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Thinking of Zarina being an actual villain, coming up with bonkers evil schemes, bossing her henchmen around.
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We finally got my other favorite song! (Yes, I actually do like the theme of Knowing What I Know Now, its just used in the wrong context, and Amaya joining them made no sense and what the hell revolution are you starting? YOU LIVE IN LUXURY!!) I like the subtle changes in the lyrics and the endearing looks Asha and Aster give to each other during it. Plus Aster getting his own part to sing worked MILES better than Amaya honestly! Loved the boy got some spotlight! 😁 (Got similar plans for my rewrite with the song, but with another character singing it)
Also, I love that when they heard the king got struck by lightning and died, ASHA WAS HAPPY, WHAT THE HELL- and then once hearing how he survived, "Well that's just cheating." ASTER, WHY ARE YOU POUTING ABOUT RESURRECTION. 😂😂
I even love how all the Teens personalities shine here, especially with the idea of Dario being mute like his dwarf counterpart! (How the hell did Disney of all companies forget their own character traits!?)
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH, AAAAAAA!!!!! This woman is a genius!! ✨
The Kingdom of Wishes- A “Wish” Rewrite
Chapter 13- Magic Mirror
Chapter 12
Asha is now sitting on the hand drawn bed that she drew with her magic pencil the previous night. Staring at the 7 teens in front of her, she looks at them completely stunned.
Asha was about to open her mouth to ask a million questions, such as how did they get there? Are they okay? Do they believe her now? Is the king dead?
(Man, if you've been missing the past few chapters this all must feel pretty weird huh?)
But she doesn't have time to say anything, as Dahlia rushes over and hugs her tightly:
"WE'RE SO SORRY WE WEREN'T THERE FOR YOU!!!" The girl's scream echos around the cave, she speaks quickly and on the verge of tears "We were so scared- and and Magnifico was looking at us like he was gonna cut off our heads if we said something! BUT THAT DOESN'T JUSTIFY IT! I should've spoken up for you! I'm the worst friend eveeeeeeeer!" Dahlia says dramatically.
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Bazeema, Hal and Dario come in for the hug too, Bazeema being the next one to apologize
"I know it's not much, but I brought an apology gift..." she whispers shyly, while reaching inside a bag she's carrying, and takes out a plant, composed of small star-shaped blooms that cluster together to give the illusion of a single flower "A hyacinth, your favorite... They also symbolize the desire for forgiveness."
(Yeeeeeah remember back in chapter 2 when Bazeema made a garden of purple hyacinths as a birthday gift for Asha? Yeah... It was aaaaaall foreshadowing that eventually the 7 teens would ask her for forgiveness. All details in this fic are foreshadowing! Also I just love flower symbolism.)
Asha takes the flower and smiles softly while the four hug her.
Gabo is standing next to the bed with his arms crossed. He interrupts the sweet moment:
"For the record, back at the plaza I tried to throw a rock on Magnifico's head SEVERAL times, but Mr "respect the corrupt authority" here kept stopping me." He says, pointing at Simon with an annoyed expression.
"Uuh yeah I did, because otherwise you'd be executed for treason, you're welcome." Simon says matter of factly, he looks even more tired than usual, after all he and the others have walked through the woods the whole night to find Asha.
"I would've died a happy man." Gabo says with a cheeky smile.
"You're not a man, Gabo. You're 17." Simon, the 21 year old, says sounding as tired as he looks.
"I would've died a happy boy." Gabo corrects himself with the exact same tone and cheeky smile.
Asha giggles at that, and she finally opens her mouth to say something "I don't blame you guys for not standing up against the king... Simon has a point Gabo, Magnifico is really REALLY dangerous." Asha warns.
Hal leaves the hug and speaks sarcastically with a smile:
"Yeah, we could tell heheh! Next time you find out that the kingdom is ruled by a two sociopaths, just let us know, okay? We can handle it." She finishes with a wink.
Dario looks surprised by that comment and comunnicates in sign language: "Wait, we can? I've been freaking out about it the whole way here." He still has a dopey smile while signing.
"Speaking of which... HOW did you all get here?!" Asha asks them, baffled that they managed to travel so deep into the woods.
Dahlia is more calm now, as she explains with a knowing smile:
"Let's just say we got help, from a little someone who's reeeeeally good at finding you anywhere you go."
"I told you guys I could find her!" Exclaims a little kid's voice coming from bellow the bed.
Asha is confused as she crawls on the bed to see where the voice came from and-
"Valentino?!" Asha exclaims with her eyes wide.
The goat is as happy as can be, looking up to her with his tail wagging.
"Hiiii!" The little goat jumps on the bed and starts licking Asha's cheek " I'm so happy to see you! I explained eeeeeeverything to them, so they'd come with me!"
Asha hugs Valentino, happy to see him... But not understanding how is the goat talking again.
"I- I'm happy to see you too Val... But... Aster, I thought you said Valentino couldn't talk anymore."
