guhamun · 5 months
@nexarerum said (inbox):
Fontaine was something she was still getting used to. Even if it was for business, she did spare some time to enjoy the view and the inner workings of the capital. She was by a sweet stand, taking in a view of the citizens and melusines. They were quite interesting creatures. Gabriella broke out of her thoughts as she ordered her cake slice, seeming content with the new gourmet sweets to try. Though her gaze met a melusine again, seeming quite sad that their own cake had met the pavement. A tragedy, really, sweets that were spoiled couldn't be enjoyed at all. Gabriella made her way over, gently crouching down in her heels, holding her plate to them. "Here, you can have mine. I'll get another for myself and someone to clean this up, okay?" With a nod, they gently took it and went to have a seat to enjoy their cake. It seemed she didn't have to worry about cleanup, seeing as someone came over from the stall nearby to do so. "Now to get another cake..." The witch hummed, slowly getting up, only to stiffen feeling herself bump into someone as she did so. "Ah-.. sorry about that, Monsiuer... I wasn't looking where I was going." (For Neuvillette !)
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     IT WAS NOT STRANGE to catch a glimpse of the Iudex as he went about his business, most particularly on days like this where the sun was shining pleasantly rather than with intent to murder. His trial for the day complete and paperwork done, he thought to reward himself by taking a leisure walk and stretching his legs – getting the blood flow back through them after sitting for what felt like the majority of the day. Gaze trained straight ahead, he had managed to catch a glimpse of a woman helping one of the melusines, such a sight managing to soften his gaze a little with fondness before he looked away once more. He hadn’t done such for long before he came to collide against the very person whose actions had earned a favorable first impression. Grunting softly, he barely moved, although was taken aback as sharp eyes came to rest upon them. ❝Ah, it is perfectly fine. I should have paid attention.❞ He paused, quiet, thoughtful, before speaking again. ❝I saw what you did for Siora. Thank you for being kind to her.❞ Neuvillette gestured his head over to the Melusine in question. ❝If you do not mind it, please allow me to pay for another slice of cake for you.❞
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scarlxtleaves · 8 months
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“Eat you out huh.” Of course Nero would scramble her words in an attempt to put a blush on that face of hers, the perks of working alongside her he suppose. Still, her kindness touched his heart and it would be something he’d appreciate and not to mention he was big on homecooked meals..or in this case..home made sandwiches, so he’d be happy to eat whatever it is she offered.
The thought of the kids also getting bread like this, oh he could imagine their little faces happy. Then again he wouldn’t want to overwork the witch either. But when she mentioned ‘bread compensation’ he couldn’t help but release just a small chuckle. After all this time it was refreshing to see that she didn’t lose her sense of humor. Nero did not needed the help considering it had just been small fries he had to contend with, but having her around for the company.
“Doesn’t sound like a bad plan, might take ya up on that offer until you get tired of me.” That’s when he flashed her a wink and sat back in his seat. “So, ya need help with the washin’ duty. If anythin’ my (adoptive) mother taught me never t’ be a freeloader. Not t’ mention it’s the least I can do for ya.”
continue from here / @nexarerum
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deathsprofit · 7 months
Gabriella is just going to casually sit on Konig's lap and do her paperwork. A comfy seat, at least she thinks so.
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He wasn't sure what's her intentions approaching him with all those papers and pen. He doubts he'll be of any help with that.. Konig never been good with paperwork. But then the nurse simply turned around and pressed her juicy bottom right on his lap. Heat overwhelming him under the mask but it wasn't bad at all. Of course he can be a comfy seat for her!! It's something he can help with happily. Huge arms wrapped around her waist as he rested his chin on her shoulder. Nothing in her papers made sense to him but he was happy watching her write whatever as he occasionally kissed her neck and grabbed her boobs.
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iinexorabile · 7 months
continued from x
"Mmm, I could probably find some space in my quarters," Gabriella was right, regardless of the situation she could tell Tanba no all she wanted and (unless those no's were accompanied by a certain magical liquid in a certain spray bottle) it almost never seemed to stick, like right now, where everything she said about Chimera seemed to go right over his head, "not for this one because its definitely very dead, and I'm no necromancer either," or a surgeon for that matter, he was good at taking body parts, apart, not so much putting them back together, "but in the future, I can see it; Momochi Tanba, greatest Shinobi to ever exist, and greatest tamer of Chimera's!!!"
