❞
3.  ❝ Can you tell me what happened?  ❞
4.  ❝ I can’t forgive anybody who makes people THIS upset. Come on, I’ll walk you home.  ❞
5.  ❝ You don’t have to tell me, that’s okay, we can sit here all night if you want.  ❞
6.   ❝ I have time for a long story.  ❞
7.  ❝ I understand that you don’t open up as quick as most.  ❞
8.  ❝ Please, you have to believe me when I tell you that i’m not here to hurt you.  ❞
9.  ❝ Do you want to cuddle and forget about what happened?  ❞
10.  ❝ Wait, I’m not going to hurt you!  ❞
11.  ❝ I’m listening.  ❞
12.  ❝ Is there a reason you feel this way? You don’t have to answer this if you don’t want to.  ❞
13.  ❝ Do you want to talk somewhere more private?  ❞
14.  ❝ I don’t care what you say, I’m here to help you, [name].  ❞
15.  ❝ Is there anything I can do in this moment to help you?  ❞
16.  ❝ You’ve got a great deal on your shoulders, let me help take some of it off.  ❞
17.  ❝ I’ve been in a similar situation you have been.  ❞
18.  ❝ No, you don’t understand! If you don’t let others HELP you, you’re not going to get anywhere in the long run! You’re slowly killing yourself day by day! Don’t you DARE tell me you’ve died a long time ago, cause I know that someone else inside you is DYING to be let out!  ❞
19.  ❝ I’m not going to stop trying, I’m never going to stop. I’m not going anywhere, I’m not walking out that door until you sit down and TALK to me.  ❞
20.  ❝ Guilt & fear are definitely some emotions, huh? Don’t worry, you’re in a safe place. I won’t be judging you at all, care to explain?  ❞
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qtoherbond · 2 years
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qtoherbond · 2 years
NGL. I would KILL for a stupid Dick right about now...
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qtoherbond · 2 years
PLOTTING CALL.// Anyone want to play with Mac Attack??
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Season 1. // The Beginning of a Beautiful Friendship - Mac is just a girl in the background with a computer until Veronica Mars asks her for some help with a case. Being pulled out of her shell, Mac finds she enjoys helping the real life Nancy Drew.
Season 2. // Senior Year - Senior year! What could go wrong? Right?......Right?
Season 3. // University - After graduating from Neptune High Mac finds herself at the local university with her friends. This verse covers the events of Season 3 until she graduates and goes to work for Kane Industries.
Kane Industries. - Mac has graduated university and is working at Kane Industries as a programmer. What can she say? They just pay her so well.
Movie. // Reunion - And it has finally happened. Her 10 year reunion. Mac feels old. If she is going to suffer through a night of Neptune High cheerleaders she will not be doing it alone. Or fully sober. Time to round up the troops.
Q to her Bond. (post movie) - Mac quits her very well paying job at Kane Industries to work for Veronica and her father at the PI office.
Sinclair royalty. - What if Madison and Mac were never switched at birth? Would she have ended up like Madison or would she have been like her current self? Still a computer nerd? Would SHE have dated Dick? These are the questions people.
We do not acknowledge the last few minutes of the final episode of season 4 and also ignore the SERIOUS backsliding mentally that Veronica did randomly. 
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Okay so I wasn’t really here in the first place but I’m working on it! Working on verses for Mac. Let me know if you have any ideas for AUs or want to do something! I need to make a promo as well but I should probably wait until I have this a bit more set up and running.
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qtoherbond · 2 years
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“ I was, ” she said with a shrug. “ I’d just spent an hour listening to Madison talk about her manicure. You try being enthused about things after that. ”
@qtoherbond​ liked for a LYRIC STARTER !
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“You said when you met me, you were bored.”
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Veronica Mars Quote Rp Meme
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“Why can’t the evil just get jobs like the rest of us?”
“If There’s A Justification For My Actions Right Now, It’s This: I Have Gone Completely Mad.”
“I knew I should have included a few discrete lesbian overtones in that poem.”
“Say what you want about real cheese. I am a fan of the orange powder packet stuff.”
“Underneath that angry young woman show, there’s a slightly less angry woman who’s just dying to bake me something.”
“It’s great talking to someone for whom ‘bogart’ isn’t a verb.”
“…Nobody likes a blonde in a hamster ball.”
“I prefer most of the people on my floor not in my room.”
Great. I’ll just go out into the hall and look for the guy twirlling his moustache!
“Here’s What You Do… You Get Tough. You Get Even.”
Football: the systematic violation of the Geneva Convention made into a sport. I’m surprised the A.S.P.C.A. doesn’t protest.
“Consider my mind blown. Then put back together and blown again.”
“Why Do You Insist On Pissing Me Off?”
“You Get Tough. You Get Even”
“Oh, You Don’t Even Want To Mess With Me On That Today”
“You’ve Nearly Warmed This Cold, Cold Heart Of Mine”
“You Know What’s Really Disturbing About You…Other Than Everything?”