Aster, who has been floating around watching the conversation with a pleased smile, flies closer to Asha and explains:
"It's simple really! Some of my magic stayed inside him. That time, he REALLY wanted to say thanks to you. Now, he really wanted to tell your friends that you needed help, so my magic was re-awakened, ain't that right lil buddy?" Aster asks the goat with a cheerful smile.
"Maaa!" Valentino bleated in confirmation... Aaaand now he doesn't need nor want to talk anymore, so he went back to normal.
(This is still THE idea I'm most proud of in this whole rewrite, I unlocked talking goat on demand.)
"I see... So did Valentino really tell you guys everything?" Asha asks her friends with an awkward smile, hoping the answer is yes because it's really a long story.
Dahlia confirms that Valentino did indeed tell them everything, by saying "You mean how the king and queen have been changing people's wishes for years?"
"And when you found out, you ran away and wished upon a star?" Bazeema continued, while looking at Aster with a shy smile.
"And the star... Or rather, "Aster" here, answered?" Simon finishes the train of thought, looking at Aster with a... Suspicious glance.
"YUP! Look's like you guys are all caught up!" Aster says excitedly while floating around the cave.
Hal already seems to like the star boy's energy as she begins to introduce herself "Well, it sure is great to finally meet the guy who protected our girl back there, pleasure to meet you, Aster! The name's H-"
"Hal Diallo, right?" Aster interrupts with a smile as he shakes her hand, his smile widens once he does so, since he's seeing Hal's star.
Hal is surprised that he knows not only her name but also her last name.
Aster then proceeds to list all the others while pointing at each one "And you guys are Dahlia Hayashi, Bazeema Latif, Gabo Brandt, Safi Ayad, Dario Allegri and Simon O'Donohue... Did I get all those right?" Aster asks innocently.
(And yes, I did research all those names to fit with each character cultural background, except for Simon's that is from the movie. Yes, I do have a lot of time in my hands.)
All the 7 look at the star in shock but then slowly turn to Asha in confusion, Asha looks at them with an awkward smile. So Gabo promptly asks:
"Geez Asha, I know you like us a lot but did you really tell everything about us to star boy over here?" He asks in a cynic tone.
Aster quickly corrects him "Oooh no no no you got it all wrong ha ha! I know you guys because I've watched everyone from the sky." Aster laughs it off a little more.
"... THATS SO MUCH WORST!" Gabo exclaims looking actually scared this time.
Asha intervenes while getting out of the bed "Ooookayy this is a whoooole other can of worms that we don't have time to get into right now!" She says, referring to everything she learned about Aster the previous day "All that matters is that Aster is here to help us defeat King Magnifico and Queen Amable, and save everyone." Asha says confidently while holding Aster's hand.
Aster's stary freckles begin to sparkle when he notices she's holding his hand.
Gabo begins to to ramble in his usual sarcastic tone "Oh really? Awesome! Wow! Mind explaining HOW, exactly? Because although we didn't stay to watch the fight 'cause the rain started triggering Safi's allergies-"
"It's true, you know how bad it gets, we ran away as soon as it started raining." Safi interrupts, speaking for the first time.
(This is my way of saying they didn't see Magnifico almost break Asha's wish by the way.)
"Yes, yes we know how bad it gets Safi-" Gabo looks at his friend frustrated, not liking to be interrupted, even though he interrupts people all the time "Anyway- Although we didn't stay to watch the fight, word of mouth says that shinny pants over here got tossed around by Magnifico like he was a mouse being chased by a cat."
"He was more of a snake, if you ask me" Aster says with a shrug, and proceeds to talk confidently "And by the way, I certainly was no mouse, I was the one who won that figh-"
"Wait..." Asha interrupts the star as she remembers what Aster told her yesterday... She turns to Dahlia and quickly holds her friend by the shoulders as she pleads desperately "Please- Please PLEEEEASE tell me that lightning killed him!"
Dahlia looks like she really didn't want to bring the bad news, but she says it anyway "Uuuum... Well, yes-"
"*GASP* WWWOOOOO-" Asha jumps with joy, throwing herself on the bed with her arms up and a huge smile on her face.
But then her celebration is cut short by Gabo being his straightforward self:
"For like 5 minutes, then the queen did some creepy stuff and brought him back from the dead."
Asha and Aster both looked at him in shock, Asha slowly lowers her arms as she asks:
"... She did what now?"
"I've heard she gave him a true love's kiss... Would be quite romantic if it wasn't so scary" Bazeema says in a whisper.
Both Asha and Aster seem very disappointed by this, Asha remains in silence kinda just processing it, while Aster thinks for a moment before he states casually:
"... Well that's just cheating" Their arms are crossed and his mouth has a pout.
Gabo begins throwing some harsh reality as he speaks frankly "Yeah but that's how it went twinkle star, because guess what? Those two are CRAZY POWERFUL. And as long as Magnifico has that magic of his, there's nothing we can do, none, nada." Asha looks very frustrated with those words "So we might as well get comfy living in the woods from now on. Get used to the humidity, Safi." He says as he also lays next to Asha on the hand drawn bed.
