I'm gavroche I am a kid No one could get Ammo like i did But I realize As I am shot That plan was not As good as I thought
Anyone want to write the poem that begins:
My name’s Valjean…
And ends with:
I steal the bred.
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20+ aesthetic/misc icons (with bw & other variations)
like or reblog if using
don’t repost/claim as your own please
credit isn’t required but would be very much appreciated :)
find them here
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Hi my angels. How are you guys? I hope you are all fine. Lately people have been asking which psd or action we like to use on our dash icons. I always use my actions and my psds but, there are a lot of good stuff in tumblr so I decided to make this post to help you guys. The actions I tested all so I could tell you guys they are good for dash icons <3
actions: selenapastel 004; selenapastel gif psd 002 (this action is for gifs but it is good for icons too); samepsds 004; redsource gif action 001  (this action is for gifs but it is good for icons too); whoaps 004; arrabellasources 001; trashpsds 001; stipslerie gif action 003  (this action is for gifs but it is good for icons too);
psds: dashiconsxo 001 and 003; selenapastel 112, 121, 126 and 128; l-agallerrie 1258, 1262, 1263, 1267 and 1273; colorarepsd 036, 049, 053 and 063; wasirahlpsds 160, 179, 183 and 187; redsources 002, 004 and 005; itscolour 161, 165, 169, 174, 178 and 181; vanillapsds 029 and kindnesspsd; ameriepsds (all the psds) <3
good pinteret colections that you can find misc pics for make dash icons: 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19 and 20
good we heart it colections that you can find misc pics for make dash icons:  01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19
Hope we could help you guys, please, like or reblog the post. Love u <3
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ignore the shitty graphic pls
my blog’s one year anniversary is coming up soon, so i decided to do some super-detailed blogrates to celebrate!
must be following your local trashcan (hint: it’s-a-me)
maybe check out my tom hiddleston blog?
reblog this post (likes count as bookmarks)
send me book, movie, show or music recs, or just a ➰
if this doesn’t get at least 25 notes it never happened and i will go die of embarrasment
blacklist adira does blogrates if you don’t want to see these
format under the cut!
Keep reading
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Things I Try to Remember When I’m Nervous About Writing
1. Write what you want to read. 
2. There is no problem with a story so great that it cannot be fixed in revision. Keep going.
3. If your story is as uncreative as you think it is, you wouldn’t want to write it so badly. You want to write it because there’s a unique spin on it you have never seen, and want to express. Many people may write similar stories, but it’s the details that make it personal. You may not know it now, but there is someone who is looking for exactly what you’re writing. If you don’t finish it, they’ll never see it. 
4. You can write something amazing and still be met with silence. There are myriad reasons for this that have nothing to do with the quality of what you produce. 
4.1 It’s okay to repeat post your work if no one has seen it. 
4.2 It’s okay to post your work in multiple places.
5. You don’t have to agree with every criticism (but take it gracefully anyway). 
6. Most writers are scared of the same things you are.
7. Don’t judge your works in progress against the archives of finished, polished stories other writers have put together. Archives are Internet portfolios and generally don’t show all the multitude of failures, incomplete, and draft-form works those writers are also struggling with. They aren’t perfect and you don’t have to be, either. Keep working and you will have a portfolio of your own. 
8. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas with other writers. It’s not annoying as long as you’re not self-important about it. Be humble and gracious, and others will reciprocate.
8.1 You can’t write as well in a vacuum; the more people know that you are working on something, and what, the more support you will get for that work. Starting a dialogue before you post something will make it more likely people will read it when you do post it. 
9. It’s okay to take breaks. If the ideas just aren’t coming, go do something else for a while. 
10. Be kind to yourself. Don’t call yourself names. You are not stupid, or uncreative, or boring. You wouldn’t call other people those things, so don’t do it to yourself. 
I don’t know if these are helpful to other people, but they are helpful to me, so just in case, here they are!
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Things I Try to Remember When I’m Nervous About Writing
1. Write what you want to read. 
2. There is no problem with a story so great that it cannot be fixed in revision. Keep going.
3. If your story is as uncreative as you think it is, you wouldn’t want to write it so badly. You want to write it because there’s a unique spin on it you have never seen, and want to express. Many people may write similar stories, but it’s the details that make it personal. You may not know it now, but there is someone who is looking for exactly what you’re writing. If you don’t finish it, they’ll never see it. 
