ran2011 · 8 months
神戸散策3 うろこの家
In the Kitano Ijinkan district, the best view can be found at 'Uroko House.' After passing through the bustling streets of Sannomiya and enjoying the exotic ambiance of mosques and churches, a 10-minute ascent up the hillside leads to the Ijinkan district. Uroko's House, located on the upper part of the hill, is a Western-style edifice covered in natural slate stone. Its distinctive exterior, reminiscent of fish scales, gave it the nickname 'Uroko House' (House of the Scales).
The house showcases antique furniture and luxurious furnishings, along with exquisite ceramics once favored by European royalty. On the third floor of the adjacent Uroko Museum, there is an exceptional observation gallery with a remarkable view. From here, you can take in the stunning views of Kobe's cityscape and the sea right in front of you. In the distance, the magnificent panorama extends to Osaka Bay and Awaji Island, a sight so breathtaking it can leave you speechless.
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ran2011 · 8 months
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残念ながら時折傘が必要な曇り空だったため、シティーループバスで神戸を巡ることにしました。南京町から出発し、神戸の中心街を抜けて北野異人館街へ。その後、新神戸に向かい、再び中心街を通ってベイエリアへ。約1時間で、神戸のランドマークであるポートタワーや、阪神淡路大震災の復興を象徴するモニュメントBE KOBEがあるメリケンパークなどを訪れ��した。車内では、要所要所でガイドさんの観光案内を楽しみながら、ゆったりと車窓からの景色を堪能しました。
Due to the intermittent need for an umbrella under the cloudy skies, we chose to explore Kobe aboard the City Loop Bus. Our journey began in Chinatown, weaving through Kobe's bustling city center before reaching the historic Kitano Ijinkan district. Next, we ventured to Shin-Kobe, and then circled back to the city center en route to the scenic Bay Area. The tour, lasting around an hour, included stops at iconic sites like the majestic Kobe Port Tower and Meriken Park, featuring the BE KOBE monument, a testament to the resilience following the Great Hanshin-Awaji Earthquake. Throughout the ride, the tour guide provided insightful commentary at major landmarks, enriching our leisurely enjoyment of the passing cityscape.
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ran2011 · 8 months
My friend from high school came to Kansai to see a play, so we leisurely strolled around the city of Kobe together. We visited popular tourist spots like the Kitano Ijinkan district, Chinatown, and Harborland, which I don't usually go to. Enjoying the familiar yet fresh scenery of Kobe, I rediscovered the charm of this beautiful city. 高校時代の友人が観劇のために関西に来てくれたので、一緒に神戸の街をゆったりと散策しました。普段はなかなか行かない異人館街、南京町、ハーバーランドなどの人気観光地を訪れ、身近ながら新鮮な神戸の風景を楽しむことができて、神戸の魅力を再発見しました。
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