rararakowski · 4 years
Historically, Jack Dunn’s relationships ended where the other participating party was not in favor of Jack continuing to be at large in the community. Was this his fault? Only 98% of the time, yes. However, Addy and Jack had managed to end their relationship on a mutual agreement. California was for her, not him and in order for them to both continue with their own personal goals a split was the best they had to offer. “Oh, wow. Congratulations,” he offered as he moved back around the desk and sat down. “So you’re gonna be living here in Tupelo, huh?” He was still trying to wrap his brain around that concept. The cross-over of two parts of his life just felt unusual. “Good, good,” he chuckled, “Got one who could definitely make it there,” Jack added with a shrug. “Might be a few years still but…” His voice trailed off, his mind still preoccupied with Addy’s arrival. “So when did you get into town?”
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Addy couldn’t help but smile at his awkwardness.  He looked so caught off guard, which was fair, and it wasn’t entirely Addy’s intentions, but it was cute.  They had ended on good terms, but it still felt weird to have feelings for someone she hadn’t seen in ten years.  She nodded her head as he sat down, smiling, “I am.  It’s a pretty nice apartment too, 2 bed, big window looking over some water, it’s no LA, but it’s beautiful.”  She crossed her legs and chuckled at his words.  “Well, a few years is nothing without hard work.  I’m sure they’ll be great.  They’ve got some big shoes to fill though.  Quite the legacy.”  He trailed off and she knew it was because of her.  Even after sll these years, she left him speechless.  “I got into town a few days ago.  I start at the school on Monday, just getting to know the teams, figure out some teaching programs for students interested in athletic training.  It’s very different from working with an NFL team, but I’m excited for it.”  turning the chair around in a circle, she looked around the office before stopping and staring at him again.  “What about you? How have you been after all these years? Family?”  Looking down, she twiddled her fingers, hesitant to ask any further.  “Girlfriends?”
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rararakowski · 4 years
Most days at Whiskey Hollow were  fairly busy, at least when Jack was doing his job correctly. During the mornings it was rather slow and was indeed peaceful… but in the afternoon? All bets were off. Between people coming to visit to do volunteer work with Lou’s side of the operation to those coming to see their horses or take lessons with Jack things were usually moving. Thankfully, Whiskey Hollow also employed a good handful of people to help out on their day to day operations. So there were other trainers there to teach the younger kids who were just starting out and then those working students who did stablehand work in exchange for training and boarding room at the property for their equine companions. 
Even though most days appeared horribly busy Jack had gotten used to it and so it felt fairly routine. Currently, most of the people who had arrived were doing work with Lou or were those who would be exercising horses. This was how he managed to stay holed up in his office for a hot minute. His back was to the door which made it appear that he was simply looking out the window. In reality, he was cat-napping in his chair. His dogs, on the other hand, were taking their respective naps on the couch that sat in the corner of the office. 
The knock on the semi-opened door caused his eyes to flutter open and he spun around in the chair. Her voice had not registered in his mind fast enough, but seeing her had. Jack was barely awake and instantly out of words as he stared at Addy as if he had just seen a ghost. “Holy shit,” were the only words that could fall from his mouth and he stood up. This caused both of his dogs to rise but deem that this interaction wasn’t interesting enough to remove themselves from their comfortable positions to swarm the person entering the room. “Addyson,” he took a moment to begin stuttering over himself and walked to the side of his desk. Motioning for her to take a seat. “What… uh, what… Wow. What are you doing here?”
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The dogs? Adorable.  Addy loved animals, and dogs were that one thing that she believed were too good for humans, but she was so thankful that dogs were around.  It took everything in her to not go over to the dogs, but instead stand her ground.  He turned and everything came flooding back.  He hadn’t aged a day since he’d left California. His words were gravely, like he had just woken up, and it took her back to the quiet mornings they would share before they’d go their respective ways for the day.  She smiled when he said her name, and it honestly felt so surreal she was even here.  “Jack.”  She walked over to the seat and crossed her legs, her eyes dropping to the dogs before back up to him at his question.  “Well, it took long enough, but I... I got a job.  At Tupelo High.  Life was a little to busy and a little to..” She paused, knowing it had only been a few moments and not wanting tot go any further.  “How are the horses treating you?  You making any new Million Dollar Riders?”
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rararakowski · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER // @jacksdunnit​ It had been a while since Addy had been to a small town.  Well... Tupelo wasn’t exactly small, but it was no LA.  The sun wasn’t nearly as hot, her phone wasn’t blowing up with players and coaches needing her assistance, she wasn’t running around with a gallon of coffee in her hand, and everything was very... lax.  It was strange.  Addy felt it was the place to be, though.  The calmness that surrounded her felt normal and good. She felt like she was forgetting to do something, but she also had nothing to do for another week.  She didn’t start her new job until the following Monday, she was all moved into her apartment, her office was set up and the medical room at the high school had everything organized in a way that made sense to her.  She was settled into Tupelo, but things very unsettling.  She was forgetting something.
