*Dia Dhuit, a Phlánéad (*Hello, Planet)
Ceol & Liricí: sasakure.uk
Bunteideal: *ハロー、プラネット。
Amhránaí: Hatsune Miku
Aistriúchán Béarla: KataGatar
Chuala mé an fhuaim scátháin nuair a dhúisigh mé i m’aonar
Pi pi pi pi, is cuma air nach bhfuil aon rud go háirithe chearr
Is cinnte go bhfuil an bhosca poist folamh
Inniu arís, ní fhásann an péacán ón pota bláthanna
Tá an spéir ghorm séimh ag titim
Agus éiríonn sé réalta ciúin, ciúin
Ceangail, ag ceangail, an brionglóid agus Metlogica
Rothlaigh, ag rothlaigh, Entropica an bhóthair
“Is ea” nó “ní hea”? Literarica mistéireach
Os comhair nó taobh thiar? Technopolica ag lean
“X agus O, gealach bunoscionn”
Ba mhaith liom dul ag cuardaigh duit, duit
Ba mhaith liom níos mó comhráite spraíúila leat, ba mhaith liom é
Do mo leaba uaigneach, maidin mhaith mhaith
Don eireaball céalacant, maidin mhaith mhaith
Do thomhas an sfioncs, maidin mhaith mhaith
Duit a bhfuil i mo chuimhne, maidin mhaith mhaith
Tá a lán rudaí tábhachtach, ach
Anois, níl uaim ach an rud seo
Tá sé an rud deireanach a mhúin tú dom
Inniu arís, ní fhásann an péacán ón pota bláthanna
“Thosaigh sé ag cur báistí milseáin smionagair”
Oscail scáth fearthainne déanta as plaisteach
Agus ná lig do chroí a mheirge
Don aingeal ag déanamh bolg le gréin, maidin mhaith mhaith
Do spéir polcaphoinc ag rince, maidin mhaith mhaith
Do cré marmaláide, maidin mhaith mhaith
Duit a bhfuil i mo chuimhne, maidin mhaith mhaith
D’fhéach mé ort ag codail go ciúin
Chuala mé fuaim ag sileadh as braonta
Cén fáth go bhfuil sé chomh brónach?
Chomh… cho… b   ró   n  ach…
Do ghrá ag déanamh bolg le domhain, maidin mhaith mhaith
Do maidin agus lá agus oíche, maidin mhaith mhaith
Do rithim réaltra sa spás, maidin mhaith mhaith
Idir Adam agus Eve, maidin mhaith mhaith
“Duit”, a bhí mé ag iarraidh bualadh le, maidin mhaith mhaith
“Duit”, nár rugadh ach anois díreach, maidin mhaith mhaith…
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mifhortunach · 5 years
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23 - ?? 
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radiantgunman-blog · 7 years
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“Hey - uh - I’m gonna be moving back to my original timeline. I know its safer here - but I talked to ‘xig, and - I ain’t ready to give up my place yet. Ain’t gonna fight the other me, that’s stupid - but I’m not abandoning home.”
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snakewarred-blog · 8 years
FLASHBACK from bunoscionn
the one good memory | @bunoscionn
she’s supposed to be in bed, she really is. it’s going to be a long day tomorrow, and since it’s summer it will be humid and hot as well. little girls will need their rest to survive another day in harsh conditions.
but she can hear familiar footfalls against the dirt of the floor, and she has to cover her smile with her blanket.
she knows the hunters are coming home today, and she couldn’t care less whether their trek was successful or not. her father had been in that group, and more than anything she wanted to see him again. and her father was just so good at what he did, that he almost never came back empty handed (that, and everyone knew that the forests were lush and filled with life).
“ papa! ” she calls, hopping up from her pallet on the ground and into his arms. She’s swung around over his head until she’s brought down into a hug. her short hair is ruffled around, and kisses are pressed to her forehead until she can’t control her giggling any longer.
“ ea! ” he says in return, letting her down enough that her toes brush against the ground. “ did you take care of your mother while i was gone? ” to that, she sticks out her tongue.
“ momma takes care of herself, ” she protests. she was a grown-up after all, that’s what she was supposed to do. ea just did what she said (and sometimes not even then).
“ you know your momma’s working hard for your little sibling, ” her father chides, and she makes a face.
“ i know. but it isn’t here yet. momma can take care of herself for now. ” to that remark, he just chuckles and shakes his head, lifting ea up into his arms and dropping her back onto her pallet. she doesn’t mind, he has weird grown-up things to do.
