quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
*screeching* prompt time! I'd love to see something where Connor goes to work with some kind of bug and tries to push through it until the bright lights of the computer screen and the office are too much for him and he sneaks off to a conference room to sit in the dark and quiet because it makes his head hurt a little less, and by the time anyone finds him, he's burning up :O
some great prompts if someone wants to pick these up? Bc I’m leavin
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
so you know how seizures are caused by irregular electrical activity in the brain? like. imagine connor getting shocked and it overloads a bunch of electrical receptors and basically makes his limbs short out for a minute really similarly to a seizure and it takes up a lot of charge so he's exhausted and sluggish and achy afterwards >:)
some great prompts if someone wants to pick these up? Bc I’m leavin
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
!!! you should do Rapid Onset for connor :O! like maybe on a case?? either that or Temperature. Honestly I'd be so glad if you wanted to do any of the days and fuck up our boy lmao
some great prompts if someone wants to pick these up? Bc I’m leavin
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
I’m actually going to cry you’re such a good person and like you are so open to everyone (I honestly don’t know where I’m going with this basically I saw a few posts about how asexuality is valid and i just felt the need to thank you for accepting us because not enough people recognize us as a real thing)
haha ty I’m sure u will find more ace love in the future bc tbh anyone who invalidates someone else’s experience (including cishets don’t @ me) sux hardcore
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
yo sorry for the radio silence I just realized tumblr is bad for mental health and I’m not returning probably. so bye lol
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
I’ll die for u
i’ve gotten literally dozens of messages telling me that i’m anything but rude and harsh but go off i guess
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
what’s that
(I hate them)
anon has ligma and they’re contagious
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
I would say sorry for leaving for several days only to suddenly appear but I’m not sorry and I will do it again
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
me: breathes
anon: um you’re ruining the air around you by exhaling carbon dioxide soooo stop ruining everything you touch sweaty ;)))
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
everything is so quiet around me that I can hear my heartbeat
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
if i don’t die by the blade of a lesbian’s battleaxe then i don’t wanna die at all.
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
i hate people associating lesbians with terfs. i fucking hate terfs so much
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
I feel like I want to be involved in something bigger than myself you know? there’s absolutely nothingstopping me from like. going and fucking saving the giraffes from fucking exinction you know?? absolutely nothing stopping me. I could go get my masters degree and fucking be the CEO of some major company I could fuckig scale a fucking building and jump off the posibilities are endless
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
ignore me if you follow me for actual content lol sry but also an explanation for why I’ve been gone
yikes about tuesday last week my doc confessed that they think I have bipolar but doesn’t want to diagnose me w it just in case it’s normal teenage depression/anxiety antics that I’ve already been diagnosed with like ... okay... I’ve only needed 3 hours of sleep in the past like several days (and it’s been like that almost cyclically since 2015 when I tried to off myself lol) and I’ve been ... so , so habitually aggressive for the past three or four months (only every few days for ??????? A Time) and it’s so ???? it’s so unlike my actual personality and idk
what I’m doing I just hate everything that my brain is doing
I hope I don’t have it?? don’t get me wrong I hope to god they’re right and this is just normal behaviors that’s just iNtense
but having it would explain so, so much. and maybe I could get some medication to help it and I can’t bc of this and it sucks? I’m so tired of this and I’m ready 2 just perish lmfao pretty much everyone has just either started ignoring me or forgotten abt me so
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quietnocturne-blog · 6 years
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me senior year of high school vs me my first year of college
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