rabbitscup · 5 years
Cagalli adalah seorang wanita yang mencari arti kebahagiaan sesungguhnya. Ia melangkah pergi dari zona nyamannya, berjuang di negeri seberang sendirian, membangun Bonheur sebagai pondasi bahagianya. Namun ketika ia merasa kebahagian yang ia cari sudah berdiri di depan matanya, seseorang datang merebut itu darinya. Ya, dia adalah Athrun Zala. [AU] [ASUCAGA]
Pernah baca Bonheur di Fanfiction? Nah, sekarang akhirnya lanjut lagi lho setelah lama hiatus. Monggo, yang pernah baca, dilanjut baca. Yang belum pernah baca, boleh singgah dulu di page fanficku.
Update satu minggu sekali, setiap hari Selasa.
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rabbitscup · 5 years
Next chapter is up!
“It wasn’t Milan”
[Drabble] Nuest Love Story - B-Side
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A compilation of random Nuest’s daily life short stories.
Act 1 is published!
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rabbitscup · 5 years
[Drabble] Nuest Love Story - B-Side
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A compilation of random Nuest’s daily life short stories.
Act 1 is published!
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rabbitscup · 6 years
Amor Fati
At three past eleven, Jonghyun sees a girl with beautiful black hair standing by the window looking at the full moon. The smile in her face has captivated him and her voice sounds so reassuring to his ears. Even days have passed, the memory of that night stays on his mind like crystal clear. But, why does she look so sad? And the most important thing is, who is she?
Read more on:
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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February 2018
Wah, I found out that I was really active in editing photos and making vectors back in 2018, especially in February.
This was supposed to be a gift for my cousin who really likes Bae Jinyoung, but I never give it to her lol. I’d done a simple double exposure on the background with those clouds and do some cutting (what’s it called?) from an advertisement pic of Innisfree (?).
Can I say the brand though? haha orz.
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rabbitscup · 6 years
Anyway, that snippet above could lead to any scene. If anyone wants to read the original one, you can open it in fanfiction. The source is right there. Click it and it’ll lead you to the original page.
Happy reading everyone!
Under the Sea of Stars
They sit together, side by side. Shoulder bumping slightly as their cheeks turn red, but night conceals and cold romantically supports it. Stars reflected on their eyes, smile occur on their face. Giggles begin to fill the background of the night.
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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N. A. & N. H., July 2017
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rabbitscup · 6 years
Oh, right. It’s a book cover design. It seems a bit weird, but it turns out great to be a book cover.
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February 2018
Another gift for a friend’s graduation. Has been buried in my laptop folders for a year. Now I decided to post it here instead of being buried without anyone knowing this masterpiece of mine exist (lol). 
I know the watermark isn’t the same with my other artwork. This was a collaborative act back then. I planned to open a store which sells a customized notebook (my friend marketed this through her friend and me as the creator of the product), but it’s never happened until now. lmao.
Hope someday I can make it happen.
*pray hard*
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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February 2018
Raw vector from the previous post. I’m aware of some mistakes here, it’s something to be learned about. Nothing comes out perfectly the first time you try something.
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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February 2018
Another gift for a friend’s graduation. Has been buried in my laptop folders for a year. Now I decided to post it here instead of being buried without anyone knowing this masterpiece of mine exist (lol). 
I know the watermark isn’t the same with my other artwork. This was a collaborative act back then. I planned to open a store which sells a customized notebook (my friend marketed this through her friend and me as the creator of the product), but it’s never happened until now. lmao.
Hope someday I can make it happen.
*pray hard*
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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February 2018
A gift for a friend’s graduation. I wasn’t able to make the face though haha. Didn’t have the ability to do it back then (now too, but I’ve improved!).
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rabbitscup · 6 years
About Me!
A girl in her 20s striving to find the path on loving herself as a whole. A writer and an artist who is always learning and trying to be better.
Currently love to make vector, learning watercolor painting, and writing. Doing vector is my escapede as of now, while I’m still in the first step of doing watercolor painting. However, writing is my ultimate heaven. It helps me to share my random sparky energy since I was in high school.
Aside from that, I love Nuest and I’m proudly called myself a LOVE. Yep, a fan of Nuest. Got many inspiring life lesson from Nuest and they give me the courage to always be better and be kind. This is why this blog might be full of Nuest contents.
If you want to reach me, go to twitter. I spend almost all of my time there. Well, that’s all~
See you,
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rabbitscup · 6 years
Cagalli always likes to be like this. Sitting by Athrun’s side at night, just looking at the stars and feeling the wind blows through the night. No wars, no politics, no conflicts.
Could her life always be like this?
She knows it’s impossible because she has Orb on her shoulder. She has to set aside her feeling; Athrun and all of her wishes. She has to avoid everything that could lead her to a catastrophe, including Athrun. Frankly, what she wants the most is hug Athrun every time she meets him in the parliament building, in the event where they bump to each other, when everyone rejects her decision, yet the truth hurts.
She understands that this upsets Athrun at some point. How many times he has to defend himself from the jealousy because Cagalli chooses her work over Athrun? She knows it, but she is afraid. She is afraid that she can’t keep her promise to Athrun. She is scared that Athrun might change.
“Cagalli.” His baritone voice chanting softly in her ears. She looks up to him, meeting his beautiful emerald eyes. His stare looks so sweet like there is honey dripping out of his eyes.
“I know it’s hard for you.” Her eyes widen as the sudden topic he starts. He speaks her mind as if he ever reads it.
Though she is startled, she smiles. She takes his left hand into hers and holds it gently. She looks down and shakes her head. Tears almost fall out of her eyes, but she successfully holds it.
“No.” She is trembling as she said it.
“Not at all.” After a couple seconds of pause, she has gained her strength to say it to him. “I should have said it to you instead.”
Under the Sea of Stars
They sit together, side by side. Shoulder bumping slightly as their cheeks turn red, but night conceals and cold romantically supports it. Stars reflected on their eyes, smile occur on their face. Giggles begin to fill the background of the night.
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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The same vector with just different background. Love the yellow background. :)))
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rabbitscup · 6 years
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Yeay, my first post in this account.
Someone says that today, March 18th, is JRen day and I coindicentally finished this vector today. This must be fate. Lmao. Well, enjoy, loves and everybody who see this. :)
P.S: I got the reference from Jillstu*rt ad of Nuest W back in 2017. If you want, you can see them in their official IG.
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