radiantgunman-blog · 7 years
————————————— > HE DOESN’T STIR FROM WHERE HE STANDS. Watching  Braig fumble with his words. Nervous creeping up upon him painfully obvious. It irritated him, seeing such emotion shown so VISIBLY.  Yet he would not voice his opinion of Braig seeking to re in place a back bone. 
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“ You’ve always had exceptional timing. “   Xaldin turns on his heel, now standing face to face with Braig.  “ Yet I won’t cast you to the side since you made the effort to come here. I can spare a moment. “ It was his OWN agendas after all. There was no immediate rush.
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“Yeah, my timing has always been something, hasn’t it?” Braig closes the distance so that he’s now standing on Xaldin’s side, hands casually tucked into his pockets. “Was wondering how you were holding up. Yanno.”
Since the last time they talked.
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radiantgunman-blog · 7 years
“I---er---thought I’d come and see ya again. Is it a bad time to do that?”
Normally, the Whirlwind Lancer wasn’t out or about unless he had some task to do, whether it was appointed to him by the Lunar Diviner or by his own choosing, and he didn’t exactly want to be in the way of anything.
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“If its bad timing, I can always try coming back another day?”
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radiantgunman-blog · 7 years
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“Hey - uh - I’m gonna be moving back to my original timeline. I know its safer here - but I talked to ‘xig, and - I ain’t ready to give up my place yet. Ain’t gonna fight the other me, that’s stupid - but I’m not abandoning home.”
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
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not the xig we deserve, but the xig we all needed
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
————————————— > NOBODIES, EMPTY VERSIONS OF WHOM THEY ONCE WERE.  All they yielded now were their memory's of days gone by. That their way forward was to achieve the completion of KINGDOM HEARTS. It’s within their grasp if things go [ accordingly ] to plan.
Soon,maybe. He’d have a HEART to call his own. Even if he had decided that he wouldn’t want to yield one once again for what would make them WHOLE. But to solely have one to be complete - to only just be able to do more then what this him could do.
A new found weight graces his shoulder, a careful yet tight squeeze.  He remains silent, still bowed before the grave as gives the sight of the hand pressed to his shoulder just a spare glance. What was it [ supposed ] to represent?  Comfort. Understanding?
Only does it come to him that he had only let Braig - and Aeleus onto how his brothers death had drained him. Changed him. That it hadn’t needed to come across by WORDS. That they had respected the fact it was something his heart would not divulge to anyone.  The pain his passing had inflicted upon his heart. The rage that remained. How he learnt the heart could be BURDEN, holding you down with these infectious emotions.
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“… Hmpft. Happy to see what remains of his brother? I doubt so. Still. Is that ‘care’ not to be expected? It’s ingrained into any family bond. More so with twins. It’s only an imprint from my former life. Nothing more. “
“That’s bullshit, and you know it. An imprint of a memory is easy to ignore. You write it off, and keep going. You do this because you want to.”
The guard moves to sit on a bench near a tree, his gaze still focused on the Lancer who remains knelt in front of his deceased brothers grave. “Listen to me, dude. He would be happy to see you. Better you exist this way, than not at all. Because thats what family wants, isn’t it? To see you alive and healthy? Because you are both right now, and that’s what Darragh would want.”
To Braig, his words made perfect sense.
To Xaldin - they might be disregarded as the ramblings of a sentimental man with a heart - and he’s somewhat worried that Xaldin would dismiss it as such.
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
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“Some days, I wonder if getting my heart back was really worth it after all?”
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
Someone just grabbed my muse by the arm. They look intent on hurting my muse.
How does your muse react to this?
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
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“I think it might be time to consider either getting a haircut, or putting my hair back.”
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
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Like this post for a young braig starter?
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
He was sure. He might be shit at telling what his heart was doing, but he understood what his body was doing, and he knew in both heart and head that his life no longer existed without Braig in it.
But Braig wasn’t. And though it was disappointing to hear it, he couldn’t blame the kid. Not after only one kiss.
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“It’s okay,” he said, nuzzling Braig’s neck, keeping his less agreeable emotions out of his voice. “Take your time.”
Even though Xigbar sad it was okay, he can’t dismiss the feeling that he has disappointed the older man. He hopes the hug he gives will improve that as Braig rests his head against the others shoulder, and loops his arms around the others torso, giving the nobody a light squeeze.
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He’ll talk to someone later - figure out what his emotions are.
But for now - this was fine..
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
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//After going through my following,/removing inactives, it has come to my attention that I am not following that many blogs at all anymore.