As if on cue with the comment about humidity, Safi let out a sneeze
"ACHOOOO! Sorry..." Safi says while itching his nose... He thinks for a moment, and an idea seems to cross his mind as his eyes light up "I think... The king might have weakness though." Safi says raising his finger with one hand while itching his nose with the other "... But it's just a theory, maybe I'm wrong."
"ANY clue might be great help for us, Safi. Please, what do you think?" Asha looks at her friend in the eyes with a hopeful expression.
Safi looks back to her, her words encourage him to tell his friends a secret he has been keeping in for a while, he takes a deep breath before saying
"Alright... Last year, my mom asked me to help her at the castle-
We cut to a flashback sequence where we see Safi and the same cleaning lady from chapter 8. They're dusting off a fancy room in the castle.
"She needed my help because they were short staffed that day, and the king really wanted the castle spotless. Then he came in, complaining that my mom didn't clean his bedroom yet or something... I didn't pay much attention, but I did notice he left his magic staff leaning next to a wall... I got curious, I wanted to take a closer look at it, so I walked towards it while pretending to dust off some furniture. But when I got too close to it... Some ACTUAL dust got in my nose. I tried holding it in but...
I sneezed on his staff and knocked it over. Magnifico immediately heard me and RAN to catch the staff before the gem touched the floor, and he did it just in time. I was relieved and so was my mom. I even laughed a bit thinking he would too... But he didn't... He looked at me in the eyes like he wanted to kill me then and there. He grabbed me by the scarf and lifted me off the floor a little. He yelled to my face:
I was so scared, I tried a apologizing but that seemed to only make him angrier... My mom only watched nervously from the side. Then, a hand touched his shoulder... It was Queen Amable. She looked at him worriedly, and he looked back to her, I couldn't see his face... And just like that he let go of me and left the room without a word. Then the queen smiled to me, like what just happened was no big deal
"Please do forgive the king, my dear. He has been under a lot of stress lately, that's all... But you shouldn't be here in the first place, now, should you? No, a castle is no place for children. So how about you run along and enjoy the rest of your day, hum?" She placed a finger on my lips as she said with a sweet voice "And we'll keep this as our little secret, won't we?"... All I could do was nod."
The flashback ends.
We cut to all the other teens staring at Safi with expressions of both surprise and pity.
Aster's is floating in a sitting position with his legs crossed, he looks very sad.
"... Why didn't you tell us?" Asha asks, sounding heartbroken that the king and queen treated her friend that way and he had to keep that pain in silence.
"Probably the same reason you didn't tell us when you found out about their secret... I was scared." Safi said quietly with a sad expression, Asha nods in agreement "Also my mom told me not to gossip..." Safi adds quietly.
Dario comes over and gives Safi a hug.
"Heh thanks bud." Safi says, feeling relieved to let all that out.
Gabo, as always, ends the sweet moment by saying bluntly "Ok so we all agree the staff is like, his achilles heel, right?"
"... Yeah, if not breaking it was so important then why would he run to catch it when he could just use his magic to make it float?" Dahlia ponders.
"Because he can't do magic without holding it... " Aster answers, with an expression of realization.
Asha also has that same face of realization as she says "... Of course! None of the kings that came before him even had magic staffs, they could do magic with their hands alone... Magnifico DOESN'T know magic!" A smile forms on the corner of Asha's lips, it's almost comical how every aspect of that man was a lie all along.
"Soooo if we break that gem on his staff" Aster says with a huge smile while flying closer to Asha's face, his hair shinning brighter and brighter.
"He will be powerless." Asha finishes his sentence, looking at Aster in the eyes with a determined smirk.
"Uuuh that's great but... How are we supposed to break it?" Simon asks confused "Even the literal STAR here couldn't use his powers against the staff's magic, so what are we supposed to do?"
Aster turns to Simon with a confident look "Yeah sure, it was too much for me to handle... On my own." He turns to Asha for her to complete his point.
Asha get's up and makes the bed that she drew return to her sketchbook, surprising the rest of the teens.
While she does so, she finishes Aster's point:
"But together... We can fight."
She uses her magic pencil to draw some drums.
And we transition to the song:
What We Know Now
Lines in Purple- Asha
Lines in Red- Dahlia
Lines in Yellow- Safi
Lines in Blue- Hal
Lines in Bold Orange- Gabo
Lines in Green- Simon
Lines in Pink- Bazeema
Lines in Bold Yellow- Aster
Lines in Bold White- Everyone
(Lines between parenthesis- Me)
(Asha begins to draw some drums with her magic pencil, making them fly out off the page. Aster immediately gets her idea and begins to play the drums as the instrumentation of the song.)
… We've been deceived That royal pair are not what they've claimed to be They're more vicious than I could have ever comprehended When I made a wish and Aster came down This is not what I expected or intended But now that it's happened I don't regret it
(She begins to sing turning to her friends, her expression is bold. As she says the line "When I made a wish and Aster came down" the two of them share a glance, with Aster smiling at her as he plays the drums, and she looks at him with a warm smile.) 'Cause now I've seen Them show their true colors, in shades of green Saying that your wishes aren't safe because of me and That's a lie, lie, lie, lie. And now we know how we'll get the upper hand
(Aster uses their light to reflect on the gems inside the cave, creating the figure of Magnifico and Amable on the walls, that turn from blue to green. As Asha says the last line she raises her hand to the sky and starts walking out of the cave, with her friends following her to the forest.)
