#random lyric references
random-voayer · 4 months
*spanish music ensues*
We don't talk about May 10, no no no We don't talk about May 10... BUT-
It was a normal day (it was a normal day~) We were socializing And there wasn't a leak in sight (no season 5 in plain sight~) Lego comes in, with a teaser and clip (we're shocked!) You telling this story or am I?! (I'm sorry oomfie please go onnn..)
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petricorah · 10 months
Zuko teaching Sokka how to dance!!!!!!
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he's a fast learner [id in alt]
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tomatotarantula · 4 months
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“I am drowning
There is no sign of land
You are coming down with me
Hand in unlovable hand
And I hope you die
I hope we both die”
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lothbats9000 · 10 months
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AAAaaaaaannnnddd if you NEEEED SOMEBODY!
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deus-ex-mona · 5 months
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yurusanta: the ✨gift✨ that keeps on ✨giving✨
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arrowsperpetualcringe · 9 months
me: what if i'm and just lying to myself? What if I'm not neurodiverga-
my vocal stims: UMAI!!!
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lifesliced · 4 months
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❝ is my cat bothering you? ❞ // * @historias-multorum liked for a starter from akira !!
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prettyboybuckley · 11 months
honestly at this point it's just one no good really bad messed up day after another
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danidoesathing · 1 year
would it help if i asked you to infodump on hyperfixation
Ok so like. I'll be the first to say I way prefer the music video's version of the World Ender story over the comics. I really like the fire motif Cobb has and personally I think the pacing of the MV's story is better (in the comics he killed Winthrop first and then forms the World Enders gang to help track down the rest vs in the MV him going after the employees first and forming the world enders as he goes along and killing Winthrop at the end).
But. but. ok so his origin in the comic is the same except instead of a house fire, it's a sinkhole below their house. We know the whole Yawning Grave thing and it does later come back in the comic. Additionally, he had actually worked in construction for Winthrop and had actually bought the land from him (while the MV implies Winthrop had started the house fire to acquire the land). The reason Avery goes after revenge this time is because Winthrop had sold the land knowing there was a very big structural issues underneath it but never said anything. Which, while still very evil, is much less actively malicious than him actively setting Cobb's house on fire with him and his family inside. The comics also plays with the flaws in Cobb's idea of justice and if these people are deserving of his vengeance. Specifically, there's a comic page that has this as a sort of narration:
"I suspect there are some who say that Andrew Winthrop is undeserving of such a designation as 'evil'.
Does money lust make you evil? How about ambition?
What if you'll do anything to get it?
Cobb didn't ask for the land documents when Winthrop gave him the plot for his home.
If he had, he would've known about that sleeping sinkhole.
Does ignorance make you deserving?"
and I'm so so interested in what is going on with him now. the World Ender storyline(s) take place in the 50s, and the latest point we see him is in a brief cameo in Vide Noir (which takes place in 1967). During this time, we know that he passes the leadership of the gang onto Alex. We have no clue 1. why he passed the leadership onto to Alex or at all and 2. what he has been doing in the mean time (is he still with the Enders?? is he still going off killing to try and satisfy his rage??? has he stopped??? has he chilled out or is he still violently angry??? did he ever find a way to undo his immortality???). And then his appearance in Vide Noir just. leaves me with SO many questions. What is he doing in the club at all? Why was he down there? Was he there at all, or was he a hallucination/vision/ghost? why did running into him trigger another time space jump? is it because he's inhuman? what does that mean in terms of his connection to Vide Noir? if he was a ghost/vision/hallucination, what the HELL does that mean in terms of how he's related to Buck?? if he wasn't actually there, why does Buck see him at all when he's got no clue who/what the World Ender even is?? did Cobb know there was something up with him and his fucked up stasis with the universe?? or his encounter with johnnie?? does he know anything about the events of Vide Noir?? what was he doing??? what does it mean what does it MEAN
and then like. what the HELL is the World Ender curse?? is it the specific brand of immortality he has??? Cobb is the only immortal character that we know of, but he's not the only undead character and Secret of Life implies there's more out there (though that could be metaphorical, but its hard to tell when Lost and Time in Space turned out to be literal). The curse is referenced a few times in random places but I've still got no idea what it means. and what the HELL does any of it have to due with the concept of the Yawning Grave. Yawning Grave (the song) is one of the few Strange Trails songs that both has no listed narrator but also with no clear connection to any of the established characters (both then and now). As far as we know, the narrator of Yawning Grave is a deity/force of nature of some kind, but not much more than that. But the comics imply that Cobb probably has got some connection to it. which. how??? in what way??? Is he the actual narrator??? is it just a random lyrical reference or does it have actual effects on the lore?? im so curious about him and even if he's gotten so much content theres still so much about the guy we dont know.
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toxicrevolver · 1 year
Thanks for the tag @onlyoneofsideblogtrashheep !!!!!
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(Receiptify link)
I’m too tired to tag anyone so if you wanna participate you can!!
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geddy-leesbian · 9 months
partied hard last night. woke up with a chocolate chip melted on my boob
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isfjmel-phleg · 1 year
. . .
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bakurasvampire · 11 months
ok but do you honestly see how i circle ?
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transacewithapan · 1 year
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Do you think anyone will notice...?
*cough* reference *cough*
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icypiece · 2 years
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Le Mort Joyeux, Charles Baudelaire
Swim and Sleep (Like A Shark), Unknown Mortal Orchestra
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
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What I find funny is that the P4 manga shows Souji falling asleep in one of the final shots, but not P3/Minato. TT0TT It technically ends with him stepping off the train (after we get a zoom in of the photo), but this feels more like the actual final shot. It’s such a nice shot, but it’s like..... Did he do this cause he didn’t do it for P3???? kfdljafjds Sogabe you TROLL!
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