4. You can write something amazing and still be met with silence. There are myriad reasons for this that have nothing to do with the quality of what you produce. 
4.1 It’s okay to repeat post your work if no one has seen it. 
4.2 It’s okay to post your work in multiple places.
5. You don’t have to agree with every criticism (but take it gracefully anyway). 
6. Most writers are scared of the same things you are.
7. Don’t judge your works in progress against the archives of finished, polished stories other writers have put together. Archives are Internet portfolios and generally don’t show all the multitude of failures, incomplete, and draft-form works those writers are also struggling with. They aren’t perfect and you don’t have to be, either. Keep working and you will have a portfolio of your own. 
8. Don’t be afraid to share your ideas with other writers. It’s not annoying as long as you’re not self-important about it. Be humble and gracious, and others will reciprocate.
8.1 You can’t write as well in a vacuum; the more people know that you are working on something, and what, the more support you will get for that work. Starting a dialogue before you post something will make it more likely people will read it when you do post it. 
9. It’s okay to take breaks. If the ideas just aren’t coming, go do something else for a while. 
10. Be kind to yourself. Don’t call yourself names. You are not stupid, or uncreative, or boring. You wouldn’t call other people those things, so don’t do it to yourself. 
I don’t know if these are helpful to other people, but they are helpful to me, so just in case, here they are!
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Arbitrary OC Question Thing
i just really wanted to make a thing ok
Introduce your OC
What are their talents?
What do they want to do with their life?
If they had a superpower, what would it be? If they’ve already got powers, how would they feel being demoted to normal status?
What type of sacrifices would you use to summon your OC?
Have they ever gotten drunk or high?
How do they react to being sick?
Do they sleep with anyone? Stuffed animals count.
Do they like dressing up formally?
What was their school experience like, if they went to school?
If they were an animal, what animal would they be? If they’re already an animal, what would they look like as a human?
What would their college major be, if they went?
Do they have siblings? If so, how’s their relationship to them?
What do they do at a party?
Suppose your OC has tumblr. What’s their username, and what do they blog about?
Describe them with a Spongebob quote.
Describe them with a song lyric.
What type of music do they listen to?
What fandoms, if any, would they be in?
What are their eating habits? Do they have a favorite food?
Do they have a significant other? If so, what is their partner like?
Do they have any pets or animal companions? If so, what are they?
What pokemon are on their team?
Do they have a religion? If so, what is it?
How would they react to meeting their form when you first created them?
If they somehow entered our world, how would they fare?
What were they like as a child?
What is their favorite season or time of year, and why?
How do they spend their birthday?
What would they be like in a 50′s AU?
How about a futuristic AU?
Do they have/want kids?
What’s one thing they would like to change about their body?
Do they have any weird idiosyncrasies? Do others find them annoying or endearing?
If they were to ever get arrested, why would it be?
How would they cool down on a hot day?
How would they warm up on a cold day?
What are their guilty pleasures?
What are their biggest regrets?
List a random fact about them.
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The 10 Elements of a MAIN CHARACTER
To all the writers who have ever been told “Your characters have to be three dimensional!” or “They should be well-rounded!” and just felt like saying: “What does that even MEAN?! What goes into a 3-dimensional character? Specifically? And how do you go about creating one?!”
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Good news. There’s a way. 
Great main characters – heroes, protagonists, deuteragonist, whatever you want to call them – have ten things in common. Ten things that are easily developed, once you know what to create within your character. So no one will ever be able to tell you “needs to be more three dimensional!” ever again. Ha. 
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1) Weaknesses: Main characters should be flawed, but I’m not saying this because it will make them more realistic (though it will) – I’m saying they need to be flawed because if they’re not, they shouldn’t be a main character. Story is another word for change, or more accurately, character growth. Not character as in “fictional person”, character meaning “heart and soul”. Story is someone’s character changing, for better or worse. Main characters at the beginning of the story are lacking something vital, some knowledge of themselves, some knowledge of how to live a better life, and this void is ruining their lives. They must overcome these weaknesses, if they’re going to become complete, and reach a happy ending. There are two types of weaknesses: Psychological and Moral. Psychological ones only hurt the main character. Moral ones cause the main character to hurt other people. Easy.  