… If it's not us then who and when? If we don't fight they know they'll win Not allowed Knowing what I know now The lengths they'll go there's no amount I won't sit back watch this play out That's my vow Knowing what I know now
(She marches with them to the clearing in the forest, pushing the tree branches out of her way, some birds fly off the trees upon hearing her sing. As they reach the clearing, she turns to her friends to know what they have to say... Dahlia is the first one to step in)
… Get up, yah! No, I'm not the only one that's (yah) Fed up (yah)
(Dahlia walks to be next to Asha as she raises her hand to the sky with every "yah", motivating their friends even more)
… Wait 'til they hear our feet go dun, dun, dun, dun (yeah)
(Safi sings as Dario grabs one of the drums that Asha drew and begins playing it at the "dun dun dun" part. Dario may not be able to sing but he helps Aster with the instrumentals.)
… I don't think they'll be prepared for what's coming
(Hal sings her line with a passion, as she extends her hand forward to call the others to join their hands together in a group circle)
… A revolution hit the ground runnin'
(And they do so, then they raise their hands together, and with that we transition to Asha making a drawing of the castle that turns into a miniature, for them to plan how they'll get in.)
… If there's one thing they can't keep down Uh-huh It's us and the strength we've found It's too loud (loud) Knowing what we know now (knowing what we know now)
(Asha then draws little miniatures of her friends and Aster, they all come to life and get in position on the castle as the group begins to formulate their plan)
… And who, who knows if we'll succeed?
(Simon looks unsure, as he holds the little miniature of himself that Asha drew.)
But we- Won't stop and we won't retreat or turn round
(Gabo notices the fear in his friend's eyes and offers these words of motivation)
Knowing what we know now Knowing what we know now
(They all sing together with Asha... All except Simon, as we see a shot focusing on him a bit far away from the group, smiling at them singing, but his eyes give away how he's trying to hide from the others how he's unsure if they're doing the right thing.)
… Hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo Hoo-ha-hoo-ha-hoo-ha Hoo-hoo-hoo
(We get a sequence showing small glimpses of the group making their plan, and we can see time passing as we transition from early morning to mid afternoon)
… Can they tell what we're becomin'? (Hoo) Hear it in the way we're drummin' (hoo) I was sweet but now I'm something else (oho) Yah, yah, yah, yah! (Hoo-hoo)
… Ain't it nice of us to drop in (hoo-ha) To take what's ours to take it back in? (hoo-ha) They think we're nothing (hoo) But we're something else! (Ha) Yah! (Hoo)
(In this sequence, the group already planned everything. The gang dances together, as Dario is now the only one on the instrumentals, Asha drew a bunch of drumming instruments for him to go crazy with... But the camera suddenly moves up, as we focus on Aster looking at the castle in the distance as the sun begins to set, and the star sings his verse.)
… I've seen too many bad things that I can't keep count (The sky) And land now both unite To fight (fight) Knowing what I know now Knowing what I know now (hoo-ha-hoo)
(Aster refers to all the bad things he has seen them do while he was in the sky, as well as all the bad things he could see inside Magnifico with his eyes. His expression as he sings is bold and serious, as if he can't stand all the injustices he has seen.)
… They shall see all of your stars (We are) Aligned by your own scars So profound (Ahh) Knowing what I know
(He's flies down and begins to sing looking at all the other teens, referring to THEM as stars, that have been aligned to fight this battle because of the scars that the king and queen caused)
… I know (hoo)
… I know (ha)
… We know now (hoo)
… Knowing what we know now
(And the song ends with them striking a group pose)
So we transition to the castle, as we get a scene of Magnifico and Amable in the throne room, with 4 guards lined up in front of them.
"So let me get this straight..." Magnifico speaks to the guards with his voice filled with frustration, as he's sitting on the throne with his hand on his forehead "After searching THE WHOLE NIGHT, none of your troops could find any sign of that girl, nor the star?" He glares at the guards in front of him.
The guards all seem nervous, but one steps in to say something
"W-we went as far into the woods as we could, your highness... But there were some setbacks."
"Setbacks?" The king pronounces the word like it disgusts him "What kind of setbacks are we talking about here?"
"Last night when we were searching... Some of our men could've sworn they heard voices and whispers, the likes of cursed spirits..." Another one of the guards begins to explain, he sounds frightened.
"I've heard some say that the trees attacked them!" Another guard adds in, also sounding just as scared
"And I experienced the most unbelievable thing!" Finally a third guard starts telling what he saw, and we get a quick flashback
We see the guard at night searching through the woods.
When suddenly the ground beneath him starts to shake and... A giant flower sprouts out of the ground and closes it's petals with him inside...
