rafaelmoldonado · 2 days
It was a good thing Rafael got used to a lot of fishing talk with Leon. He had practice hardening his face and pretending like the very idea of fishing wasn't something that planted a kernel of discomfort in his chest. It wasn't the process of actually catching and eating food. He couldn't divorce himself from the ethical dilemmas of eating an animal because he also didn't think that humans understood enough about plants to define their existences, but that was another conversation. It was enough that someone he enjoyed had a good day.
"If you're ok with me bringing a book and not participating, I would love to." He couldn't reconcile enjoyment with stabbing a worm with a hook, but again, it wasn't an argument he would bring up with anyone. "I'm really glad you guys had a good time though." Even just spearing the fish then returning it to the water – he wasn't about it. "But you know, we can also just go sit in the park, no fish or sunburn necessary." Rafael chuckled. Although, as already demonstrated by his briefly disastrous adventure on the lake with Leon, he would do anything if it would make someone he cared about happy.
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Closed Starter: @rafaelmoldonado
“It was enormous, you should have seen it! I can’t believe I didn’t think to take a picture. The thing was a good forty six inches long, which is far bigger than we’re allowed to keep unfortunately so I had to throw it back into the water, but the girth on that thing?!” Leandro motioned with his hands to show exactly how large the fish he had caught was. He had been far too excited about the catch to focus on the type of fish it was - he’d have to ask Daniel, who had gone with him, to see if he knew. “I’m sure it was bigger than sweet Diego.” he continued with enthusiasm.  Fishing was something that began to interest him over the years as a way of connecting with friends. Leandro had spent so much of his time focused on the church and the children around the town he offered help to so when it came to bonding with his brothers he lacked normal experiences. Fishing gave him something else to bond over and share with one another, and now it turned into such a passion that merely talking about it brought him joy. “I’ve got to get you out there with me.”
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rafaelmoldonado · 3 days
RAFAEL: @leonwozniak If I'm the only one to remind you of how wonderful you are then I will take that one for the team!!! Even if you're making certain decisions at the moment. RAFAEL: @mohanmax I will not answer that question. RAFAEL: Max already made the remark about your adolescent texting style. RAFAEL: I will bring my book if this is a mandatory event.
MAX: @rafaelmoldonado Pls tell me it's a clinical psychology book. That would be so hot MAX: Aw don't put yourself down Leon. I would go out with you if you didn't text like a 13 yr old degenerate. MAX: That's cute. Lawyers love bimbos I'm sure MAX: And I'm serious I'm gonna book us a table at this Italian bistro my friend owns back in Chicago but only if you're bringing someone MAX: Vince will drive us
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rafaelmoldonado · 5 days
RAFAEL: Yes, you should be focusing on the content of the meeting and not what anyone is wearing. RAFAEL: That could make things more entertaining. RAFAEL: I will keep you updated. I tend to stay for the required parts then leave as soon as possible. After everyone's second round they don't really notice.
DAMIAN: worth a try DAMIAN: what, a man can't notice what you look like because it's an AA meeting? i've been at this for seven years, raf. i'm gonna notice things DAMIAN: hmm. i get that. i haven't been to very many weddings, but the ones i have been to have been a little tedious DAMIAN: if you need a plus one, let me know. i can be your dry buddy. we can stay away from the open bar together
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rafaelmoldonado · 7 days
So now it's bottles breaking See the whole house is shaking Let's open up, tear down the walls, and sink into the basement
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rafaelmoldonado · 8 days
"Ah." Not that there were rules concerning what Sawyer could be upset about but there were expected hurdles that would cause the level of upset she was displaying. Rafael's own journey towards sobriety hadn't been marked with similar suffering. He hadn't put roots down deep enough in Chicago to feel the heartbreak from ripping them up. Instead he was incredibly fortunate: his best friend was still there to help mop up the mess he became when that bridge of stability faltered. "It's hard, Sawyer. But it's important." He didn't look away from her but remained where he was. There were some professional habits he couldn't break easily. "Your addiction is not your fault. There're no wrongs you need to make yourself suffer for." He thought himself the exception to that of course. "What else happened? What are you thinking?"
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Sawyer chews on her lower lip, knowing if there was one person in this town she could completely be honest with.. It was the man in front of her. Someone who has been a listening the year the last few months since she decided to fully commit to getting clean after her conversating with Damian, in which, she can't lie she's mad at. She knows it's unfair to be mad at him because at the end of the day she had to tell Dante. She had to open up that gate and let the consequences flow in, it was never going to get her out of her head when it came to him. "I finally told Dante," she knew Rafael would know about Dante, the best friend since she was eight years old, the boy she's always... the boy she has been protective of, the boy she left down. She doesn't look up at Rafael because she's not sure she can without opening the flood gates again. "He didn't take it very well, which... I don't blame him." His childhood was traumatizing when it came to addicts, for her to go diving into something that he hates. He was right. She was stupid. "He's never looked at me like that before." Her eyes lift up to look at Rafael for a second as she tugs her sleeves up into the palm of her hand, raising it up to wipe her tears away. "Like..." She breathes out. "Disgusted at the sight of me."