2) Goal: Characters exist because they want something. Desiring something, and the fight against opposition for that desire, is the lifeblood of story; and because character is story, it’s also desire that can breathe life into words on a page, and begin the process of creating a real person in a reader’s mind. It’s this ‘desire for something’ that sparks that first connection between reader and character. It makes us think “Well, now I have to find out if this person gets what they want.” This is a powerful link. (How many mediocre movies do we suffer through, when we could easily stop watching, because we’re still trapped by that question of “what happens?”) So if this is powerful enough to keep people watching an annoying movie, imagine how powerful it can be in an excellent story. 
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Like in Up, the goal is to get the house to Paradise Falls.
3) Want: If the main character wants something, they want it for a darn good reason. Usually, they think that attaining the goal will fill the void they can sense in their lives, the deficiency they can feel, but don’t know how to fix. And they’re almost always wrong. Getting the goal doesn’t help anything; which is why, while pursuing that goal, they discover a deeper need that will heal them. Which brings us to …
4) Need/Elixir: Main characters are missing something, a weakness in their innermost selves is causing them to live a less-than-wonderful life. Through story, these main characters can be healed. Once they discover what’s missing, and accept it, and change the way they live to include this truth they’ve uncovered … they’re healed. Learning this truth, whatever it is, forms the purpose of the story for the main character. The reader, and the character, think the story is about achieving that big tangible goal the premise talks about; really, underneath it all, the story is about someone achieving a big intangible truth, that will ultimately save their life and future. Often, this need is exactly what the character fears or professes to hate. 
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Like Finding Nemo, where Dory states exactly what Marlin needs to learn. 
5) Ghosts: 
Not this kind of ghosts.
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Ghosts are events in your character’s past which mark the source of their weaknesses and strengths. Because these happened, the character became who they are. All we need to know about backstory are these moments, because who the character became is all we care about. There’s really only one ghost you absolutely need: the source of their moral and psychological weakness. Something happened that knocked the character’s world off kilter, and everything from that moment onward has been tainted by what happened. This moment haunts them (hence the name), and holds them back from uncovering that need that will heal their weaknesses. Pixar are masters of this: the source of Carl being stuck in the past, curmudgeonly, unable of loving anyone new? Ellie dying; his ghost. In Finding Nemo, the source of Marlin being suffocating, protective to the point of being harmful, possessive, and fearful? His wife and 99% of his children being eaten in front of him; his ghost. 
6) True Character: These are the strengths, values, convictions, fears, faults, beliefs, worldview, and outlook on life that make the main character who they truly are. 
7) Characterization: This is everything on the surface of a main character. The way they look, talk, act, etc. All of this originates from those deeper elements of their being, the strengths, values, ghosts, weaknesses, needs, that make them who they truly are. So often, you can think of this as a facade they’re projecting, a way to shield the the truth about themselves, how they wish to be perceived. The story, and the other characters, are slowly going to see deeper than this characterization, revealing more and more of the reasons it is the way it is. 
8) Arc: If the character is going to change from “Incomplete Person” to “Complete Person” there’s going to be a journey they go on to make that possible. The external story, the pursuit of that big tangible goal the premise is about, is causing an inner journey to take place. What they have to do in pursuit of that external goal will apply pressure to those weaknesses, and pressure causes change. This process has seven steps, but if I write it all here this post is going to be obscenely long. So I might wait and give this its own post.
9) Changed Person: Who is the character going to be at the end of this story? They better be different, or else the story didn’t work. How do they show how different they’ve become? What is the moral choice they make, that spins their trajectory from “the future doesn’t look so great” to “happily ever after”? This should be known right away, maybe even before anything else is settled about the character. This gives a distinct end goal, a way to work backwards, a destination in mind that you can navigate towards.  
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10) Fascination and Illumination: The surface characterization, and the brief glimpses of the true character underneath create curiosity in the reader/audience. What the character says, and the implied subtext beneath the dialogue, creates a puzzle the audience wants to solve. Actions they take work the same way; if the writer indicates there’s deeper motivation behind why a character behaves in the way they do, we buy into solving that mystery right away. We can’t help it. “Who are you really? Why are you the way you are? And how is that going to effect the story?” These are all the unspoken, almost not consciously acknowledged, questions that fascinating characters provoke. Searching out meaning, connecting the dots to find the truth – we can’t resist this. We’re not fascinated by tons of backstory and exposition about a character; we’re fascinated by story, by mystery, by the technique of withholding information and having to interpret and hunt out the truth on our own.  So gradually, the story and the characters will force that character to reveal a little more, and a little more, until we have a complete picture of who this person is. Crucial that this information isn’t told up front. Gradually illuminate it. It’s just like getting to know a real person. 
