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         Memories, because I remember when I was a kid, I don’t bother problems. All I knew for sure was I had to eat, I had to sleep, and I had to be with him which makes me perfectly fine. Flashback of something from the past triggered me, it was about my father. You know what? He was the perfect and lovable father  I really love him even until now , even cant see him, even it hurts, even do I know I can no longer hug nor talk to him like before, because of the reality that he was heavenly gone. He was good and I’m sure of that. Actually I missed him already. I’ve missed everything about him. I remember when I was a kinder he was always there to send me to school and fetch me after. I’ve missed his smile, his laugh, his smell, I’ve missed him so much. At first, even I was still a kid, by that time, the moment that I knew he was dead, my brain did not function normally. It was hard to breath, It was hard to lose my father, It was hard to accept the truth. But what is acceptance right? So I force myself to open my eyes and to see reality --- that my father left --- left me and let me reminisce the time that we had when he was still be able to smile, to laugh, to talk to me, to hug me, to lift me, all of that remained as memories. People says that being teenager is the best part of life, yes its cool, but let me decide for what is the best for me because the best part that I had enjoy my life, I had seen the value of love, it was definitely my childhood days. Honestly, if I were be given a chance to go back to the past I would probably choose to get back on my childhood days wherein I was genuinely happy.
-Your daughter<3
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What special thing do I have in life?
Memories, because I remember when I was a kid, I don’t bother problems. All I knew for sure was I had to eat, I had to sleep, and I had to be with him which makes me perfectly fine. Flashback of something from the past triggered me, it was about my father. You know what? He was the perfect and lovable father  I really love him even until now , even cant see him, even it hurts, even do I know I can no longer hug nor talk to him like before, because of the reality that he was heavenly gone. He was good and I’m sure of that. Actually I missed him already. I’ve missed everything about him. I remember when I was a kinder he was always there to send me to school and fetch me after. I’ve missed his smile, his laugh, his smell, I’ve missed him so much. At first, even I was still a kid, by that time, the moment that I knew he was dead, my brain did not function normally. It was hard to breath, It was hard to lose my father, It was hard to accept the truth. But what is acceptance right? So I force myself to open my eyes and to see reality --- that my father left --- left me and let me reminisce the time that we had when he was still be able to smile, to laugh, to talk to me, to hug me, to lift me, all of that remained as memories. People says that being teenager is the best part of life, yes its cool, but let me decide for what is the best for me because the best part that I had enjoy my life, I had seen the value of love, it was definitely my childhood days. Honestly, if I were be given a chance to go back to the past I would probably choose to get back on my childhood days wherein I was genuinely happy.  
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