rageforearth · 6 years
People that you should follow if you’re in the Fate/RP community.
@benbulbenboar - and all their other blogs
@quamvisnexa / @nexarerum
@maljefe - BUT WATCH OUT SHE’S ON HIATUS and is switching blogs when she gets back on shoreleave. 
They’re all super cool and have been a treat to roleplay with or be friends with the muns.
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rageforearth · 7 years
 Eyes narrowed further. Burning brighter like a flickering flame raging. “You think me some wench you can insult in this way? I am no mere woman, I am the Goddess of War given form. The answer is no.” A hand was fast as the Great Jupiter’s lightning and reared back.
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 The strike quickly was thrown forward at the man’s abdomen. Fury strong within her eyes as they stared him in the face. A knockback of force denting and shattering the wall like a flowering bloom of destruction. She’d see just how he takes an A ranked strike of strength.
The fist glowed brightly, and so did his smile as it reared back and then flew into his stomach. Her fist could almost fit between his abs. It clearly bruised the muscle and burst some of it apart, while not breaking skin it clearly caused a lot of damage. However his feet remained planted and his eyes lost their shape. 
“I’m so happy you’d take me up on my offer. Now I shall return, as a Man and a GOD!“ As her fist was removed from his body he had already healed the wound. A miracle, as if he was any less than divine that blow could’ve killed anyone. 
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A glare, and a blow was sent. Fast as cannon fire and twice as strong. Perhaps he wasn’t holding back, in fact it was likely. The only thing inhibiting his strength was that his madness enhancement hadn’t fully activated. So began the battle of two gods, a strike to the abs, and a return aimed for her own. His roar that of the lions he owned in life, and thrice as proud.
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rageforearth · 7 years
"Antaeus... out." Gabriella huffed, holding the towel close to her bosom. "I didn't say that you could join me in the hot springs." She narrowed her eyes. "I don't want to use a command seal for a stupid reason either. Out."
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“My dear fiance you are being ridiculous! I am supposed to be at your side! Not to mention it is just us too.“ Grumbling he continued to step forward, two towels tied together to hide most of his thighs and what lies beneath. 
“If you insist on being prudish I will sit on the other side!“ A statement that meant little as the spring was tight for a man as large as him. Out of reach he would be, but not by too much.
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rageforearth · 7 years
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rageforearth · 7 years
[His mouth opened and closed before he began to laugh, the gems moving away from the touch as if they were alive, but clearly weren’t. It was amusing to be mistaken for one to say the least, as his deep voice contrasted greatly against his figure. He looked like this by choice after all.]
“Haha…! No…no…”
[His lower eyes flicker down. Okay, maybe it didn’t help that he’s wearing a dress too, but–]
“I’m completely male. I just like lookin’ more…feminine I suppose. Feels comfortable ta me.”
“You’re weird, truly unnatural.“ Antaeus looked over the feminine male a bit more and then reached out for his breasts. If he was truly male then would he really have those? He stopped, maybe he should be more direct.
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“So what does the God of nature do around here?” His hand instead went bulge searching with that massive strong hand. Of course he wouldn’t vice grip it, but enough to feel if it was real. An invasion of privacy? Absolutely. However with Gods especially the Grecian ones they had always been a bit open about this so Antaeus only registered it being maybe 1% out of line. Especially between two men, this was all but common to Antaeus.
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rageforearth · 7 years
“Hello there... girl.” Confused, Antaeus expected more to show up. Nevertheless it would not prevent him from his goal. To better any man or woman to enter through the door. 
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“My name is Antaeus, bred from the land and ocean. Who else better to improve spirit and body with than the pinacle of both! Haha!“ Looking to the girl he thought that she would take some work. But as long as they stayed focus she would leave here sore and stronger. Well... maybe that’s not the right wording.
“Since it’s just you, what’s your name girl?“
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rageforearth · 7 years
“If she wears less than 25% of what would be considered clothes. She’s a thot.”
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He sniffs the air
“Did you inhale and exhale to do those mouth words you spit?“
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rageforearth · 7 years
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rageforearth · 7 years
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rageforearth · 7 years
God? Looking over the form he stood confused. Either this lady was sorely mistaken, or there was a large wave of physique change from the men of his day. First that flowery caster and now this.
“I respect the abstract. Venom? Healing? How lovely. Though I am confused, you assume the form of a woman and yet you call yourself a God? In my lands the females were referred to as Goddess’s. Is this different in your land?“
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Walking closer he looked over the being more closely. Inspecting the horns, eyes, multiple arms. This ‘God’ was completely strange and he didn’t know what to call him truly. Reaching out for the gems around the horns.
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rageforearth · 7 years
"I AM NOT BREEDING WITH ARTEMIS!" Actaeon shrieked. "I don't even wish to see her again! She'll probably kill me again and dying isn't pleasant!"
“FOOL! Can you defeat her in a race? In a wrestling match? Or what about discus?! NO! The only way to best someone stronger than you in physical trial is in the bedroom! I will not let you die, I am coming along to explain why you’ve returned.“ Antaeus was displeased as he reached out for the stag boy once more.
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rageforearth · 7 years
Antaeus is now hosting Yoga. Send in applications here with a like or reblog.
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rageforearth · 7 years
The summoning was not what Rin would have wanted. Not a servant of the saber class, and her gem lie as a dormant catalyst. Instead it was his mother’s flesh, the catalyst needed for him as simple as can be, just a bit of earth. Bursting forth in a flash of light and force behind it violent. Growing llouder and louder he screamed out a victory roar. 
“YES! Antaeus returns to the world! Now I will have my wish!“ Laughing proudly he looked around and eyes locked on Rin to which he looked surprised. Taken aback even.
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“Are you my master?“
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rageforearth · 7 years
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salutations !!  nerys here to bring in queen nefertari of the nineteenth dynasty of egypt.  based from fate / prototype.  heavily inspired by history and mythology.  if you’re interested in writing with her, then would you give this a heart or a reblog ?
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rageforearth · 7 years
✐+gods (stagcursed)
“You are scrawny, weak, and hardly a divinity.“ Antaeus said with a glare. But then as he grabbed one of Actaeon’s horns he had a thought.
“But! With my help, we could fix that! The way for YOU to become stronger is to take more magic from the witch who cursed you! I believe with my charm, strength, and knowledge. Coupled with your... you as a partner would indeed be helpful! Let us find Artemis and breed her!“ 
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“If you wish to battle someone you must test the other! With me on your side you will win the fight!“
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rageforearth · 7 years
"I hate this stupid fucking outfit." Cue formal Kona.
“Then disrobe silly woman, the wrapper of the candy does not make the inside any sweeter. Remove your shackles, and take me as the proud woman you are!“ Antaeus served as an example by tearing off his clothes and approaching with a bright smile his meat pendulum bobbing closer and closer.
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rageforearth · 7 years
✐+ Training!
“FASTER!“ A loud clap sounded off as Antaeus slammed the ground. As he’d explained to Shirou. Speed was his only merit, he was not strong enough, magically talented enough, or durable to the point where he could fight a servant. However if he was fast enough, and continued to wield the weapons of a servant. Shirou may turn out fine. 
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“GOOD! Now strike me a thousand times! NO! A MILLION! If you don’t hit me at least ten times between my words I will punish you!“ Swinging his fist towards Shirou he threw off course to avoid killing his master. Antaeus was pooling blood every where but his Noblephantasm was burning brightly with the determination of his master and the Temple they fought inside fueling him.
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