So how does this work in a real character? Let’s take a look at Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert, because almost everybody has seen that movie. 
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Moral Weaknesses: He’s selfish. He’s a little greedy. He’s a little rude. He uses his charisma and bravado to keep people at a distance from the real him. 
Psychological Weaknesses: Insecurity, fear of vulnerability, feels like the real him (Eugene) would be unwanted, unlovable, and have nothing – just like when he was an orphaned kid. Also, he doesn’t know who he wants to be, what he wants to live for. 
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Goal: Flynn wants to get that crown. So he has to get Blondie to see the floating lights, so she’ll give it back to him, and then they can part ways as unlikely friends.  
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Want: Why does he want the crown? What does it mean for him? He actually states it (reluctantly) in song: “I have dreams like you, no really. Just much less touchy feely. They mainly happen somewhere warm and sunny. On an island that I own, tanned and rested and alone. Surrounded by enormous piles of money.” He senses there’s something off in his life, something is missing. But he mistakenly believes this missing piece is money, which will allow him to buy a lonely island, where he can live out his days as Flynn and no one will ever know Eugene. 
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Need: “All those days chasing down a daydream. All those years living in a blur. All that time never truly seeing, things the way they were. Now she’s here, shining in the starlight. Now she’s here, suddenly I know. If she’s here, it’s crystal clear, I’m where I’m meant to go.” He wants a crown … he needs to fall in love with Rapunzel. He needs to love something more than himself, and find out that love isn’t something to fear and push away. He needs to abandon the ‘Tales of Flynnagin Rider’ ambition, and get a more worthwhile, new dream. 
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Ghost: The source of all of his weaknesses can be linked to his “little bit of a downer” childhood as an orphan. Interestingly, he isn’t aware of another facet of that ghost, and Rapunzel points it out to him. “Was he a thief too?” she asks. He looks taken aback, before answering “Uh, no.” Something’s gone wrong. The choices he’s making are not living up to that original role model.  
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Characterization: Flynn’s charming, funny, smart, charismatic, and arrogant (in a somehow charming sort of way). He’s also rude, contemptuous, and sarcastic. All traits that help him keep up that ‘swashbuckling rogue’ facade, and push people away from the real him. 
True Character: Underneath all that, he’s a Disney prince. That pretty much sums it up.  
Changed Person: “Started going by Eugene again, stopped thieving, and basically turned it all around.” He started the story as the guarded and evasive Flynn, he ends as the selfless and thoroughly-in-love Eugene. 
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Fascination and Illumination: Imagine if everything about Flynn had been told, right up front. We know he’s an orphan, we know he’s upheld a fake reputation, we know he’s a kind and loving guy underneath it all, we even know about his “tales of Flynnagin” childhood dream. You know what happens? We like him … but we’re not interested in him. There’s nothing we need to find out. There’s no curiosity. And if there’s no curiosity, and nothing being illuminated, your story’s not going anywhere. So instead, we find out – alongside Rapunzel – more about Flynn as the story progresses. And that is how it should be. 
Developing characters in this way, I’ve found, really reduces worries about how “well-rounded” and three dimensional I’ve made them. They feel real to me. And besides helping me create characters, this ten element technique has also let me analyze characters I like, which is strangely fun. It’s a great way to figure out why a character works, what causes them to be so effective, and how you can go about creating them yourself. 
Yeah, I’m a bit of a nerd. 
But if you want, try it out. Develop a character. Analyze a character. You might find it as useful/fun as I do.
