rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Rachel listened to her words and found herself nodding. This woman was very poetic, but what did you expect from a writer? “You have a way with words.” Rachel commented. “I’m not exactly shocked.”
Sure Rachel had thought Clarissa was beautiful, she imagined most people did, but she didn’t really know if she would have slept with her if given the chance. This woman was very... flirty. Or maybe Rachel was just reading too much into it. Clarissa wasn’t exactly her type to begin with, but she could appreciate her beauty.
Yeah, okay, definitely flirty. Rachel didn’t know what to say, really, being in a place like this could lead to anything so she didn’t know whether to keep going or to stop it where it was and tell Clarissa she wasn’t really interested in.. engaging. Rachel never slept with anyone older than her.
“Well..” she trailed off. “For starters, you dressed like you knew everyone was going to be looking at you and only you. You were confident and made an entrance without really saying a word. I liked that.”
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“You’ll have to forgive me,” the blonde said for the sake of social graces. She didn’t feel very bad about the slip up. “And anyway, you don’t look like a ‘Flowers’. There’s more mystery to you. Like a foggy night it a snowy forest.” She fought for her point with a playfulness in her grin. “You’ll never know what you find. That is,” she pointed absently at Rachel. “If you’re brave enough to look.”
Clarissa had certainly wanted a look that night in August. She got the sense that Rachel was more demur than she. Most were though. You girls had a nervousness about them that she usually liked, though. “Meadows. Right. Yes. A good middle ground,” the older blonde smiled wide. Her gaze glinted when the woman across from her reacted her own words. “Did you now?” her tone changed to something nearly predatory.
So maybe all of her outlandish flirting hadn’t scared her off completely. Maybe it was more of a wrong time, wrong place sort of thing. “Tell me why,” she goaded Rachel unabashedly. The author was never shy to fish for a compliment. She didn’t see the harm in it. Mostly Claire just liked to play games with people – be it mind or otherwise.
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
“I think that’s idiotic.” Rachel replied. “I’m not going to treat you like a prisoner. You already feel like that enough, I assume.”
Rachel’s sister was a different one. She didn’t like the popularity label, but she very much was. She had attitude and had appeal, and every boy wanted her. Her sister was manipulative and a heartbreaker and used her appeal to her advantage. She never gave the boys what they wanted, but in some odd way, that made them want her more.
“I never wanted popularity. Ever. I was there to do my school work and then leave-- and by doing so, I got to graduate early and begin college classes very, very soon.” Rachel was gifted, She was intelligent, responsible and very, very successful. Having such success in her field of work was practically unheard of-- she’d made history, and she’d earned it.
“Obviously, I hadn’t had much of a social life, but I think it all paid off in my favor.”
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With a shake of her head, the brunette shrugged her shoulders again. “Not everyone is so keen on letting us outside the building, you know?” she remarked, not that she could blame the residents. Some would probably try to escape even if it was a foolish idea.
Listening to her talk about her sister, a chuckle fell from her lip as she mused, “So, she was the punk rock kind of popular then? Interesting.” Back in her high school, those were part of the nobodies.
At the question posed at her, Charlotte pondered over it for a bit even if she knew what her genuine answer would be. For a moment, she considered lying to the blonde but she owed her the truth. "I was in high school. I was shallow and materialistic. I liked having the world at the palm on my hand, knowing that people hated me because they can’t be me. It was nice having power,” she answered truthfully, realizing how ironic it all was considering her position now. "You said you didn’t care much for popularity but have you ever wondered what it would have been like if you shared the same popularity your sister had?“
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Rachel glanced at Charlotte as the two of them walked. She’d noticed something, like she was in deep thought. It didn’t take a rocket scientist to figure out why.
“Have you never left the building before?” she asked. She didn’t see a reason why not, but maybe that’s because she and Charlotte were actually enjoying each others company, or at least Rachel hoped they were.
“Yeah, my sister was arguably the most popular girl in school- or at least the most talked about, but she never went for Prom Queen. I’m sure she would have gotten it if she would have, but she was too ‘punk rock’ for that, I suppose.” Rachel didn’t know what it was like to be popular, but she had definitely had her fair share of rumors and gossip, especially since her sister had been so popular.
“Was it nice?” she asked. “Being popular? Everyone knowing your name, everyone caring about your opinions and all that?”
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As they stepped outside, Charlotte has half the mind to dash for the gates but she couldn’t even see them and it was a ridiculous idea. Besides, she doubted she would even get far before a guard finds her. So right now, she decided to just enjoy the fresh air as the two walked side by side.
