rainorshine13 · 5 hours
Kaz really does live by the plan of 'something something something, we win'
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rainorshine13 · 5 hours
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rainorshine13 · 1 day
Thinking about how, as a child, Kaz was so obsessed with magic tricks that he would practice them over and over again late into the night until he figured it out and mastered it. And then Inej snuck up on him, and disappeared, and then appeared again, and then disappeared again, like a magician's coin. Suddenly, she was the new trick that intrigued him, suddenly she was the magic, reminding him of when he was a boy. And so he put his mind to the task and flipped through the trick that was Inej over and over again until he just knew whenever she was there or near, until he could keep seeing her, until he could learn about her and what she likes and doesn't like.
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rainorshine13 · 1 day
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"It didn't go very well. It didn't survive the shoot. She felt I wasn't being faithful to her, and I said well you know, I'm playing a sailor and uh...a sailor has a girl in every port, and at least you're the only pig. Then I made the mistake of calling her a silly sausage...."
- Tim Curry discusses his ill-fated affair with Miss Piggy during the filming of Muppet Treasure Island (1996)
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rainorshine13 · 1 day
Can you tell this dub was recorded in South Carolina, and in 1995?
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rainorshine13 · 2 days
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Visual development by Dan Cooper for Treasure Planet (2002)
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rainorshine13 · 2 days
No but the Hunger Games really said "what do you hate more- the atrocities or the people who commit them against you? Because like it or not there IS a difference. If you hate the people who commit acts of pure evil more than you hate the acts themselves, what will stop you from becoming just like your enemies in your pursuit of justice? What will keep you from commiting those very same acts against THEM when the opportunity arises? And what then? The cycle of pain and suffering will never stop. Round and round it'll go. Nothing will ever change. But. BUT. If you hate the atrocities. If you hate the vile, senseless acts MORE than you hate the people who did them to you. If you are able to see that evil is evil regardless of who does it... The cycle ends with you. No, you may never get justice. But you will never be responsible for making others, even your enemies, suffer the same crimes you have. The atrocities will never be committed by you, never by your hand. And that's the way you change the world. It's the ONLY way" and that's why I am sure it will never stop being one of the most relevant works of fiction ever created
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rainorshine13 · 3 days
Proving a point to my boyfriend.
PLEASE REBLOG if you (male or female) believe it is perfectly okay and natural for a guy of any age to cry
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
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Summer Field, bringing that warm late summer light to your project.
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
considering gus was almost canonically a "pleasure to have in class" neurodivergent and shawn was almost canonically a "the whole years lesson plan has been disrupted in one afternoon" neurodivergent i like to think that every New teacher they ever had did one cursory scan of the room on their first day and unwittingly decided that a Great and Brilliant way to solve their shawn problem was to seat him next to gus. which of course, naturally and immediately, resulted every time in what was now a much bigger and indeed catastrophically worst shawn AND gus problem. this happened multiple times
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
if shes your girl then why have i slowly been replacing her parts until there’s nothing left of her original body? is she then still your girl?
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
For example, if you're speaking to a receptionist at a medical practice or calling idk your insurance company
I was going to specify "the first time" but then I realized I'm actually more likely to spell my name automatically if I know they're looking it up in a set of records
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
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Twitter users will not survive the winter
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rainorshine13 · 5 days
to this day i think one of the funniest moments in all of Gravity Falls is the episode where Soos is going on a date with that woman at the mall and she gets roped into battling the monster of the week with him and in the climax he’s making combat plans with Mabel and Dipper and the woman says, “Soos. These are children.”
It absolutely takes me out every time because this is a rare outside perspective in the show from another adult who rightfully points out how absurd it is to expect the children to fight
But as an older cousin and someone who’s been a camp counselor, like Soos I too have spent entire summers as an adult surrounded primarily by 12 year olds and I know for a fact how quickly I could find myself relying on them as equals in a supernatural battle against gnomes or whatever the fuck
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rainorshine13 · 10 days
Come From Away is a great nonfiction musical about 9/11. Specifically about the thousands of people who were stranded in an underused airport surrounded by woodlands and friendly people in Gander, Newfoundland, Canada. The play acknowledges the pain and suffering caused by the terrorist attacks with earnestness. But it presents the event from the perspective of those people. And in doing so, strips the historical event of the apocalyptic pretensions that American Neoconservatives and Islamic Wahabists have given it.
For the people who are the stars of this show, 9/11 was an opportunity. For the local "ganders" it gave them a chance to re-affirm their cultural values of hospitality and selflessness. For the "plane-people" it was an unexpected experience to bond with strangers and explore new places. Both locals and plane passengers were horrified by the events that brought them together. While some gave in to despair and/or lashed out angrily, everyone else rose to create a little community across the boundaries of nations, languages, and religions. And this unity has persisted, even after the participants were literally scattered across the world. Plane-people have come back to revisit and repay the ganders for their hospitality and the Ganders will always welcome back their friends from away.
That's the narrative and reality, as for the musical itself, it's songs and tone are perfect for the subject: Newfoundlanders sing traditional fishing shanties, Passengers sing songs of hope, boredom, and despair in their diverse languages, Crews sing about their careers in the air and how painfully personal 9/11 was for them. The dialogue between the numbers is just just as great, guaranteed to make you laugh and cry.
In conclusion, if there is ever going to be another 9/11 musical, Come From Away is going to be the high bar it will have to clear. And I doubt that any will, for the next decade at least!
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rainorshine13 · 10 days
“She is an American aircraft pilot and was the first female captain of an American Airlines commercial plane. She was hired in 1976 by American Airlines as their third female pilot. In 1986, Bass became the first female captain of a commercial plane at American Airlines and later that year she captained the first all-female crew in the history of commercial jet aviation, on an American Airlines flight from Washington D.C. to Dallas, Texas. She and pilot Stephanie Wallach founded the International Society of Women Airline Pilots, which began as a group of women aviators but later changed into a program providing career support and mentorship to aspiring pilots.”
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