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Sorting Masterlist: Movies
Animated (Disney):
The Aristocats Big Hero 6 (x x) The Black Cauldron (x) Brave (x) Disney Heroes Disney Heroines Disney Princesses (x) Disney Villains (x) Emporer’s New Groove Finding Nemo Frozen (x) Hercules (x) Lilo & Stitch Lion King Lion King 2: Simba’s Pride The Little Mermaid Meet the Robinsons Nightmare Before Christmas Oliver and Company Peter Pan (Wendy) Princess and the Frog Sleeping Beauty Tangled Tarzan Tinker Bell Toy Story Treasure Planet Winnie the Pooh
Animated (Other):
Coraline Final Fantasy 7 Advent Children Howl’s Moving Castle How to Train Your Dragon Ice Age Kiki’s Delivery Service My Neighbor Totoro Ponyo Rise of the Guardians Road to El Dorado (x) The Secret World of Arrietty Shrek Spirited Away
Live Action:
10 Things I Hate About You Addams Family The Breakfast Club (Brian) Clueless Dead Poets Society D.E.B.S. Descendants Due Date The D.U.F.F. Easy A Ferris Bueller’s Day Off High School Musical Juno Labyrinth Legally Blonde (x) Les Miserables Mad Max: Fury Road (x x) Mary Poppins Matilda Mean Girls Pacific Rim Pirates of the Caribbean Practical Magic Princess Protection Program Pulp Fiction Rocky School of Rock Scott Pilgrim The Secret of Moonacre She’s The Man Stardust Star Wars Talladega Nights: The Ballad of Ricky Bobby Teen Beach Movie Titanic The Twilight Saga The Wizard of Oz
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Me: *keels over*
Parents: oh no, what's going on!?!
Me: i--i
Parents: spit it out, honey, what's wrong?
Me: i--i
Me: i-i-i-i, i-i-i-AYE
Parents: is she--
Me: i-i-i-i, i-i-i-AYE, AYE, AYE
Parents: please no
Parents: NOT AGAIN
0 notes
Masterlist of Potions in Harry Potter
Ageing Potion: A potion that, depending on the amount taken, ages the drinker to various ages.
Alihotsy Draught: A potion from the Alihotsy plant; causes hysteria.
Amortentia: The world's strongest Love Potion; does not create real love, just powerful obsession.
Angel's Trumpet Draught: Effects and usage of this potion are unknown.
Anti-Paralysis Potion: A potion that heals paralysis.
Antidote to Common Poisons: A potion that reverses the effects of common poisons.
Antidote to Uncommon Poisons: A potion that reverses the effects of uncommon poisons.
Antidote to Veritaserum: A potion that removes the effects of Veritaserum.
Babbling Beverage: A potion that causes uncontrollable speaking of nonsense.
Baneberry Potion: This potions effects are unknown; most likely a poison.
Baruffio's Brain Elixir: A potion that apparently increases the taker's brain power.
Beautification Potion: A potion that makes the taker very beautiful.
Befuddlement Draught: A potion that makes the taker confused and reckless.
Beguiling Bubbles: A Love Potion sold at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
Black Fire Potion: A potion that makes the taker able to move through black fire uninjured.
Blemish BlitzerL: A potion that most likely gets rid of acne.
Blood-Replenishing Potion: A potion that replenishes the taker's blood if they have been injured and lost blood.
Bloodroot Potion: A poisonous potion.
Bruise removal paste: A paste invented by Fred and George Weasley to remove bruises.
Bulgeye Potion: Presumed to make the taker's eyes swell.
Bundimun Pomade: A potion that is presumably a hair pomade containing Bundimun secretion.
Bundimun Secretion: A magical substance that, when diluted, is known to be used in some magical cleaning products.
Burn-healing paste: A thick paste used to heal burns.
Burning Bitterroot Balm: Presumably a soothing balsam made from the Bitterroot plant.
Calming DraughtA potion that calms the user of shock, trauma, etc.
Caxambu Style Borborygmus Potion: Provokes stomach growling
Cheese-Based Potions: Potions whose main ingredients are cheese.
Chelidonium Miniscula: The effects of this potion are unknown.
Confusing Concoction: A potion that confuses the taker.
Cough Potion: A potion that soothes and reduces coughs.
Cupid Crystals: A Love Potion sold at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
Cure for Boils: A potion that cures boils.
Death-Cap Draught: Effects of this potion are unknown, but it is possibly a poison.
Deflating Draught: A potion that deflates anything swollen by magical means.
Developing Solution: A potion used in the developing of magical photographs, making them move.
Dizziness Draught: A potion that makes the taker dizzy and lightheaded.
Dogbane Potion: The effects of this potion are unknown, but it is possibly poisonous to dogs.
Dogbreath Potion: Gives the drinker a fiery breath. Has a purple hue
Doxycide: A solution that kills Doxys
Dr. Ubbly's Oblivious Unction: Heals wounds given by thoughts.
Dragon Poison: A poisonous potion most likely taken from dragons.
Dragon Tonic: A tonic used to heal sickly dragons.
Dragon dung fertiliser: A solution that helps Venomous Tentacula grow.
Draught of Living Death: A potion that places the taker in a state of sleep that makes them seem like they are dead.
