ringlorn · 3 months
Actually, if you go by Nezha's point of view, this was the first time they'd ever met. After all, Dambi hadn't exactly been herself last time.
Now she looks practically harmless, sitting in a park bench in the shade beneath a tree. Maybe a little too close even, because there's a piece of twig stuck in her hair.
"Hey, you—" Nezha starts, then stops again. It's not like he talked to strangers on a regular day.
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"...never mind, have a good one."
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preciouswitch · 3 months
✦✧ "Dam-bi! Please be careful! Remember that isn't your body!" It had only been about an hour since the two of them had swapped bodies and Coco was already tired. She had been trying to learn anything that might have been of use to her while the two were exchanged, it felt like the one in her body was all over the place.
At least she hadn't suffered from any side effects so far. Maybe she felt a little calmer than normal?
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"That critter that always follows you around seems to be confused too. Not that I blame them..."
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darkenforcer · 6 months
@daxned || 🍽️🍽️🍽️
"hey, kid. had your fill of the loud crowd, too?" he isn't ready to call it quits himself -- not yet -- he just needed a quieter part of the garden to munch on these dainty lil' snacks. without all the annoying small talk getting in the way.
kids are fine, though; they're easier to manage than his pushier adult peers.
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speaking of munching... he offers his plate up to the girl, piled to the brim with an assortment of finger food and patisseries-- a peace offering for letting him settle down beside her. "want anything? only gonna ask once before i go at it..."
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psychicwave · 7 months
libraries really are the best-- they offer all the benefits of social interaction without the overwhelming city buzz! plus, silver likes to think they get along with bookish people fairly well... speaking from minimal experience.
"hey! hope you don't mind if i sit here," fresh novel in hand, they settle next to another patron around their age-- a girl. or, in other words, a potential new friend!
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"you must like reading, too, huh?" duh, what kind of question is that? they quickly nod toward the book in her hands before the fumble can deter them (definitely not coming across as intense at all (maybe a tad)), "is it, uh, interesting?"
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hydrofloraison · 7 months
💧 As much as she wanted to say something akin to "what an adorable child!", it was difficult to say that when she was being leered at with such intensity. Had she done something wrong? All signs pointed to yes, even though she had only gone on a leisurely stroll. But what had this child seen to make such a face?
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"Erm... Have I done something to offend you? I assure you that this wasn't my attention! Um... Seriously? Why are you looking at me like that...?" Her courage was crumbling and the girl hadn't even said anything yet!
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conjuringink · 3 months
@daxned asked:
006, a swing set in an empty playground at night.
"It's a bit late to be out here by your lonesome, isn't it?"
Although he can imagine there would be some questions as to why he was passing through the park at this time. It was simply a shortcut back to his lodgings, because he'd already been out late enough, and his ever-so-vigilant Watchful Eye might grow a few more gray hairs at his young age if he just disappeared well into the night.
A child sitting on her own at the swingset with no guardian in sight is cause for concern, but Qifrey also understands that a strange adult approaching her is more than a little suspicious.
The paper bag from one of the late-night shops crinkles as he tucks it under his arm. He keeps a generous distance between them. In the dingy light of one of the lamps at the edge of the playground, he notes the vivid green of her eyes and wonders if the glow is just his imagination.
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"Is your home nearby? Plenty of unsavory types lurk the streets this time of night. We wouldn't want you getting hurt."
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haistulf · 3 months
the chasseurs were trained to kill, not judge. rampaging vampires were too dangerous to interact with other than in battle, and that meant to kill with no hesitation, no discrimination. astolfo knows that he excelled at this, knows that the church appreciated his swiftness.
   that's part of why he doesn't mince his words as he grabs her wrist, looking it over. she's a child, but what does it matter?
   (so is he. so was that vampire.)
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   ' you stink. '
   it's a simple statement, insulting as it is. not quite vampire, but different. not quite human enough for him to step in. he's still holding her wrist as he keeps speaking. ' what are you? '
@daxned / sc
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panwati · 5 months
“Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ thought you were the reason for others suffering?" The kids are not alright.
Sᴇɴᴅ ᴍʏ ᴍᴜsᴇ “Hᴀᴠᴇ ʏᴏᴜ ᴇᴠᴇʀ (...)”s. Tʜᴇʏ ᴄᴀɴ ᴏɴʟʏ ʀᴇᴘʟʏ ᴡɪᴛʜ ‘ʏᴇs’ ᴏʀ ‘ɴᴏ’.
Haha hey what the fuck-
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"...Yes." A pause. "You good?"
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shadowsheir · 6 months
@daxned ♡'d for a starter!
         his breath puffed into the air in front of him as jinwoo ran, legs pumping and arms swinging. the early morning mist made the world around him seem muted and quiet, a sensation he desperately needed at the moment. amongst the chaos of his arrival—the loss of his shadows, the stripping of his abilities, the separation from his family—he felt unmoored, restless. usually, these feeling could be released with a simple dungeon raid, a fight to get his blood up and let off steam. but here? in his current state? jinwoo was left with very few options. so there he was, running himself ragged in the middle of the forest ( and what a novelty that was, getting tired from simply running ).
    but he was, apparently, not alone. jinwoo slowed as someone appeared on the path ahead of him, materializing from the fog like a phantom. it was a... girl? a child? too young, he thought, to be walking all alone in the woods this early in the morning.