Shaking her head with a little laugh, she pointed out teasingly, “I wasn’t making fun of you but at least, you don’t look like a total nerd now. No stereotype large framed glasses anymore.”
Charlotte would be lying if she said that she didn’t care about being the prom queen, it’s not exactly all that she ever wanted but she loved the popularity and having people at her beck and call. She wasn’t exactly the kindest girl at school and yes, she was definitely a bitch who made fun of the nerds. But that’s a lifetime ago, things have changed a lot since then.
“It just came with the popularity. When you’re the most popular girl at school, it’s kind of expected,” she answered directly. It’s not exactly a lie but she didn’t want to admit that she really did care about appearances back then.
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Ah heck. Sorry I've been so flakey, with the recovery and other stuff going on I've been really busy. I'll be on soon! (Today, hopefully.) Sorry for the inconvenience!
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Rachel didn’t move or flinch when he approached her. She didn’t really like this one’s attitude. It wasn’t like she was offering something awful. In fact, she was offering a chance to get out of that musty old cell.
The words that left his lips were so alarming, she started laughing. This slave was bold-- too bold. Offering a sweet grin, she spoken. “That’s really funny. Really.” Rachel did not enjoy men, and she never would. Nor was she a virgin, not by any means.
She was done trying to be kind. Her false happiness faltered, only to be replaced with sternness. She was obviously not amused. The way he was speaking to her was downright horrendous. “Bold words for someone who needs me in able to leave the confinement of his cell. Wouldn’t you say so?”
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As tiny as she was as much of a control freak? Not in the sadistic way or at least as far as he saw from her but in the annoying I will organize your life kind. In real life he wouldn’t take the effort to continue the conversation after realizing this but he was a slave now and although how he acted it had some rules. 
With slow movements which gave a good presentation of his fit body he stood up till he was towering above the female with his 6′4″ height and many pounds.
“Are you sure it won’t be a too big bite kitty? There are lots of pretty flower boy slaves who you can lose your virginity with”
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
“You don’t sound too excited to leave. Color me shocked.” Then again, she’d never see this man before, but was she really shocked? She shouldn’t just assume he was new just because she’d never seen him. There were tons of slaves here. “Well, come on. I’m not gonna take no for an answer.” she opened the cell, standing there and looking at him. She crossed her arms and raised an eyebrow expectantly. “Come on, you lazy bum.”
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“Depends on your definition of fun.” The male lazily replied, stretching in a confident way like he wasn’t laying on a fucking cot in a cell. These people were really mind blowing if they thought not only would he be willing to play their filthy games but would also beg for it? Oh no he wasn’t a stupid child and haven’t spent enough time in there yet to be done of the cell. Right then it was completely up to her answer how their conversation would follow because he wasn’t running anywhere.
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Rachel would be lying if she’d said a part of her hadn’t swelled with pride when the other woman had called her ‘exceptionally hot’. Rachel had a superb memory, but she supposed she’d trained herself to have one after all those years of schooling and exams.
“Forest?” she chuckled. “That one is new! I usually get ‘Flowers’. Close, but it’s Meadows. At least your were close.” she was shocked to see her here, but maybe that’s because she’d met her before, no matter how brief the exchange had been.
“I’m honored that my speech was the one that didn’t exhaust you. Now back to that exceptionally hot comment-- I’d thought the same thing about you, actually.”
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No surprised by the reaction, Claire hid her glee at being recognized. It swelled within her, forcing her to sit properly in the chair to face the pretty girl across from her. A fan, how lovely, she thought at first. She chalked her awestruck expression up to admiration instead of the true cause. 
“Oh that, yes. Last August, right?” August: Had that been the benefit for Cancer or the coalition for the homeless? Claire had a horrible memory for what was what but she threw a lot of her money at various causes – largely for the press and the social aspect of it all. 
“Having a great time,” the blonde smiled, knowing that wasn’t the answer the other woman – whose name she hadn’t committed to memory for sure – was troubling her. “Well, sweetheart, why would you expect that of me? – Oh! Wait! You’re that exceptionally hot doctor. The one whose speech didn’t have me falling asleep in my 1,500 dollar plate. – Dr. Forest?” Clarissa closed her book in one hand and made flaring gestures with the other. “Somethinglikethat.”
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Who in the basement might you like to get to know better?
“Just the basement? That’s so limiting! Alright, alright– Well, my goal is to get to know everyone better and since I don’t exactly know every slave yet it’s going to be hard to choose, but the people that come to mind are Charlotte and Haley. Though, Haley is for a completely different reason than Charlotte. I want to teach that one some respect. She’s too comfortable.”