Draught of Peace: A potion that relieves anxiety.
Dreamless Sleep Potion: A potion that places the taker in a sleep that is dreamless.
Drink of Despair: A potion that puts the taker in extreme pain.
Drowsiness Draught: Makes drinker drowsy
Elixir of Life: A potion created from the Philosopher's Stone that extend the taker's life.
Elixir to Induce Euphoria: A potion that induces a sense of inexplicable, irrational happiness upon the drinker.
Erumpent Potion: A potion that is highly explosive when it touches or is touched by an outside source.
Everklena: A supposed cleaning product that produced more of what it was sprayed on.
Essence of Dittany: A potion that regrows skin over a wound.
Essence of Insanity (Possibly): A potion which presumably causes irrational behaviour, possibly inflicting the condition of insanity.
Everlasting Elixirs: A potion with the effect to either never run out of potion or to work forever.
Exploding Potion: A very volatile potion, and when completed, can be used to create explosions.
Fake Protective Potions: A potion that claimed to protect the taker from Dark magic, but did not.
Fatiguing Infusion: A potion that, when either drank or inhaled, caused fatigue.
Felix Felicis (Also known as Liquid Luck): A magical potion that makes the taker successful in all their endeavors.
Fergus Fungal Budge: A fungicidal product that treated ringworm infections on the feet.
Fire Protection Potion: A potion that protects the taker from being burnt.
Flesh-Eating Slug Repellent: A pesticide that repels flesh-eating slugs.
Forgetfulness Potion: A potion that makes the taker forgetful.
Frog Parts Mixture: A packet of potion ingredients that most likely contained frog parts.
Fungiface Potion: A potion that makes the taker's face break out in fungi.
Girding Potion: A potion that gives the taker extra endurance.
Gregory's Unctuous Unction: A potion that causes the drinker to believe that whomever gave the potion to them is their best friend.
Hair-Raising Potion: A potion that causes the taker's hair to stand on end.
Hate Potion: A potion that shows the taker's worst traits and habits.
Heartbreak Teardrops: A potion sold by Fred and George Weasley at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
Herbicide Potion: A potion that either kills or damages plants. Contains Flobberworm mucus, Horclump juice, and Spines of lionfish.
Hiccoughing Solution: A potion that most likely cures hiccups.
Invigoration Draught: A potion that is presumed to give the taker an energy boost.
Invisibility Potion: A potion that makes the taker invisible.
Jawbind Potion: A potion that induces lockjaw
Kissing Concoction: A potion created by Fred and George Weasley sold at Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.
Laugh-inducing Potion: A potion that makes the taker laugh uncontrollably.
Laxative Potion: A potion that is most likely a laxative.
Love Potion: Any of a large number of potions that make the taker fall in love with the person that has given it to them.
Love Potion Antidote: Antidote to love potions.
Lung Clearing Potion: A potion whose effects are unknown; most likely cures the taker of lung infections.
Magi-Me-More: Magical pills that allegedly allow the regaining power and concentration that some elderly wizards lose over the years.
Madame Glossy's Silver Polish: A magical cleaning solution.
Malevolent Mixture: A potion that is most likely a poison or produces other bad effects.
Mandrake Restorative Draught: A potion made from Mandrakes that restores a person that has been petrified to their original state.
Manegro Potion: Causes hair on drinker's head to grow out rapidly
Maximum Turbo Farts Potion: presumably causes the drinker to rapidly develop flatulence
Memory Potion: Enhances the drinker's memory
Moonseed Poison: A poison made with moonseed
Mopsus Potion: presumably gives one Seer-like power
possibly the ability to manipulate objects telekinetically.
Mouth Itching Antidote: Cures Mouth Itching (possibly)
Muffling Draught: A potion most likely used to silence people and/or various objects
Mrs. Scower's All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover: Removes stains
Murtlap Essence: Soothes and heals painful cuts and abrasions
Noxious Potion: Releases green clouds of smoke when completed. Exact effects are unknown, but it is possibly used as a poison.
Oculus Potion: Restores the drinker's sight; Counteracts the Conjunctivitis Curse
Pepperup Potion: Relieves and/or cures cold symptoms.
Poison Antidote
Polyjuice Potion: Temporarily transforms the drinker into another person. The drinker will take on the appearance of the person whose hair, fingernails, etc., are added to the potion. Not to be used for transforming into an animal.
Pompion Potion: Temporarily turns the drinker's head into a pumpkin
Quodpot solution: Prevents the Quod from exploding.
