#thread: jack&addy
All Eyes Lead to the Truth | Season Four Master Post
Season four is one of the most beloved seasons of The X-Files, and we had a lot of fun exploring the background characters that helped make it so special!
Check out this thread to see all the characters we got to meet this season!
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Herrenvolk (4x01) | X
No one would remember him, and if they did, they would struggle to remember a name they were never told. The memory of his existence would remain occluded by the shadows he lived in.
Home (4x02) | Sheriff Andy Taylor
For protection, his father had said, as he pressed the unfamiliar cold metal into Taylor’s warm hand. To keep your family safe.
To keep your home safe.
He shuts the drawer. He isn’t ready for this reality, not now. Not yet.
Teliko (4x03) | Special Agent Sean Pendrell
With them, it was never something simple. It was a computer chip so fragile he could barely study it. It was a complex string of numbers and letters tracking a smallpox vaccination program for reasons he couldn’t even begin to fathom.
This was what he went to school for.
Unruhe (4x04) | Gerry Schnauz
Gerry knew she needed his help the moment they met. There was a howler inside of her head — a black mass invading her body and mind.
The Field Where I Died (4x05) | Melissa Rydell Ephesian
Melissa struggled with the idea of reincarnation, but dared not show it. And as it turned out, a broken link in the chain of her faith led to more broken links.
When she first saw Vernon hurt a child, the chain shattered.
Sanguinarium (4x06) | Dr. Theresa Shannon
The face on the computer had looked just like Jack, but that had to be impossible. The science of surgery hadn’t come that far. To spread the eyes further apart, change features completely… and besides, she knows him. Knows the person he is…
Musings of a Cigarette Smoking Man (4x07) | Albert M. Godwinkle
All Albert M. Godwinkle wants today is to read a halfway decent manuscript that puts a smile on his disgruntled face. Today is not that day.
Tunguska (4x08) | Alex Krycek
If looks could kill, Alex would be a dead man. But he thrives off this, off making Mulder squirm. It’s just so fucking easy.
Terma (4x09) | Senator Albert Sorenson
He was a staunch proponent of holding insubordinate witnesses in contempt when the court was not being respected, and no one, not even a government employee, was immune to that.
Paper Hearts (4x10) | Addie Sparks
The little girl he loves is gone, and she is never coming back.
Just like me.
El Mundo Gira (4x11) | Migrant Worker
At the simple mention of El Chupacabra, the shack erupted in a cacophony of worry, as if merely saying the name might summon the beast.
Leonard Betts (4x12) | Michele Wilkes
Even through the panic she felt screaming through her that nothing about this was okay, she felt a moment of relief wash over her. Maybe it had all been a dream. Maybe her partner hadn’t died while she was at the wheel.
Never Again (4x13) | Ed Jerse
Deadbeat. Loser. Failure.
He’s heard it all, and he has had enough. No one humiliates Ed Jerse anymore. No, not now. Never again.
Memento Mori (4x14) | Kurt Crawford
What is destined for a creature borne of fluid and test tubes, guided by the hands of cruel men?
Kaddish (4x15) | Ariel Luria
Someone else’s hatred had taken her true love away. Just like that, in an instant, like it was nothing. But it was not hatred that led her to the gravesite that stormy night.
Unrequited (4x16) | Special Agent Kent Hill
Hill slides in his earpiece, watching as their eyes lock. His wife would call it eavesdropping, but as he steps closer, tilting his head just right to better hear their hushed voices, Hill simply calls it satisfying a long-standing curiosity.
Tempus Fugit (4x17) | Bartender
The man tried to fluff the pink ball back into shape after presumably squashing it in his pocket. “The woman I came in with— it’s her birthday, and she loves these things. I was wondering if there was any way you could ask someone in the back to put it on a plate and bring it out to her?”
Max (4x18) | Sharon Graffia
Sharon Graffia isn’t a liar. She’d only done what she needed to in order for people to believe her. All she’s ever wanted was someone to believe her.
Synchrony (4x19) | Jason Nichols
Naïveté and a complete lack of understanding of the consequences of their work had been their downfall. But how could they have known?
Small Potatoes (4x20) | Eddie Van Blundht
It didn’t take him long to realize he’d initially misread the situation when he saw them at the clinic. Based on the look Dana Scully shot him when he tried to hold her hand at the airport, he knew he was navigating territory Fox Mulder had yet to conquer.
Zero Sum (4x21) | Billy
He slowly twisted his neck to the right, and was horrified by the sight before him. In the next bed over was David from his class, his face covered in gross red bumps. He looked dead.
Billy didn’t know what else to do. He started crying.
Elegy (4x22) | Lauren Heller
She had an exam in the morning. Her mother’s birthday was the following weekend. She had plans.
Demons (4x23) | Amy Cassandra
As she speaks, the deep wound in her skull throbs, reminding her that that was true, until weeks ago when she’d traded the nightmare of one penetrating drill with the reality of another.
Gesthemane (4x24) | Father McCue
Her faith had come from God, yes… but it had also come from another, less expected source. Perhaps it still did.
Stay tuned for more perspectives coming in Season Five!
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5
We spend so much time deliberating and chatting about who to use in a given episode or where certain characters would be best utilized in the series, and we'd love to hear any opinions or predictions you might have! Do you have a favorite minor character? What episodes do you think would be best for our favorite recurring characters? Your feedback is one of the most enjoyable parts of this project (and sometimes hearing other perspectives can help inform the decisions we have to make). - @admiralty-xfd, @fridaysat9, @monikafilefan, and @gaycrouton
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burning-fcols · 11 months
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Aiden and autumn were kissing in the middle of the hallway. No shame to be had as the panther pushed Rusty’s best friend against the locker as they continued to make out. That’s when the doggo’s hormone monster first showed up. “Hey Lawrence nice to meet ya. You don’t like that one bit do you did? Well I’m here to take care of it. Before we get violent we could always start rumor about your friend’s oh so perfect boytoy.” -  ✩   「 @shining-stxrs 」   ✩  
「 ☆ 」 People making-out in the hallways isn't an uncommon sight around school. If Rusty didn't know any better, he'd think a spell was cast over the building. Making it so that once people pair up, they can't keep their hands off each other. Unfortunately, the true culprit is hormones. Which are far harder to deal with than a curse.
It was like that when Addison hooked up with Tom; although things got bumpy for those guys real quick. Not that Tom seems to have gotten the memo that he and Addi are OVER. Zill and Kayla have been seen canoodling in the halls as well. With that loser Jack trying to be so nonchalant about not looking, it's painfully obvious he's avoiding their direction as if he'd get turned to stone with a mere accidental glance. How Zill hasn't figured out that his best friend has a big fat gay crush on him, Rusty will NEVER know. Some people can be so oblivious.
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Leaning against his locker on the other side of the hallway with his arms crossed, Autumn and his new boyfriend would have dropped dead on the spot if looks could kill. Muzzle scrunched with jealous disgust at the shameless display, a soft growl rumbles in the back of his throat, fur standing on end as he fights back the urge to march over their and RIP that mangy cat off his Autumn. Claws dig into the sleeves of his jacket, threatening to rip threads the longer Rusty glares. He's just about to give into his impulsive— and VERY stupid —desire to get into a fight with the much larger and stronger panther when Lawrence makes his sudden appearance.
Yelping at the intrusion, Rusty nearly falls as he stumbles back, noisily catching himself on the nearby lockers. ❝ What the fuck?! ❞ He barks, thankfully unheard now that he's conversing with... whatever the Hell this guy is. Hand on his chest, he fights to catch his breath, heart pounding beneath his grip. Eyes narrow at Lawrence, ears fallen back and lip curled in a growl, ❝ Look. I don't know why you're talking to me or why you think I even CARE about what's going on over there— ❞ As if he hadn't been interrupted staring at the new couple. ❝ —but I don't give a FUCK about those damn fruits or what they choose to do in the middle of the hallway. ❞
Pointing a confrontational finger at Lawrence, he takes a harsh step forward despite being far smaller than the monster, ❝ Aiden is nothing but a pathetic PUSS, literally, and Autumn is a stuck-up slut who is just happy someone finally wants to ram their rancid tongue down his throat! And I. Don't. Care. About ANY of it! In fact, I'm happy about this. Fuckin' THRILLED because it means I won't have to deal with his meddling anymore! He'll finally leave me ALONE. ❞
All alone.
