raaeno · 3 years
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Aro and Ace illustrated! 🧡 
 (long gif!) 
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raaeno · 3 years
“As I pondered a pronoun change I began to think of gender less as a scale and more as a landscape. Some people are born in the mountains, while others are born by the sea. Some people are happy to live in the place they were born, while others must make a journey to reach the climate in which they can flourish and grow. Between the ocean and the mountains is a wild forest. That is where I want to make my home.”
— Maia Kobabe, Gender Queer
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raaeno · 3 years
Last time I asked for recs but I missed out on more recent movies so here’s a list of animated movies you might have missed out on… Part 2! :) (as per last time; This post will have multiple links (to the trailers of the movies) so tumblr might try to “shadowban” it, please reblog or save somewhere else if you want to keep it.)
Long Way North (2015)
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In 1882, a young Russian aristocrat goes on an epic adventure to find out what happened to her grandfather and save her family’s reputation. This french animation have slipped under the radar for a lot of people, which is unfortunate because compared to a lot of the “simpler” stories in animations made for children as target audience, it’s this movies strong point. 
Bilal: A New Breed of Hero (2015)
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A thousand years ago, one boy with a dream of becoming a great warrior is abducted with his sister and taken to a land far away from home. Thrown into a world where greed and injustice rule all, Bilal finds the courage to raise his voice and make a change. This movie is made in the United Arab Emirates about Bilal ibn Rabah’s start in life.
Zarafa (2012)
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A bold ten-year-old Sudanese boy befriends a young giraffe and a kind Bedouin, who takes them on a splendid journey via a hot-air balloon as far as the palace of King Charles X of France. The style in this movie is so gorgeous, much like classic western animation! French-Belgian movie.
Red Shoes and the Seven Dwarfs (2019)
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Princes who have been turned into green Dwarfs seek the kiss of the most beautiful girl in order to break the spell. At the same time, a princess is looking for her lost father. A fairy tale-parody with a twist. This korean movie caught a lot of unwarranted slack before being released due to a very gross ad. The ending credits are especially very cute.
Felidae (1994)
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The story centers on domestic house cat Francis and the grisly feline murders taking place in his new neighborhood. I would recommended people to watch this movie based on style and animation alone, but there’s a lot of… adult themes including gore and sex. Very strange in a who-the-fuck-is-this-movie-marketed-for??-way but aesthetically pleasing. Made in Germany.
Over the Moon (2020)
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Fei-Fei’s mother dies when she’s young and when she notices her father moving on, she takes comfort in a mythological story her mother used to tell her. Made by legendary animator Glenn Keane that worked on all your favourite Disney-movies.
Wrinkles (2011)
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A man with Alzheimer struggle to adjust to life in an elderly care facility. There he makes new friends and reflect on the disease. There some really strong themes of love and friendship. Watching it, I felt it was actually really refreshing seeing an animated movie with main characters (and issues) that are not just teens! Quite a bittersweet watch. Some of the scenography is also really gorgeous. Made in Spain.
Lupin III: The First (2019)
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Lupin III  (known character from several anime series and movies) goes on a grand adventure to uncover the secrets of the Bresson Diary, which is tied to the legacy of his famous grandfather. Sort of a really strange story at times but wonderful animation and a playfulness that reminds me of those cartoons you used to watch as a kid!
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raaeno · 3 years
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trending news
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raaeno · 3 years
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raaeno · 3 years
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Click here to download the brushset!
Type in 0 to download for free, tips are very much appreciated but not required! Hope you all enjoy these brushes! Please share them with friends if you like them!
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raaeno · 4 years
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The Circus at the End of the World, Chapter 22 by mad-madam-m
Derek flipped open his book to read, listening to Stiles’s deep, even breathing and the quiet clicking of Temeraire’s gears.
He didn’t let go of Stiles’s hand.
Now Complete!
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raaeno · 4 years
French president is saying we’re going back inside.
Thank you sir, I don’t like the sunlight
I’m gonna hibernate till March bitches
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raaeno · 4 years
stiles: honestly fuck viruses they’re not even alive they’re just strands of punk ass DNA that go around fucking up us normal and god fearing life forms you don’t even have a nucleus you stupid bacteriophage looking horizontally transmitting RNA clump
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raaeno · 4 years
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raaeno · 4 years
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Mist is my cape, trees are my guides…
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raaeno · 4 years
I needed this for my last project! D:< Ughhhhhhh
Sweet! Really good ref to figure out the size of certain guns.
Reblobbing for future reference. I’m shit at drawing guns ;_;
oh my god yes thank you yes yes thank you
it’s absurd how hard it is to find this kind of ref. and it’s no good just watching action movies and pausing them to grab screencaps, i always end up watching the movie. ‘>_>
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111K notes · View notes
raaeno · 4 years
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Sterek Fic Rec - May 2020. May! The time when Australia decides to be slightly less hot *happy dance*. Hope you are all keeping well. Time for another round of my fic recs for the month. 
