quadratically-quirky · 3 months
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in the backseat of a car
at the local golf course
in a bar parking lot
in beds
on couches
these are places i thought i left my heart
until recently i realized she’s at
the ballet
book society gatherings
game nights
coffee dates
sending cards
she’s all alone and surrounded by friends
she’s not where i left my body. she’s been hidden, waiting, patient for years
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quadratically-quirky · 3 months
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when your fingers are delightfully stained from weekly food prep
you pray it’s going to be a good week
you never know though
wishes upon prayers
that things function as they should
but you know your only hope is to make it through the week
to the weekend
things are calm and your body can catch up
you feel fresh and want of none
but you still know
those days
or nights
or weeks
will get you
you just want it to be right. function right. why can’t it not hurt. why does one thing have to flare up so many others!!!!
we scream into the void but nothings heard
our faces are flush and we don’t know why
we cannot cry
not for ourselves, only for others
this - where the problems started
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