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❝ So how about you do the same, and FUCK OFF before I ram my fist into your face, you nosey piece of shit. ❞ Rusty threatens, his snarled statement not sounding as intimidating as he'd like. More like the yapping of a dog biting off far more than it can chew... The way his gaze keeps unwittingly flitting behind Lawrence ( right at Autumn and Aiden ) doesn't help with convincing the newcomer that he's not affected by what's happening. 「 ☆ 」
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rararakowski · 4 years
CLOSED STARTER // @jacksdunnit​ It had been a while since Addy had been to a small town.  Well... Tupelo wasn’t exactly small, but it was no LA.  The sun wasn’t nearly as hot, her phone wasn’t blowing up with players and coaches needing her assistance, she wasn’t running around with a gallon of coffee in her hand, and everything was very... lax.  It was strange.  Addy felt it was the place to be, though.  The calmness that surrounded her felt normal and good. She felt like she was forgetting to do something, but she also had nothing to do for another week.  She didn’t start her new job until the following Monday, she was all moved into her apartment, her office was set up and the medical room at the high school had everything organized in a way that made sense to her.  She was settled into Tupelo, but things very unsettling.  She was forgetting something.
Addyson needed a car, and while that should be her top priority, something else was on her mind.  Someone else.  She moved to Tupelo because she felt the need and wanted to settle down.  LA life was crazy, and while she loved running around and being busy, she was 31 and she was still single.  Had been for quite some time, and she was ready to settle down.  Whether her reasoning for moving to Tupelo would be ready for the same thing was completely up in the air, but the pay was good, the cost of living was low, and they were close enough to cities that if she really truly hated it, she could bail and go somewhere else.  Shaking the hands of the car dealer, she smiled at his words.  “Congrats! You’re the new owner of our only Jaguar F-Type.  You’ll definitely get some talk around town.  We never thought we’d sell this baby.”  Addy laughed as she took the keys, “Well, I’ve always been a sucker for red and speedy.  I’ll buy a more practical vehicle soon, but mama’s gotta have her toys.  You wouldn’t happen to know how to get to Whiskey Hollow, I believe it’s called?”  Small town, indeed.  He knew exactly how to get her there.
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The drive wasn’t far, not by her standards, anyway, but it definitely wasn’t in town.  It was busy, a lot busier than she expected.  Horses littered the grounds with people surrounding them, probably the busiest she’d seen any place thus far.  Parking her car, Addy walked towards a man surrounded by people, pointing them in different directions.  Just as he was about to walk off, Addy caught his attention.  “Hi, I’m sorry, I don’t mean to take too much time, but could you tell me where Jack is?”  He had a look on his face, but pointed her towards the stables.  She suddenly had butterflies and felt like she was going to vomit, but made her way over there.  She quickly realized her sundress and kitty heels combo wasn’t ideal and definitely made her stick out, but she wasn’t going to change her attire for a man.  Him of all people would know that.
The back of his head looked the same as it had 10 years ago, and she suddenly felt like she was 21, meeting him after one of his races.  Taking a breath, she knocked on the wood and slowly walked in, “I’m not sure if I’m in the right place, but I’m looking for the Million Dollar Rider and Lena. Could you point me in the right direction?”
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ship-wreckedrp · 3 years
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All Ship-Mates are contractually expected to participate in this event, and would be inclined to give a real effort, considering the prize that awaits the winners!
In addition to the details given here, here is more for everyone to know about the Scanties Scavenger Hunt. The teams will have a limited amount of time to try to win.
Good luck, everyone!
[ooc details]
Members will have from January 1st-January 22nd to write threads of their team participating in the scavenger hunt. Chat with your teammate’s mun to plot ASAP! Drama and hilarity are absolutely encouraged. Threads written on the dash are preferred, but writing a thread on Discord and posting it in full (under a ‘keep reading’) here on Tumblr is OK too.
Posting a photo &/or writing about the producer-chosen lingerie is perfectly fine. If you post it, please be sure to tag your post ‘nsfw’ for others. Additionally, while it’s being said that the producers are choosing the lingerie, in reality you can choose what lingerie’s chosen for your character(s).
You’re not, of course, expected to write out your characters/teams completing every single clue & assignment, but pick a few to have fun writing about on the dash. Give us an idea of how the hunt will go/have gone for your characters/team.
Due to the current uneven numbers, 1 team will be a team of 3.
At the end of the 3 week writing window, the winning pair will be announced on the dash!
Here are the pairs/teams:
Scavenger Hunt clues & assignments found below. The teams list will be posted soon. BE SURE TO CAST YOUR VOTES WHILE THERE’S STILL TIME!
Take turns snapping a photo of your team mate(s) doing jumping jacks.
I’m round, brown and versatile. Drink me, drink from me, wear me as a bra. What am I? Find me and take a picture of me with your team.
Take turns snapping photos of your team mate(s) doing their sexiest pose on the beach
I’m probably the most common color you see on the island. Look up, look down, I’m all around. I can keep you cool during the day and keep you protected at night. If you’re creative enough, I can even protect your upper and nether regions. What am I? Find me and take a picture of you and your team appreciating me in a useful way.
Take a selfie with your team, all of you giving your best duck face to the camera.
You need me to survive. I’m the 70% on earth and the 60% in you. In fact, it’s thanks to me that you’re stuck here. What am I? Go have some fun with me and take pictures as evidence.
Take a trip to the confessional bungalow, where you’ll find some classic photobooth props (feather boa, oversized glasses, masks, paper cutouts on sticks, etc.). Each teammate, throw on a prop and get close for a silly picture together.
It may have been funny to have named me ‘The Minnow’ but the producers figured most of you are too young to get the humor. Maybe they’re wrong. Are they? Find me and take a picture with me. Bonus if your team does their best ‘Washington Crossing the Delaware’ while taking a selfie Polaroid.
Choose who’s Big Spoon and who’s Little Spoon, cozy up to your team mate and take a photo together.
I’m a pop of color that comes and seasonally goes. Some wear me. Some make teas with me. Some admire me and nothing more. Leave me be and I’ll live a long life. Pluck me away and I’ll die. But like a hydra, more will grow in my place. What am I? Find me and take a picture of your team with at least 1 of me.
Show off your lingerie, strike your most sultry pose and let your teammate(s) take a picture.
While on this island, I am just about everywhere you want to be. Sometimes I’m everywhere you don’t want me to be. The cure to get me out of all those undesired follicles, cracks and crevices? Just add water. What am I? Lay out for a full body pose and take a picture or 2.
Choose a song that would be on your vacation/getaway playlist and sing at least 10 seconds of it to your team. Have your team mate take a picture of you while you’re singing it.
I’m a prize to be won but you have to work hard to get to me. Once you do, I’m yours to make the best of. Granted, I’m more of an amorous suite than a shag shanty. What am I? Although you can’t go inside (yet), find me and take a picture at my door.
Head back to the producer’s bungalow on the opposite side of the photo booth props. There, you’ll find a colorful, feathered friend or two for you to take a picture with. Work with the wildlife conservationist present to take a picture of the feathered friend perched on each teammate’s arm.
I’m best enjoyed when I’m a little bit hard. Strip me down so you can take me in your mouth. Sweet and delicious. Get it all in before I go soft and am less appealing. What am I? Find me and take a picture of you showing your capable grip of me.
Return to your clothesline on the beach and take a picture with your teammate. With your clothesline and hung photos in the background, take a selfie with your team giving each other a smooch (cheek, lips, etc. optional)
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lexfritterwrites · 4 years
Let Lips Do What Hands Do - Part 12
Wrapping it up!
It's warmer than it should be as Addie runs her finger along the countertop. Most of her belongings have been sold, some have been donated, and the majority of her books is packaged in boxes waiting for the used bookstore to collect. 
"You ready?" Taron asks as he picks up the bag off the floor. It's the last few things of hers to go as she's staying with him until he drives her to the airport in two days. She's graduated with honors, earned her certificates, hugged her students and packed up her flat. Her life in London is winding down and she’s doing her best to cherish her time with Taron.
“Yeah,” she says, slipping beneath his arm. He kisses the side of her head as she pulls the door behind her and locks it. “One last time.”
They attend a party at the pub hosted by Jack where Addie takes the time to reminisce with and say goodbye to all of her London acquaintances. Taron stays by her side, supportively squeezing her side when he feels her waning.
“Looks like it’s just us, kid,” Jack says, slipping his fingers into Addie’s. “I love you so much and I’ll see you in two days.”
Taron settles the bill while Jack and Addie hug, their warmth enveloping them.
“I love you,” Addie says before she kisses his cheek. She exhales deeply as she slides beneath Taron’s arm. “Let’s go home.”