Our perspective in the flashback changes to Aster hiding in the branches of some trees, giggling quietly as the guard screams for his companions to get him out.
(So yeah, the whole night Aster was messing with the guards by asking the animals to whisper creepy things and giving life to the trees and so on... The Peter Pan vibes in him keep growing.)
End of flashback.
And we cut to Magnifico staring at them shocked, not shocked that those things happened, oh no, he knows exactly what those things really mean... He's actually shocked with how incompetent they are.
Magnifico stays silent for a moment... The guards are all standing up stiffly, waiting for what he'll say next.
"... he he ha aHAHAH AH HA AHAHAHA!" Magnifico lets out a laugh that echos through the room, the guards look nervous. The king turns to the queen sitting next to him, she's staring at the guards with a cold expression. Magnifico talks to her like he just heard the funniest joke in the world "Did you hear that, my sweet? Hah ah They retreated because of- aha hah- some scary little whispers, moving trees and a FLOWER! HA!-Ha ha ha-" The king's genuine sounding laugh descends into a fake, deep one, as he stands up holding his staff tightly. His expression is twisting from a smile to a furious scowl-
"You FOOLS!"
Using his staff, Magnifico attacks the guards with a lightning spell, the guards manage to escape it just in time. As they look to their king in horror.
He does so again, the four men are now running for their lives to the exit, but Magnifico slams the door shut with the snap of his fingers.
He summons a third lighting strike that barely misses them, as they're now cornered against the wall.
Magnifico marches towards them, his face is red with rage while his staff is glowing green, ready to attack them again at any moment.
"That was THE STAR'S magic! THAT MEANS HE WAS NEAR YOU!" He hits the staff on the floor, creating a loud clang of the metal against the marble, the white floor is now cracked. "WHY did your captain not alert me about this?! I gave him a mirror PRECISELY for him to tell me about ANY SIGN OF THE STAR!" The king exclaims to the four men cowering in fear in front of him.
His voice is loud but it's not hysterical, it's a booming and commanding tone that demands respect and attention.
They remain silent, trembling in their armor.
"WELL?" He insists for an answer to his question, threatening to attack them again.
One of them spills the beans "I- I heard a rumor this morning that he lost the mirror!..." The man immediately covers his own mouth, realizing what he just did.
Magnifico turns to the guard that said that, his face relaxes as he says "... Oh did he now?... How unfortunate." his voice sounds calmer now, but the sense of uneasiness is palpable... his staff stops glowing. "Well then. Congratulations men, it seems the captain's position will be vacant very soon." The king speaks calmly as he starts walking back to his throne "Who knows, if you don't disappoint me any further, one of you might even take his place."
The guards all shiver at that, not sure if the king means their captain would just lose his position... Or worse.
"That will be all for now. Dismissed." The king snaps his fingers and a large door opens, allowing them to leave. The four guards bow down before rushing out of there. Once they're out, Magnifico snaps his fingers again to close the door. "... UUUUUUGH What's the use of ruling a kingdom when you're surrounded by idiots?" He slumps down on his throne, sounding miserable as he vents to his wife.
The queen holds his hand, her previous serious expression is gone, replaced by a passionate gaze "Patience, darling. We'll have our star sooner than you think, I just know it." She says soothingly.
He kisses her hand before saying "So do I, my love... But you were right, as always. We can't rely on others to even tell us where that blasted star is. It's true what they say: if you want something done right, you must do it yourself." He gets up from the throne and starts walking to the exit "I'll go to the forest to get them myself." He stops on his tracks for a moment and turns back to his wife with a pondering look "Hmm... Say dear, would you prefer that I brought the girl dead or alive?" He asks her in a loving tone.
"Alive, I could use a test subject for my potions, but either way would be lovely." Amaya responds, smiling wickedly.
"Then I better be on my wAAY- " The king almost trips over on something when he was walking to the door, he looks down and it is- "BRAVO! Watch where you're going you little devil!" Magnifico berates their lynx.
Bravo looks up to the king unbothered by the screaming, and it seems like he did it on purpose, not to stop his owner from going out though... But because he wants to show them something.
The lynx let's out a growly meow as he looks to the king and starts walking to another room, after taking a few steps the feline stops and looks back at the king and queen, as if to ask if they're coming with
"... It seems he has something to show us." The queen says while rising up from her throne to follow her pet.
The king raises one eyebrow at that, not quite sure if that's worth his time. But he follows along either way.
The two royals follow their pet up the flight of stairs, until they reach the king's study next to the wishes room.
And on the table, they see a hand mirror, that looks just like the magic mirror from Beauty and The Beast. It's glowing with a green light.
"OH! So I guess he didn't lose the mirror after all. Well done, Bravo." Magnifico says as he pets the lynx's head, Bravo seems pleased. "Now, let's see if we get some good news today."
The king holds the handle of the mirror and begins to speak with whoever is trying to get in contact with him
"About time, O'Donohue! So, have you found the star ye-" The person trying to speak with him comes into view in the mirror, we're not seeing who it is yet, only the king's face of surprise and confusion when he sees who it is "You're not the captain..."