Tanba, forcing a hand up into the decapitated Chimera's head, somehow starts making its lips move as he speaks for it in a higher voice, as if he were putting on some kind of twisted puppet show for Gabriella, 'that's right, Mr-Tanba-Assassin-Sir would be the greatest!!! No doubt!!!'
Tanba likely would have continued with that, display, had Gabriella not brought attention to the mess he had made and…. the mess he was still continuing to make, dropping Chimera viscera everywhere now.
"Oh, OH NO," Tanba exclaimed in a dramatic yet I-actually-don't-care-too-much sort of way, "I did make a mess didn't I?"
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Tanba, after pulling his arm out of the Chimera head and tossing it onto the ground, raises a finger and then wags it in Gabriella's direction, "Don't worry a single hair on your head, Gabs, I know the perfect way to clean up here-- wanna see?"
That wasn't so much a question as it was a 'brace yourself for whatever is about to happen' kind of statement. // @nexarerum
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chaoscrawls · 1 year
Gently sits on their lap. 🥰
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With a Gabs on their lap, their mood improves a little. Their claws dig gently into the flesh of her thighs as they tug her closer. "Mine.."
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belliautore · 5 months
@nexarerum / starter call
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--- " It's really good of you to take the time to make these for Gabriella. Thank you, my love. " Now, Emily was ABUNDANTLY aware her husband was not doing so out of the goodness of his heart(?) ; she knew better than most that spending his time making earrings was not how he would usually go about his day. However, these were proving to be beneficial in understanding and controlling the entity within her friend and even though Azar was simply doing so to sate his OWN curiosity, Emily was still grateful to him nonetheless.
" Have you learned anything new since the last occurrence? "
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highseaskxng · 6 months
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“Ughhhhh we’ve been hiking for an hour..and it’s soo cooold here. Can’t you..summon something that we can ride on?” Silly Sinbad for making this ENTIRE trip without bringing a SINGLE one of his metal vessels with him as he did not ‘see’ any immediate threat upon their voyage.
liked for a starter / @nexarerum
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incendiorum-arch · 6 months
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" THERE'S POWER IN GUILT. SOMETHING I'll never touch. " // @nexarerum , →
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zangyo · 11 months
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     HONESTLY, NANAMI HADN’T gone on a picnic in…well…a while. The thought of it just hadn’t really crossed his mind, although if there was ever some big event at the school that involved packing meals, snacks, and the like, no doubt he would be sent a message to potentially come along. This, however, was not a picnic with rowdy students and equally rowdy teachers, but instead, a more quiet function between just him and another person. Nanami for the life of him couldn’t comprehend why Gabriella would ask him to spend the day with her like this, but who was he to refuse such a thing when it was clear she had been excited for it? Resting his basket on a park bench beneath the blessed shade of a tree, he lifted his hand up to check his watch. ❝She said to meet her here, but maybe I should have actually stopped by to see if she needed any help…❞ Alas, this was just further indication of how out of his element he really was when it came to social get-togethers outside of restaurants or bars; all of which required very little talking and more eating and drinking. Tugging his phone out of his pocket, he texted—
          [ 𝐭𝐱𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐚𝐠𝐞 12:15P𝐌 ] I’m here.
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scarlxtleaves · 5 months
━━   ❝  ........  ❞   There had been attack, Kyrie had gotten a hold of Gabriella as quick as she could. Nero was now laying in bed recovering after the assault. Neither she or Nico could have believed the sight, the garage still drenched in his blood..the scent was still strongly there however, right now they focused on Nero who had been rather quiet since the previous day, even his breathing was hoarse as he laid in bed with his stump wrapped in bandages. “I remembered you were such a good help to him then, I was hoping you would know a spell or some way for us to know he’s fine.” Said Kyrie towards her.
​🇱​​🇮​​🇰​​🇪​​🇩​ ​🇫​​🇴​​🇷​ ​🇦​ ​🇸​​🇹​​🇦​​🇷​​🇹​​🇪​​🇷​ / @nexarerum
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mortau · 5 months
@nexarerum replied to your post “i am so full of joy”:
The way i made the same glee noise
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aurivore · 7 months
"...No. I haven't gotten any new grails." Casually, hiding something behind her back. The witch knows what he did last time. Welcome back, Gilgamesh.
The King can detect your lies, Gabriella. Know that he does not care for them.
   He is the judge of humanity for good reason.
“Do not sully the taste of my wine with your lies, child.”