Taron wasn’t sure if he should have planned more. He thought about getting a hotel room so they could live like royals, but the thought Addie leaving his space sooner than necessary didn’t settle. He wanted her smell to linger on the couch and in his bed, he wanted to see the imprints of her fingers on the doorway, he wanted to hear her laughter echoing up the staircase. He didn’t want to let her go.
He landed on a bottle of her favorite wine and plate of her favorite British sweets. Tears well in her eyes when she sees it, and she wraps her arms around his neck.
“Taron, this is too sweet!”
“It’s really nothing,” he says, pressing a kiss to her hair. “I am glad you like it though.”
“Taron, I think I’m making a mistake.”
“No, Addie,” he says gently. “You’re chasing your dreams and I’m chasing mine. If we’re meant to be together, we will be.”
Addie sighs and leans into him. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Pulling the plug from the sink, Addie closes her eyes and exhales. She’s been doing it a lot over the past week, but it’s the only thing she can do to calm herself.
“You okay, cariad?” Taron asks, dropping the towel he’d been using to dry the dishes onto its rack. He rubs her back deftly and she leans toward him.
“I think there’s an Adele song for this,” she says softly, turning so her nose is against his chest.
“That’s possible. There’s an Adele song for everything. She’s a queen.”
“Undoubtedly.” She curls her arms around his neck, breathing in all that he is. Taron in turn let’s his arms fall around her hips. They’ve had a day of this, sleeping in far too late for young adults in their prime but neither able to let the other out of an arm’s reach. “Taron?”
“Yes, Adelaide?”
“Take me upstairs?”
“It would be my genuine pleasure.”
She nods against his chest, kisses his neck and smiles as he looks at her.
It’s a slow journey to the bedroom they’ve shared for months, each step a countdown to the demise of their relationship as it stands. When they reach the door, Addie puts her hand to his chest.
“Will you give me a minute?” He nods. “Get comfy.”
Taron follows her request as she closes the bedroom door behind her. He tosses his shirt and lounge pants to the chair, and he quickly climbs under the covers where it’s warm.
Addie knows after the day they’ve had, falling into each other time and time again, it’s silly to get dressed up, yet she does it anyway.
Taron chuckles as a foot in a fuzzy sock sneaks past the door into the bathroom and slides sexily up the frame. Addie follows her foot with her arm and swings around the corner in a sheer, lacy little thing. Her breasts are snug in satin and the panties are held on by ribbon.
“Fuck, Adelaide,” Taron says as she pauses by the foot of the bed. She crawls toward him and kisses him.
“Thank you,” she says.
“For what?”
“I needed that reaction,” she says, “I need to remember just the way you looked at me.”
“I’ll always remember you,” he says, kissing her again before pulling her to straddle his lap. “My gorgeous girl.”
She watches the gleam in his eye as he gently loosens the ribbon on her right shoulder and gingerly traces the line of skin it reveals. His lips press lightly to the underside of her jaw and move slowly down her chest. Moaning as he sucks her nipple into between his teeth, Addie threads her fingers in his hair and shifts her hips. Taron grips her hip and makes quick work of the other ribbon. Tossing the frilly garment aside, he bends to kiss her other breast, his body aching to be with hers.
Cradling her neck with one hand, he unties her underwear and slips the lace away from her skin. Addie pushes the sheet around his waist just enough to slide onto his hard cock. He sighs as she moves, his thumb brushing across her cheek. Her skin is wet and Taron’s sob is muffled against her lips. She stills, and instead they cling to each other.
Moments later, Addie nods, takes a deep breath and moves again. It doesn’t take long for them to come together, and Taron brushes her bangs from her face.
They settle into bed with Addie draped across his chest, and he twirls her hair around his finger.
“It’s funny,” Taron says. “The odds of me ever having sex with another woman who wears socks is slim to none.”
“I am a rare duck,” Addie laughs. “Are you already planning on sleeping with other women?”
“It’ll happen, won’t it? If you’re not here and I’m not there, I’ll see other people and so will you.”
“Well fuck. I didn’t know you would already be thinking about it when we literally just finished.”
“It’s your socks, Adelaide! I love that you wear sex socks.”
“Yeah, good luck finding someone willing to tweak your bum hole how you like it.”
“Addie!” Taron gasps before stifling a laugh. “You did that yourself and I just happened to enjoy it.”
“I know,” she says, “and that is why no one will ever be able to compete with me.”
“No one could ever compete with you anyway."
“I know,” she says before gently biting the skin over his rib, “but I am going to make sure you remember my skills.”
Taron groans as her lips wrap around his cock.
A quick doze later and Addie wakes to Taron between her thighs, both of them giggling as he takes her apart. It’s a marathon after that, revisiting all of their favorite positions and sometime in the early morning, they give into sleep and curl around each other.
Taron makes breakfast in the morning and Addie checks her belongings one last time. She never thought a man would be the reason leaving London was so hard, but Taron wasn’t any man. Soul mates weren’t something she believed in, but she knew He was the great love of her life, and it would be nearly impossible to fill the ache leaving would cause.
But, as he said, they would be together if they were meant to be together.
The ride to the airport is nearly silent; Jack can’t even bring himself to say much. The two men help her unload her suitcases and Jack kisses her cheek.
“So long,” Addie says, “to you both. You have my heart and I will miss you dearly.”
Taron kisses her again, trying to convey how much she means to him with the press of his lips. “I love you.”
Addie nods, feeling the bubble in her throat. She thought she was finished crying, but it gets harder to resist as she looks at his face.
“My boys.” She says, hugging them both again.
Taron squeezes her hand as she turns away and doesn’t look back.
“You want to go get pissed?” Jack asks as Addie fades into the crowd.
“God yes.”
And the days of Taron Egerton and Adelaide Lee are over.
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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chatzy au log with @cassiegermaine, @ephrampettaline, and @joeyvoeman
Cassie heard the gunshots as she was thrown into a nearby car and she and the Skull Boys Leader were sped away from the scene. Cassie sat almost unmoving the entire trip. She didn’t know what to expect from Petal, but a dress shop wasn’t it. Retrospectively? It was a great cover, and Cassie was grateful she wasn’t dragged into some mucky underground instead. 
She was placed in a chair in the corner of the store floor, one of the burly Skull Boys tying her hands with rope. It wasn’t extra tight or elaborate, and felt more like show than anything. But Cassie was really surprised when they returned with a small plate dived with saltines and rationed out peanut butter. 
“Thanks…for the hospitality?” She squinted, taking the plate and balancing it on her lap.
Petal came over – changed into a different outfit, this time a pastel pink Chanel skirt suit and matching hat – and sat across from Cassie again, hands folded on the skull head of her cane. “We’re not savages, after all,” she said, and the Skull Boy placed a second plate of peanut butter crackers on the small table next to his boss. As well as a bucket of ice and a bottle of champagne, which Petal poured for them both. “Cincin,” she said with a merry laugh, drinking and then selecting a cracker.
Ephram holstered his gun, panting, and hung his hands against his hips as he paced in thought. “There’s only a few dress shops south of the river,” he said, “and most of them let the seamstress girls sleep there. Unwieldy places for holding a captive.” He looked at Joey from below angry, tightly-drawn brows, a spur of searing satisfaction – not enough, not nearly enough – in his belly at the sight of the blood on Voeman’s face. The blow Ephram had dealt him with his gun butt hadn’t been an intense one, but it’d been hard enough to vent frustration.
Joey had taken the hit gladly, honestly feeling as if he deserved it for letting both Ephram and Cassie down. His nose was gushing blood as it sat at an odd angle, but he ignored the tear-bringing pain as he tried his best to formulate a plan with Ephram. “Should we grab backup or try stealth?” he asked. Ephram had been his superior in the war, and he always looked to him for guidance. Joey was very much a follower, and he knew his place. “And the shipment. It’s compromised.”
Ephram turned his head and spat, following it with a string of curses. “Good thing we didn’t pay for those guns, then,” he said, biting off the words. “I’m not about to have tonight be a sweep on Kingfisher losses.” He turned and started back towards Clair de Lune, telling Joey, “Get us a car. I need to make a call.”
Joey nodded, feeling like a little boy in trouble with his Pa. He rushed out of the alley and drove the car with the shipment back to the compound for safe keeping, spending a little time in the bathroom to reset his own nose and apologizing to the maid for getting blood all over the towels before heading back to Clair de Lune with another car, waiting out front for Ephram. God, he’d really fucked up this time. 
He bashed his fist into the steering wheel, the release of rage feeling good for the moment. He imagined it was one of the Skull Boys. Whichever one took Cassie. He punched it more, seeing a face slowly turn to mush under his knuckles in his imagination. Then Cassie being so impressed with him she took him back. He got divorced from his bitch wife and….it was all an illusion. He knew this wouldn’t end well for him, in pretty much any capacity.