“You Seem To Care A Bit What I Think”
“Despite Popular Opinion You Really Can’t Beat The Truth Out Of Someone”
“98 Out Of 100 People At That Party Would Walk Over My Corpse For Free Gum”
‘What I’m trying to say is that I’m in love with you.’
‘I’m not going to see you for a week. That’s, like, a month.’
‘Well first, I’d just like to say the other, uh, nominees are all such wonderfully gifted criminals. And I wanna thank my agent and my publicist for always shooting me from the left side.’
‘I’m the one who’s responsible for what happened to you. And I can’t take that I hurt you like that. I can’t take that I hurt you when all I wanna do is protect you.
‘I got it. No calling you “bobcat,” no talk of milky thighs.’
‘As a rule, I like to start every school day with a hot blonde waiting for me in the parking lot.’
‘I thought our story was epic, you know, you and me. Spanning years and continents. Lives ruined, bloodshed. Epic.’
‘Annoy, tiny blonde one. Annoy like the wind!’
‘No one writes songs about the ones that come easy.’
‘Wow, you’d think if hell froze over maybe it’d be on the news.’
‘Never underestimate the size of my cojones.’
‘Sometimes I’m up all night, just thinkin’ about myself.’
‘If you really want flowers, dying seems to be the way to go.
‘Oh, I exist? I thought I felt different today.’
‘How many episodes of NYPD Blue did you have to watch to get the finger tapping down?’
‘Well, there was this one girl. She was blonde, petite. Smelled of marshmallows and promises.’
I bet you’d be pretty psyched if I found someone who could help.
See, so he’s not even a very good murderer.
Oh, you know. Lousy conversation, but the sex was fantastic!
Your father has generously offered to donate a pair of boots for a school fundraising auction.
I never want you to think that your mom is the villain in all of this.
The hero is the one that stays… and the villain is the one that splits.
No, but it must be really hard if all you guys play.
Do you even know how to play poker?
So, my tax dollars at work. Where were you, getting thirds at the Crazy Girls lunch buffet?
I hear you do detective stuff for people.
I do favors for friends.
How’s about an early peak at one of your Christmas presents?
This Christmas, we make our own rules. Follow me!
“I Hope We’re Still Friends After I Taser You." 
"Here’s What You Do… You Get Tough. You Get Even.”
“If There’s A Justification For My Actions Right Now, It’s This: I Have Gone Completely Mad." 
"This Is Where I Belong, In The Fight. It’s Who I Am.”
“I Convinced Myself Winning Meant Getting Out. But In What World Do You Get To Leave The Ring And Declare Victory.”
“After All These Years, Do You Not Instinctively Fear Me?”
“And I’ll Be Sittin’ Over Here, Chillin’ Like A Villain.”
“You Don’t Care Now, But Holy Crap Are You Gonna Care When I Start To Get My Revenge On. You’ll Be Doing All Sorts Of Carin’.”
“You Know, Dad, I’m Old School, An Eye For An Eye.”
“Oh, You Don’t Even Want To Mess With Me On That Today.”
“I Think We Have A Choice. I Think We Could Take A Tough, But Survivable Amount Of Pain Now, Or Stay Together And Deal With Unbearable Pain Later. So I Vote For The Pain Now.”
“It’s All Fun And Games Till One Of You Gets My Foot Up Your Ass.”
“Tragedy Blows Through Your Life Like A Tornado, Uprooting Everything. Creating Chaos. You Wait For The Dust To Settle And Then You Choose. You Can Live In The Wreckage And Pretend It’s Still The Mansion You Remember. Or You Can Crawl From The Rubble And Slowly Rebuild." 
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Mac Attack here...
I’m alive! Just had a lot going on. I should be back in Neptune by the end of the month so hit me up if you want to meet up or something. Sorry for going AWOL, pirates.