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    “Whether it is offered to my Saint Graph or the next, that it belongs to me will not change. I shall rather entertain the blood and tears you have offered in its procurement. You will sit before me and rectify that fraudulent tongue of yours by offering its tales.
"Tell me — what trials have Gabriella Vincent suffered in the King’s absence?”
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chaoscrawls · 5 months
❛ do you like it when i bleed for you? ❜ - gabs!
darker vibes - Accepting
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The long glowing tongue seems to respond. In one smooth motion, it trails from her bloodied palm to her now dripping wrists and finally to her forearm. By the time they are done, there isn't a single crimson drop to spare. Instead, it has left a slimy purple trail in its wake.
A shudder travels down their spine and they look up at her with reverence. "You know I do." For a moment they hold her gaze. A silent discussion is being held between the two. The creature's tongue retracts. The soft sensation of their wet digit is replaced only with a sharper harsher feeling.
Teeth rend into her flesh, and a heady iron smell fills the air. Crimson splashes over their skull and their eyes flicker a dark mauve. Now they were no longer restrained they would allow themselves to feast on blood her, not stopping till they had their fill.
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ryogai · 5 months
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"Hey, Gabs? Can I ask you something? What was your hometown like..? I've never been to America and I'm curious about it." No questions about magecraft or anything of the sort. Nix wanted to talk about something that wouldn't drag her mind into darker thoughts. She wanted to hear about one of the lands they would restore at the end of all this. What it would be like..
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yaroudomos · 5 months
» your knight in shining armor has arrived, @nexarerum.
As divine intervention would have it, lady luck smiles down upon Motochika and his crew once again, for moments before he's ready to call it a day, there he spots a little passenger ship in the distance; the perfect vessel to raid and conquer, and easily, too. Strange, yes, that even from afar the ship itself seemed abandoned, but he's not one to look a gift horse in the mouth. His orders declared, they set off to claim their prize!
— a prize that sadly reminds the lot that not all that glitters is gold.
The initial excitement is cut short once the captain and his crew come to board the ship. Not a soul in sight, they nonetheless split up to search for potential goodies to plunder. Motochika himself eventually wanders down into the cargo hold in the hopes he'll find something of interest; really, he'd be happy with anything at all.
The sound of a muffled voice, coupled with the distinct sound of chains rattling about, soon gives the captain pause just outside of a door within the hold. Could it be...? Curiosity getting the best of him, Motochika delivers a firm kick to the wooden entrance, one that's enough to bust it down completely and leave the door itself a sad pile of splinters. Those cheap bastards — can't even build themselves a decent ship...
There follows a disappointed sigh as he makes his way inside the dim cabin. If they can't use the ship for parts, he sure hopes he'll find something else to compensate all his time and effort, like a chest full of treasures, maybe some supplies, or even —
A girl?!
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"What the hell—?" He pauses, eye wide as he remains focused on the poor captive before him. Around her limbs are those same chains heard earlier, leaving her stuck there, helpless. There's no doubt she's been left here to rot, and gods only know how long it's been since she's last seen the light of day. Closer inspection tells him she's not doing so hot; black and blue, hungry and exhausted. He swallows thickly, doing what he can to remain calm in that moment. Later, he tells himself. He can find the sorry bastard who did this to her later. "Uh! Hold on, lemme get'cha taken care of."
Dropping himself down to his knees beside her, he pulls out a knife from his belt, and gently works to cut the cloth that's been gagging her. It's tossed aside soon enough, earning Motochika a better look at her face. He offers her a sympathetic little smile, placing a gloved hand there on her shoulder. "Listen. I know you got lots to say, but we can talk later. How's about we get outta here, huh? A cute girl like you sure as hell doesn't belong in a shit hole like this. All I ask is that'cha trust me... Can ya do that?"
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deathleadsarc · 9 months
@nexarerum | sc.
― 🜛 ― " Now, now. I'm sure he'll come 'round once you begin tossing him fresh meat. " the cheerful hooting and twittering of the young owlbear cub had been enough incentive to make attempts and befriending, though it was said to be foolish to do so to begin with. regardless, she would be dying sooner or later to their little tadpole friend ― being mauled by an owlbear would be preferable.
a smile flitters across her face at the imagery; content in becoming nourishment for the adorable creature, before carving a large slab of raw meat from their catch and handing it to the other woman.
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     " Go on then. He probably won't bite you hard. He likes you. " 
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