Cassie carefully balanced her glass of champagne as well, returning the toast and only taking a sip because Petal had done so before her. “If you wanted in with the Kingfisher’s – you didn’t have to orchestrate something this elaborate.” Cassie commented coolly, leaving her crackers untouched. She still hadn’t gotten a straight answer with Skull Boys, but the obvious was this, Petal wanted to lure them away from safe ground. Which could be more disastrous than Cassie initially gave them credit for. 
“Where are my children Petal?” She asked, trying to remain placid and calm, but her knuckles tightened around the glass. “That’s something I’m going to have to take personal.” There were guidelines, at the very least, and the Skull Boys seemingly trampled over that one.
Ephram swung himself into the car without greeting, merely barking out, “Larkspur and Camden. There’s a Russian dress shop there." 
He’d been damn lucky to get Freddie on the line at all, this random time at night; not lucky enough to avoid having to talk to Wawelski, but that was beside the point. And Freddie’d ponied up a possible location with a minimum of hornpipe dancing required, for which Ephram had the nagging feeling he’d owe his … fuck, his friend and business partner something later. "Do I need to tell you to drive up on it from the back roads, or can you figure that one out yourself?” It was an unkind and cutting comment, since Ephram well knew Joey’s capacity in a tense situation, but he didn’t feel like being kind.
Joey had thankfully gotten all his anger and frustration out before Ephram got into the car, because the last thing he need was the man thinking he’d not only lost his sister, but his own marbles. He didn’t respond to Ephram’s biting comments, simply grunting in understanding as he shifted into gear and headed off. It wasn’t too far a drive from where they were, but long enough for the tense silence to weigh down heavy on Joey’s mind and body, his shoulders hunching with every moment of Ephram’s seething sitting next to him. Finally, they made it to the dress shop, approaching inconspicuously from the back. He parked and turned to Ephram for orders.
Petal leaned forward, flashing a brilliant, pearly smile. “Oh, Cassie! I don’t have your children. I imagine they’re safe as plums in a cake, tucked away in their little cradles.” She sipped her champagne, still smiling. “That was only to get your attention and let you know we mean business. That’s what we’re all here for, right? Business.” She reached out and patted Cassie’s knee, a marquise-cut pink diamond ring sparkling on one elegant, waxen finger. “Yours, mine … ours.”
Cassie knew it could have been a ploy, but she wanted to take it more seriously than not, play on the safe side just in case The Skull Boys had reached out for her kids. They were watching them though. Close enough to be lurking around Addie’s birthday. Cassie tucked the information away for later, ego only slightly bruised that Petal could toy so easily with her. It was the cost of family. “My brother, or any of the Slap Jacks won’t take this as a business venture when they show up.” Cassie warned her. “If you have anything of real importance, you better clear it up fast.”
Petal kept on smiling at Cassie, although it curled a little more at the corners of her mouth. She toyed with the stem of her champagne glass, but then Bosco appeared looming up from the wooden stairs at the back of the room they were in, and Petal nodded. “It seems they’ve arrived,” she said, smoothing her skirt over her knees. “I think given your brother’s proclivities, I might just be able to … wriggle my way out of any sour mood he might be in, hmmmm?” Petal winked at Cassie and put her glass down so she could snug her hands under her Chanel-covered breasts and give them a primping heft.
Ephram had spent the drive sorting out the possible angles of approach, the possible outcomes, the possible pitfalls. But when the engine turned off and Joey looked at him expectantly, he found himself defaulting to what he’d always gone with when he was pressed down to the wire: what felt right in the moment. “Keep your jacket open,” Ephram said, his voice calm despite the low grate of its register. “Let them see what you’re carryin’. We’ll walk up to the back door. I’m sure they’re expecting us, anyhow." 
He got out of the car, unbuttoning his own suit jacket so the leather of his shoulder holster was obvious, and waited for Joey so they could walk abreast of each other instead of Ephram in front.
Joey did as he was cold, opening his bomber jacket to show the revolver tucked in his waistband. The same revolver that had killed one of the other Skull Boys only an hour or so before. "What’s the plan if it goes sideways. Gun’s blazin’?” he asked. Usually they weren’t keen on making so much noise if it was uncalled for, but this was Cassie they were talking about. He was sure the two of them would do just about anything to make sure she came back safe.
Ephram muttered, “We don’t have a whole lot of options here, Voeman. We’ll just have to make sure it don’t go sideways." 
Two block-shouldered Skull Boys eyefucked them as they approached, but once the Jacks were in hailing distance, one of them said, "Boss lady says you’re to go on up and meet her. Your sister too.” He pointed at Joey. “This hump better not go trigger-happy like he did back at Clair.”
Joey held his gaze with the Skull Boys that greeted them with a stern brow, trying his best not to clench his fists. “Don’t give me a reason and I won’t,” he said, like it was a generous offer.
Ephram let Joey go through the door first, following behind with their boots thumping thread dust from the wooden stairs as they mounted them. “Steady on, Sergeant,” Ephram said sotto voce to Joey’s broad back, once they got a glimpse of Cassie tied up to a chair and the extravagant Petal Popovitch sitting across from her for all the world like the two women had been discussing corsetry and ribbons.
Petal raked an avaricious, somewhat hungry gaze over the two men as they filled up the staircase, giving a pleased hum and folding her be-ringed hands over her knee as she crossed her legs. “Verrrrry nice,” she said. “I’ve seen you before, of course, my dear Kingfisher, but you–” Petal made a little claw gesture at Joey. “Rrrwowr.”
Joey simply glared at Petal as she lewdly ogled him. If it hadn’t been for Ephram’s quiet reminder, Joey would have been liable to pop off at any moment, seeing Cassie tied up like that. At least she didn’t look hurt in any way. “Keep your claws to yourself,” he muttered quietly.
“Ephram.” Cassie greeted the familiar face of her brother in a calm tone, her gaze falling to Joey next. The dimple in her cheek appeared as she smothered the tiniest grin. Mostly because she was laughing at herself, at the whole situation. “Joey.” She tilted her head back at Petal’s more enthusiastic greeting and added sarcastically, “Sorry about my friend. I guess not even all the meatheads on her payroll can keep her satisfied.”
Ephram scanned Cassie quickly before nodding at her, then greeting the Skull Boys boss. “Miss Popovitch,” he said. “This ain’t much of a friendly parlay, now, is it? At this hour of the night and with only crackers and champagne and ropes and abduction to smooth the way.” Very deliberately, Ephram told Joey, “Untie my sister, please, Joey.”
Joey nodded curtly, happy to stride over and do just that. He knelt down in front of Cassie, easily undoing the knot that kept her hands together. It wasn’t a very good knot at that. Joey had tied plenty of people up in his day, and this wasn’t how you did it. “They didn’t hurt you, did they?” he asked in a hushed voice, not able to help himself.
“Don’t worry about me.” Cassie shook her head, brushing off the rope and standing stiffly by her chair still. “Keep wise Joey.” She muttered even softer than before, her head only slightly tilting towards Ephram and the Skull Boy leader. “We’re not out of here yet.”
The cold shoulder from Joey and subsequent scold from Cassie brought a pout to Petal’s face, and she sniffed, rubbing some imaginary smudge from her pink diamond and holding it up to admire as it sparkled even in the low light. “Yes, fine, untie her,” Petal said, “we weren’t intending to keep her, heavens to betsy. This was only a shot across the bow, Mr. Kingfisher. After all, the Skull Boys are capable of also flying governmental colours, if we get the chance.” She kept Joey and Cassie in the periphery of her vision, but Petal’s attention was chiefly on Ephram and the look of sudden understanding that crossed his face at her comment.
Petal leaned back in her chair, settling her shoulders from side to side and causing her bosom to move in all sorts of ways. “So about that parlay, Mr. Kingfisher,” she said. “If you’ve got a moment to spare….”
Ephram met her eyes for a long beat, then turned to Joey. “Take Cassie,” he said, putting one hand on Joey’s shoulder, “and wait in the car for me. They won’t try to stop you. I’ll be along directly. Don’t come back inside, just wait till I come out.” Ephram gave Joey a searching look, willing the man to listen to him and follow his instructions, no matter what other impulses Joey might have. “You hear me? Take Cassie with you and keep her safe in the car. I’ll be along.”
Joey didn’t like this. He didn’t like it at all. Leaving Ephram here by himself rubbed him the wrong way, but at least he was still trusting Joey with his sister, so that was a good sign. He just nodded at the order, guiding Cassie back to the car with no resistance from the Skull Boys, just as he’d said. “What does she want?” he asked once they were out of earshot. “What happened?”
