radixalbat · 10 months
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The Tower 🔥
You can get this print in the mail or download it as a printable by joining my Patreon this month~
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radixalbat · 10 months
i’m just incredibly over how whenever a woman makes a movie about women it gets picked over to hell and back and men hate it because they hate women and women hate it because it didn’t Do Feminism Perfectly Right and queer people on tumblr hate it because it’s about a straight woman and republicans hate it because it’s furthering the woke agenda and everybody and their fucking father has to write a goddamn think piece about it. and then a man makes a movie about a man and it’s just a movie. it’s just another movie that came out on a friday during some month of the year. and usually the man’s movie is a little misogynistic but no one really criticizes that because well he’s a man we can’t expect better from him haha isn’t it so silly when those male directors hate women!! but then the female director literally gets her every decision analyzed by everyone for the next month not even counting all the criticism and analyzing that was done during the lead up to her movie. and then we all have to pretend like it’s not horrifically misogynistic to level all that extra criticism onto women who make movies and then just let the men go do whatever. like i’m sooo sick of it i’m so sick of it! and god forbid someone like me log on to whatever social media platform and say hey don’t you guys think you’re being too critical? because then WE’RE the bad guy for hating perfect intersectional feminism i guess. like i’m so deeply deeply sick of this are you all not sick of this.
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radixalbat · 10 months
“It’s literally impossible to be a woman.
You are so beautiful, and so smart, and it kills me that you don't think you're good enough. Like, we have to always be extraordinary, but somehow, we're always doing it wrong?
You have to be thin, but not too thin, and you can never say you wanna be thin. You have to say you wanna be healthy, but also, you have to BE THIN.
You have to have money, but you can't ask for money because that's crass.
You have to be a boss, but you can't be mean.
You have to lead, but you can't squash other people's ideas.
You're supposed to love being a mother, but don't talk about your kids all the damn time.
You have to be a career woman, but also, always be looking out for other people.
You have to answer for men's bad behavior, which is INSANE, but if you point that out, you're accused of complaining!
You're supposed to stay pretty for men, but not so pretty that you tempt them too much or that you threaten other women because you're supposed to be a part of the sisterhood, but ALWAYS STAND OUT and ALWAYS BE GRATEFUL. But never forget that the system is rigged, so find a way to acknowledge that but ALSO, always be grateful!
You have to never get old. Never be rude. Never show off. Never be selfish. Never fall down. Never fail. Never show fear. Never get OUT OF LINE. It's too hard! It's too contradictory, and nobody gives you a medal or says 'thank you!' And it turns out, in fact, that not only are you doing everything wrong, but also, everything is your fault.
I'm just so tired of watching myself, and every single other woman tie herself into knots, so that people will like us.
And if all of that, is also true for a doll just representing a woman, then I don't even know." -Gloria the barbie movie
this is it. this is exactly it oh my god.
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radixalbat · 11 months
you need to be earnest. you need to tell people that you love them. you need to speak on how you’re feeling honestly. you need to be sentimental. you need to stop letting the fear of other people laughing at you have so much control over how you express yourself. you need to get over yourself. you need to be embarrassing but true.
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radixalbat · 11 months
"The most difficult women are the angry ones. The ones who refuse to “let it go,” think happy thoughts, or eat their feelings. For reasons I will never understand, men are given a free pass when it comes to anger. But women are expected to figure out a way of disposing of theirs, as though it were a dirty diaper."
In Praise of Difficult Women by Karen Karbo
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radixalbat · 11 months
I cannot recall the gay rights movement ever using slogans or catchphrases like "Kill all homophobes" or "Kill all christians"
The absolute worst thing I can think of that made headlines was some glitterbombing or a pie in the face.
Just thinking about it.
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radixalbat · 11 months
I am once again on tumblr begging women to send me pieces for a radical feminist zine!
Backbone has been around since 2019 but we haven’t put out a new issue in quite some time. I am currently going through emails with old submissions and editing them together and am up to 22 pages, which is getting there but isn’t quite enough to start printing. We are a little heavy on poetry right now, but can always use more art (keep in mind we print in black and white). I’m currently looking for essays, short stories, opinion pieces, current events, historical events, anything and everything as long as a woman wrote it. We even had crossword puzzles for a while! I beg you, send me your writing and art so I can get this mf zine out! We will be getting t-shirts made again to help promote, with new art, and they were wildly popular last time we made them. Hit me up ladies! Let our voices be heard! If you don’t have anything to submit please at least reblog and bump so this gets around!
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radixalbat · 11 months
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[Image description: Two smartphone screenshots of a Facebook post by a person named Sheila Toll posted 2 Sep. It is black text on a white background and the post is public. The post reads:
I am a Family Doctor and I want to keep a promise made to a patient. 
Julie was a healthy, post-menopausal woman in my care who came in for a periodic health examination. One of my routine questions, in what is called the “Review of Systems”, was to ask if she had experienced any vaginal bleeding. 
She said “No” but then laughed and added, “Other than when my period came back for a few months last year”. 
All health care professional are taught early on that ‘vaginal bleeding in a post-menopausal woman is Cancer of the Uterus until proven otherwise’. This comment by Julie was, therefore, a red flag (no pun intended) prompting further questions, an examination and an ultrasound of her pelvis. 
Julie was surprised to see me so concerned, especially since the symptoms had not recurred over many months. 
Sure enough, a pelvic ultrasound and tissue sampling confirmed Cancer of the Uterus. 
Julie underwent a hysterectomy and radiation therapy. She is now healthy, cancer-free and is expected to stay that way. 
After all this was done, Julie sat ME down for a talk. She told me she’d had no idea a ‘short return’ of her period after menopause was a danger signal. Furthermore, she addressed the topic with friends over coffee and discovered that, out of 20 women, NONE of them knew this symptom was abnormal! She admonished me to “Tell women this! Don’t assume we know it!”