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nullraum-blog · 8 years
@radiantgunman @bunoscionn
That had been, in the end, a lot easier than he’d expected. The older Braig--the one he was starting to think of as some strange combination of older brother and dad, and wasn’t that weird for what was essentially an alternate him--had agreed readily, almost eagerly. He was the best one to keep Braig safe--from everyone.
Even him.
“Braig!” he called as he got to the younger twin’s hidey-hole. “It’s me. I found you a new home.”
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nuelangblr · 3 years
Random vocab as Gaeilge
Dia daoibh! I haven’t been active here lately, so here’s a small everyday vocab list I made while watching this vlog as Gaeilge. I recommend focloir.ie to check pronunciation.
cathair - city sráid - street siopa - shop siopa leabhar - bookshop leabhar - book árasán - apartment milseog - dessert Baile Átha Cliath - Dublin city i lár na cathrach - in the city centre
nua - new difriúil - difficult neirbhíseach - nervous ciúin - quiet aisteach - strange teolaí - cozy gleoite - cute tuirseach - tired
oibrigh - to work ceannaigh - to buy labhair - to speak glan - to clean
Tá brón orm - I’m sorry Ní chreidim é - I don’t believe it Tá tuirse orm or Tá me tuirseach - I’m tired Tá mé ar ais sa bhaile anois - I’m back home now Tá mo árasán bunoscionn - my apartment is upside down, my apartment is messy
Note on the verb labhair
Labhraíonn sí Gaeilge agus Béarla gach re seal - she speaks Irish and English alternately (she switches between two languages as she speaks at the moment)
but Tá Gaeilge ghlan aici - she speaks flawless Irish (she has excellent command of Irish, she’s proficient Irish speaker)
Bascially, if you want to say that someone has a good command of language, you use verb tá and a prepositional pronoun (I made a post abt this a while ago). Labhair is used to describe the act of speaking.
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soupervillian · 5 years
Fort Break-in (Closed- Tsukasa)
( starter for @lunareaped​ ) The great and powerful bad guy was INDEED, in the most tightest of spots right now! Who would have thought that on accepting that simple letter just in hopes that he could use the school to ‘lie low’ from the cops being after him for a while would mean that he got taken RIGHT THEN and there when he was trying to hide in the woods with Fred?! Aw, man - they just LEFT Fred there by himself? What about Beartrap and the four-eyes? SURE the nerd was annoying, but as an offical bad dude, you just didn’t ditch your important minions like that!! Things were so bad he’d had to retreat for now in the amazing ‘Fort Cool Guy 2.0′ - even if it was kinda cramped, it would have to do for now while he gave the heads up to the newest minion. “Truly, this is a most befuddling of situations even for the amazing Giovanni Potage - what do you think we should do, trusted minon?” The minon hung their head as if in thought, before walking closer and putting their head into his arms. “Aha!! You think I should continue my hard work in bad-dude-ery here? I’ll be able to get even COOLER a bad guy and be able to help out my minons more? Of course!! You’re such a smart and amazing minon, Flesh-Render! Who’s the best minion, huuh? You are!” Indeed...the ‘fort cool guy 2.0′ was, in actuality, not a fort at all, though Giovanni’s creative imagination sincerely thought it was. It was simply one of the tables of the Bunoscionn Library -  because Giovanni had ran to the first place he could find for fort-building in his panic and wanting to figure things out - with books all around it to form the ‘walls’ and door, and Giovanni was laying down under said table with his dragon because he was too tall to sit under the table, now patting it. However, not having a lot of space, it meant the books easily fell when others passed by, and an entire section of ‘fort wall’ toppled at someone else drawing close. Giovanni blinked, instantly on alert and hand freezing mid-air. “WHAT?! How did you just...casually find me and my minons super-secret hideout like this? Your powers of perception are truly shocking! Well, I, the GREAT Giovanni, won’t take this laying down! You’re going to help me re-build it!” He clambered out from under the table to stand and point dramatically at the poor hapless person now (by Giovanni) attempting to being dragged into his shenanigans. Oh dear.
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dunwallcrow-blog · 8 years
TFW your heacanon birthday for another muse (Xigbar from KH if anyone’s curious) is the exact same as Corvo’s. Entirely on accident.
Hot Dad Squad represent.
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(*Okay, so as of tonight, I’ve made a new blog to switch all this over to. It’s bare and unfinished and untouched, but it’s the very much needed first step into archiving over here.