Cassie eyes widened, “What? No!” It was the first time she’d raised her voice throughout the entire ordeal. She didn’t trust Petal, a part of her didn’t trust Ephram’s judgement which spelled nothing but a recipe for disaster. “Don’t touch me. Damn it Ephram, don’t be stupid.” She was glaring daggers at him, they were supposed to handle things jointly. 
But Joey guided her out of the room. Cassie smacked him when they were back at the car, and hit his broad chest again for good measure. “Hell if I know.” She grumbled. “She seemed interested in Freddie Watts. My role with Slap Jacks. But she just did a lot of fancy blathering too.”
Joey took his licks from the other Kingfisher this time, his cheek stinging as he listened to her. “I didn’t like leaving him in there either, but what was I suppose to do, Cassie? I already killed two of their goons to find out where they took you.” He’d thought for a moment he’d lost her and his life in well fell swoop. At least he was sure one of those things was safe now. “She’s either dumb as a sack of bricks or she’s got an ace up her sleeve. Either way, I don’t trust her far as I can throw her.” He ran a hand through his short, crop of hair. “Your kids are safe, by the way. I checked on ‘em before we came over…”
Since Joey had posed it as a question, Cassie answered him unflinching, “You do as I say, no matter what.” Being taken off the streets had shaken her just a little deep down, and she was taking her frustration out on Joey, because she could. “Ephram makes the decisions but someone’s gotta be there for checks and balances. That’s me.” 
She kicked the tire of the car lightly, glancing back over her shoulder to squint at the upper story window of the dress shop. “They’ve been watching the kids. Who knows how long the Skull Boys have been skulking around for a chance.”
Joey crossed his arms. “And what is it you’d have me do then?” He sighed in frustration. He knew how their partnership worked, but Ephram wasn’t really one to respect it, and it always put Joey in a hard position. He was horrified when she informed him they’d been watching the kids. “I’ll fucking kill 'em if I see them around your kids.”
Cassie huffed, knowing at this point her complaints and demands didn’t mean much of anything. They were outside on the sidewalk and Ephram was indoors with Petal doing god knows what. “I don’t know. But at least I’d get to tell Ephram he was being a fucking idiot to his face.” She grumbled again. Cassie waved Joey off, “Yeah, don’t get me wrong I appreciate the offer-“ She looked back to Joey and his busted up face again, “But let’s keep the bloodshed to a minimum for now. My brother can’t be losing a loyal Jack and starting a war all at the same time.”
“Right. I’ll keep it professional,” he said curtly, slightly mirroring their earlier conversation. He was a bit tired of being kicked around in the moment, even by Cassie, and so he just leaned against the car, striking up a cigarette as he waited for Ephram to return. He looked at his watch, ready to give it about ten more minutes before he charged in there. He tapped Cassie on the shoulder and offered her a cigarette between his fingers.
Cassie rolled her eyes slightly at him, hearing the irritation in his voice. “Take it easy.” Cassie sighed. “You know that’s not what I meant.” She started to tap her heel in an anxious manner as they stood there continuing to wait, and took the cigarette when it was offered. “If Skull Boys really wanna patch it up, Ephram’s clearly listening.” She motioned to the window, before turning so that Joey could light the cigarette for her. After a drag she added, “If it didn’t touch business? I’d let you kill Petal. And if your nose wasn’t all broken and crooked-“ Cassie smirked slightly, “I’d even give you a thank you kiss.”
“Do I?” Joey asked. Cassie, like her brother, was notoriously hard to read. But he let himself relax a bit, the tenseness in his shoulders slouching as Cassie spoke. At the mention of a kiss, he felt himself perk up on instinct, but then he smirked a smirk that didn’t quite make it up to his eyes. Sadness filled his eyes. Longing. Loss. “Don’t tease me, Cassie.”
Cassie shook her head at Joey’s puppy dog like look. Then that plea. The sad thing was, she did like Joey quite a bit. But it would never work. She could steel herself to that fact, but he just couldn’t. “I would kiss you, you lug.” Cassie insisted, taking another puff from her cigarette, “If you didn’t get lost in your fantasies. I wonder how you ever made it to work with the Slap Jacks at all aside from being war buddies with my brother.” She squinted up at him, waving some of the access smoke away, “Kingfisher’s can’t let business and love intertwine. It’s a dangerous disaster.”
“You didn’t have a problem with my fantasies when they involved you laid out under me,” Joey whispered, approaching her from behind and laying his hands on her shoulders, letting them trail down her arms slowly. But just as quickly, he pulled away, knowing what he was doing to himself. “I’m sorry. You’re right.” He took another drag from his cigarette. “You’re always right…”
Cassie scowled at the whisper. It was an overly cocky comment coming from him, but before Cassie even got the chance to retort or deflect Joey backed down again. It was only slightly pathetic. If he hadn’t gotten wrapped up with the Slap Jacks, he probably could have made something more out of himself than a trailing heavy hitter. “Well, at least someone has that figured out.”
The back door to the dress shop opened and shut with a bang that could be heard all the way to the two waiting by the car, the noise heralding the appearance of Ephram’s tall frame long-legging it towards them at a rushed clip that showed the slight limp the war had left him with. “Let’s go,” he said tightly when he reached them, his face drawn and pale, beads of sweat standing out across his brow and down the line of his nose. He huddled in his seat, arms folded tight and tucked in around himself, and when one of the Skull Boys appeared unexpectedly out of the darkness Ephram looked like he might be violently sick. 
“Boss said you forgot something,” the Skull Boy said, handing Cassie a lace-edged handkerchief and sauntering off back to his post. The fine, soft cloth fell delicately open when she took it; nestled there in the pretty folds of fabric was Ephram’s neatly excised, bloodstained left ring finger.
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drugstoreglitter · 6 years
my massively long to-do list
secret history verse starters   — ambrose & cordelia   — ambrose & sabine   — pepper & kitty   — pepper & sebastian   — maybe a posh 5 group thread   — cassandra & zella
shamless verse starters   — isla & reggie & niamh   — addy & matty & gus
fox hill verse starters   — archie & desmond   — lo & kish   — will & atticus   — pepper & gwen
replies   — kitty & ronnie   — margo & ronnie   — archie & casey   — archie & desmond   — will & kathy   — archie & desmond   — lo & kathy   — lo & ronnie   — archie & Dylan
divinity verse starters   — scout & loretta   — scout & isla   — jude & isla replies   — felicite & darius   — jude & loretta
general indie replies   — archie & hara   — archie & hara 2   — lo & mickey (new york)   — tessa & presley   — jack & primrose   — greta & alice   — finn & evie   — finn & claire
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dolcevitamamma · 3 years
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Sunday Show and Tell🌼 POST TWO OF TWO ✨ My current turnaround time is 8 weeks, the middle of September😊 Please note that the script, rainbow script and italic fonts are included up to 8 letters, but the Nora, Addie and Custom fonts are extra add ons as they take much more time ($3 per letter). OTM is Off the Menu RB Script is Rainbow Script EW is extra wide 1. “Sunny” 24” lovey in the Double trim EW OTM Creamsicle and Butterscotch Velvets with the hand embroidered XL lowercase Addie font with a custom Sun and the organic Sun backing 2. “Farrah JEanne” 24” lovey in the EW Dusty Rose velvet with lace, the hand embroidered RB Script font and a flower 3. “Eleanor Sutton” 17” lovey in the OTM Iced Peach velvet with the lowercase hand embroidered Nora font and the organic Petite Floral backing 4. “Jack Robert” 24” lovey in the EW OTM Mediterranean velvet with the hand embroidered RB Script font and a matching doll lovey 5. “Reagan Pearce” 17” lovey in the Vanilla velvet with lace and the hand embroidered Script font in the Rose Gold thread 6. “Callum” 24” lovey in the EW Dusty Blue velvet with the hand embroidered RB Script font 7. Custom doll lovey in the OTM Baby Blue velvet with the Rainbow Dinosaurs organic backing 8. “Macie” 24” lovey in the EW Vanilla velvet with the hand embroidered RB Script font 9. Don’t miss the first post, there are some more beautiful names and colors! If you are a follower of mine here, please comment on and like this post to be entered in a monthly draw to win one of TWO $40 shop credits💛💵💛Winners will be announced August 1st✨✨✨And on Winning Wednesdays every week I am giving away at doll lovey! Giveaway is from Wednesday to Thursday winner announced Fridays and the best part is it is ready to ship! If you are outside of the US you will have to pay the shipping😘 Fridays I have Ready to Ship Doll Loveys in my Shop at 9 am pst, and there are often a few leftovers available so you can get a quick gift!😊 #sundayshowandtell #personalized #baby #handembroidered #handlettered #expecting #babyshower #nurserydecor #dolcedreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CRfpEUaAzJl/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
boogibbs · 6 years
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hehehe it’s ooc!