//If you are open to roleplaying with a Xaldin from Kingdom hearts, and are an active roleplay blog, please spread this around, so I can check people out.
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
She matches her stride to his, and her steps to his as well, keeping him as steady as she possibly can, following his directions.
“…can I ask what happened?” she says softly, glancing at his scarred profile for a moment.
“Caught a nasty hit from an invisible. They’re pretty awful to deal with, on account of their ability to stay out of sight, and attack unseen.”
A grimace, before he raises an arm, and gestures down another hallway.
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
She looks Braig over and realises he’s not that much taller than she is – and certainly not any bulkier. “All right,” she says, and reaches to help him stand. He’s plainly weak, so she gets one of his arms over her shoulders and wraps her arm gently around his waist to support him.
Her smile at the gunman is gentle. “Let’s go.”
An arm is slung around her shoulder, and fingers gingerly grip the fabric of her shirt for extra purchase, before he grunts, and begins to walk. He knows best the safe ways through the lower section of the castle - and he’ll lead them as well as he can - pointing the way when he’s struggling to stay steady.
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
Tris is exploring, as she’s wont to do. This world is new to her, despite the familiarity of it… and has plainly been under some kind of attack. There’s more modern Heartless, of course; they’re even worse a plague than they were in her own timeline.
A flash of red catches her eye, and she turns her head to see– Braig, Scarf-Braig, the one her Braig cares so much about.
And he’s hurt.
She’s still terrible with healing spells, but she’s made a point of stocking up on the healing items that weren’t available when she was younger.
“Here,” she tells him, kneeling next to him and offering him one of the phials. “It’s an X-Potion; I made sure to stock up on them…”
An X-Potion - those were hard for him to come by, and she’d managed to stock up on them? Tris was a goddamned savior, and he weakly takes the vial, and uses the fluid to heal - wincing as damaged flesh began to knit together in an all-too familiar manner. He’d always hated healing by potion or spell.
Even with that, though - his body was weak. A lot of blood had been lost between the time of injury and escape - and he looks to her helplessly.
“I need to get back to the castle.”
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
Anonymously try to break my muse’s spirit.
Or their body, whatever floats your boat.
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
————————————— >GUESSING THE PIECES WERE FALLING INTO PLACE RIGHT BEFORE THEM.  As to whom their exact identity’s were - well, to be more precise. What RELATION they had with each other.
Sometimes even the closet of people could be oblivious to the smallest of details - only realising when it was too late the TRUTH of the matter before them. Which, seemed to of become the case before them. 3 years , for 3 years a stranger was in their midst. Whilst the real one - the real Xigbar NOW Braig ended up cast out.
Allowing Braig a moment to take in the sight before him, to where they had found themselves stopping. He presumes the man comes to stand beside him, gawking at the name revelation on the gravestone.    The way he seemed to REACT upon seeing that name.
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“ Yes. Dilan was. “ His voice came across more monotone - but there’s some things as a nobody you accept. That you wouldn’t feel the same EMOTIONS, whether you could replicate them or not. You’d just feel empty. Such was the case for him. He didn’t feel anything looking upon the grave. 
He bends down, lowering himself to an equal height to the gravestone.  His hand waving across as he calls a small gust of wind - clearing the leaves that had collected upon it. A grave that was only adorned with few flowers. There was no reason for him to bring any of his OWN - it was best of one one KNEW he visited. Besides, he knew deep in his empty chest that another family member was catering to the grave.
The puzzle pieces had come together. The way this Braig talked about how another another HIM had taken his place. [ The scar on his forehead… ] But this was just another way to see whether this was his once friend [ To think he never even realised someone had taken his place. ]  Braig looked at the name and said TWIN - not brother or father or anything like that. Specifically twin.
“ I do not yield a heart to feel lose… But, I can till account for the thought of lose. “ He may not truly feel anything himself. But he knows he still carry’s how DILAN feels about this.
Did Nobodies truly not possess hearts? Without them - would anything really be tying them to their memories? Without them - could Xaldin feel the desire to visit this grave? Would it mean anything to him? Did it mean anything to him?
He’d like to think so.
Because - heart or no heart - Xaldin cleans the grave with such care - removing the leaves, while leaving behind the gift that had clearly been left for his deceased twin brother, all with an almost somber expression on his face.
Without thinking - the guard stretches out a hand, and sets it upon the Lancers shoulder, gloved fingers squeezing a leather-clad shoulder lightly.
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“If he were aware of it - I’m sure he’d be happy to see that you still come to visit him. He cared for you a lot - and I know you cared for him too.”
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
Startle the fuck outta my muse. Do it.
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