Of Eclipses, Ley Lines, and Full Shift Werewolves by tabbytabbytabby (7/7 | 26,981 | Teen)
Derek has been noticing his control slipping in the days leading up to the Solar Eclipse. When he goes to look over the Hale land with Peter something happens, forcing both him and Peter to shift into full wolves. Stiles finds them, discovering that Derek has been changed into a wolf pup with none of his memories, only able to recognize people by their scent. After a talk with Deaton Stiles discovers there are ley lines in Beacon Hills, specifically on the Hale property, which caused Derek and Peter to shift. Unfortunately for them there’s nothing they can do to reverse it except sit and wait. Which is easier said than done when none of the pack can understand why Derek only wants to be around Stiles.
Gorgeous by Livinginfictions (6/6 | 6,366 | Explicit)
Derek didn’t actually notice anything strange until the middle of the pack’s second year, but once he realized how many layers of clothing Stiles wore all the time, he couldn’t stop noticing it. Curiosity and worry ate away at him every time the weather turned warm, until he felt he had to do something about it.
Smile On The Sidelines by clotpolesonly (1/1 | 2,258 | General)
Derek was not pining.
Not to say that he didn’t miss Stiles, didn’t want to be with him at that moment (or literally any moment, to be quite honest), but he wasn’t one of those obnoxious clingy people who lost track of the world as soon his boyfriend was out of his sight.
It was just a basketball game anyway.
Discovery Channel Taught Me by xxjinchuurikixx (1/1 | 19,350 | Explicit)
Derek goes into rut in the early winter, and he can’t stand being near Stiles. Stiles comes over to make sure Derek isn’t dead. Good job, Scott.
“Stiles… You have to leave. Please–just go away.” “It’s okay, buddy… We’re gonna get through this.” He touches Derek’s chest with his own, fingers brushing Derek’s neck. “I’m here.”
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me (Is You) by distortedreality (1/1 | 17,936 | Explicit)
Derek is fairly certain the new kid is either an incubus or a witch. Turns out he’s actually his mate. Stiles is 98% certain the brooding guy in the leather jacket is fantasizing about stringing him up by his intestines. Turns out he’s also wrong.
A High School AU in which Stiles is Derek’s mate and Derek leaves a dead deer on Stiles’ porch, buys a lot of fast food, and lies about economics.
In One Kiss You’ll Know All I Haven’t Said by aussiebee (1/1 | 1,726 | Teen)
Derek accidentally kisses Stiles goodbye. They aren’t dating.
It becomes… a thing.
Run To You by Emela (5/5 |  31,969 | Mature)
A witch casts a spell, turning Derek feral and leaving him the equivalent of a frightened puppy. Stiles is the only one he trusts to protect him and of course, Stiles is only too happy to help. (Which has nothing to do with all these feelings he’s suddenly having, okay? Derek’s just a really cute werewolf puppy.)
Finders Keepers by inhystereks (1/1 |  3,340 | General)
“Sorry, I know I’m kind of staring, but she didn’t tell me you were so good-looking,” Stiles babbled, wanting to hit himself even as the words left his mouth.
“She,” the guy said, something in his expression shifting. “Laura.”
“No,” Stiles replied with a frown. “Lydia. Who’s Laura?”
“My sister,” the guy said, brows furrowed once more. “Who’s Lydia?”
“My best friend,” Stiles said.
The Wolf Lord by mikkimouse (1/1 |  2,746 | Teen)
“You never know,” Lydia said. “Perhaps the Wolf Lord will ask you to dance tonight.”
Stiles scoffed. “Oh, yes, of course he will. And then he’ll transform into a giant black wolf and whisk me away to his estate to live happily ever after.” He rolled his eyes at the thought. “Actually, I rather hope he does ask me to dance. I can tell him how ridiculous these masquerades are.”
Illuminated by ZainClaw (1/1 |  5,013 | Teen)
“Because I’m falling in love with you and it’s scaring the hell out of me.”
princecharmingwinks special mention (a series I love! Would recommend the other works that are part of this series too.)
Best. Friends. Ever. by EvanesDust (1/1 |  1,651 | Mature)
“Sorry. I lost my friends or I should say they left me.”
“I can’t find my brother either, lost him in the crowd.”
“Oh. What’s he look like?”
“6ft, dark hair, green eyes… handsome, I guess.” She pulls out her phone and pulls up a pic. “Here, this is what he looks like. What about your friends? Maybe I’ve seen them.”
Stiles looks at the phone and gapes at the photo. Handsome is an understatement, he thinks to himself. “Forget about them. Your brother’s more important. Shouldn’t let him wander around all alone.”
Please spread the word if you love these works. All the love to the amazing authors on this list and all fic writers in general <3 See you all next time! If you have any recommendations of your own or fics that you feel need a bit more of a boost, send them my way and if they “spark joy in me” I’ll definitely add them!
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raaeno · 4 years
My intention isn’t to BOSS people around. But people who don’t create on tumblr really have to understand that if creators stop posting here, you won’t have anything else to like but maybe memes. If you want content to circle around to your dashboard... you have to pay it forward and reblog. That is why this website is dying. The Ban is not the only reason.
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raaeno · 4 years
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raaeno · 4 years
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via Flooby Nooby
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raaeno · 5 years
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new video is up
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