hellooooooo everyone!! i wanna start this off by saying thank you to everyone who was so kind to me the other day!! i was really down in the dumps and you all made me feel a little bit better ( also thank u rai for posting on my behalf ). i wanted to be on yesterday but i wasn’t feeling great and work had me exhausted. i’m working 8:30-5:30 everyday this week which is another reason my activity may be spotty??? not sure how i’ll feel the next few nights but i’m hoping to pump out some replies today. this is a queue’d post so i should be getting off of work right about now. i’ll put my current to-do lists below and if you’re not on it and should be let me know!!!
starter 4 jj
lloyd ( i just found our old thread omg sry kween! )
jack jack
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mostwonderfulstory · 4 years
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Goal: 5000 pages
Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaira (336 pages)
The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta (360 pages)
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco (336 pages)
Mister Miracle (320 pages)
And the Ocean Was Our Sky by Patrick Ness (160 pages)
10 Things I Hate About Pinky by Sandhya Menon (368 pages)
Meet Cute: Some People Are Destined to Meet (323 pages)
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 1: The Apocalypse Suite (184 pages)
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 2: Dallas (192 pages)
The Upside of Falling by Alex Light (288 pages)
The Umbrella Academy, Vol. 3: Hotel Oblivion (216 pages)
One of Us Is Lying by Karen M. McManus (361 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 2: Soul Hunter (136 pages)
Hunting Prince Dracula by Kerri Maniscalco (435 pages)
The Flatshare by Beth O'Leary (400 pages)
Retribution Rails by Erin Bowman (374 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 3: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly (162 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 4: Deadpool vs. S.H.I.E.L.D. (136 pages)
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire (206 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 5: The Wedding of Deadpool (168 pages)
Guantánamo Kid by Jérôme Tubiana (168 pages)
Deadpool: Dracula's Gauntlet (200 pages)
The Wrong Side of Right by Jenn Marie Thorne (400 pages)
Escaping from Houdini by Kerri Maniscalco (416 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 6: Original Sin (144 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 7: AXIS (136 pages)
The Shadows Between Us by Tricia Levenseller (326 pages)
Deadpool, Volume 8: All Good Things… (176 pages)
Black Widow, Volume 1: The Finely Woven Thread (144 pages)
The Punisher, Volume 1: Black and White (136 pages)
Black Widow, Volume 2: The Tightly Tangled Web (160 pages)
The Punisher, Volume 2: Border Crossing (160 pages)
Deadpool vs. Carnage (120 pages)
Chain of Gold by Cassandra Clare (624 pages)
Daredevil, Volume 1: Devil at Bay (160 pages)
Daredevil, Volume 2: West-Case Scenario (152 pages)
Winter Soldier: The Bitter March (112 pages)
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier, Volume 1: The Man on the Wall (112 pages)
The Punisher, Volume 3: Last Days (176 pages)
Black Widow, Volume 3: Last Days (176 pages)
One of Us Is Next by Karen M. McManus (377 pages)
Bucky Barnes: The Winter Soldier, Volume 2: Last Days (136 pages)
Daredevil, Volume 3: The Daredevil You Know (112 pages)
Daredevil, Volume 4: The Autobiography of Matt Murdock (104 pages)
The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab (Started, 180 pages)
Total: 10,568 pages.
0 notes
rivalstv · 7 years
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This newest episode is all about skill-- the trainees will finally get to perform their individual skillset to the world. Those who are trainees in multiple fields were asked to pick the field they feel strongest in, and they have been divided into groups of two to three for this week’s performances
To earn points for you trainee, please complete the following tasks. These are not mandatory, and can be done at any time and still be counted. Refer back to last week’s tasks for more you can do, if you have not done them already
Weekly Confessional: post an interview or confessional about how your character is adapting to dorm life and the competition, along with their reactions to this weeks performances.*
Drabble: Write a short drabble (IC or OOC) about the hardest thing in your trainee’s career, be it an injury, family issues, problems with other trainees, or more!
Threads: threads to do with the show can earn you points too. Para threads (200+ words) are worth more points than gif chats and one liners. Threads played out to their completion are worth even more points; if you dinish a thread, submit the link to the last post in the thread to the Idol Project blog.
Self Paras: self paras to do with the show (ie practicing, dorm life, self reflection, performances, calls home) can also earn you points. These can be done as often as you’d like as long as you provide some variety in the content.
Weekly Challenge: The trainees have been divided into teams of up to three according to their position and field of choice. They will have to create a routine together-- be it a rap, choreography, original song, or a cover of a song-- and perform it for a live audience. Write a short para (IC or OOC) about your character’s reaction to all of this– we’d like to see something about the practice, the collaboration, and their performance.*
Tasks can be completed at any time. Episode-specific tasks are indicated with a little ‘*’ above, so when you complete them (even if you end up doing it in a few weeks or something), be sure to mark it as ‘EPISODE FOUR’, be it as a title or in the info before your self para or something like that. Any completed tasks and challenges can be tagged ‘rivalsipdone’
For this week’s performance, as stated above, each team will perform a skill-specific piece that they put together on their own, and do it in front of a live audience too. For the sake of keeping things organized, we have provided suggestions for stages below. If you have talked with your partner (if applicable) and have come up with an alternative you’d rather do, please message the main! Coaches have been brought in to work with each group, and those will be show as well. The performance suggestions are as follows:
Sean and Bambi will be performing No Filter + Slash Hyunjoo and Mirae will be performing Hit the Road Jack + Eli Kyle and Rey will be performing I’m Yours + Jiwoo Yena and Taeha will be performing Dangerous Love + Saint Jisung and Addie will be performing Shut Up and Groove +Eunwoo Artemis and Jinhee will be performing Beside Me + Athena Myungji, Mercedes and Chanmi will be performing Goodbye + Mihye Raekyung and Choko will be performing Hanriver + Reina
This is for the entire roleplay, not just the trainees! VOTE HERE for your favorites! It will be noted that the popularity vote results affect the ranking very little. The vote is just for fun.
The weekly ranking will be posted on August 5th, and a summary of episode one will be posted on the 6th.
@rvslash @lizarv @rvxjiwoo @rvsaint @shrinesrv @rvathena @rvmihye @rvxreina
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ephrampettaline · 5 years
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chatzy au log with @cassiegermaine, @ephrampettaline, @freddiewatts, and @thatwhichbindsus
Ephram found it somewhat telling of the Kingfishers' current state of affairs that holding Addie's birthday party at the Soapham Zoological Gardens was a better nod to safety than having the celebration on the grounds of their own manor, but he doubted any of that made a difference to the little girl as she demanded to be pushed in her hippo-shaped cart, not caring that it was a couple of Jacks who were waiting on her hand and foot. 
Besides, Ephram was fond of the zoo himself and always had been; he pushed the paper crown that his niece had bestowed upon him further back on his head as he squinted up at the pair of giraffes that the gardens boasted. "You've always been my favourites," he told them gravely, through cigarette smoke.
“Do you think they recognise you as a relative, darling?” Freddie asked, coming up behind Ephram, a smile in his voice, “Or are you more of a stork overall?”
Ephram stifled a smirk at Freddie's question. "I never answer questions that might incriminate me, particularly when it comes to the matter of relatives," he said, then looked at Freddie askance. "Didn't you get yourself a cup of tea when you dropped off your gift for Addie? The cake's awful good too, have a slice." Ephram nodded over at where Mrs. Hudson was presiding over the refreshments. "She'll be just thrilled to see you." 
He let the smirk through as Freddie was duly dispatched, watching the neat, precise lines of Watts' suit as he sauntered off to collect his tea and cake.
Cassie took the oppurtunity at the local zoo to relax a little bit when it came to business. Not that Cassie could completely forget, considerng a pair of Slapjacks were currently carting the birthday girl around but, it was actually a chance for celebration. Not to mention out in the open and completely public. Addie seemed to be having a good time anyways, and Cassie decided that was what mattered most of all. She was over by the hippo exhibit helping Albie stand on his feet against the glass when the red head peled out in louder laughter. Cassie glanced over her shoulder, frowning at the sight of Freddie watts in the distance. What did he want now?