Addyson needed a car, and while that should be her top priority, something else was on her mind.  Someone else.  She moved to Tupelo because she felt the need and wanted to settle down.  LA life was crazy, and while she loved running around and being busy, she was 31 and she was still single.  Had been for quite some time, and she was ready to settle down.  Whether her reasoning for moving to Tupelo would be ready for the same thing was completely up in the air, but the pay was good, the cost of living was low, and they were close enough to cities that if she really truly hated it, she could bail and go somewhere else.  Shaking the hands of the car dealer, she smiled at his words.  “Congrats! You’re the new owner of our only Jaguar F-Type.  You’ll definitely get some talk around town.  We never thought we’d sell this baby.”  Addy laughed as she took the keys, “Well, I’ve always been a sucker for red and speedy.  I’ll buy a more practical vehicle soon, but mama’s gotta have her toys.  You wouldn’t happen to know how to get to Whiskey Hollow, I believe it’s called?”  Small town, indeed.  He knew exactly how to get her there.
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The drive wasn’t far, not by her standards, anyway, but it definitely wasn’t in town.  It was busy, a lot busier than she expected.  Horses littered the grounds with people surrounding them, probably the busiest she’d seen any place thus far.  Parking her car, Addy walked towards a man surrounded by people, pointing them in different directions.  Just as he was about to walk off, Addy caught his attention.  “Hi, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to take too much time, but could you tell me where Jack is?”  He had a look on his face, but pointed her towards the stables.  She suddenly had butterflies and felt like she was going to vomit, but made her way over there.  She quickly realized her sundress and kitty heels combo wasn’t ideal and definitely made her stick out, but she wasn’t going to change her attire for a man.  Him of all people would know that.
The back of his head looked the same as it had 10 years ago, and she suddenly felt like she was 21, meeting him after one of his races.  Taking a breath, she knocked on the wood and slowly walked in, “I’m not sure if I’m in the right place, but I’m looking for the Million Dollar Rider and Lena. Could you point me in the right direction?”
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rararakowski · 4 years
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for reals my last babe for now, miss addy rakowski  @tupeloextras​ the facts: - - Addyson Rakowski -31 - cisfemale | she/her | bisexual - Athletic Trainer/Cheer Coach at Tupelo High - Albony, New York
the story: - Addyson is the oldest of 3 children, her 2 younger brothers 18 months apart from each other and 3 years younger than herself.  She was meant to be an only child, but when parents are in love and exciting things happen, well, we all know what happens next.  Addy was glad she wasn’t an only child, though, because life would have been very boring, and with her brother’s soaring above her (she’s only 5’2 and has been since she was in middle school), it made for wrestling matches to be very interesting. - Her family wasn’t perfect, and while they all got along, it was definitely a different family experience.  Dad worked from home as a sports agent, traveling during the offseason to different seasons to recruit, while mom traveled to different cities, running publicity for big names in the sports world.  Holidays and birthdays were always spend together, give a year or two with some mix-ups in travel plans, but they had the same nanny growing up, so it was as if family was always there.  Did she wish she could see her parents more growing up? Of course!  Did she get to meet a lot of famous people? Of course! - Her family being who they were, all three kids went to a boarding school.  Addy loved singing, but she soared (literally) above the boys.  She became cheer captain her sophomore year of high school (still the same boarding school, but grades were all the same), and she was head flyer.  So on top of leading her team to 3 championships, she sang on the side, and started her college journey her junior year for sports medicine.  She followed in the familial footsteps into the sports world, and she wasn’t upset with it. - After the 3 competitions, the family glory of knowing everyone and all in the sports world, and actually being good at flying, Addy was approached and recruited by University of Kentucky for their cheer squad.  Addy gladly stepped down as captain and took a step or two to the side for flying to really enjoy her college experience.  And boy, did she ever.  She met none other than Jack Dunn, and it was basically love at first sight, but also not.  They had a mutual respect for each other, one of which she hadn’t ever seen besides her parents.  Relationships were always portrayed as sacrificing what you love for the other person, but theirs was different.  They didn’t want the other to sacrifice what they loved, even if that meant sacrificing each other.  Which happened a few times. - While he may disagree, Addy was convinced they were the couple of the century.  They both had interviews in their respective worlds, and in each other’s worlds.  Addy would get messages constantly how they were OTP, or whatever kids say, and her parents would know things before even she would.  The publicity was a blessing for her parents, having a daughter always in the press and all over social media, but Addy didn’t want that, and she was always worried it would jeopardize her relationship.  Instead of running from it, though, she seemed to have embraced it, and got cheer captain her final year of college.  So not only as she on track to graduate with honors in sports medicine, but she was also being recruited by actual NFL teams for cheer; something almost unheard of. - It was a hard decision for both of them, but Addy made the move to LA, and she was thankful Jack followed her.  She knew almost immediately he hated it, and while she felt like she was thriving there, Jack wasn’t.  Unfortunately, a year after the move, Jack left.  And unlike his previous relationships she had had the honor to listen to, their relationship ended on good terms.  Sad terms, but good terms.  They respected each other, and Addy loved him so much she would never ask him to sacrifice his happiness to be with her.  So he left, and they tried.  They tried for a few months, but Addy’s life got busier, and Jack became more distant.  Soon, they weren’t speaking, but Addy knew he was happy, and that’s what really mattered to her. - So, at the ripe age of 23, she was single, dancing for the LA Rams, getting her masters in sports medicine and visiting her family any time they visited.  Both brothers were big in football, and while she begged them to move to LA, they went to bigger and better teams, and just like that, the family was separated.  It was the first time in her life she’d ever felt truly alone, and she hated it. - Life was mundane after that.  She danced and cheered until she was 29, then got a job as a professional cheer coach and as an athletic trainer for the Rams.  She got to see her brother’s when she traveled and her parents occasionally, but the life she was living wasn’t the life for her.  And while there were many men who came and went, there was always one that stuck in her mind.
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