Rano Potion
Rat Spleen Mixture
Rat tonic: Healing potion for rats.
Regeneration Potion: Helps restore non-corporeal wizards to their bodies.
Regerminating Potion: Forces the germination of a plant
Replenishing Potion: A potion used to replenish
Restoration Potion: Reverts spell effects.
Revive Potion: Awakens an unconscious person
Rudimentary Body Potion: Helps restore non-corporeal wizards to a rudimentary bodies/sustains rudimentary bodies
Scintillation Solution: Unknown effect
Screaming Snakes Hair Potion: A kind of hair potion, the exact effects of which are unknown
Shrinking Solution: Causes the drinker to shrink
Skele-Gro: Regrows missing bones
Sleekeazy's Hair Potion: Makes hair more manageable
Sleeping Draught: Made the drinker quickly fall into a deep but temporary sleep
Snuffling Potion: Causes the drinker to sniff (possibly)
Star Grass Salve: Healing potion for soothing injuries
Strength Potion: Gives drinker increased strength; It may be related to the Strengthening Solution.
Strengthening Solution: Presumably increases the strength of the one who drinks it; It may be related to the Strength Potion.
Swelling Solution: Causes enlargement on contact
Ten-Second Pimple Vanisher: Treats acne
Thick golden potion: Healing, curse quarantining.
Truth Serum: Makes the drinker tell the truth
Twilight Moonbeams: Causes the drinker to become infatuated with the giver of the potion
Venomous Tentacula Juice: Acts like a (non-fatal) poison
Veritaserum: Forces the taker to tell the truth.
Vitamix Potion: Gives energy to the drinker
Volubilis Potion: Alters the drinker's voice
Weakness Potion: Weakens the drinker
Weedosoros: Poison
Wideye Potion: Prevents the drinker from falling asleep. Also awakens from drugging or concussion.
Wiggenweld Potion: Cures minor damage; Awakens a person from magically-induced sleep (and hence can cure Draught of Living Death).
Wit-Sharpening Potion: Presumably enhances the clarity of thought of the drinker
Wolfsbane Potion: Eases the symptoms of lycanthropy; prevents werewolves from losing their minds post-transformation.
Wound-Cleaning Potion: Antiseptic
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So there's two hufflepuff Amys now
Reblog this if you’re a Hufflepuff Amy.
-Amy (Hufflepuff)
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Fanfic announcement!
Hey everyone :) So recently I started a fanfiction on quotev which can be found at [ https://www.quotev.com/story/9211279/The-Quidditch-Cup ]. The characters are all OCs who are based off of my friends and me. I started writing the fic because I thought, wouldn’t it be awesome if my friends and I could go to Hogwarts? SO. Down to business. I kinda need some more supporting characters, and as most of the characters are already based off of real people, I’m going to try something new and base a character off of YOU.
That’s right, you can be a character in my fanfic! I’m not sure how many people will want to do this but I would love to be able to put characters based off of you guys into my fic :) Here’s what you need to do:
1) be following me ( @whizardwheezes ) 2) reblog this post 3) send me an ask with the following:
- The name you want for your character (first and last) - Looks (hair color/style, eye color, anything else you want to add) - Hogwarts house - Quidditch position* (these will be limited, even if you enter your might not get that position) - A brief personality description - Which of my main OC(s) (Aly, Ricki, Becca, Miles, and Logan) you want your characters to be friends with - Hogwarts year (i.e. first, second, sixth, etc)
- Blood status* - ONE hobby
That’s it! I’m only going to take about 15 character requests to start, so hurry while it lasts!
Mutuals, please please PLEASE reblog this (so it doesn’t flop) !!!
@cedricdiggory @merlinssbeard @fjrebolt @vexedbuckbeak
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Lake Louise, Alberta by xxandresenxx
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Dumbledore decided to try something new as Mr Potter and Mr Malfoy insist on fighting… What do you guys think, will showing them muggle movies help?
Follow us on YouTube / Tumblr / Facebook!
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23 Emotions people feel, but can’t explain
Sonder: The realization that each passerby has a life as vivid and complex as your own.
Opia: The ambiguous intensity of Looking someone in the eye, which can feel simultaneously invasive and vulnerable.
Monachopsis: The subtle but persistent feeling of being out of place.
Énouement: The bittersweetness of having arrived in the future, seeing how things turn out, but not being able to tell your past self.