We still only focus on the king's face, as we hear a familiar voice coming from the mirror:
"Erm no... I'm his son, actually, I'm sorry for stealing this from him but... there's something I think you should know."
The king looks intrigued at the mirror, he's ready to listen.
And we cut to another scene-
(*Jumps on screen* I MIGHT write a small bonus chapter just to show you guys how THIS conversation went, because if this was a movie then we wouldn't see it, but I want you guys to know SIMON IS NOT A TOTAL JERK AS HE SEEMS! So like, if you guys really want it, I'll write a bonus scene showing what Magnifico and Simon talked about, like a deleted scene of sorts! Okay moving on!)
It's evening time, the sun is almost completely set. And we're back to the forest.
We see 6 of the teens, Asha and Aster all together around a camp fire, sitting on logs. There's a small pot above the fire with some mushroom soup that Dahlia prepared, she brought the pot it in her bag, and the other teens also brought bowls and eating utensils with them.
Asha has an empty bowl of soup next to her, she's already done eating. She's now focused on trying to draw something on her sketchbook, not paying much attention to what her friends are talking about. Valentino is sleeping next to her.
Meanwhile, Aster is staring at her with what can only be described as a teen absolutely smitten, resting his head on his hand as he admires her.
They're also “wearing” their human disguise, so he looks 3D like all the others, if it wasn't for his fancy looking clothes he'd blend right in with all the other teens.
The other teens are all sharing stories and venting about how they've actually always had their grievances with the king and queen, but they never told anyone because they thought others would think they were ungrateful.
"-And then, it only took me messing up my juggling act ONCE and the king howled with laughter, but he never laughed at all with my actual jokes- UGH I've always felt there was something off about him." Hal vented to her friends about her experience as one of the court jesters look.
"You think that's bad? I've lost count of how many times I've seen them complaining about my dad's food." Dahlia said while eating her soup with an angry face... But then she starts smiling as a joke comes to her head "Sometimes I felt like asking THEM to try cooking something for once... But I’m pretty sure if Magnifico got near an oven he'd self combust hahah" She laughs at her own comment
The others chuckle as well
Bazeema shyly chimes in with her own story "Once, my mother accidentally planted red roses in the garden, when the queen specifically asked for white ones, so my mom painted all of them white in secret, and the queen actually believed it hihihi" Bazeema giggles, finding the situation really absurd.
"... Wait, wouldn't that kill the roses though?" Asha asks, taking her face off her sketchbook for a moment.
"... Unfortunately, it did, but my mom said it was better to sacrifice some roses than to upset the queen." Bazeema explains a little sad for the roses "I managed to save a few of them though." the bashful girl adds with a hopeful smile.
Gabo cuts in with a smug look "Ya know, since we're competing to see who had the worst experience with the monarchs-"
"It's really not a competition." Safi corrects him
Gabo ignores him and continues to say casually "I'm pretty sure I heard Magnifico killing someone in the dungeons once."
Everyone turns to look at Gabo with eyes wide as tennis balls.
"... I’m sorry, you heard what?" Aster asks, in the same position he was sitting when staring at Asha, but with his head now turned to Gabo.
"Killing: The act of un-aliving something that was previously living-" Gabo proceeds to define the meaning of the word, like the star doesn't know what it means
"Wha- I- I know what the word means!" Aster says, annoyed that Gabo thinks he's THAT innocent.
"Sorryyy, I just can never guess what your galaxy brain knows and what it doesn't, few hours ago you asked what was the meaning of the word "Revolution"" Gabo said sarcastically.
"Ummm how about you stop mocking Aster and get back to what you were saying about the king, I feel that's kind of a big deal." Asha said seriously, placing her sketchbook next to her.
"Oh yeah, right right *ahem* this one time when I was a kid, I stole the dungeon's keys from my dad, cause I wanted to see how it was down there, ya know? Just give it a quick look" Gabo smiles as he starts narrating like he's telling a scary story "Then, I heard someone screaming behind a door, and I could see some green light coming from the keyhole, just like Magnifico's magic... then all of the sudden- CRACK" Gabo says loudly, scaring everyone, specially Bazeema "I heard the sound of something breaking... And the screaming stopped." He says sinisterly.
(Keep in mind the teens left when it started raining at the plaza, so they didn't see Magnifico almost break Asha's wish, had they seen that Gabo would probably connect the dots that what he heard was not a murder but an inmate having their wish broken)
"... You're making this up to scare us, aren't you?" Dahlia asks with an unimpressed look.
"NOPE! It's all true. I ran out of there so fast I almost lost my shoe, and I've been keeping this inside me for years. Joking about it is just how I cope." He explains quickly as he shrugs. He then turns to Dario with a smug "What about you D? Your dad's the royal announcer right? Did he or you see something you shouldn't?" He asks like he wants to hear more gossip.
Dario's face turns sad as he looks to the side, then he just signs:
"I rather not talk about it."
"Understandable, then how about you Si-" Gabo looks around and notices that there's only 8 of them in the circle
(ONLY?! Uhum, like coming up with dialogue for 8 people is easy, It's really not!)