From that day on, I have kept Julie’s advice in mind when talking with post-menopausal patients. But recently my wife suggested that I should take this to a wider audience. 
So, Julie, this is for you:
If you are a post-menopausal woman and your period ‘comes back’ or you have even one episode of vaginal bleeding, TELL A HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONAL and insist on having it investigated! 
Wishing you all good health and long lives. End image description.]
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radixalbat · 11 months
"I am not pretending transphobic violence, misdirected or not, is non existent."
Are you going to take responsibility for boosting this violence? No, you're probably not a big part, but people who beat up and kill trans people have propaganda like yours running through their heads.
Oh yeah I’m sure all these violent men who hate gender non conformity are scrolling through radblr right before they strike
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radixalbat · 11 months
everytime i hear someone talk about how makeup or getting plastic surgery or botox is empowering and feminist i want to scream. that doesnt mean it makes someone bad or not a feminist to do those things but i do not believe that it is feminist or empowering to work to achieve beauty standards. i also do some stuff to feel better about my appearance and to fit into the beauty standard but when i do that its not a feminist or empowering action. like those companies actively work to exploit women’s insecurities and tell them that they are ugly and that makes them worse in some way and they should pay money to change that. “but women do it to feel better about themselves and its empowering to do something that makes you feel good about your appearance” the whole problem is how we’re made to feel that appearance is the most important thing!!! they made us feel like we have to be fuckable and that we have to spend money to be fuckable!!!!! we’re supporting the industries that hurt us when we do it!!!! theres a reason men dont wear makeup or get plastic surgery as much. AND theres a reason that anti-aging stuff isnt marketed at men.
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radixalbat · 11 months
gnc girls deserve to be able to explore their preferred presentation without being considered as potentially trans.
I know tomboys who grew out of it and tomboys who grew up into gnc/butch women. that discovery of self has a rapid ebb and flow pattern. that's the anxiety/fun of it all. trying on different hats until you find the one that makes you comfortable and happy. why would you take that experience from them?
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radixalbat · 11 months
I just saw the Barbie movie and all I can say is. Wow.
It's not perfect by any means, and I'm still a little floored emotionally to write anything too articulate about it, but I can say that I foresee this changing lives of women and girls everywhere. Literally. There's so many incredibly poignant takes on feminism and the patriarchy and what it means to be a woman that I was fighting back tears the whole time because I have never, never, seen a movie of this budget and size that so openly criticises the patriarchy and does it so passionately and eloquently. America Ferrera's character in particular gives this incredible speech about being a woman halfway through the movie and it had me borderline sobbing in the theatre because it was all just so accurate and. god. I just don't have the words for it except that I want her words to be etched into my brain forever.
I wish a movie like this had existed when I was younger, because it would've saved me so much pain. I'm just beyond thankful that it exists now, and that it'll probably help a lot of women and girls everywhere.
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radixalbat · 11 months
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radixalbat · 11 months
"are u a radfem are u a catholic are u a communist are u a democrat are u a libfem are u a-" sister i simply think for myself
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radixalbat · 11 months
I absolutely detest this new trend of calling everything fruity. It’s identical to the  2000′s/early 2010′s where certain mannerisms, speech patterns etc were deemed gay in a derogatory sense, only now it’s somehow ok because it’s… Being perpetrated by straight people with pronouns? Because it’s ironic? I legitimately cannot wait for this to die, but I’m never going to forget how readily an entire generation of internet users picked up a new homophobic slur. 
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radixalbat · 11 months
men’s biggest issue with feminist women is that we’re “ugly” and annoying and ruin their lazy misogynistic jokes and make dating for them more difficult by making women realise their self-worth meanwhile feminists issues’ with men are that they’re violent and dehumanising and abusing us but hey if that doesnt sum up the patriarchy perfectly
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radixalbat · 11 months
“terfs want trans people dead”
No, we don’t. You don’t know the first thing about what we believe and you probably don’t want to. Sadly it’s more convenient for you if we’re evil, heartless monsters, but that’s not the truth. We don’t want you dead. We don’t want you assaulted or attacked or hate crimed. Some of us used to be trans and some of us are still battling gender dysphoria. We know your pain and we sympathize with you. Hell, most of us used to be trans activists before we became radical feminists. When you say all radfems want trans people dead, you might as well be saying all christians want gay people dead. It’s just not true.
What do we want?
We want female only spaces to be protected. We want women and girls’ sports to be protected. We want to call out and fight sex based oppression. We don’t want to be called bigots for being attracted to some people and not others. We want detrans people to be listened to and not ostracized. We want to protect trans kids, and part of that means being honest about the side affects of medications and surgeries. And at the end of the day,we don’t care how you dress or what you go by, we just don’t want you to force us to use language that we don’t want to.
Protecting female only spaces does not have to mean endangering trans people.
I want radical feminists and trans people to be able to have civil discussions. I want us to be able to work together to solve the problems in front of us. I want us to treat each other with respect. I want us not to argue, but to communicate.
If you see a radical feminist inciting violence or threatening trans people, please tell us. We do not condone that behavior and we will call it out when we see it, but you have to tell us. We can’t cut out the rot in our movement if we don’t know where it’s lurking.
I know this is kind of a long, rambling post and I apologize. I’m just so tired of the fighting, of the threats and the name calling. Can we at least try hearing each other out and treating each other with respect? Can we?
I’m probably going to take a break from radblr for awhile. I don’t know when I’ll be back, but I want all you fine ladies to know that I love you and I’m so glad to have met and interacted with you. You guys really have changed my life. Stay strong and always keep fighting, if not for yourself then for the women and girls that come after you. Goodbye for now 💜🤍💚
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