If anyone wants a general summary of how DnD is going, last session my Rogue/Cleric got her 4th and 5th point of Exhaustion, started crying? Oil?? And licked it.
It apparently tasted like Play Dough (something i am, in fact, familiar with)
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Character Art dump!!
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Currently her eyes have gone funky thanks to the Raven Queen: the other stuff is all backstory babyyy!
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It’s always fun when the death-obsessed Rogue breaks her own hand, picks her friend’s handcuffs with teeth and then successfully chokes out a guard with her cuffs to break everyone out of jail because we were falsely arrested for murder.
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Curse of Strahd but he’s actually pulling a Bucky Barns by reaching out to people as part of his therapy assignments.
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Me: Hey DM, if I prepare Legend Lore while casting Legend Lore, could i cast it twice with the same components?
DM: ....If it comes up, i’ll make you roll an Arcana Check
Me: Really?
DM: Yeah why not? Granted the second one won’t be a complete legend lore, but depending on the roll, i’ll give you up to 3/4s of a information.
Me: Sweet!
DM: why do you ask, by the way?
Me: I wanna make a glitch.
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Ok so i’ve been thinking about a theoretical DnD Campaign in the setting of the Disney Show “The Owl House” because, theoretically, everything can fit and the concept is very intriguing to me.
Like, sure Humans would need to be explianed into the setting, but we already have Luz as an example in-canon. Everything else is totally up for grabs!
Like, consider: Maybe your party is graduating, or still attending, Hexside! Maybe they’ve stumbled upon your Human party Members and have to work to protect them from Emperor Belos.
Or they’re all adults across the Boiling Isle, and Luz is on the hunt for Eda, who’s gone missing.
Wizard and Sorcerer are already built in to work in the world; all other casters can be worked along side them too!
 And The combat classes can be a lot of fun too! Maybe magic functions like an organ; the less you practice, the less developed over time it is, so your character could be inherently magical, but put more effort into learning combat rather than magic.
Just!!! The Owl House Campaign!! Seeing and interacting with Eda!! King!! LUZ!!
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This just in: Small Teifling Warlock/Sorcerer now owns a gun
What war crimes shall she commit now?
Find out more at 10!
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Molly.... Welcome back
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He’s taking his reign, long may it be.
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Ok ok ok, i had a THOUGHT
Essek Motherfucking Thelyss
This man didn’t just create a small tear in time to help his friends get the rest they needed
Oh no no no.
This man broke reality in a contained radius to help the Mighty Nein, specifically with the help of Caleb
Now I’m not saying there’s Shadowgast content to be seen... but i HIGHLY doubt Essek is just trying to regain their trust.
Because there’s only one other NPC i can think of who’d break every ounce of logic and moral and forgo any potential risks for those they cared for.
After all...
What is Delilah breaking the World for Silas to Essek breaking Time and Reality for Caleb The Mighty Nein?
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We have reached the “searching traits of our PCs to see what kind of disorders they likely have” stage of the night/insomnia.
Current no brainer assessments are anxiety and PTSD. Will update when likely candidates are found.
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So we had a meeting with the Bright Queen... it didn’t go exactly like thought but my cleric’s found a person of Noble standing she likes, so that’s something!
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Have i mentioned how much i love this? Because I do.
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Oh fuck oh god damn
I’m so fucking Gay
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So i decided that since i talk about her a lot, yall should see my Disaster Tempest Cleric with a bit of info on her
Hands are tough so we’ve worked with what we could
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My Cleric needs to change her nickname towards the NPC Shop keeper because it is not helping her case of "I'm making a friend, romance is stupid".
Why you may ask?
It was Pretty Boy. Her nickname for him was Pretty Boy and she legit thought nothing of it.
New observations need to be made so he can have a nickname.
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Travis’s excitement for this is almost as great as the fight itself.
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