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    ❝ Oh–are you lost? ❞ he wasn't exactly great with kids, but he was a big brother. those kinds of instincts never really went away. ❝ I can help you find your way back to the main path, if you'd like. ❞
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plantamagicae · 6 months
👉 Point to something for my muse to see
𝐍𝐎𝐍-𝐕𝐄𝐑𝐁𝐀𝐋 𝐑𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 👉 point to something for my muse to see
[ 🌱 ] willow slowly turned her neck in the direction of the girl's finger with a quirked brow. olive eyes scanned the area in search of the target, but was still unsure of what she was trying to tell her. the witch adjusted her glasses before turning back with a disappointed expression.
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" okay, i think i'm missing what you're pointing out... "
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kleinstar · 2 years
“ Just in time for winter sales! I’m sososo sorry, I took wayyyyy too long with this.”
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“ The whole Halloween deal happened and I’ve been super busy... That’s no excuse though. So I will definitely pay for everything! “
The thrift store he’d picked had a great wide variety of everything. When he remembered his promise he’d been pretty darn frantic, worried sick even and took no time in contacting the little girl. Frankly speaking he’s a little ashamed even. What sort of adult is he if he can’t fulfill important promises like this? 
“ Has everything been alright? Let’s get you real nice clothes ok? And a cute, thick winter coat, gloves, scarf --- all that’s necessary for the weather. “
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unsevered · 2 years
A SEA OF CORPSES pool at his ankles, their blood running like the tide beneath his feet. a steady drip... drip... drip murmurs into the silence, beads of red rolling off the edge of his blade, and onto the dirt. the earth swallows it hungrily, as it soaks into the roots of its flora, their snow-white petals stained by the carnage. he stands in the wreckage of what was once a ravenous pack of goblins, remnants of their flesh strewn through the grass. their greed bettered their judgement, and they paid sorely for it.
the eerie glow in his eye wanes like a dying flame, and he lowers his gaze to examine a gash across his side, shredding through his waistcoat and tunic. it... doesn't seem to be mending itself, as most of his other wounds do, he notes, wrinkling his nose. glancing around, he nudges one of their broken weapons with the toe of his boot: just a crudely fashioned knife, comprised of wood and a metal he can't quite place. nevertheless, he pulls his bandana back over his nose decisively--- it would be wise to move on, lest the blood attract something worse.
the crunch of a breaking twig shatters his thoughts, and the hunter rounds on the sound. unfurling his whip, he lashes it out, ignoring the sting of his wound, and it reaches for whomsoever approached--- only to halt mere inches from the eye of what appears to be young girl. it remains suspended there however, as though drawn to her, beckoned by a living soul; a lingering threat. child or not, he wasn't about to take that risk.
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preciouswitch · 1 month
✦✧ "Whew! That took a really long time to make!" Most of the afternoon in fact, and it had been hot! It had been a lot of work to put together a little race track made with paper boxes, hollowed out logs, and even a tiny bridge over a little stream.
Coco looked absolutely exhausted.
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"My brushbuddy versus your little guy, right? First one to do three laps wins!"
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hopescrest · 10 months
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The woods around here certainly were... interesting. The fog clinging to the trees reminded him of when he first arrived into the Digital World. But this wasn't the Digital World. It was some other one. At least this place seemed full of people.
Speaking of other people, is that another kid his age also taking a hike through the woods?
"Hello! The forest is lovely, isn't it?" Patamon chirps, waving one of its pudgy little limbs at the girl. Takeru also waves hello, with the arm that's not carrying his partner.
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crowdplayer · 10 months
Exploring in small increments was Gus’ current mode of finding out what exactly Spirale City was. Of course, this could partly be blamed on his lack of meaningful transportation, having been removed from his Palisman and most of his magic. But at least the forested area around his housing complex made for an interesting walk, especially when he discovered new locations such as the castle-like library ahead of him.
Once he entered the imposing structure, his attention was immediately caught on the fountain in its middle where a handful of people sat chatting. A smile flitted to his face at the sight, though he continued onward to the sprawling stacks of books.
Running small hands against the tome edges, he idly scanned the titles for anything of interest such as maps or encyclopedias. When one such book proclaiming to list all known flora of this forest came under his touch, he gave a quick shout amidst the quiet halls.
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“A-ha! First score for Augustus!” Although beaming as he tried to pry it from the shelf, his expression soon fell at the difficulty of getting it free. Turning around with a pout, his eyes locked onto the nearest person and he called out while he approached them. “Hey over there! So, is there some kinda trick to getting these down?”
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@daxned liked for a starter
The cloaked ex-Turk stood quietly, watching the street traffic as it passed by. The city was too loud, bright, and busy for his enhanced senses but only exposure would ease the strain. Desensitization via immersion was the best method of overcoming the pain.
He blinked and shifted his gaze downward, only just noticing the young looking girl who'd approached him. A moments pause and then he carefully, slowly crouched to her level, expression slightly softer behind his collar.
"Hello there. Are you lost? I am afraid I dont know my way around yet to help you much."
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