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heist movie where it’s just 20+ different heist teams from dozens of countries trying to schedule their slotted raid like the world’s most aggressive game of “book the public utility space/community arts hall”
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Okay, question for Tumblr- my friends are planning a group costume where we go as characters from Stranger Things. (For context- I’m a queer person who passes as straight in most of my day to day encounters). My friends are going as Chrissy and Eddie. My partner resembles Steve Harrington to almost an uncanny degree. I want to go as Robin- I love her characterization and find her deeply relatable; however I worry that it’s borderline appropriative if we go as Steve and Robin as a straight passing couple. (But also, the scoops ahoy costume would be fun). What do we think?
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Amy turns around to get one last look at Laurie. She loves him, as she’s always loved him.
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You don’t meet a girl like that every dynasty.
MULAN (1998) dir. Tony Bancroft and Barry Cook
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some random woman’s thoughts: oh hey, he’s kind of hot.
Edward Cullen: Dear Diary. Today another WHORE vies for my affection. Existence is agony.
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oh u haven’t heard?? it’s all gonna be ok
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I have a head cannon that Sirius talks in his sleep
He’ll go on animated sprees, sometimes carrying on conversation, spouting nonsequitors, sometimes speaking in gibberish and others making funny sounds.
Whenever Remus hears it, he melts a little inside, knowing his boyfriend is safe, warm and vulnerable next to him. He also values the insight of what’s running through Sirius’s brain- even when he’s sleeping Sirius can be difficult to read. Remus makes a point of staying up after Sirius to bask in the adorableness of his boyfriend.
One day, he hears it. “Oh. Oh Regulus.” Sirius’s voice soft and loving. “It’s okay. It’s okay” the slumbering man resasserts. “Let me help”
Remus starts to wake his boyfriend up, but stops. After all, who is he to take away Sirius’s last conversation with his brother?
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Paolo Sebastian | Spring/Summer 2019 Couture
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Reblog if u cannot wait to start middle school and get away from all the drama lies and tears from elementary school <|3
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“The way Rilke describes colours—their intercourse within a painting, a single colour’s evolution through history—that’s how one might also describe words: their interaction and interplay within a poem, a single word’s history from one age to another, punctuated by contributions of individual authors. His eyes trained by Cézanne, Rilke reaches out to language for words that would express the nuances of colour, and the biography of blue spills out into the realm of language: a barely-blue, a blue dove-gray, a densely quilted blue, an ancient Egyptian shadow-blue, a waxy blue, a self-contained blue, a wet dark blue, a listening blue, a thunderstorm blue, a bourgeois cotton blue, a light cloudy bluishness, a juicy blue, and, in van Gogh’s landscapes, full of revolt, Blue, Blue, Blue.”
— Elena Maslova-Levin, from “Rainer Maria Rilke on Colour and Self-Awareness,” Sonnets in Colour (19 March 2015)
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Soft as Silk, Sweet as honey, Dumb as shit, I ain’t got no money
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some kid just skateboarded down my street crying
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Amsterdam? more like Amsterdamn
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Remember this girl? This is her now, feel old yet?
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