random-voayer · 2 days
Non-exhaustive list of Actually helpful ADHD cleaning tips from somone with ADHD who has gone many months without cleaning at all before and is figuring out what works for them
- VACUUM EARLY. The usual cleaning rule is to vacuum last but that won't work for us. Get everything off the floor then vacuum while you still have motivation and you aren't tired yet. It'll feel nicer to walk around, it will get a lot of dust and dirt (so you're in a cleaner space) and if you get burnt out/distracted half way through then at least that big thing is done
If you have energy once everything is put away then vacuum again to get the dirt you missed.
- Take meds. If you have meds take them. They help. Even if you think they don't, even if you hate some side effects take them so you can have a nice house
- Music or a podcast. You have to play something to keep yourself occupied. TV will make you want to watch but audio will let you do other things
- Set the bar low. Only say you'll clean one room. Or you'll just put away clothes. Or you'll just change your sheets. Give yourself victories so you want to keep going. And then if you don't do more then hey! You did what you set out to do!
- Throw out things. I know hording tendencies are hard and if you are a crafter you want to keep every little scrap of junk but it'll help if you throw things out.
If you feel you have to keep that piece of cardboard ir plastic then get a zip lock bag and put all your little craft bits in it. You can keep it but if you use nothing from it then you can throw out the whole bag after a week or a month.
- Put on a cute apron/ tie your hair up/ pretend you are a 50s housewife. You have to make it interesting for yourself so play dress up! It'll help it be fun and it's like a work uniform. It'll help to tell your brain that now you're in "cleaning mode". And a fun apron will help protect you from any dirt which is extra good. Hell wear a pair of high heels and tiny booty shorts just to wear something different.
- Along those lines of making it fun/different pretend you are on a cleaning show! Pretend you're making a YouTube video about how to clean/look at this amazing transformation! I love videos of people with my level of depression or adhd actually clean and feel better. It makes me feel less alone so sometimes I pretend I'm also making a video for everyone else who struggles.
- If your house smells bad light a candle or incense or have room spray. You need to be able to clean up the bad smells so you have to be in the room with the bad smells. Make them less bad so you can get rid of them
- Wear gloves even if you aren't doing dishes.
- It's okay to do one room at a time. It's okay to do only bits of the room. It's okay to put away half your clothes then clean the desk them put away the other half of the clothes. You don't have to do everything in order
- Bring a big garbage bag with you everywhere so you can easily put everything there instead of filling up the bin in each room.
- Also bring a laundry basket with you. Anything that need to go in another room put it in the basket so you can stay in the room you're cleaning and not get distracted, then take it with you when you leave
- If you have a blorbo pretend they're helping you. They're encouraging you from where they're leaning against a wall or they're gonna come over after so you want your house to be nice for them. It can help you feel like there's a point to it all.
- You aren't a failure. You have a brain that works differently and it needs help to work best.
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random-voayer · 17 days
ok I wanna see something. For the people who draw Macaque with six ears:
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random-voayer · 17 days
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I think I found something to do with my +300 LMK (seasons 1-3) screenshots (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶)
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random-voayer · 20 days
I hope ya break yalls bones!!! (very mush a good luck blessing)
Wish my players luck in dnd!!
I’m making them fight the lady bone demon :D!!!
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random-voayer · 20 days
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Feeding you all some extremely ambiguous Red Son angst🔥
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random-voayer · 22 days
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shoutout to my brother for setting me up for this
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random-voayer · 1 month
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☆ Here comes Monkie Kid!!! ☆
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random-voayer · 1 month
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random-voayer · 1 month
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random-voayer · 1 month
*spanish music ensues*
We don't talk about May 10, no no no We don't talk about May 10... BUT-
It was a normal day (it was a normal day~) We were socializing And there wasn't a leak in sight (no season 5 in plain sight~) Lego comes in, with a teaser and clip (we're shocked!) You telling this story or am I?! (I'm sorry oomfie please go onnn..)
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random-voayer · 1 month
replace one word of your url with bitch
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random-voayer · 1 month
The manga looks cute! What's it from? :D
LMK's decent into madness was insane anyway it's 2 am and i'm crocheting cuz im bored. How are you holding up?