"Hey, where's Simon? Did he even eat?" Gabo asks everyone.
"Sleeping, of course, he's inside the cave, has been there for a while in fact." Dahlia says pointing at the cave they were in up the hill.
"Ah, I should've guessed" Said Gabo rolling his eyes.
"Someone should go check on him before we're out of soup though." Asha mentions, worried that he doesn't have enough energy for when they go enact their plan.
"I'll get him!" Aster says excitedly, as he morphs from his human disguise form to his 2D animated real form, and starts floating so he can get there faster "Be back in a flash."
Aster flies to the cave quickly, when he's about to get in-
"AAAH!" Simon was already walking out of the cave holding his pillow close to him, he get's startled by the wishing star flying towards him.
Aster stops flying just in time before crashing on Simon "Oh good, you're awake! Come on, you should go eat with the others, can't break in a castle with an empty stomach, am I right? Hahah I wouldn't know though, I don't eat." Aster giggles.
But then they pay more attention to Simon's face and realizes... He doesn't look like he got any sleep at all, in fact... He looks scared... And it's not just because Aster just startled him.
"Hey Simon... You look kinda shaken up, did you have a nightmare or something?" Aster ask concerned.
Simon looks away from Aster, as he just holds his pillow tightly and starts walking to where his friends are "Nope, you just scared me. I'm fine." he says with his usual monotonous tone.
Simon is walking ahead while Aster is following him. Aster looks sad, he has been sensing that the gentle giant doesn't like him for some reason, he thinks for a moment, and an idea pops in their head:
"Ya knooow, if you're having trouble with nightmares, I can actually make dreams! If you'd like maybe I cou-"
"NO" The young man says sternly without looking at the star.
Aster is taken aback by that... He doesn't understand why Simon is acting so weird.
Simon takes a deep breath before he turns back to look at Aster, with a calmer tone "Sorry... I just-... I just really don't want you in my head, okay?" Simon says with a concerned look.
Aster thinks he understands the issue, Simon is just shy and the star has been breaking the "personal space" boundary that Asha told him about.
"Ooh I get it, you want privacy! Thats totally fine! Tell you what, I swear to you I won't use the magic in my eyes to look what your soul desires, deal?" Aster says reassuringly, hoping that'll make Simon like him more.
Simon just turns away from the star and says "... Deal."
Then he just walks to be with his friends.
Aster doesn't quite understand what's up with Simon... But it's probably just a human thing he doesn't know about yet.
The two join the others at the camp fire.
"Well hello there sleeping beauty, did prince sparkling wake you uuuup?" Gabo jokes as the two join in the circle.
"Will you ever call him just "Aster"?" Asha asks him while still trying to draw something on her sketchbook.
"As long as I have star related puns? Probably never." Gabo says with a cheeky smile.
"*sigh* Fair enough" Asha says smiling at her friend, knowing that's just how Gabo is. She then turns to Simon "So, did you sleep well Simon?"
Simon just sits down smiling as Dahlia hands him a bowl of soup
"*yaaaaaawn*... Not much actually, but I'm fine, don't worry. Promise I won't pass out during our plan... Heh heh" He says with an smile... That looks quite forced.
"He's totally gonna pass out guys, we're so screwed." Gabo jokes and a few of the teens snicker a little.
Hal is one of the ones who laughed a bit but still she stands up to defend Simon "Aw come on Gabo, don't be like that, yeah Simon may be a sleepy head, but he always been there to help us out when we need him, right big guy?."
Simon gulps his own soup with the face of someone who knows they've made a huge mistake.
"T-thanks Hal..." He smiles to her "Though I really wish I could do more t-"
Asha suddenly takes her face off her sketchbook to ask "Hey, by any chance did you girls bring a mirror?"
Simon almost chokes on his soup "MIRROR? HUH?? HOw-" He coughs a bit and tries asking more calmly "I mean haaha why would you need a mirror NOW, Asha? hah ha"
Asha and the others look at him confused by his weird reaction, but she brushes it off as Simon just being tired "I'm trying to figure out a way to draw myself perfectly... Call it a plan B I have in mind, for emergency." She winks as she shows some drafts of herself on the pages of the sketchbook. "But I'm not sure if they look quite right, I've never been that good with self portraits."
Hal has a big smile as she says "Heeeyyy I think I saw a river back there, you should try looking at your own reflection on the water!" she says, pointing to where she saw the river.
Asha smiles to her friend as she gets up "Great idea, I'll be right back. And after Simon is done eating and you guys get all your stuff organized we can get started on the plan." She says confidently
"Yeah yeah yeah best friend, go on! Go over there and draw your beautiful face, you can do it!" Hal pretty much rushes her to leave. And as Asha walks away Hal says quietly while looking at her get into the woods"... Aaaaaaand sheeeeee's faaaaaaar enough?... YUP" Hal jumps to sit next to Aster and asks "Alright Aster, come on, when are you telling her?"