Vellichor: The strange wistfulness of used bookshops.
Rubatosis: The unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.
Kenopsia: The eerie, forlorn atmosphere of a place that is usually bustling with people but is now abandoned and quiet.
Mauerbauertraurigkeit: The inexplicable urge to push people away, even close friends who you really like.
Jouska: A hypothetical conversation that you compulsively play out in your head.
Chrysalism: The amniotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
Vemödalen: The frustration of photographic something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist.
Anecdoche: A conversation in which everyone is talking, but nobody is listening
Ellipsism: A sadness that you’ll never be able to know how history will turn out.
Kuebiko: A state of exhaustion inspired by acts of senseless violence.
Lachesism: The desire to be struck by disaster – to survive a plane crash, or to lose everything in a fire.
Exulansis: The tendency to give up trying to talk about an experience because people are unable to relate to it.
Adronitis: Frustration with how long it takes to get to know someone.
Rückkehrunruhe: The feeling of returning home after an immersive trip only to find it fading rapidly from your awareness.
Nodus Tollens: The realization that the plot of your life doesn’t make sense to you anymore.
Onism: The frustration of being stuck in just one body, that inhabits only one place at a time.
Liberosis: The desire to care less about things.
Altschmerz: Weariness with the same old issues that you’ve always had – the same boring flaws and anxieties that you’ve been gnawing on for years.
Occhiolism: The awareness of the smallness of your perspective.
Source article. Where words came from.
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Words to replace said, except this actually helps
I got pretty fed up with looking for words to replace said because they weren’t sorted in a way I could easily use/find them for the right time. So I did some myself.
IN RESPONSE TO Acknowledged Answered Protested
INPUT/JOIN CONVERSATION/ASK Added Implored Inquired Insisted Proposed Queried Questioned Recommended Testified
GUILTY/RELUCTANCE/SORRY Admitted Apologized Conceded Confessed Professed
FOR SOMEONE ELSE Advised Criticized Suggested
JUST CHECKING Affirmed Agreed Alleged Confirmed
LOUD Announced Chanted Crowed
LEWD/CUTE/SECRET SPY FEEL Appealed Disclosed Moaned
ANGRY FUCK OFF MATE WANNA FIGHT Argued Barked Challenged Cursed Fumed Growled Hissed Roared Swore
SMARTASS Articulated Asserted Assured Avowed Claimed Commanded Cross-examined Demanded Digressed Directed Foretold Instructed Interrupted Predicted Proclaimed Quoted Theorized
ASSHOLE Bellowed Boasted Bragged
NERVOUS TRAINWRECK Babbled Bawled Mumbled Sputtered Stammered Stuttered
SUAVE MOTHERFUCKER Bargained Divulged Disclosed Exhorted
LASTLY Concluded Concurred
WEAK PUSY Begged Blurted Complained Cried Faltered Fretted
HAPPY/LOL Cajoled Exclaimed Gushed Jested Joked Laughed
WEIRDLY HAPPY/EXCITED Extolled Jabbered Raved
BRUH, CHILL Cautioned Warned
ACTUALLY, YOU’RE WRONG Chided Contended Corrected Countered Debated Elaborated Objected Ranted Retorted
CHILL SAVAGE Commented Continued Observed Surmised
LISTEN BUDDY Enunciated Explained Elaborated Hinted Implied Lectured Reiterated Recited Reminded Stressed
BRUH I NEED U AND U NEED ME Confided Offered Urged
FINE Consented Decided
TOO EMO FULL OF EMOTIONS Croaked Lamented Pledged Sobbed Sympathized Wailed Whimpered
JUST SAYING Declared Decreed Mentioned Noted Pointed out Postulated Speculated Stated Told Vouched
WASN’T ME Denied Lied
EVIL SMARTASS Dictated Equivocated Ordered Reprimanded Threatened
BORED Droned Sighed
SHHHH IT’S QUIET TIME Echoed Mumbled Murmured Muttered Uttered Whispered
DRAMA QUEEN Exaggerated Panted Pleaded Prayed Preached
OH SHIT Gasped Marveled Screamed Screeched Shouted Shrieked Yelped Yelled
ANNOYED Grumbled Grunted Jeered Quipped Scolded Snapped Snarled Sneered
I WONDER Pondered Voiced Wondered
OH, YEAH, WHOOPS Recalled Recited Remembered
BITCHY Tattled Taunted Teased
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