It’s two am here too (about to be anyways) !! Time zone buddies!
And i’m doing a lot better, if not taking a mini break from LMK until season 5.
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Until then just enjoying old 90’s anime/manga
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random-voayer · 1 month
Wouldn’t it be really funny if in season 5 of lmk, the person who is helping the party ends up betraying Mk and trapping him stating that “Mk is far too unstable for his own good” and by keeping him contained it’s the only possibility for ensuring that the universe doesn’t shatter.
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random-voayer · 1 month
I'd say for the illusion one, why don't we take the time he created a scary forest due to his stress and then never talked about it? :0
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you can tell it was an illusion because after he broke it the scene around him cracked to reveal the true nature of the area around him
So yeah, an ability that's never truly brought up afterwards
Mk is a Yaoguai
I came across some interesting information while I was researching another theory. The concept of a being not quite demon, human or celestial demon in Chinese mythology called a Yaoguai. The number of similarities MK shares with them is uncanny.
First of all, how Mk being refered to as the Harbringer of Chaos connects to him being a Yao:Within Chinese mytholgy, Yāo have a tendency to be "blamed for sudden outbreaks of confused and erratic action, or transgressive behaviour" with there literally being a Chinese saying saying that goes"when affairs go awry, there must have been a yāo (acting)" ("事出反必有妖") Quite like how Mk seems to cause a lot of chaos around himself, without even meaning to and feeling a lot of guilt for it. ie- Lady Bone Demon, Demon Bull King, Spider Queen, Azule Lion, and maybe even Macaque gaining power due to his (direct or indirect) actions. As well as other unfortunate things that have happened around him, like Mei's Samadi Fire getting activated and Wukong getting trapped in the scroll.
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Secondly, tying in the concept of him being a Yaoguai to his creation: Mk was born from a rock, a clay rock made by someone unknown to us but presumed to be the goddess Nuwa. And guess where most Yao originate from? From unsentient natural items- "yāo refers to natural objects (animals, plants, or rocks) which have acquired sentience (lit. spiritual awareness)," That spiritual awareness might’ve been gifted knowingly or unknowingly by Nuwa.
Yao also only appear in human or near-human forms, and that is after all MK's original form that we see him in the show with. But they also share an "essential nature with an animal or plant." and that is there actual true form. Which since MK was carved into a monkey by Nuwa, it natural that that is the the animal he would share an "essential nature" with and would explain why he has a monkey form.
Mk also tends to have very atypical powers, which also aligns with the concept of him being a Yao since they tend to be born with unsual powers and with the ability to cultivate immortality. This explains why he was able to be immortal when we first met him, how he got that "invincibility" in the first place is still up for debate. I also wonder if this goes the other way where Yao can be born with immortality and cultivate others' powers... because that would explain how Mk is very easily able to adapt to others' powers. I'm not sure, though, since I've only done surface level research on this.
If that cultivation of powers is not possible then he may be unknowingly utilizing another common power of the Yao, shapeshifting to very accurately "mimic"(I'm not sure if that's the right word for it) others powers. Such as Wukong's, Macaque's and possibly LBD's.
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Just some other cool tidbits about Yaoguai:
Yaoguai (妖怪) are distinct creatures from ghosts (鬼, pinyin: gui) and demons (魔, pinyin: mo). Ghosts are the spirits of the deceased, whereas demons are often described as fallen immortals and gods.(Mk is neither of those I think)
Sun Wukong uses this term often to insult his (demonic) adversaries(Huh that'd be ironic wouldn't it. To seemingly hate Yaoguai in JTTW, and then end up with one as his succesor.)
In Taoist folklore, yaoguai come from "an imbalance in the Tao" and "any combination of [atypical] powers, including mind control, shapeshifting and the ability to create illusions.(well our boy sure does have an atypical set of powers but if you all want to add on to this I would love to know if you've noticed some instances of these powers happening because I can see how Mk could be using shapeshifting powers but mind control and illusions? I'm not sure if there is any instance of him using those.)
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random-voayer · 1 month
Hello please reblog this if you're okay with people sending you random asks to get to know you better
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