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qtoherbond · 2 years
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independent LOGAN ECHOLLS of VERONICA MARS written by KG
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qtoherbond · 2 years
back at it again with misc memes
❝  i’m used to people generally not giving a shit about me.  doesn’t mean i can’t still choose to care regardless of whether not people will care back.  ❞
❝  i’m not kind because i expect anything from it.  i do it because i like how it feels.  because people have not generally been kind to me and i don’t want to be that sort of person to someone else who.   ❞
❝  why didn’t you ever tell me you were dealing with so much?  you didn’t have to keep this to yourself.  ❞
❝  it’s okay.  i don’t need you to help me…but if you wanna stick around while i fix it myself i wouldn’t mind the company.  ❞
❝  i generally don’t like people as a rule.  but i don’t mind you.  so uh,  don’t fuck that up for me alright?  next time you’re in trouble just call me. ❞
❝  are you sure you don’t want me to stay?  ❞
❝  you know i can tell when you’re lying.  so you can either talk about what’s wrong or we can just sit here together.  either way,  i won’t let you do this alone.   ❞
❝  no,  i don’t need you.  but i do want you.  my life is fine without you,  but it’s great when you’re in it.  i don’t need to be dependent on you for this relationship to be important.  ❞
❝  well,  i already did the ‘kicking their ass for being a jerk’ part.  now i’m doing the whole,  showing up for you and making sure you’re okay now part.  ❞
❝  i don’t want to be like this.  i want to change but i don’t know where to start.  ❞
❝  i see you.  i just wanted you to know that.  i always see you.  ❞
❝  i haven’t really done the whole dating thing in a while but,  do you want to?  we could go to dinner—or coffee?  ❞
❝  we’re having a spa night,  okay?  i already have a bath started and there are face masks on the counter.  no arguments.  we need this.  ❞
❝  don’t start giving me the damn puppy eyes i was already gonna say ‘yes’ okay?  ❞
❝  this is a bad idea but i’m already committed so i might as well not half-ass being a dumbass.  ❞
❝  i always feel better when you’re here.  ❞
❝  i’m going to give you a hug now but if you tell anyone about it i will have to kill you.  ❞
❝  did you just flip off that old guy?  ❞
❝  i know you’ll lie to me if i ask if you’re okay so i’m skipping past that part and telling you to go home and get some rest.  ❞
❝  you know i’m not good for you right?  there’s probably a hundred other people you could be going to right now instead of me.  ❞
❝  can i say something here?  or do you need another minute of rambling before i get to do the part where i say what you need to hear and you realize you’re freaking out over nothing?  ❞
❝  don’t you get that i need you?  you’re always going on about being fine and being able to manage on your own and i’m sure that’s true.  but what if i’m not?  what if i need you in my life.  and i need you to let me help you with your life too? ❞
❝  i know you’ve been having a shit time so i brought some food.  ❞
❝  hey— get your hands off my plate.  i made you your own.  ❞
❝  i know you like the rain,  but it’s getting cold.  you need to come in before you get sick.  ❞
❝  i knew i’d find you here.  ❞
❝  if i tell you my eyes are red from weed and not because i was crying will you do me the favor of pretending to believe me? ❞
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qtoherbond · 2 years
❝  i need you.  don’t you get that?  ❞
❝  i’m right here.  i’m always here right in front of you but you never see me!  ❞
❝  you’re my person.  ❞
❝  no,  i don’t wanna have to talk to anyone else right now.  i just want you.  ❞
❝  i know you’re busy and i don’t want to bother you i just—  can i just sit here with you while you work?  ❞
❝  are we okay?  ❞
❝  honestly,  i’m always there.  in my head.  the scars on my body might’ve healed but i never really walked away from it.  ❞
❝  do you want me to make the others leave?  or we could go,  get some fresh air.   ❞
❝  look i’m not coddling you,  i’m just trying to help.  i wanna take care of you cause i,  you know— care about you.  ❞
❝  alright,  here’s your coffee.  are you ready to talk or should i find something to ramble about for a few minutes?  ❞
❝  eventually,  you just gotta learn to let go of the past.  it’s always gonna hurt,  but you can choose when to start focusing on something other than the pain.  ❞
❝  hey,  just breathe.  look at me— look at me.  in and out.  breathe with me okay?  ❞
❝  keep your eyes on me—  just focus on me.  we’re gonna be okay.  ❞
❝  no,  i’m not okay.  nothing is okay.  it never is.  but that’s just how i function most days.  so i’ll be fine.  ❞
❝  i’m not gonna pretend anymore.  i’m still fucked up from it all and i don’t know when it gets better.  ❞
❝  if you keep waiting until you’re done ‘working on yourself’ before you let yourself be with the person you love,  you’re never gonna be with them.  and they’ll find someone else who is brave enough to give them a chance to love them exactly how they already are.  ❞
❝  why do you stick around?  what is it you think you see in me?  ❞
❝  not everything needs an explanation.  i care about you.  i don’t have to sit here and figure out why.  i just do.  so maybe you should try just accepting it too.  ❞
❝  i don’t need your permission to fall in love with you.  you don’t gotta love me back,  but it isn’t gonna stop me from being here when you need someone.  ❞
❝  you love me too much.  i know how that sounds but—  fucking hell.  you shouldn’t care that much about someone like me.  ❞
❝  i don’t care if loving you hurts me.  the world already has enough pain to dole out for no reason,  at least i’ll have gotten these scars from something beautiful.  ❞
❝  if people can hate for no reason,  than i can love for no reason too.  ❞
❝  one day you’re gonna need me and i’m not gonna be there to fix it.  ❞
❝  no,  i can’t fix everything for you this time.  it’s your mess.  clean it up.  ❞
❝  i dunno who taught you that love comes with conditions and limitations,  but mine doesn’t.  not when it’s you.  ❞
❝  i don’t know how to ask for help i just— i’ve never had anyone to ask for help from before.  so…this is me trying i guess.  i need it and i’m afraid to ask for it.  that’s the best i can do.  ❞
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qtoherbond · 2 years
Okay. So I’m making Mac. Not sure how active I’ll be but I’m always lurking on here and my other blogs...
So I see an active Logan and maybe Veronica...where is the Dick?
.... yes Cindy and I realize how that sounded.
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