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rafaelmoldonado · 8 days
RAFAEL: Whatever work you need around the farm would be great. RAFAEL: I think for a few months at a time. There's been great research about time spent outdoors and I think it would be very beneficial.
MADISYN: okayyyyy 2 q’s
MADISYN: what kinda volunteering and how long would a long term program be?
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rafaelmoldonado · 8 days
Rafael shook his head, expression a mix between amusement and disappointment. "You started so strong there." It was his customary Thursday dinner at O'Sheas. A tradition he wasn't going to break even with Leon not being present for the usual amount of shenanigans they could get away with. And tonight was a treat. Rafael rewarded himself due to how difficult the month had been (even 12 days in) and ordered a bottle of Perrier. While Leon likely only stocked it for him, Rafael wasn't complaining as he enjoyed his Shephard's pie and the simple sparkling drink. "You work here, you have the right to choose the music as you please." Rafael said. "Even if it isn't necessarily the most popular choice." It wasn't what he would choose but he wasn't going to object when it made his favorite server happy. "Channel Leon if you gotta. He wouldn't let anyone even approach that jukebox, would he?"
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availability / anyone! / 0 out of 5 / @bluestarters setting / o'shea's irish pub. timeline / thursday, september 12th, 2024, at 8:37 pm.
the school term had officially started, so anne-louise was back to working part-time at o’shea’s. which also meant she was already frickin’ exhausted, so soon into the school year. each year, it seemed she lost energy instead of maintaining or gaining it. she would have loved to spend the evening on the couch with her dog and roommate, but she needed the money—she could’ve asked her moms to lend her some, but anne-louise was trying to be more independent from them, not more dependent on them. they’d do it, though, if she asked. that was why she never asked. besides, thursday nights were usually pretty slow, so she’d didn’t have to work too hard. it meant less tips, too, but she’d accept that trade off if she didn’t have to move around too much. sitting on a stool behind the bar—she convinced her previous boss david that customers were respect him more if he let his staff sit down in view of them, and she didn’t care what her current boss had to say about it—she was playing hexa sort on her phone when she noticed movement over by the jukebox. “hey!” she called out, pointing an accusing finger at them. “you better not think about changing the music in here!” quickly, though, she faltered and dropped her hand to wave off her outburst. “...or, just wait until this one’s over, please. i like it.” want you in my room by carly rae jepsen was halfway over, anyway.
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rafaelmoldonado · 9 days
Rafael took a moment to properly greet Rey before sitting down as well. "That seems like the opposite of a problem." If his very presence was associated with something that prompted joy from one of the most wonderful dogs in Blue Harbor, Rafael would just move away.
"I'm so glad. They are a staple in my house. They travel well too." Rafael sipped his coffee then shifted so Rey could rest her head on his knee. "As always, not much has gone on. I took Leon on a fishing trip for his birthday but the only thing they had available was a double kayak. I'll just say that I'm glad there weren't any cameras to capture that shenanigans."
But it was worth it and Rafael was overwhelmingly grateful to still get along with his best friend so well. "What about you? Other than taking care of Rey which I imagine is a full time occupation in itself."
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Before James could even say thanks, Rey happily sprung up, did a little hop to get the treat from Raf's hands, and began hungrily devouring it.
"It's official. She loves you," James said as he took the coffee and raised it as a way of saying thank you. "Now you've set a dangerous precedent. She's going to think you have treats for her everytime she sees you."
The professor took a sip of his coffee as he settled back in his chair. "By the way, those croissants I bought at the market that last time? Absolutely phenomenal. Even held up after a two days. Just had to heat 'em up." He smiled. "What's up with you, Raf?"
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rafaelmoldonado · 10 days
What was he meant to do? Always let her pay for his coffee when he just so happened to arrive first? "Espresso and tonic water, although evidently that's more common in Europe than I'd expect. It's not too different from an americano only with the benefit of quinine." Rafael chuckled. "Ah, I think we may be in disagreement on that note. September is too early for pumpkin spice. The appeal of cold drinks should come from the weather changing. Now I won't bring up the fact that the rapidly warming climate should also impact our seasonal enjoyment of things since they are, in fact, changing our previous understanding of seasons." It was a topic he could enumerate upon at significant length and would if he wasn't stopped.
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Rachel was in the middle of checking on her phone to make sure she hadn't received any new work e-mails, which of course she had, while walking into the coffee shop. Looking up so not to trip over herself, she had not realized Rafael was already there grabbing her coffee for her. "Hey! You're not going to distract me from the fact you came in early to pay for my coffee so...wait what?! That's a thing?" He had indeed distracted her from the fact, cringing a bit at the thought of the combination. "That sounds diabolical. What's next? Milk and grapefruit juice?" Rachel moved to sit at one of the tables, someone had the audacity to be at their regular table. "Don't they know it's pumpkin spice's time to shine? But to answer your question, no there are no rules and it's both scary and fascinating...and thank you for my coffee."