I will still be tracking illusoirereveur over on my new blog. And I will continue to track it for quite some time, especially since there’s still a high likelihood that I may, in the future, switch my url back to that.
Anyway, below is the list of everything I have in my drafts. If you are not on this list, and we have a thread that you would like to continue, message me and let me know. I said it in my last post, and I’ll repeat it now. Anyone who does not tell me they want to continue our thread(s) can expect to have it dropped. Part of the reason I’m switching over to a new blog is because I have way too much going on here, and I need a fresh start. So, see below, and again, if you aren’t listed here, please please please do not hesitate to message me and tell me you want our thread to continue.*)
@duskisms x
@nctycurprcxy x x
@hylianhighness x x
@bunoscionn x
@literariian x
@praestigii x
@corruptedseventh x
@bladeofemptiness x
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radiantgunman-blog · 8 years
“Hey - er -” 
Crap - its hard to figure out what to call other versions of himself...
“Twinny - er...y’said that this is a safe place, right? Care to tell me about who all lives here, and what goes on, places I should avoid, and all that?”
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khasuf-blog · 8 years
@bunoscionn and @empxrical are dragging me to hell with them.
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burnfcryou-blog · 8 years
my braig @bunoscionn is literally Dad Braig for a reason and he’ll dad the shit out of u if you let him pls let him
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nullraum-blog · 8 years
He can still feel the gun pressed to his head, hear the awful chill in the old man’s words. If this happens again - I won’t be giving your little friend the same quick death as last time.
Braig. He’s put Braig in danger, and it’s all he can do not to start running as soon as he’s in the right Radiant Garden.
But the kid, when he finds him, is fine. In fact, he’s asleep.
He considers waking him--but no. No, he needs help, he needs someone--he needs the other Braig, the one who’s looking after the kid for him. He’ll know what to do.
It’s not long before he finds him, and he grabs his arm. “Come on,” he says, harsher than he means to. He’s still scared. “Need to talk to you alone.”
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dunwallcrow-blog · 8 years
The rules are simple! Post ten characters you’d like to role play as, have role played as, and might bring back. Then tag ten people to do the same (if you can’t think of ten characters, just write down however many you can and tag the same amount of people). Aside from that, please repost instead of reblogging!
Corvo (here) / Emily ( @shadcwempress ) / Outsider ( @acatastrophicevent ) / Dishonored OCs ( @frozenwhalesong & @theerrantmind )
A metric ton of Kingdom Hearts blogs -- Lea/Axel ( @burnfcryou ) / Ienzo/Zexion ( @arcanumlxbri ) / Terra ( @stonewill ) / Xigbar/Braig ( @bunoscionn ) / Vanitas ( @crackedvanities ) / and Xion ( @imaginxrydoll )
A few FFXIV blogs that are sideblogs to my personal ( @exscientiavir / @shroudedscholar / @silvcrtongued / @alandeathweaver )
Various other sideblogs that come and go like the wind.
Kuja (Final Fantasy IX | will be) 
Soldier: 76 (Overwatch | want to)
Archer/EMIYA (Fate/series | want to)
Vincent Valentine (Final Fantasy VII)
Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Kakuzu (Naruto: Shippuden)
Grimmjow Jaegerjaques (Bleach | @panterareyazul )
Liquid Snake (Metal Gear Solid | @flawedserpent )
Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid | @peacemxkers )
Castiel (Supernatural | @angelus-errans-blog )
Kuronue (Yu Yu Hakusho | @forgottenchimaera )
Briefly Levi from Attack on Titan
Cassiel (FFVII OC | @subjects2 )
Ryo ( TWEWY OC | @variablekitten )
Anders ( Dragon Age | @trutinansiusto )
Fenris ( Dragon Age | @gleipnirglow )
Dante ( Devil May Cry, both classic and reboot @rebelnephilim )
...and many others, tbh.
Any and all of the above, tbh.
TAGGED BY: @knowyourstrictures TAGGING: nah
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thelastmixedtape · 8 years
BARE in the Woods 2017 | Rubberbandits, RSAG & more join this year's festival 
BARE in the Woods 2017 | Rubberbandits, RSAG & more join this year’s festival 
BARE in the Woods 2017 had just announced the addition of several new acts to its festival line-up.
The latest acts to join the BARE in the Woods 2017 festival this June are: Helmet, Akala, Rubberbandits, Whomadewho, Right Said Fred, Alvarez Kings, Jon Stevens (INXS), The Frank & Walters, RSAG, Chastity Brown and Bunoscionn.
Already announced for the now three-day BARE in the Woods 2017 festival…
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