Aster was distracted playing with the fire on a stick, but once he hears that he turns to Hal in confusion "Huh? When am I telling her what?" He asks curious tilting his head to the side.
"The thing anyone with eyes can see, you’re in love with her." Hal says with a smirk.
"............ I
Chapter 14
Final Thoughts
Guess what song we're getting neeeeeext!
Oooooh writing the 7 teens, how I’ve missed you, I love them so much! Poor kids went through so much.
Gabo is definitely the one I like writing the most, you guys can probably tell, I just love his sense of humor.
Can I just say that the funniest thing I ever came up with in this rewrite is that the answer to how they can defeat Magnifico COMES FROM SAFI??? LIKE?? THE CHARACTER THAT HAS HAD THE LEAST LINES AND ONLY PERSONALITY TRAIT IS SNEEZING??? THATS THE ONE WHO SAVES THE DAY?!? HECK YEAH!
That part when Magnifico is yelling at the guards is a DIRECT reference to the scene in Sleeping Beauty when Maleficent screams and zaps her minions with her staff by the way, like, the words “Fools, idiots, imbeciles” are exactly what she said. Magnifico is now a lot more of a short tempered kind of villain like Hades, while Amable is more like lady Tremaine or The Evil Queen, always cold when around others. But just you wait when they reencounter our heroes, oh the evil levels will go through the roof.
And I’m sure you guys are wondering what’s the heroes plan, right?… Yeah you’ll see :)
…. Oh and I need you guys to know that EVERYTHING bad that happens with our heroes from this point on is HIS fault, not mine!
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Thank You for Reading!
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“So this is how liberty dies… with thunderous applause.“ Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith (2005) Directed by George Lucas
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2022. still proud of this one btw <3
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had the pleasure of listening to @lackadaisycats talk about indie animation at SCAD yesterday, had to doodle a little rocky while at the presentation! wonderfully helpful tips, excited to see what comes next
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something about macaque always making wukong the centre of his life no matter what side he's in
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even when he "hated" him wukong was still the center of everything he do (except session 3 because of lbd) he don't want to let go of him peng was 100% right there is truly nothing wukong could do to make macaque go away forever because despite everything macaque always chose to not leave
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he's still want to be a part of wukong life even if he doesn't admit it
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and when wukong said "we can handle it" he's letting macaque back to his life things is deferent between them but despite that they both still want to be a part of each other lives
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God, I need this. I suck at hands, but I can draw feet. I'm that backwards now.
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Support me on PATREON or Ko-fi 💕
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Flaws to Give to Characters II
When I first posted "Flaws to Add to Characters," it gained a lot more popularity than I thought it would! And since you all loved it so much, here's another one!
>>> Selfishness - When one becomes too focused on themselves, they start to ignore those around them who've helped along the way.
>>> Indecisiveness - When one can't make a decision, ultimately, they are stuck and unable to progress.
>>> Self-Centered - Self-centered people are often too consumed with themselves to worry about anything else. Sometimes it's similar to selfishness, and other times it's not. They may be too vain or too busy victimizing themselves to care about others.
>>> Gullibility - A seriously gullible person is easy to trick, manipulate, and hurt.
>>> Skepticality - People that are just too skeptical can be difficult to deal with because they seemingly have to question every action. There's always a motive behind kindness, right..?
>>> Bluntness - Though honesty is the best policy, bluntness is something else. Being too honest can be quite hurtful depending on the situation.
>>> Pushover - Not being able to say "no" when one wants to makes it difficult to be able to advocate for themselves. Additionally, they can get taken advantage of and used.
>>> Easily Offended - This person will absolutely take EVERYTHING personally. Those around them have to be careful about their words, actions, or even behavior because they will look too deep into the most non-meaningful actions. This is usually a result of insecurity.
>>> Overthinking - We all have our moments with this one. Overthinking can often lead to indecisiveness, ensuring that a decision won't be made in the future.
>>> Impulsivity - Sometimes it's better to just think things through. Being too impulsive can lead to unideal situations, events, and outcomes.
Whaddya think? Were these helpful? I'm thinking about continuing these series, but what do you think? (Not gonna lie, these posts help me get my ideas and thoughts in order too.)
Happy writing~
3hks <3
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had the idea for this a while ago (it was actively in-progress when i was doing the fake green eggs and ham screenshot lmao)
took longer than i wanted because a properly seussian interpretation of the red dragon turned out to be pretty difficult, but i'm pleased with the end result
also!! i really just made it because i wanted a funny mug, but i thought other people might like that too, so: interest survey!!
big thanks to @inflagrante-delicatessen for the idea i doodled in the first place, and for showing me a bunch of the tags as it made the rounds on tungl. i'm glad the art made so many people smile :D
bonus: i had the idea to make a minimal-color variant like some of the older seuss books have, and even came up with a little rhyme, but it's kind of eye-strainy so i put it under the cut:
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studio ghibli romances be like mmm what if we didn’t kiss, but instead both spiritually matured as people because we met each other
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Soot Sprites from Spirited Away.
Top tier little guy design, they're amazing. Also I really want to try the star candies.
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