Freddie sampled a bit of cake, finding it a trifle too sweet, then collected a cup of tea and strolled back over to Ephram, who was still apparently chatting with his countrymen over at the giraffe enclosure. “So what did you get her then?” he asked with a grin. “I’m curious as to whether or not I’ve shown you up.”
"An investment in some real estate in London, which she's got less than no interest in," Ephram said, thumbing at the side of his nose with a smile, "and a pair of new white button boots with a pink parasol and travelling case to match, which only her mother could prevent her from wearing and carrying around immediately."
Freddie nodded his surprised approval with a smile. “Well, all little girls do enjoy property acquisition,” he chuckled, “But those boots and parasol should look darling with the dress I’ve given her.” He smirked, sipping his tea. “It seems we work well together, even when we’re not trying. I’ve given her pop guns as well though - think Cass will approve?”
Ephram blew smoke from the corner of his mouth with a huff. "Are you joking? She won't approve even one fraction of an amount. But whether that's because they're cap guns or because they came from you is the bigger question." Freddie had been bang on the money when he'd said that Cassie didn't much like anybody except Ephram and sometimes he even had his doubts about that. "But since you've brought it up -- how soon until you can have those suits ready for me? I'm getting mightily tired of wearing this one and the other two are already swelling the ranks in Mrs. Hudson's rag bin."
Freddie raised a wry sort of eyebrow. "That rather depends on the figure you want to cut, darling. If I'm to guess at your measurements, then I can have them done in a fortnight, good taste be damned. But if you'd like something befitting your stature and my label, I'll need you into the shop for a proper fitting first."
"In the shop?" Ephram's gaze scanned over Freddie as if he could discern what was in the man's pockets by sight alone as he said, "--don't you carry a tape measure with you, isn't that what all tailors worth their thread do?" If Ephram's assessing look turned up any other interesting discoveries about what Freddie was carrying on him, it didn't show on his face.
"Oh, I'm prepared to work anywhere you'd like, love - but I thought you might prefer to make an appointment." Freddie smiled, a bit shark-like. "I'm flexible, though. After the party suit you?"
Ephram gave a slow blink and nod of agreement. "After the party suits me just fine." 
Cassie wandered over slowly to the giraffe area where Ephram and Freddie stood chatting. She only just caught a few words about tailoring and cleared her throat, "I hope you're as skilled as my brother says." Cassie spoke plainly, "I haven't had proper dress since my husband's funeral. And black isn't really my color." 
 Addie's hippo chariot drove up just then, the young guest of honour gesturing grandly with a toy sceptre for her drivers to stop near her uncle and Freddie, and she said for the other man's edification, "This is my birthday, that means you have to bring me a present, did you bring me one?"
Ephram answered first: "Mr. Watts brought you a present, Addie, you'll see it when you open them. It's -- what's it wrapped like, Freddie?"
Freddie gave a little bow to the imperious toddler, flanked by her courtiers, delighted by her greed. "It's the large-ish one wrapped in purple and gold. Do you see it there?"
Cassie stopped observing Freddie Watts when her daughter rolled up in her special chariot, biting back a smile as she glanced between the pair and the present table that was continously growing. "You should wait a little longer Adeline." Cassie advised. "There might be more friends yet."
Ephram smiled into his shirt cuff as Addie stared at Freddie for a moment, not yet having made up her mind if he was to believed or not. "Looks just like her mother, don't she?" he murmured just as Cassie put in her two cents when it came to the stack of gifts towering behind Mrs. Hudson. Adeline nodded, surveying her bounty, and then favoured Freddie with a smile. "I see it, purple and gold," she said, then motioned her courtiers to drive her towards the flamingoes.
“Just like her mother,” Freddie said sotto voce to Ephram, a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth, before he turned to Cassie, lifting her hand to kiss it. “Cassandra, darling, how lovely to see you again.”
"Wanna go see the spiders?" Mike asked, running his fingers up her side to imitate them crawling all over them. Ciara cringed, and stepped away, smiling up at her husband playfully.
"Not when hell freezes over. You can go see them by yourself and the snakes too." She replied, pulling her coat thicker around herself. Mike dropped a kiss on the top of her head.
"Meet by the tigers?" He asked, and Ciara nodded, reaching up to kiss him quickly before he strode off, following the signs to the indoor enclosures. Shuddering at the thought, Ciara wandered along the large mammals section, knowing she had plenty of time to herself to just marvel at the beasts before he returned.
Cassie smiled smoothly at Freddie's greeting, giving him a slight nod in aknowledgement. It only seemed fair, considering she'd all but ignored him the days before. "Right. Because we haven't seen each other in ages." She laughed under her breath. Her hand fell back at her side and she tilted her chin up to look at the pile of gifts for the birthday kid. "It was generous of you to come out. What did you bring the little girl anyways?"
"Here we go. Have you started a ledger for Addie yet?" Ephram pinched his cigarette end cold and pocketed the tiny stub, not having broken the habit from wartime despite it only leaving him with pockets full of loose scorched tobacco. He caught sight of a newly-familiar woman a few animal enclosures down, and narrowed his focus on her, trying to make her out.
"A dress, and a pair of pop guns," Freddie said smoothly. "She seems like a little girl with spirit. And," he added with a cheeky gleam in his eye, "-she is a Kingfisher, after all. Best she get accustomed to the weight of a pistol sooner, rather than later."
Ephram reached over to take Albert from where he was balanced on Cassie's hip, curious to see what his sister's response to Freddie's supposition would be. They hadn't discussed what place Cassie's children might take in Kingfisher business, not formally. Ephram just figured that they'd grow up into the business, the same way he and Cassie had.
"No..." Cassie started, only slightly suspicious when Ephram staunched his cigerette and had that particularly telling pinch in the expression of his face. She blinked largely, a little dumbfounded by the mention of pop guns. "That's wildly inappropriate. Besides. Not every successful Kingfisher carries a loaded fire arm." Her lips were thinnned in irritation, thinking she might just let Addie keep the toy if she were to only use it on Freddie Watts exclusively. "We'll see what she thinks of them." Was all Cassie said instead, hesitating for a moment before handing the baby over into Ephram's searching arms.
Ephram murmured against Albie's soft knitted cap, "--Freddie's nothing if not wildly inappropriate, sister. It's hardly surprising."
"It's one of my better qualities, I find," Freddie added with a little grin.
The hackles on the back of Ciara's neck rose, feeling the gaze of someone on her. Couldn't work in her line of work without making enemies, and as unassuming as the zoo was, there were always people who posed a risk. She turned slowly, unassumingly, and glanced around idly until she caught the source of his inopportune gaze. Ephram Kingfisher, right here, with his sister, his niece, and Freddie Watts. Now wasn't that interesting. She gaze him a small wave, but would not intrude without invitation. She didn't want to look too keen.
Noticing when Ephram's attention seemed to be caught elsewhere, Freddie followed the bigger man's eyes until he landed on Officer Woodman, and narrowed his own for a moment, finally breaking out in a large smile and beckoning her over. "Officer Woodman?" he called, "Join us, love."
Ephram's lips curled slightly at one corner when he realized it was indeed Ciara, but the expression dropped when Freddie -- curse the way the man seemed to notice every fucking thing -- invited the detective over. "Bloody infidel you are, Watts," he muttered.
"If we're going to be working together, darling," Freddie murmured back, still smiling at Ciara, "Your friends need to be my friends too."
Ephram grunted. "I'll keep that in mind when I've got her on my dick."
"Haven't you had her already?" Freddie asked, "My my, love, you're losing your touch."
"Only refining my methods," Ephram said, jogging the baby in his arms a little. "Sweetie." He dropped the grumping and assumed a more pleasant look when Ciara approached, which was helpfully made even more non-threatening by the paper crown Ephram had forgotten he was wearing. "Enjoying the zoo, Miss Woodman?"
Ciara made no comment of her being neither Officer nor a miss as she approached them, charming and as pleasant as she had been before, smiling at the both of them. "I always do. I came to see the newborn elephants. Pleasure to meet you again, Mr. Kingfisher."
She turned to Freddie, offering her hand. "I don't believe we've met, although you clearly know of me already."
Freddie smiled, taking her hand and giving it a polite kiss. "I do my best to keep abreast of the local colour," he said, "Freddie Watts. Lovely to finally meet you."
Ephram watched Freddie being gracious with ill-disguised annoyance, although he kept from sniping at his ... Christ, what was he supposed to call him, anyhow? Ephram sneered inwardly at his own indecision. Friend. He might as well think of him as a friend, because Ephram was discovering to his great discomfort that he'd very much missed having someone he could think of that way. "Newborn elephants, you said? How big does that make em? Tall as me, or short as Freddie?"
