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You have been visited by the love owl. A special person will come into your life soon.
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Shun will never get used to the pull as they end up in the room of the gods.  The smoke doesn’t even affect him, instead causing a bubbling agitation to boil underneath his flesh.  His supposed to be atrophied flesh, or the flesh of rotting monster--nothing but feathers and fangs.  Well, it’s no use just going in circles.  He still has much to learn about his new situation, about his name and his duties.
The gods had said “you are to be the Beloved’s protector” until his wish is fulfilled, or he finds his answers.  At the rate he’s going, there’s going to be nothing. 
Pulling teeth.
“Throne?”  Reward?
It’s here that the gods seem to notice him.
“You have done well, too, perhaps your reward can be something different...”
“That girl--”
Ruri?  But they fall quiet all the same, and Shun suddenly knows that his reward is going to be brief.  Or never happen, at least.  Something brief, to keep him bound.  It makes him grimace.
snow on quiet nights
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Dovekie (Alle alle) >>by Jared Clarkie
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[so I kind of...died for a bit and I’m still kind of dying RIP I defs haven’t forgotten about asks, it’s just recently I’ve been really...tired.
Very tired and exhausted, and a lot of my focus has been going back to toku and show by rock/other sanrio related things (pls play show by rock).  I don’t know how long I’ll be off, but it’s sort of a hiatus aha :’>
I’m still easily reachable on twitter, tho, and I will be back!]
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[thanks for all the asks!! But mun must now go to bed hfsjkdh have work in the morning and what not!  I’ll get to the rest later!]
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treasure chest open! you obtained: leokumi
“What’s this?” Shun mumbles, holding up books showing two men in rather provocative positions on the cover.  “What is this?”
Everyone shrugs, and a cursory look has Shun shoving them back in the chest and slamming the lid shut.  “We don’t need them, we don’t, let’s go,” he says and despite all protests he pushes the merry band along.
Minutes after, a small duck comes waddling up, lifting the lid and jumping in.  A few seconds later, it pops back out, holding the LeoKumi books in its wings.
“What a pure ship,” it mutters as it walks away, “or not so pure, gosh, so glad no one took my stash.”
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired one (1) Best Friend!
“Yo, Shun.”
“Welcome back, Yuuto.”
Yuuya is also quick to come up to Yuuto, the two greeting each other with friendly smiles and waves.  Yuuto takes one look at the others.
“Interesting party,” he comments.
“I didn’t really ask for this.”
Party Member Acquired!  Assassin Yuuto joins the group--he’s kind of already done with everything.
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Treasure chest opened! Obtained 1000 tentacle kisses
It’s just a repeat of the tentacle monster incident, Shun doesn’t even know why his party always has this unfortunate luck of running into tentacle beasts.  He really doesn’t.
Either way, the party leaves the encounter covered in tentacle slime and absolutely not thrilled about it all.
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⚠ Encounter! Seto Kaiba
[I didn’t reblog this meme, sorry anon ;;;; ]
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Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired...Rise Falcon! ...EXCEPT IT'S IN A RAGE! Fight it and calm it down, and you'll win it as a summon. Don't and well... You know Rise Falcon. You can imagine what happens.
“I got this,” Shun says.  “This is my bird, I got this.”
He kind of has it, it’s a struggle, but eventually Rise Falcon is calmed down, Shirosaki is cursing as he has to cut his hair due to unfortunate events, and Kisaki is agreeing with Yuuya in that them progressing this far without a healer is a miracle.
“I can’t believe you spoke bird to it,” Shirosaki grumbles at Shun.
“It’s a useful skill.”
Galabird and Sir Hootsalot become good friends with Rise Falcon, which then disappears.
Summon acquired!  Rise Falcon!
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Treasure Chest Opened! You Acquired...A Bunch of Strange Looking Sticks of Various Lengths and Sizes. They seem to radiate a mysterious magical energy. Maybe something a spellcaster could use?
“We have a magical swordsman and a bard,” Shun says.  “These are useless.”
But they still keep them anyways.
“By the way, Kisaki,” everyone looks at the gunslinger, “You’re cured now when are you going to kiss Yuugo to wake him up.”
“Absolutely never because this side effect may make me confess and I am not emotionally prepared for rejection,” Kisaki squeaks again and just...keeps his mouth shut.
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treasure chest opened! obtained: trickster fairy sora! he will lead you down the wrong paths and try to steal the good fairy yuuya!
“I got this,” Shun says, grabbing the fairy.  “I really got this--”
“Don’t throw him!” Guide Fairy Yuuya shouts.  
“So what should we do--”
“I’ll just leave with him,” Guide Fairy Yuuya says.  “You all have been doing good without much guidance.”  Also they have Human Yuuya.
So there’s that, then.
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Treasure chest opened! Obtained 1 cure to the dub name curse... with the side effect that the user loses all brain to mouth filter
“I--no!  No!” Hawke shouts.  “I might say something I might--”
“We’re not calling you Hawke forever,” Shirosaki says.  “Now come on--”
The cure works, and Kisaki is back to normal though he looks very distressed.  At least he’s no longer Hawke.
“So,” Shun asks, “how do you feel?”
“You all are jackasses,” Kisaki wails.  Harsh words but said in the typical Kisaki manner.  Yep, it worked.
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Treasure Chest Opened! You acquired an old Madolche Hootcake. He seems to like Shun.
Shun remembers this one.  Oh, he does, and he loves this one to pieces.  Galabird looks a bit miffed, but that’s okay.  
Shun has Sir Hootsalot back.
Sir Hootsalot who gives him a great big hug in return, the two reunited after being apart for too long.
“Sir Hootsalot,” Shirosaki deadpans.
“Galabird,” Hawke adds.
Yuuya’s heard worse during their time.  It could have been Hoobert.
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treasure chest opened: A Reiji Doll
“Seeing this makes me angrier than I should be,” Shun mumbles, and just idly passes it off to Yuuya.
“Maybe Yuugo can cuddle it since he’s still asleep,” Yuuya adds.  But not like they can really do much with it, actually they’re not sure what to do with the Reiji doll.
“Wait,” Shun turns it over, “it says use in case of emergency.”
Akaba has sick jokes.
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treasure chest opened! you obtained: a backpack that includes: four bracelets, egaoplant seeds,candy, and some strange red glasses that look very familiar
Shun doesn’t really care much about the haul, they’re just accessories, save for the seeds and candy.  He doesn’t even know what the purpose of this all was, despite--
“Oh, one of those bracelets belongs to Rin,” Hawke mentions.  “Oh, I hope she’s okay.”
“Why does that backpack have Serena’s bracelet?” Shirosaki sounds downright vehement.  “My sister better be safe--”
And there’s Ruri’s...shit, okay, maybe he should care more about this.  Wait...
“We’re a team of sis cons,” Shun suddenly says.
Yuuya yawns, “You just now noticed that?”  Look, Shun isn’t the most observant of people.  But that’s just one more bracelet, then.  “That one would be Yuzu’s,” Yuuya mentions.  “I don’t know where her brother might be.”
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