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rafaelmoldonado · 14 days
RAFAEL: I suppose that's true but I'm hoping next time, I can have the other co-writers present and I can stay home. RAFAEL: It is. I don't want to bore you with the details but the title is 'The Integrated Process Model of Loss and Grief'. RAFAEL: So not exactly the preferred dinner conversation.
SELINA: Well, it wouldn't hurt to buy a new suit. Not because anything is wrong with what you're currently wearing but this isn't likely to be your last speaking engagement. SELINA: If it's gossip you were writing, sure. People have been writing about other people since the dawn of time. I'm guessing this is a study you did?
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rafaelmoldonado · 14 days
RAFAEL: @bloodbuzzfm I didn't plan it to sound that way. RAFAEL: @leonwozniak I am tragically out of Leon's league. RAFAEL: You two enjoy the dates, a book I pre-ordered last year was delivered this morning so I have plans. I am always available to DD.
MAX: @rafaelmoldonado Raf babe why do you have to say it like that LOL MAX: Ok doctor freaky MAX: @leonwozniak And you're full of shit 👎🏽 MAX: Kay fine you know what? Maybe I WILL give Maggie a chance. Triple date. Me and Maggie. And whoever you both wanna bring along. Or date each other I don't care
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rafaelmoldonado · 15 days
Rafael sat down across from her with a groan that emanated deep in his chest. Not for the first time, she considered that it would be a good idea to start stretching more. "Anytime, Sawyer." He adjusted his glasses and placed his bag besides him. A full day of seeing patients in Chicago but there wasn't a chance he wouldn't be there for her. "What's going on?" A lot of the time, Rafael would let his patients ease into things. He felt like they were beyond that. Or just hoped, considering the time.
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who: @rafaelmoldonado
where: rafael's porch
Sawyer sits on the little bench, her eyes focusing on the street in front of her. It's been hard to feel much lately, which should have been terrifying but for the first time in months it was a relief. To know she already disappointed the one person on this Earth who stood by her side for all these years. She places her hands on her knees as she lifts her eyes up when she sees Rafael walking up the path. "Hi... Thanks for letting me come."
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rafaelmoldonado · 16 days
RAFAEL: I will be back at home in two hours. Will that work?
SAWYER: [ TYPING... ] SAWYER: [ TYPING... ] SAWYER: Yeah, I think it might be a coffee and porch situation. SAWYER: Maybe sooner than tomorrow too.. @rafaelmoldonado
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rafaelmoldonado · 18 days
"Yeah yeah yeah." Rafael shook his head. He really was easily manipulated it seemed. Despite knowing that he would be spending a whole day in a place annoyingly surrounded by people, he still followed her. Hot pink wristband now adorning his wrist, Rafael gestured for her to lead the way. "I do not think I can handle more than a single cheese curd, let alone a plate of fried ones. I am over forty, remember?" Although a funnel cake wouldn't be the worst. Just one piece though. "Do we have to eat that before you take me on the extremely unsafe rides or can I have some say about the order of operations?" Rafael paused to let a gaggle of children pass before proceeding. "Wait, is this your first visit here? Because then I may have to provide a history lesson."
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Nose scrunched in response, the lines made by Ari's lips widened in merriment as he moved his feet in her favor. "I might have forgotten about that detail," she chirped (and it was the truth), turning her tug into a full hook of his arm as they made way for the entrance side-by-side. When she noticed him readying himself to sponsor the adventure he would have politely declined had it been anyone else, she immediately reached over to push his hand down. "Since it was my idea, I wouldn't want you to be responsible for any of it." Besides, her dignity would have gotten in the way of that. Before he could give any opposition, she had already stuck her card into the small window of the ticketing personnel. With persisting eagerness, she thanked the window and collected their neon wristbands. "I think neon pink is really your color," she chortled, fitting it around his wrist before addressing her own. Raising her banded hand, she pointed in the direction of her desires, "The fried cheese curds and funnel cakes await!"
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𝐅𝐎𝐑: @rafaelmoldonado
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rafaelmoldonado · 18 days
RAFAEL: Yes, thanks for reaching out! RAFAEL: I was interested about putting together an event for Bright Stars over at your farm or even a longer term volunteer program.
📲 Volunteer Dude (for task#004 — randomizer #1)
MADISYN: Hey hey heyyyyyy 💗 MADISYN: my business manager said to get in touch about some collab at my farm? 😇😇
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rafaelmoldonado · 19 days
RAFAEL: I think you're pressing your luck on that end. RAFAEL: You're a very odd young man, especially considering I believe we met at an AA meeting. RAFAEL: Not a big event guy. Especially ones with open bars. I love romance novels, weddings can be nice but from afar.
DAMIAN: and, i mean, if you want to send pics of THAT, i’m not complaining DAMIAN: do i remember when i first laid eyes on you?? it’s seared in my brain, raf DAMIAN: not a big wedding guy?
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rafaelmoldonado · 22 days
i came. i saw. i left early
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