Ciara raised her eyebrows in intrigued amusement. "The pleasure is mine. You're a tailor, am I right? Highly esteemed, too." She turned back to Ephram, grinning at his joke. "Smaller than even me, for the moment, although I doubt they'll stay that way long. Cute as this little one, though," Ciara said, pointing at Addie.
"I am, darling, yeah," Freddie said, always pleased to hear that his reputations - all of them, likely - had preceded him. "You should pop round the shop. I've a few shades of silk in that would be absolutely gorgeous on you." Pointedly ignoring Ephram's jibe about his height, he carried on, "And I've heard you're a woman with a discerning eye."
Cassie was at a bit of loss when the dectective came over. What were the chances of that in the city of Soapham? If Ciara hadn't made her interests known the day before, maybe Cassie could have excused it, but now? That was hardly gonna happen. She stood quietly almost behind Ephram and Freddie, keeping a keen eye on the children and the rest of the zoo viewers who mowed around the close animal habitats. Her eyes widened when she saw Addie reapproaching with something hidden behind her back, and Cassie's assumption were confirmed when the little girl pulled out the newly unwrapped pop guns and screamed. "BANG. BANG. BANG. YOU'RE DEAD." She stood, waiting and expectant for a moment before pouting, "Mama, they're supposed to play dead." 
Cassie smiled stiffly, "What did I tell you about waiting?" Addie shrugged pointing the pop gun to Ciara again, "The new friend came!"
Ephram thanked God and Jesus and all the fishes in the ocean that he was holding his baby nephew at the moment, because all around him he could tell that various Slap Jacks were reaching for their weapons when Adeline flourished her new toy guns with attendant shrieks -- and he would have been reaching for his own piece as well. "This friend didn't come over for you, Addie," Ephram said, and Albie, the loudness catching up to him, started to snuffle and fuss.
Freddie chuckled at Addie's little hit, and beamed at the group, winking, "Lovely. I knew she'd like them."
Addie frowned deeply at the news that Ciara's presence was not for her enjoyment alone, and she scowled as well as a young girl could. "But it's /my/ birthday."
Ciara smiled. "I'll be sure to take you up on the invitation to visit, although I am hardly your usual clientele." Her eyes drifted to little Addie then, and smiled down at her. "Hello sweetheart. Mrs. Kingfisher. That's an impressive toy you have there, sweet heart. Are they new?"
Ephram murmured shushing noises against Albie's head as the baby hiccupped, and Adeline pointed one of her new shiny guns at Freddie. "He gave me them," she said, a canny expression on her face. "Because it's my birthday and it's polite to bring a present to a birthday." She graced Freddie with a sunny smile, then shot her guns at a luckless pigeon that happened to be scuttling by.
Freddie grinned down at Adeline. "You're a crack shot, too, love," he told her, "No one will ever see you coming."
Ephram shook his head. "Hellfire," he said, "you're trying to make her as mercenary as you are, Freddie." He sidled a little closer to Ciara. "That man you were with -- your husband? I didn't realize you'd walked down the aisle, Miss Woodman. Mrs. Woodman."
Freddie winked at Addie. "I know a kindred spirit when I see one."
"I'm very sorry for being rude, I didn't know," Ciara replied, with no intention of making up for this rudeness. If the wealthy wanted to spoil their children, they would have to face the inevitable tantrums. She looked up at Ephram with the same intensity of the previous meeting, and nodded. "A few years now. I see him now, actually, I should probably return to him for now. I'm sure we'll meet again soon."
Ephram nodded, saying, "I'd count on it, Mrs. Woodman."
Freddie bristled silently, annoyed by everything about the little pregnant pause shared between Ephram and Woodman, but smiled politely all the same. "Do make sure to drop by the shop, love," he said as she departed, "I'll count on seeing you."
"I wouldn't have guessed she was hitched in a million years." Cassie murmured, giving Addie a pointed look a few seconds later as the girl continued to be loud and disruptive with her pop guns. It was bothering her brother, not that the little red head minded in the slightest. "You think her husband is on everything?" She posed the question to Ephram. "May be the way to cut to the quick with her."
Ephram switched Albie to his other side, hrrming thoughtfully. "I think the husband might carry a badge his own self," he said. "But knowing that she can be bought? I doubt it. She's slick as if the cat licked her." He looked at Freddie. "What do you make of Mrs. Woodman, eh? Since the cat licked you first and slickest."
"I think that anyone so freely able to be bought will always go to the highest bidder," Freddie said. "It's just a matter of appropriate funds."
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dolcevitamamma · 4 years
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Sunday Show and Tell ✨🌟✨ POST TWO OF TWO ✨ My current turnaround time is 11.5 weeks🤗 See my current Shop updates in my Stories tomorrow, and there will be a tab in my Highlights if you miss it🌟 Please note that the script, rainbow script and italic fonts are included up to 8 letters, but the Nora, Addie and Custom fonts are extra add ons as they take much more time ($3 per letter). OTM is Off the Menu RB Script is Rainbow Script EW is extra wide 1. “Autumn Louise” 45” blanket in the extra thin Original trim Dusty Mauve velvet with lace and the hand embroidered RB Script font 2. “Jack” 45” blanket in the Olive velvet with the hand embroidered Rainbow Script font 3. “Luna Rae” 24” lovey in the EW Dusty Rose velvet with the hand embroidered Script font and a moon 4. “Ryleigh” 45” blanket in the Vanilla velvet with the hand embroidered RB Script font 5. “Calvin James” 24” lovey in the EW Charcoal velvet with the hand embroidered Italic font in the Dusty Blue thread 6. “London” 17” lovey in the Dusty Rose velvet with the hand embroidered RB Script font 7. “Navy Elle” 24” lovey in the Vanilla velvet with the hand embroidered Script font in the Rose Gold thread 8. “Stetson” 14” lovey In the OTM Deep Teal Velvet with the hand embroidered Block Italic font 9. “Stephen” 24” lovey in the EW Navy velvet with the hand embroidered Script font and a date 10. Don’t miss the first post, there are some more beautiful names and colors! If you are a follower of mine here, please comment on and like this post to be entered in a monthly draw to win one of TWO $40 shop credits💛💵💛Winners will be announced November 1st✨✨And on Winning Wednesdays every week I am giving away at doll lovey! Giveaway is from Wednesday to Thursday winner announced Fridays and the best part is it is ready to ship! If you are outside of the US you will have to pay the shipping😘 #sundayshowandtell #personalized #madewithlove #nursery #babygift #personalizedgifts #handembroidered #handlettering #heavenlyvelvetmuslinblanket #expecting #nurserydecor #dolcedreams https://www.instagram.com/p/CGggZ9ngI-T/?igshid=1if44e6tgjtq0
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dolcevitamamma · 5 years
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Sunday Show and Tell ✨🌟 POST TWO OF TWO ✨ My current turnaround time is 6 weeks, which is short for me🤗 Please note that the Script, Rainbow script and Italic hand embroidered fonts are included up to 8 letters, but the Nora, Addie and custom fonts are extra as it takes me much longer to do ($3 per letter). Stars and moon are $4 each✨ 1. 24” lovey in the extra wide Off the Menu Peach velvet with hand embroidered Moon and Stars and the Pink Star organic muslin backing 2. “Israel Ruth” 45” blanket in the Vanilla velvet, lace, and the hand embroidered script font in the peach thread 3. “Renly” 24” lovey in the Harlow Floral Frenzy velvet with the hand embroidered script font 4. “Vera Joy” 17” organic lovey in the Iced Blush velvet, lace, and the hand embroidered lowercase Nora font 5. “Jack” Doll lovey in the extra wide Dusty Blue velvet, and the hand embroidered Nora font 6. “Marilla” 14” lovey in the Dusty Rose velvet with lace and the hand embroidered Script font 7. “Palmer” 17” lovey in the Dusty Mauve velvet with the hand embroidered Nora font If you haven’t seen the new colors that are “Off the Menu”, check my highlights in my bio!😍 BTW Off the Menu means it is not permanent and may not always be there due to availability✨ If you are a follower of mine here, please comment on and like this post to be entered in a monthly draw to win one of two $30 shop credits💛 Winners will be announced February 1st✨✨Enter to win a doll lovey on Winning Wednesdays🎉 #sundayshowandtell #personalizedgifts #babygifts #madewithlove #handmadeisbetter #handlettered #handembroidered #heavenlyvelvetmuslinblanket #lovey #nurserydecor #dolcedreams https://www.instagram.com/p/B7hkejrAaDe/?igshid=8smujbz9bddk
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