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Do you have any fantasies you'd like to enact during your stay here?
“Oh, I have plenty, but I don’t think I would do them with just anyone-- but I suppose you want specifics? Alright. I very much like the idea of taking care of someone. I think the whole reason I’m here is because I’m a bit of a control freak, so I’ll do with that what I can. Or did you want the sexual specifics?”
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
What is greatest fear?
"I used to fear never succeeding in life. It used to tear me up inside and I'd work day and night to achieve my dreams and please my family but now that I've reached success and everything is going great for me I don't really have a greatest fear anymore."
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
What sorts of things do you want to get up to here?
“What? You mean like trouble?” She laughed. “I hope I get into plenty of that-- the good kind, though. The sexual kind. I hope I get into lots of that.”
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
With a roll of her eyes, Rachel scoffed. “So that’s it then?” she asked. “You don’t want to get out of that dirty old cell?” If Rachel were inside a cell, she’d be jumping for joy at the opportunity to leave, but she wasn’t in a slave cell. She never would be, so there was no use in trying to relate to them or put herself in their shoes. She didn’t really have the right to do so, considering that she was a Mistress and part of the reason people were being taken and enslaved, because rich people like Rachel kept paying to come here.
“I don’t believe I ever got your name. What is it?” she asked. She was expecting a very witty, very displeased response, of course.
“Well, thanks for the helpful suggestion,” Haley said, and climbed onto her cot. “I’ll be sure to take in under advisement.” It really boiled her blood that this rich bitch who had probably never been in a situation like this wanted to lecture her on people who might snap. Like Haley didn’t have an extensive education, started in childhood, on human anger and violence. She had spent most of her life doing the balancing act required of living with dangerous people, which was how she knew this woman wasn’t dangerous. Haley took the ball out of the folds of her sheets and threw it at the wall, catching it when it bounces back.
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Being the first slave Rachel had met here, Charlotte wasn’t bad company. She looked forward to spending more time with her when she was given the chance.
Rachel laughed. “Hey now, are you making fun of me? Just because I had somewhat of a before and after transformation doesn’t mean the nerdy part of me ever left.”
She wasn’t shocked to hear that Charlotte was popular, maybe even a little bitchy. “Prom Queen, huh? Impressive. Did you care or was it something you were actually aiming for?”
It was dark out, and the two of them seemed to just be wandering aimlessly side by side on the grounds of the estate. Rachel didn’t really know where to go, but this wasn’t really about her, it was for Charlotte. After being stuck inside a cell for three days, Rachel wanted her to feel somewhat free right now, even if she wasn’t. The harsh reality was that Charlotte would never be free.
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Considering that she was drugged when she was brought here, Charlotte didn’t even know how the estate looked outside. But from the structure of the inside that she couldn’t help admire, she bet the outdoors would be just as amazing. If only this place served a greater purpose other than enslaving people.
When the questions were redirected to her, she half the mind to dodge them like she always does even outside this place. For someone who seemed to be so full of herself, she didn’t like talking about herself at all. However, she could let some information about her slide. Canting her head to look at her, she tried to kept a straight face as she asked, “Would you believe me if I say that I’m one of the nerdy kids too?” But soon, her lips are curling into a smile as she shrugged her shoulders. “Probably not. I’m the HBIC, if you know what that is. Prom Queen minus the Carrie part.”
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rachelsmeadow-blog · 8 years
Despite the other woman’s quick hostility, Rachel remained calm and collected. “It was just a suggestion.” she replied with a soft chuckle. “But now I see you’re quick tempered-- that’s nice to know.”
Rachel was amused. “There we go with those assumptions again-- I never said I wanted you to cower in the corner, that’s where you’re mistaken.” she explained. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea to spout assumptions, which you are doing, about mistresses you do not know.”
She took a moment to study the slave closely. She’d said she’d been here awhile, Rachel thought she would have known better-- used common sense. “You never know which ones will be the one to snap. Residents, I mean. It’s always good to be cautious.”
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Haley stepped back, letting out a long, frustrated breath. “Okay, you know what? Fuck you, lady,” she said. She was trying to be cooperative - wasn’t that what they wanted? Fuck this. She could be a good little whore, but she drew the line here. 
 “I don’t know why you asked me to come out if you didn’t want me to say yes, but I’m not going to argue with you about how I choose to deal with being a fucking sex slave,” she said, turning back to her cot. “If you want someone to cower for you, there are some shell-shocked virgins down the hall you might be able to scare.” 
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