The ‘I notice everything. I just act like I dont’ squad
Pisces, GEMINI, Scorpio, Capricorn, Virgo, Cancer, Libra, Leo
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Tumblr, you’re killing art.
This is a horrible website for art. This is a horrible website for artists.
The only art that ever gets attention here is fanart, or artists who already have thousands of followers. 
Nothing new is ever added to the mix, nothing else ever gets out there, because you guys see art, and while you might think it’s cool, you keep on scrolling because it isn’t Undertale or Homestuck or whatever sports anime is popular right now. You only give attention to fanart, and even that is an elitist club where attention is only given to the chosen few fandoms.
Artists who create original work are getting less and less support all the time. I’m feeling it, and I’m seeing my friends get less support too. We’re losing followers. Our note count is going down.
“Do art for yourself!” People say. But that only goes so far. No matter how you slice it, getting ignored and snubbed constantly on pieces you spent precious hours on while you watch the notes on a quick fanart doodle soar into the thousands hurts. We don’t create art to place it in a dark room and never be looked at. No artist ever posts art here thinking “I hope no one looks at this and it gets no notes.”
Encouragement and praise go a long way to help artists with original ideas, but you guys don’t care about original ideas. They’re falling by the wayside. Soon there won’t be any new things to make fanart of. How many movies that have come out in recent years have been sequels or remakes? A lot more than new, original concepts, that’s for sure. When you look around in a few years and find that everything is stale, boring, and overdone, know that you have no one to blame for that but yourself.
Ideas need support. Ideas need to be shared and fostered and encouraged. Otherwise, they die off into nothing. 
Reblog more than just fanart, please.
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Well, I do have 2 new drawings I could upload,
but seeing as how I’m actually really proud of them and Tumblr just makes me feel like I shouldn’t be proud of anything I draw and that’s it’s garbage.
they sure as hell ain’t getting posted here.
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I’ve got like, no motivation for art lately, so all I can really handle doing without getting bored is quick drawings and finishing up stuff out of my sketchbooks… maybe I’ll get back to art eventually in full swing like I used to.
One thing that’s been getting scribbled across my sketchbooks pages is, well, this stuff, Tiny Undertale as I’ve taken to calling it…
And yeah, I know Mettaton should be a little ghost but dang it, I’m just having fun here XD Let me have my tiny robot version.
Muffet was originally going to be in the second one, and Monster Kid/MK was supposed to go in the last one, but I just can’t be bothered to draw them yet, they might get added later, or, they might not.
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I’ve got like, no motivation for art lately, so all I can really handle doing without getting bored is quick drawings and finishing up stuff out of my sketchbooks... maybe I’ll get back to art eventually in full swing like I used to.
One thing that’s been getting scribbled across my sketchbooks pages is, well, this stuff, Tiny Undertale as I’ve taken to calling it...
And yeah, I know Mettaton should be a little ghost but dang it, I’m just having fun here XD Let me have my tiny robot version.
Muffet was originally going to be in the second one, and Monster Kid/MK was supposed to go in the last one, but I just can’t be bothered to draw them yet, they might get added later, or, they might not.
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Just another reminder that you’ll be seeing extremely little from me here anymore. And if you actually want to see the stuff I draw and craft You’ll need to switch to either my DA CatTheCapricorn Or my Instagram skeleton_capricorn
I’m pretty much just done trying with Tumblr and sick of feeling paranoid and upset about my art. The thing I started doing because it was fun to me Tumblr saps the joy out of art for me a LOT most days and I am done. This only stays up for announcing new fic chapters and the odd post I feel like making here now. -Cat
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Just another reminder that you'll be seeing extremely little from me here anymore. And if you actually want to see the stuff I draw and craft You'll need to switch to either my DA CatTheCapricorn Or my Instagram skeleton_capricorn I'm pretty much just done trying with Tumblr and sick of feeling paranoid and upset about my art. The thing I started doing because it was fun to me Tumblr saps the joy out of art for me a LOT most days and I am done. This only stays up for announcing new fic chapters and the odd post I feel like making here now. -Cat
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Ink and watercolor.
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TFW you wanna try and get the stuff and try and teach yourself to do watercolor
but you also know your art skills are bad and you’d just make it look horrid.
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I’m giving you guys the same update I gave to my DA.
“So! I've been considering the idea of getting an Instagram for traditional sketches and scribbles and such type drawings that I just don't quite feel belong here on my DA, and probably to use more for a DA alternative than Tumblr nowadays, as I've noticed I just end up pretty sad when I put a new drawing on Tumblr. So to Instagram I go! This isn't to say my Tumblr art blog will go away, it's staying, it's just now it'll probably get used very little, mainly for announcing when I get around to updating fanfics on my AO3 and such, or just if I have a drawing I'm really proud of that I want to show off a lot. XD There's nothing on it right now, but if anyone's interested, here I am! https://instagram.com/skeleton_capricorn/ Until next time! ~Cat“
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....Moments when I remember when I just had fun doing art and writing and didn’t care what people might think of it and was proud of every bit of work I did makes me want to cry a lot nowadays.
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Small costume antler commission from a bit ago for a friend of my sisters for Halloween.
(Just ignore my floof hair XD)
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I’ve had literally no motivation for Tumblr right art.
I’ve had no motivation for my fics.
just... bluuuh.
I know it’s not about notes, but when I spend ages on something, and I even find myself proud of it for once.
then post it and feel all over again that all my work was pointless,
that the fact I keep drawing/writing is pointless.
damn, that really hurts.
don’t expect too much from me here.
I’ll still try and keep working on things, but until I can bury those thoughts of ‘why bother?’ it’s going to be extremely slow if anything at all.
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Made a Sans pumpkin for Halloween this year!! :D
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Reblogging this over from my main blog because I don’t feel like retyping everything XD
Got the Neutral and True ending to Undertale. I just, omg.
that game gets an instant add to my favorite games list.
It’ll be a long while before I could ever bring myself to even think of doing a no mercy run.
but otherwise I don’t mind stuff that would be spoilers for the neutral and true ending. :3
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....That AU Idea was absolutely horrific, where the heck did that one crawl forth from? (Other than the pits of wherever my brain puts it’s nightmare fuel)
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A little transparent MK to pass the time
(I still haven’t gotten around to finishing this game, so please please no spoilers . ;^; )
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